Environmental Management For Sustainable Development


Describe about the Essay for Formation of the North Sea to a technical and economic case.

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In the past few decades, a tremendous change has been observed in the field of energy and sustainable development. The United Nations at present comprises of countries like US, Nigeria, UK, Mexico, Nigeria, Thailand, The Russian Federation and many more (Un.org 2016).There has been a lot of issues and challenges which is being faced by the oil and gas industry as well.

According to Reid (2013), Sustainable development is considered as one of the crucial global issues affecting the countries of United Nations. The main objective of such sustainability is to preserve the renewable energy into a more competitive and secure energy. There have been some deliberate changes in various sectors of oil and gas, renewable energy etc (Un.org 2016) According to the International Association of Oil & Gas Producer; the United Nations is to share the best practices which will help in further improving the sustainability of oil and gas.  Keeping in mind the sustainable development, as a consultant in the field of energy and sustainable development it is important to analyse all the factors relating the challenges of oil and gas industry, climatic factors and the other renewable resources and thereby providing proper recommendations (Iogp.org 2016).

The oil and gas industry mainly includes two major parts which are “upstream” or the exploration or production industry and downstream includes mainly about refining those products into ends. The United Nations consist of UK, Nigeria, México Thailand m Russian Federation and many more.

According to United Nation sustainable development can be defined as the development procedure which satisfies the needs and of the present generation without jeopardizing the needs and ability of the future generation. In addition to these, sustainable development refers to the fulfilment of the numerous environmental conditions, sustaining the overall balance and preventing the overall balance of natural resources. The environmental, social and climate change have brought up the issues which are being faced by world currently as all industries are considering steps in order to address environmental sustainability. It is evident that oil and gas sectors have grown significantly over the recent years which make this sector eligible to implement necessary changes in their business procedures. The oil and gas sector is considered as largest sector with high revenues and cost. According to United Nation, the industry is generally involved in both upstream activities consisting of raw material exploration, drilling and extraction. Such activities directly endanger the environment (Unisdr.org 2016). However, oil and gas companies are working on regular basis to lower the risk of adverse impacts on the environment and people. The United Nation organization has checked past evidence of high oil spills and deep water horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico where the incident of Santa oil spill occurred. With such disaster occurring in the past the oil and gas companies has put forward its steps in moving towards sustainability.

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Challenges in the Oil and Gas Industry

United nations have reported that oil and gas companies in this sector have been reporting their efforts towards promoting sustainability in the form of corporate, citizenship or environmental governance. Such inventiveness has formed an integral part of oil and gas companies choose to engage towards sustainable business practice. As mentioned by United Nations several oil and gas companies in this sector have promoted significantly major environmental and human rights in numerous parts of the world. Establishing the groundwork for sustainability is the major task under by the oil and gas companies which is aimed towards achieving discipline in all phase of oil business and attaining commitment from the stakeholders (Lafferty and Eckerberg 2013). One of the most effective ways to successfully implement the charter of sustainability is through effective reporting of Environment, health and safety aspects of citizens.

In oil and gas industry, technology is considered to be one of the major challenges which are faced by the entire united nation. In UK, drilling in deep ocean beds is mainly focused on the type of ocean level the amount of pressure where it can bore such barrels of oil. For example Exxon Mobil which is a parent company of Esso invested as total capital of about £379 million in the North Sea has been facing issues regarding right manpower with proper skills, lack of using modern technologies (Iogp.org 2016).

According to united nation the use of power over the years has been mainly dominated by coal based generations with close to 55% of installed capacity is based on coal, gas and coal around the world. However, with the application of more stringent rules and norms recently brought in by the ministry of environment and forest. The United Nations with the applications of stringent rules on oil and gas companies is currently facing several challenges (Unisdr.org 2016). Land is basic necessity when the questions of power generations are raised. It is noticed that numbers of projects are either cancelled by the host governments or it gets delayed due to several barriers in land acquisition. In addition to this, United Nations has also identified after the period of identification of land hurdle, securing land clearance is another major challenge.

United Nations has also identified that there are several risk which is associated with oil and gas industries regarding the issues pertaining to competitive bidding. Challenges arise pertaining to projects if the bidder does not cover the hedge bidding procedure to potentially reduce the matrix level risk for electricity generation and transmission. Degrading financial health of distribution sector is another potential challenge highlighted by United Nations. It is widespread evident that the handful of state utilities are handled by the state owned government leading to cash deficit scenario regarding the distribution sector.

