Epidemiological Studies Of Heart Disease
Article No. 1: One in Three Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease is Preventable
Write a review paper reporting epidemiological studies related to your problem/issue (6 pages. 2. Review and analyze six research articles addressing the following aspects of each study (about 1 page per article) Each of these will need their own heading:
1. a. Type of study;
b. Population;
c. Methodology including study design and statistical analysis used;
d. Interventions or treatments investigated (if applicable to your topic);
e. Limitations of the study;
f. Study results – what did the study find and
g. How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice?
2. Summary and Conclusions: (2 – 3 pages) Summarize the most significant findings from the reviewed studies with attention to each of the following:
a. Implications for health care in various settings (acute setting, outpatient setting, home setting)
b. Implications for health policy at the local, state, national and global level c. Need for further research and health prevention/promotion program development.
Heart diseases are very major health issues that the people suffer from on wide scale basis. The pervasiveness of this disease has increased considerably during the past few decades. This research paper aims at analyzing six articles based on the heart related diseases so as to evaluate the issues and problems of such diseases and what interventions can be undertaken in order to mitigate such diseases. With the help of these studies, statistical analysis of the patients suffering from heart related diseases and limitations of the researches can be assessed. Moreover, this research paper also describes the significance of these research papers in relation to nursing practice.
Author: Dr. Mercola
Date: April 07, 2014
Type of study: Study based on Coronary Artery Disease or CAD
Population: The study based to US population.
Statistical analysis: It has been perceived that one out of the three deaths of US has been caused for cardiovascular diseases mean due to stroke, heart attacks. According to the statistical review between the years 2001 and 2010, the rate of death caused by CAD was 29%. Around 800,000 deaths have been caused due to CDA disease (Scholarspace.jccc.edu, 2016).
Treatments investigated: This study also suggested that the Americans should take necessary remedies to control their weight, cholesterol and blood pressure. This study also suggested that for preventing the heart related disease, the American have to stop smoking and do exercise regularly.
Article No. 2: Disparities in Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Declining Heart Disease Mortality by Race and Sex in the United States, 1973–2010
Limitations of the study: This article is oriented with the people of US only. Hence the data related to the people suffering from this disease in other parts of the world could not be evaluated.
Study results: The deaths caused due to the heart related diseases can be prevented by adopting necessary changes in the lifestyle. Daily exercise habit is also helpful to prevent the heart related diseases.
Significance of the findings in relationship to nursing practice: As per this study, the heart diseases can be prevented by undertaking necessary changes in daily life and reducing the smoking habits. The result of this study helps to understand the prevention measures of the heart related diseases.
Author: S. Vaughan, Harrison Quick, Elizabeth B. Pathak, Michael R. Kramer, Michele Casper.
Date: August 17, 2015.
Type of study: The study is based on the different patients who are suffering from such chronic heart diseases belonging to different demographic variables such as geography, sex, age, etc.
Population: This study is entirely based on the US population.
Methodology: This study is based on Bayesian hierarchical model (Vaughan et al., 2015).
Interventions: The probability of affected patients by the heart diseases varies as per geography and race.
Limitations of the study: The study is based on the National Surveillance Data of US. These data seems to be overestimated the actual number of deaths caused by the heart related disease that affects the significance of the study results directly.
Study results: the rate of deaths caused due to the heart diseases varies as per the geography, sex.
How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice: This study helps to understand that the rate of patients affected by the heart diseases vary geographically.
Author: Sophia Greer, Linda J. Schieb, Matthew Ritchey, Mary George, Michele Casper
Date: May’ 2015
Type of study: The study based on the identifying the prevention measures of the heart disease.
Population: the research is on the population of US.
Methodology including study design and statistical analysis used: the study used confidence intervals or 95% CIs as well as RRs or Poisson rate ratio in order to compare the rates of deaths caused due to the heart diseases.
Interventions: This research revealed that the economical and social factors of the patients have great effect on the rate of death caused due to the heart diseases. Geographic disparities also affect the deaths caused for the CVD or cardiovascular diseases.
Article No. 3: County Health Factors Associated with Avoidable Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease in the United States, 2006–2010
Limitations of the study: The study is based on only the US population under the age 75 years.
Study results: many deaths caused due to the cardiovascular diseases may be avoided by taking suitable prevention measures.
How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice:
This research uses the terms RRs and CIs to compare death caused due to CVD. The study also relates that the economic, social and geographical factors affect the rates of deaths caused due to CVD.
Author: Deeanna Kelley
Date: 2014
Type of study: This study is based on the deaths caused due to the heart related disease in US.
Population: The overall study is based on the caused, prevention measures of heart related diseases among the population of US.
Methodology: This study related to the findings of the cause, prevention measures of the heart disease.
Treatments investigated: The study states that the cholesterol and saturated fat of the human body are the main two reasons of heart diseases. Taking proper diet, regular exercises may leads to reduce excess fats from the human body that may prevent the affecting of the disease.
