Environmental Management In Hotel Operations: A Case Study Of Lux Hotel Sydney

Housekeeping Department

Environmental management and ‘green’ operating practices are becoming increasingly important in the running of hotel facilities and the operation of hotels. The Lux Hotel Sydney, part of the Luxor Hotel Group, is currently in the process of integrating environmental responsibility into its facilities management and hotel operations.

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Use the provided case study on the Lux Hotel Sydney to respond to the following questions for one of the following departments: Front Office, Housekeeping or Engineering.

1. With reference to the operational activities currently performed in your chosen department, recommend and justify environmental measures that the Lux Hotel Sydney could implement. Relate each proposed measure to how it can reduce the negative environmental impacts caused by the operational activity of the department. A combination of short, mid, and long-term environmental measures should be included, and recommended measures must be practical, innovative and operable.

2. Critically reflect on the benefits and challenges that may be involved for the Lux Hotel Sydney in improving environmental performance. In your response, consider industry-wide benefits and challenges of environmental management identified in academic literature.

Thesis statement

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Providing recommendations on managing waste issues of Lux Hotel, Sydney

The purpose of this assignment is to study environmental management of Lux Hotel based in Sydney. This study proposes several measures for the selected department at Lux Hotel. Housekeeping Department has been selected in the assignment as it has direct implications on environmental management activities (Wang et al., 2012). Case study analysis is conducted in the assignment regarding Lux Hotel, Sydney.

The scope of the assignment is to bring out the underlying facts regarding issues on environmental management at hotel industry. The body of the assignment contains benefits of environmental management as well as challenges faced by Lux Hotel in implementing best environmental practices. It is important to understand the fact that Lux Hotel should involve staff members by giving them specific duties by providing adequate training. This type of commitment requires guest involvement at the same time.

From the case study on Lux Hotel Sydney, it is required to conduct detailed investigation on one of the department. The selected department is Housekeeping of Lux Hotel Sydney. This particular department involves in cleaning or refreshing all guest rooms as well as public areas (Pereira-Moliner et al., 2012). It leads to line and towel washing by the housekeepers of Lux Hotel, Sydney.

  • Housekeepers needs to check room temperatures
  • Housekeepers should watch malfunctioning fans, air-conditioners as well as heating
  • Housekeeping Departments requires to use cold water instead of hot as far as possible
  • Housekeeping Department should use minimum quantities during cleaning
  • Housekeeping Department should notify maintenance on immediate basis regarding any leaks
  • Housekeeping Department should reuse linen for original purpose
  • Housekeeping Department should employ dispensers in its place of sachets
  • Housekeeping Department should employ attack materials in optional concentrations as well as arrange the containers correctly

Alter employees practice to decrease waste and preserve resources


From the analysis, it is found that housekeeping staffs control the bulk of resources used and generation of wastes are within the control of housekeeping staff. The staff members are least educated as well as incentivized to the reimbursement of ecological management. Examples are found in the operational activities of Lux hotel like leaking taps as well as creeping toilets. These activities turn rear thermostats and turn off lights for organization laundry gear at maximum (Peiró-Signes et al., 2012). Changing staff practices requires awareness as well as training and incentives for staff compliance.

Recover end use competence

End-use competence characterizes by reduced resources like electricity and water. This can be achieved through controls as well as resource recovery systems and higher efficient technologies for same spectrum. Energy revival system mainly focuses on improving waste energy from hot water boilers with usage of warmth exchanger skill. It mainly includes collecting condensate from water-chilled air training systems as well as rinse-cycle irrigates revival systems (Torres & Kline 2013). One of the best practices is rainwater harvesting for using for laundry and irrigation practices.

Devote in gainful renewable power system

End-use efficiency increased cost of petroleum fuels as well as electricity for applied renewable power systems. This includes groundwater source warmth pumps, solar electric as well as solar hot water in the most appropriate way (Molina-Azorín et al., 2015).

  • Strengthening and Continuous improvement

In order to become environmentally responsible hotel, Lux Hotel Sydney should adopt new corporate culture both within hotel and among its stakeholders. For strengthening this commitment, changes should be implemented in Lux Hotel Sydney. This includes:

Organizational change- In order to obtain lasting change in hotel, clear objectives should be made and evaluation measures should be implemented by Lux Hotel Sydney. Systematic approach should be adopted by establishing resource management plans by proper communicating information (Leonidou et al., 2013). Hence, appointing task group from selected staff members will help in contributing for making concrete improvements in BEP (Best Environmental Practices) main domains.

  • Following up and sustaining the corrective measures

Managers receive necessary information from follow-up and assess impact of action taken in certain way. This strategy will provide an evaluation of adequate measures and judging against hotel environmental goals. Managers use annual follow-up results and identify trends in performance benchmarking in the most appropriate way (Kasim et al., 2014). Using Best Environmental Practices helps Lux Hotel for confirming the principles of continuous improvement.