Environmental Management for Sustainable Development

Apart from challenges strong growth in power generations led by an exponential growth in economy which leads to increased propensity of electricity consumption. Oil and gas companies have shown a huge interest in power generation and recent shift from coal and gas for obtaining power generation directed towards competitive bidding so that it will drive maximum investment from renewable source of energy (Unisdr.org 2016). United Nations traditionally focuses on renewable source of energy and this has lead to global increase investment of 32% which is five times higher that the energy consumption from developing nations like china. According to United Nations recent increase in the consumption of renewable source of energy has lead to attractive opportunities for investment in this sector.

Climatic change is another major challenge which is being faced by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, has been proved to one of most dangerous aspects which are being faced by several nations of UN (Cornford 2014). Presently, the high rate emission of the green house is considered as one of the major climatic factor. Another major issue is the rising level of sea due to the melting of the glaciers.

As discussed by Lea (2016), technology is one of the major factors which are changing constantly with the passage of time. Most companies in the United Nations use traditional use of technology. In US, the technologies used are namely traditional which doesn’t use any kind of new modern version, this is due to huge incur of capital

As discussed by Ross (2012), distortions of Price in the United nations is another major challenge which is being faced by many nations like US, UK , Thailand ,Russian Federation  and many more. In Thailand it was noted that due to major subsides in price there were huge amount of   burden due to the unequal distribution of taxes between the different types of sustainable energies like oil, coal, hydro – gas etc.

Infrastructure is further considered as one of the manor challenges for the establishment of renewable resources which tends to build huge amount of infrastructure these includes mainly providing electricity. This mostly includes issues like permitting of the eco- systems, the marketing strategies, proper installation, maintenance and operations. For example: in New England, there are optimal uses of spacing between the wind turbines (Mitchell et al. 2014)

Scale of Economies is considered as another challenging factor, where the amount of renewable energy is mainly concerned with the manufacturing of assembly lines which can help in reducing the cost factor greatly. For Example in UK, the Spire Corporation tends to make assembly liners for the purpose of manufacturing photovoltaic modules which can be minimised from £2.36 watt to £1.50 watt (Purdue et al. 2015).

Challenges in Technology

Therefore, instead the amount of manufacturing of photovoltaic per year is 27 MW instead of 12 MW. In the summit of UN held in 2015, outlined some major task and mechanisms, where Addis Action agenda adopted certain objective for supporting the sustainable development. This mainly comprised of creation of an inter–agency team in the field of science and economy, establishment of a collaborative multi – stakeholder conference on science and technology as well on innovation (STI). This helps in attaining the goal of sustainable development, adoption of an online platform, which will serve as an opportunity for all the information relating to revised planning and technology beyond the United Nations.

Unequal subsides of Government of the taxes is another challenge which is another important factor. In Europe, the Northwest Pacific Laboratory, there has been an unequal distribution of energy in type field of oil, electricity and other sources like coal, hydro gas etc. As per Fiscal Year 2013 , it was found that the total subsidies is £7 billion where the total amount renewable energy like ethanol is distributed as one – third as coal while another indirect subsidies is in the field of coal industry is £ 13 billion. Another aspect being the use of fossil fuel where the distribution on nuclear fusion is £22 million combined with £273 million technologies (Karatzoglou 2013).

Another benefit which can be considered in the renewable energy is that it should be beneficial to everyone .which is referred to as economic goods. The recent trends largely bypasses the large developing nations this is because of the active use of the renewable resources from which lots of organisations from all across the globe are showing their interest in investing in such developments. It is been reported that half of the foreign investment mainly originates from Britain, USA and Luxembourg where the total amount of inflow from US alone is 92 percent which is around (133 billion Euros). Whereas it was observed that there was a major decline in the amount of foreign investment in the part of Europe   which is about 27 % and accounts for about (235 billion Euros).  For example in London, it is declared that there should less use of renewable energy which will help in reducing the pollution thereby providing a benefit related to the environment(Reid 2013).

In the United Nation, there is ample scope for the Research and development factor which tends to provide other benefits related to society. It is due to modern research and developments which has helped in companies like British Gas, Shell, Exxon Mobil to gain a greater competitive edge and helping the company in developing (Purdue et al. 2015). Another factor for the use of modern electricity due to R& D, which tends to improve the level of innovation through the United Nations (Kelland 2014).

Challenges in Land Acquisition

Due to proper initiatives which is being taken by the different countries of united Nations, it has readily help in reducing the risk relating to sustainable development. According to United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), it ensures the reduction of the disasters in which millions of lives are being lost every year in this field among various countries (Unisdr.org 2016). Like in the year 2015, in the United States an employee lost his life while boring oil from the ocean beds.