Limitations of the study: the study did not consider the genetic model of the human body.
Study results: Human have to strictly follow proper diet to reduce fat that is one of the major concerns of affected by the heart diseases. In addition to this, regular exercises also help to reduce excess fat from the body.
How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice: This study revealed that excess fat and cholesterol acts like the major contributors to the heart diseases. Taking proper diet and exercise habit helps to prevent the disease.
Author: Azin Mohebi-Nejad and Behnood Bikeli
Date: 2014
Type of study: The study is based on the commonly used supplement of CVD named as Omega-3.
Population: a group of 328 individuals of England under the age group of 18-37 years (Azin Mohebi-Nejad, 2014).
Methodology: The study is on Omega-3 fatty acid which is considered as the primary as well as secondary supplement for preventing the heart diseases. The study also describes the structure, and sources of the Omega-3 component.
Interventions: The fatty acid is one of the poly unsaturated types of fatty acids that contain carbon-carbon double bonds. DHA or docosahexaenoic acid and EPA or eicosapentaenoic acid are among the long chain component of omega-3 fatty acid. A well known source of these components is sea foods. So, sea foods should be added to the healthy diet chart to prevent the heart related diseases.
Article No. 4: Heart Disease: Causes, Prevention, and Current Research
Limitations of the study: The study is only based on the structuring and sources of the omega-3 fatty acid.
Study results: This study identifies the source and structure of the omega-3 fatty acid. The major source of it is the sea foods. This component is also helpful to reduce the chance of heart diseases.
How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice: This study helps to understand that Omega-3 Fatty acid is essential for the human body to prevent the heart diseases. The study also identifies the main source of the component, which are sea foods.
Author: Tamam N Mohamad
Date: Apr 1st, 2015
Type of study: This study shows the figures of the deaths caused due the heart diseases.
Population: This study is also based on US.
Statistical analysis: This study revealed that in the year 2005, the death caused in US due to CVD is more than 864,480 (Publichealthreports.org, 2016). Whereas the secondary death caused due to CVD in that year was 507,520.
Interventions: The study reported that detection of the diseases in the early stages helps to prevent them. The study also illustrates some prevention measures of the CHD (Coronary Heart Diseases) in terms of primary as well as secondary prevention ways.
Limitations of the study: The study did not suggest the precautions should be taken to prevent the Coronary Heart Diseases.
Study results: The study shows the death figure of the US population in the year 2005 from the heart related diseases. In addition to this, the research also describes some primary and secondary prevention methods of the CHD diseases (Emedicine.medscape.com, 2016).
How significant are the findings in relationship to nursing practice: As per the study, early detection of the CHD diseases may help to prevent the diseases.
Summary and Conclusion
This overall research has broadly entailed the various causes and issues faced by the people who are suffering from heart related diseases. It has been perceived by reviewing all the six articles that these diseases have led the people of US to even die a premature death. Based on this analysis, several precautionary measures that can be adopted by the health care sectors to reduce this disease have been acknowledged. The nurses need to gain immense knowledge during the nursing practice sections and must understand how they can help the patients to overcome their diseases. The research paper also demonstrated the rates of population that have been suffering from several heart diseases. As per the analysis of these articles, proper diet habit and regular exercise helps to prevent the heart related diseases. Ommega-3 Fatty acid is also a useful component to prevent the heart diseases. The sea foods are the enrich source of this components. One of the study results also shows that heart diseases pattern also varies as per geographical diversity and sex. Genetic model of the human body also needs to be considered for evaluating fruitful outcomes. According to a study report, early detection of the Coronary Heart Diseases can prevent the disease to cause death. In order to identify and find out more helpful precautionary interventions regarding these heart related diseases, further studies can be made in this ground.
Azin Mohebi-Nejad, B. (2014). Omega-3 Supplements and Cardiovascular Diseases. Tanaffos, [online] 13(1), p.6. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4153275/ [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016].
Emedicine.medscape.com. (2016). Primary and Secondary Prevention of Coronary Artery Disease: Overview, Risk Assessment and Primary Prevention, Classification of Recommendations. [online] Available at: https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/164214-overview [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016].
Mercola.com. (2016). 1 in 3 Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease Is Preventable. [online] Available at: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/04/07/cardiovascular-disease-preventable.aspx [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016].
Publichealthreports.org. (2016). [online] Available at: https://www.publichealthreports.org/issueopen.cfm?articleID=3533 [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016].
Scholarspace.jccc.edu. (2016). [online] Available at: https://scholarspace.jccc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1047&context=honors_journal [Accessed 29 Jul. 2016].
Vaughan, A., Quick, H., Pathak, E., Kramer, M. and Casper, M. (2015). Disparities in Temporal and Geographic Patterns of Declining Heart Disease Mortality by Race and Sex in the United States, 1973–2010. J Am Heart Assoc, 4(12), p.e002567.