Equipment Installation For A Thermal Power Station – Project Management
Participants Involved in the Project
Discuss about the Project Management For Operators of Large Assets for Boilers.
The project mainly focuses on the sector of unique construction and is based on the aspect of major equipment installation for a thermal power station. The major equipment that would require installation includes the following; boilers, turbines, and generators. There are a number of participants that are closely involved in the project. One major participant or customers that are directly concerned with this project are the electrical power industries and companies. These power companies may include independent power producers (IPPs), commercial thermal power station, government agencies, wholesale power producers as well as other thermal electrical plants (Abdel-Hamid & Madnick, 2011). There are always a number of the delivery record that often relates to the thermal power stations. These records can be as stated below;
- Diesel thermal power station
- Combined cycle thermal power station
- Gas turbine generator thermal power station
- Gas engine thermal power station
- A conventional thermal power station which mainly uses the following fuels directly; gas, coal, oil etc.
- Other special thermal power stations.
The main consideration of this project and that has been taken into account is the ability of the company to make a modularization of the parts that need to be installed. This is in relation to an objective of reducing the period of construction (Al-Harbi, 2008). The organization has also gone further to design and creates equipment that is concerned with the modules transportation as well as other massive components to the required areas where the installation should be carried out. Several other large types of equipment are also replaced periodically from the site once their operation is complete. The purpose of carrying out this activity is to ensure and observe the required safety and quality levels as well as for maintaining the overall performance of the project. It is therefore important to note that updated and special technology is an important requirement during the operations in the site and the whole project execution. This is because the sizes of the equipment that will require replacement over and over are very large.
One major improvement factor in the current of the thermal power industry is the adoption of the use of concentrated solar radiation, commonly referred to as CSP. The adoption of this concept has been continuously evolving since it is aimed at reducing the cost of electricity. The concept of concentrated solar power has helped achieve low electricity costs since it puts into practice the use of effective systems of conversion and less expensive components that also have a much longer lifespan (Baker, Murphy & Fisher, 2008). It is evident that above 90% of the already installed concentrated solar power plants are mainly large-scale systems (multi-megawatt) that put into practice the idea of steam turbines energy conversion. The concentrated solar power plants have a huge potential of producing solar power that can be used in many consumption sectors. Many common CSPs adopt the use of sterling engine based that has a collector that directly receives solar heat and the parabolic dish assembly that are very high solar recipients.
Delivery Record for Thermal Power Stations
The ability to have durable and efficient solar collectors forms the main basis of developing these thermal solar power stations. The system of collector mainly comprises parabolic mirrors that are circular in shape. The mirrors concentrate the sun rays directly to the receiver which is always located at the focal point. The receiver then converts the solar rays directly into heat which is always at high temperatures (Atkinson, 2012).
During the recent periods, there has been a tendency for long projects resulting in a tendency of increased legal system complexity that the project is designed to operate under. The contract is generally a document that legally binds both the procurement and all the relevant parties that are directly involved in the project in order to ensure that there is complete fairness during the acquisition process. It is the responsibility of the project managers to ensure that they have a concise understanding of what is required of them (Burke, 2013). This will also help ensure that the activities of material or services acquisition do not end up being isolated incidents. All these aspects will ensure that the client, the project managers as well as all other individuals involved in the project are able to generate a successful management project practice.
Any successful power plant project is always financed through the project finance direction. A project financing can generally be defined as non-resource or limited financing that is established as a separate incorporated vehicle. The financing is majorly reliant on the non-resources which represent at least one of the different factors that are mainly considered as vital when considering the project frame and the traditional corporate finance (Turner, 2013). When considering the corporate finance, it is evident that the key aspect of any repayment to the creditors, as well as the investors, is the factor of sponsoring a company that mainly backed up by the preparation of a balance sheet that is always prepared not only for the project. It is also worth noting that in any case, the project fails to meet its objectives, the creditors have very little to worry about since they are always repaid. The repayment always directly relies on the general score of the client’s balance sheet (Gray, Cook, Natera, Inglis & Dodge, 2008).