It is important to denote that almost half of the UK’s electricity originates from clean energy which usually comprises of wind and nuclear power. Low carbon power sources produced greenhouse gasses which supplied almost 46% of the UK electricity in the year 2015. On the other hand, the supply of coal was over 22% of power in 2015 which considerably came down from 30% during the year 2014 (Iogp.org 2016). In addition to this, nuclear power contributed around 19% of the energy in 2014 to 21% in 2015.

Critics have reviewed that amount of onshore and offshore wind turbines and use of solar panels have increased whereas, higher wind speeds and increased amount of rainfall have boosted hydropower assisting them to generate more clean energy. The overall source of renewable energy consisted of onshore and offshore wind, solar farms, hydroelectric dams and bio-mass which alone accounted for 25% of the UK electric generation. Critics have opined that the government is aiming to eliminate coal fired electric stations by 2025 in an effort to combat the climate change unless new gas plant is build to meet the demand (Iogp.org 2016). According to the opinion of critics UK has targeted European Union rules to gain 15% of its renewable energy from by the end of the year 2020. 

According to United Nations Sustainable Development (2016), the sustainable development goal (SDG) has helped in renewing the proper setting up of the resources which has helped in proper guidance relating to proper strategies and policies relating to sustaining these energy resources and making them all the more renewable. This has been possible because of the initiative of the government in several areas and has accounted for better preservation of these. It was further noted there were some goals which were being implemented for the coming year 2016 – 2020 it mainly included 18 SDGs. The SDG7 is considered to one of the dedicated projects which tends to stands alone identifying three major targets on preservation of energy power. The agenda which was proposed for 2030 for sustainable development included certain targets and for which major workshops which were being organised in order to reach a proper level for planning, innovation, properly monitoring the plans for properly reaching the goal of 2030 objective( Lafferty and Eckerberg 2013).

Renewable Energy

As a consultant, one can provide recommendation to the UN for better aspect of development in the field of sustainability. The Arctic Circle is considered to hold a huge amount of un trapped reserves of oil, other sustainable energies which can be hugely beneficial in the global countries. So it is the major companies oil UK, US, Thailand, Russian Federation should find efforts to, make a way to reach such valuable reserves (Purdue et al. 2015).Due to effect of globalisation, there has been a tremendous in the rise of water level in almost all the parts of the country (Karatzoglou 2013). So it is advisable to make proper use of the fossil fuels, and avoid the use carbon dioxide which is emitted due to pollutions from factories, cars and can greatly affect the environment.

The UN along with WWF should readily merge to avoid the spiling of the oil in the oceans which is resulting in depletion of many species. Therefore it is the responsibility of all the countries across the globe especially the United Nations to properly conserve our natural species by taking proper initiative. Therefore important steps starting from proper methods of  drilling of the oil from the deep ocean beds, maintaining, safeguarding the life of the people , prevention of emission of carbon dioxide etc .For example: recently Shell Canada has entered into an agreement where WWF has celebrated the permission of exploring in the Arctic Canada (Wwf.panda.org 2016). 

It is important to implement proper policy on the sustainable development which will provide a linkage between the policies and the indicators .These policies are used as a cost cutter mechanism which will help in the sustaining in the long run (United Nations Sustainable Development 2016). Moreover, there should be a much more revised policy where more emphasis should be given on the amount skill gap and the efforts, which should be taken in reducing such gap (Pearce 2013).

As per the discussions, which were held at the European Statistical Summit in June 12, 2013, Geneva, set a series of recommendations were being adopted with the aim of helping all the nations in proper development of the sustainable resources. Under such conference, it was expected that all the members in the United Nations would readily contribute in the Sustainable development programs.

It can this be concluded that sustainable development has readily helped in proper exploiting of  the natural resources and converting them into rich reserves like crude oil , hydro gas etc  which will not only help the people but will help the entire country in proper preservation. According to a summit held in New York on Sustainable development Goal (SDG) in 2015, where series of agendas were being held on preserving our sustainable energy for the near future (United Nations Sustainable Development 2016). As a consultant, it can be concluded that it is important to preserve and protect our sustainable resources due to different the types of challenges, which are being faced in the field of renewable energy, changes in climate and oil and gas industry. Therefore, it is very important to take into account the various climatic changes, which have become serious issue in these coming years. The United Nations has held several summits, where the main area of concern is preserving the sustainable resources and hence making our world pollution free.


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