  • Awareness raising and training of staff

Investments are required for maintaining Lux Hotel equipment and staff-awareness raising and training for improving person assets. Environmental promise considers as an chance for Lux Hotel involving co-worker. Staff preparation should be centered on overall hotel environmental impacts. In order to conduct adequate training, training and awareness raising should be relevant to target groups on daily basis (Kang et al., 2012). Employees at Lux Hotel should encourage as well as respect environmental measures for final implementation process. There are high turnover rates in hotel industry. Therefore, training curricula should be revised including best environmental practices during induction training for new employees. Awareness rising as well as training can be implemented in different departments of Lux Hotel. Session should be conducted lasting for more than one hour. Addition to that, other media can be easily used in departments like posters, brochures as well as official statement board and movies.

  • Guests involvement and external communication


Lux Hotel position regarding environmental issues can increase its competitiveness. It is important to consider the fact that information should be conveyed to all guests as well as other stakeholders. Guests should be informed regarding hotel programme as well as sound environmental practices. Lux hotel should clearly communicate regarding field of environmental protection and this will help in increasing approval and loyalty of demanding guests. Guests will show involvement in the hotel if they have key information about Lux Hotel commitment. They show willingness in participating on rational use of water and energy. Information should be distributed to guests at the time of arrival and posted in guests rooms.  Lux Hotel should have demonstration commitment towards protection of environment and implements effective measures before requesting guest participation (Hsieh, 2012). Other stakeholders should be informed regarding Lux Hotel practices from the annual report, environmental charter and websites. Ways to display commitment is describing improvement measures for explain economic as well as environmental advantages.

  • Perspectives

Lux Hotel should undertake efforts considering attainment of eco-labeling activities. Best known label for hotels known as European Eco-level and Green Key. It requires receiving official approval for meeting mandatory as well as optional criteria. Investments prove necessary updation in hotel equipment for meeting requirements of the label (Hsiao et al., 2014). This certification is important that act as a competitive advantage and used as marketing tool at the same time.

  • Implement and EMS (Environmental Management System)

Environmental Management organization considers as methodical framework for integration of ecological management into association activities as well as goods and services. It includes continuous improvement for attainment of environmental performance.

  • Established “outside the fence” partnership

The final challenge faced by hoteliers for minimizing their environmental footprint for all cost-effective improvements. Hoteliers signs agreements with recovery of resources as well as recycling companies for property purpose.

  • Knowledge Deficiency

There are several benefits for implementation of environmental practices within business organization. However, it is evident that most of the warmth operator are still not adopting as well as implement emerald practices. Hotels are going emerald other than there is limited awareness by small business owners (Fraj et al., 2015). Most of the hospitality operator’s posses limited knowledge of their environmental footprint and final implementation of environmental practices.

  • Owner/ Manager Attitudes

Most of the hospitality developers, owners and managers fail in understanding the value of adopting green agenda leading positive attitude in relation with environmental practices. Some of the welcome manager still function in old world cerebral models and does not know environmental values in relation with business (FitzPatrick et al., 2013).

  • Human Resources


There are many challenges for gaining trust of employees. Hotel employees remain uninterested in case of environmental practices (Ali & Amin 2014). Problem lies for escalated poor communication and lack of training from management perspective.

  • Finance

Most of the hospitality operations are of the opinion that environmental improvement comes at cost and gives rise to major barrier in final implementation (Chou, 2014). Environmental management promotes as cost-cutting opportunities but not in actual terms from the perspectives of managers.

  • Customer Attitudes

Hospitality organizations are coming up for increased client demand as well as lesser in use expenses for acceptance inexperienced initiatives and official environmental practices.

  • Operational

Hotels face problems regarding converting business to green hotel as basic structure. Quality of environmentally friendly products viewed as barriers for cost as well as availability and perceived lower quality (Buil et al., 2016). This leads to hospitality organization that has an issue regarding brand assurance and damaged reputation.


At the end of the study, it is concluded that Lux Hotel, Sydney requires proper implementation of Environmental practices for attainment of future goals and objectives. They should select additional sustainable technology that consumes less water and power. Environmental management of Lux Hotel is to turn into extra eco-efficient and accept accountable purchase strategy. This particular environmental management plan focus mainly on usage of strategic environmental actions by changing equipments. The main goal of Lux Hotel is to strengthen environmental as well as financial competence of hotel department. The early move toward of best ecological practice is acceptance of principles of eco-efficiency by contribution guests added and modified services. It initiates ways for limiting environmental impacts as well as cost and guaranteeing quality.

Reference List

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