The financing of a project can also be in the large-scale sector that carries out projects that are capital intensive and that generates a hard flow of cash. An example of this sector is on the internationally traded commodities. As opposed to the structuring of small projects, the structuring of much larger projects often lower the general legal factors and the transaction costs. This is mainly due to large economy o scales. Similarly, financing a large scale hard currency may also result in a situation where the vendor will be reliable for exposing the risk factors. The government where the project is being carried out may also have some interest, specifically in those high profile projects that are usually funded directly. The government in many cases may fail to renew their agreement, could also make some changes on their regulations or could even go to an extent of expropriating the assets of the project as well as their cash flow. Such practices are carried out in order to acquire political rents and also to enable them to get access to the hard currency during periods of economic downturn (Kerzner & Kerzner, 2017).
Adoption of Concentrated Solar Radiation in Thermal Power Industry
One of the key factors that must be taken into consideration during the earlier stages of the project is the project is the project condition. In order to plan for future of the project, the condition of the project must be keenly considered. This is because the general working of the project in most cases always depends directly on the condition of the project. In any case, there occurs a false judgment or any form of misconception on the project, there are chances of occurrence of ultimate project failure there will be no incorporation of the several different strategies that regard to how the given project is intended to operate (Cleland & King, 2010).
The project team is generally viewed as a major factor that will directly involve the all the individuals who will be expected to be actively involved in the procedural duties of the project right from the time it kicks off to the point it reaches its completion. These team of individuals will be the ones responsible for all the activities that will ensure that the thermal power plant project is executed as specified in the tendering requirements and that the project will be able to achieve the set objectives. The project team is mainly composed of the following members; the stakeholders, the project manager, the creditors and other project members that are recruited due to their specialization. The project manager(s) holds a very critical position since they are the ones who take overall control of all the operations of the project. All the other project members will carry out their duties in relation to the directions that are issued by the project manager. The project team has the responsibility of ensuring that they work hard giving all their best in order to ensure that they achieve success in the general objectives of the project. It is also their duty to equally work together as a group to make facilitate easy flow of the designed work plan (Meredith & Mantel, 2011).
This activity is mainly carried out by the project manager with timely and procedural assistance from the setup project team. In order to process a project, it is first important to create a predefined goal that will help in influencing and therefore speeding the normal proceeding of the thermal power plant project (Morris & Hough, 2009). In any case, the processing of the project is not carried out in the most appropriate way, then the project manager will be solely and directly responsible for any shortcoming that would result due to that.
Durable and Efficient Solar Collectors – Basis of Developing Solar Power Station
The estimates of the tender for the project labor will in most cases involve individuals who will be directly taking part in a number of activities in several sectors that involve the project. These individuals are required to be of high expertise and should be professionals in this sector since they will be directly involved in the day to day activities in the different departments (Munns & Bjeirmi, 2016).
This segment generally integrates the location where the project is destined to be executed. The plant may be arrived at in relation to the implementation positioning factor. It should be taken into account that there are a number of factors that have an influence on how and where the plant should be located. Such factors include the availability of the required raw materials, the arising cost which may result from the transportation of the required materials among others. The table below shows some of these materials and how influential they are to the project (Oberlender & Oberlender, 2013).
Description |
Weight value (100%) |
Excavation of power block |
1.6 |
Discharge of circulating water system |
3.0 |
Structure of circulating water system |
2.6 |
System intake canal of circulating water system |
2.1 |
Landscape |
0.8 |
Sanitary and wastewater treatment system |
1.5 |
Crushers plant and batcher |
0.6 |
Yard firefighting and underground utility |
2.8 |
Table 1factors that determine the location of a plant and their influence rate
The purchase of equipment for use in the project can only be responsible for 30% of the total cost of the power plant that is to be constructed. Based on several financial reports, it is realized that the classification of the procurement of the equipment can be done as foreign or domestic. The head office of the GENCO that is located in Seoul is in charge of handling all the issues that are related to procurement from the countries abroad. This is because the equipment is imported from the foreign countries and therefore it appears to be more economical when considering efficiency and effectiveness. When considering the site arrangement and the design criteria, the technical specifications should be taken into account. The sub-contractor main functions always fall in the fields of general description, an outline of the power plant, the condition of the site, environmental design limits and the quality of sea and industrial water. The specification also has a technical side that comprises of the condition of operation and the responsibility division for the equipment supply (Packendorff, 2014).
In many cases, it is evident that internal and external changes to a project may be incorporated and this could directly focus on the possibility of occurrence of a risk event. Project change is therefore necessary in order to mitigate the risk factor that is incorporated during the project execution. The project change mainly focuses on how to decrease the risk factor so that it has no impact on how the project is carried out. It will also ensure that it does not alter the general functionality of the company that is involved in the project (Winter, Smith, Morris & Cicmil, 2016). The project manager usually plays the role of incorporating the project changes so that it puts focus on getting back to how organization functions normally.
Project Finance for Successful Power Plant Project
This mainly involves offering an assurance that the project will definitely be achieved successfully. It is worth noting that the project on thermal power plant has got a number of feasibility aspects that regard to the factors that have to be considered when carrying out the project (Schwaber, 2014). A feasibility study has to be performed in order to determine the factors that would influence the process of carrying out the project. In any case, the project is considered not feasible, the organization that was in charge of carrying out the project would bear the consequences.
The aspect of controlling a project is generally related to a number of different functional aspects of the project. It is evident that how a project functions normally greatly depend on the project functional parts. It is important to ensure that each and every part of the project should be very functional in relation to the requirements. This will ensure that it does not have an impact on the rest of the project functional areas. In many situations, it is clearly evident that the project manager has the role of ensuring that they consider the overall project quality control. There are a number of factors that determine the quality control aspect of a project. It is therefore important to periodically check the quality of a project in order to ensure that there is a normal and proper functionality of all the project parts. In situations that there are concerns or issues that occur in any sector and department of the project, it will be necessary to incorporate the mitigation strategy. This will ensure that the system does not get involved in the issue hence the normal functioning of the project systems are not interrupted (Pm, 2011).
The process of managing the project document is an important activity that has to be perfectly carried by the concerned departments and project members within the organization. A number of software that tends to make this process simple and more efficient have emerged with the recent ever-expanding technology (Forsberg, Cotterman & Mooz, 2010). The software is commonly used by different organizations to enhance proper document management. The management tools of the project can be applied in this activity in order to improve the management of several activities that are carried out within the organization.
This is a practice that should be carried out periodically during the project execution. This practice will enable all the departments within the project to carry out their activities in relation to what is required of them and by the project. The individual who is tasked to carry out this activity effectively is the supervisor of the project (Schwalbe, 2015). The project supervisor is required to have the necessary and general knowledge of how the internal and external sectors of the organization carry their activities.
Factors that Determine Success of Project – Project Team and Project Conditions
Both the project managers and the project supervisor are directly in charge of management and governance of the project. They have the duty of ensuring that the project is moving towards the right direction and that it is operating within the set guidelines. The project manager generally exercises direct control over all the activities as well as the governance of the whole project. In this regard, for an individual to qualify as project manager, the individual is required to attain high levels of education and should also possess vast knowledge on the different departments of the whole project as well as on the governance of the project. This is because these factors always have a great impact on how the overall project carries out in the long run (Shtub, Bard & Globerson, 2009).
Disputes are always very crucial factors that have the possibility of altering the normal functioning of the several departments within the project setup. Disputes may occur in several different forms. It is the role of the project manager to ensure that they are able to identify the dispute and find a way of dealing with it. The project manager should ensure that they expertly resolve all the cases such that it does not at any point alter the normal functioning of the project (Cooper, 2015).
In a set up where all the sectors of the project are operating as required, there are a number of attributes that have to be taken into consideration. The attributes may be in different types and could at times be very small. It is worth noting that all the attributes have to be properly handled no matter the type or size. This is because they all have the possibility of altering the overall functioning of the project (Turner, 2008).
This is an aspect that is mainly taken care of by the creditors and the stakeholders of the project. This is an issue that is of importance since it can help when judging other factors that are also related to the internal functioning of the project. This factor also plays a valuable role for the stakeholders and their duties on how they can directly operate the project normally and efficiently (White and Fortune, 2012).
The safety requirements of the thermal power plant project must be carefully put considered since it has a likelihood of affecting all members that are directly involved in the project. A thermal power plant mainly handles a lot of dangerous chemical substances and therefore the safety of the workers must be given the top priority. All the individuals that are directly involved in the construction duties within the site should be given adequate training on how to carry out their activities carefully while putting their safety concerns first. When proper safety requirements are installed and keenly followed, it will also have an impact on the overall functionality of the project. (Wideman, 2011)
Estimates of Tender for Project Labor
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