Entrepreneurship Among Asian And Gulf-based Women Small Business Owners

Literature review

Actually, woman entrepreneur is one who acknowledges evaluating different jobs in order to meet their needs and turning out to be financially autonomous. Additionally, many women are getting to be pioneers of their own organizations, and many are attempting to make progress. As a result, entrepreneurship is viewed as an imperative device in empowering most women’s consent. The fundamental purpose of this paper is to analyze the women concepts on entrepreneurship in Gulf-centered women and Asia. Thus, it is projected that this concept will be extremely valuable for scholars who are undertaking this field (Battista, 2008).. Due to obvious reasons, this field has become vital for study and enables individuals comprehend aspects based on constraints, motivation, and limitation factors. It is known that elements influencing women cooperation jobs have become very distinctive globally, thus it will lead to a transition in the dynamic idea of individuals in which they are involved. Various endeavors are upheld in order to inspire both the social and monetary position of most women. Due to the advancement in women business visionary, it will thus create complex financial advantages within Gulf based small business women.

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Herbane (2010) points out essential entrepreneurial incentives, which could result to tremendous entrepreneurial prosperity. Consequently, his study also explained about various skills and knowledge, ambition, market gaps, independence, family support, and other government intervention, which are significant in boosting entrepreneurial motivation factors. Additionally, the study also clinched that skill and knowledge, ambition, and the magnitude of women entrepreneurial motivation comprises of huge effect on their triumph. Consequently, Owalla and Holmquist (2017) adds that women have been successful in creating obstacles amid the restrictions of every homestead through venturing in assorted professional and other services. Thus, the major factor which stimulates most gulf small business women venture into entrepreneurship is due to vast knowledge and skills, and adaptability within their environment.

Lam, (2006), adds by explaining the need of women entrepreneurs in the Asian business cycle. In addition to that, the authors have investigated this concept through carrying out an analysis on these motivational elements amid other factors, which affect gulf women in becoming successful entrepreneurs. Moreover, the study has also aligned the major strengths and weaknesses existing within women entrepreneurs alongside various natural prospects and fears, which can endorse entrepreneurship, which also provides different recommendations of women entrepreneurship existing within Asia and the gulf region. According to the author, he found out that inadequate training and education is the main factors that make it difficult for most women businesses in the gulf region thrive. Another great hindrance is availability of capital to build up the business.

On the other hand, Sharafizad and Standing, (2017) also pointed out the need for most women entrepreneurs unleashing their innovative strengths in order to build a business. The others analyzed Asian women entrepreneurial activity based on both quantitative and qualitative factors and thus outlined four major segments – the Pre-Independent era, the Post-Independence era, Post liberalization era, and the post-global recession era (King and King, 2015). Thus it explains the level at which various structures within the Gulf community can provide a favorable environment for women small business.

Incentives and skills for women’s entrepreneurship

Sharafizad and Standing (2017) on the other hand, provided a detailed explanation of women’s motivation, and experiences in business. In order to support such, the study outlined major 5 psychological and monetary elements that could motivate women in becoming fruitful entrepreneurs. Such factors as evaluated by Ninemeier and Hayes (2006), included the need of acquiring a wealth standard of living, their desire of funding any business they got hold on, a petition of having a start-up culture, and the need of cooperating with another party was not desirable. Further, the study stated that many women from the gulf region are majorly anxious on shielding the main logical investments unlike a fellow colleague. Therefore, through mentorship, it will provide concrete motivation of every women entrepreneur present any financial aid, and experience throughout the professional networking team.

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Herbane (2010), in their analysis elaborates on the motivational and disheartening elements within most businesses in the Asian community and also helps in providing logical elucidations to various problems encountered by most women. According to the research, in order to attain fruitful results on women entrepreneurship, there is need for enlightening most women about demographic strata. Aligning various mindfulness and consciousness within most women in order to surpass within the business sector will make most of them apprehend their abilities, significant role in the society and the change they can create within the community and the entire nation.

On the other hand, Owalla and Holmquist, (2017), validates that the gulf women view the world in different perception, therefore they ought to execute tasks in an assorted manner. Despite the fact that most businesspersons in Asia or gulf region are engaged in small business, they also encounter vast equality gaps. Mirzaev, Okishev and Mirzaeva (2013) argue that in some countries in the Asian regions businesses handle by women are often rated equal to men will other areas such is barely taken into consideration. Although most women entrepreneurs are actively engaged in business, they cannot get to their stated potential threshold. Therefore, financially, most women encounter certain steeplechases based on -inadequate security to prejudiced policies and in-built gender partiality (Lovett, 2015). The authors thus suggest that financial companies should put much effort in investing in women’s capabilities through creation of cooperation, which will provide a chance to women in improving their businesses as a whole.

In the article presented by Sharafizad and Standing (2017), she has tried explaining the current state and niche the gulf women occupy in the present economy. She achieved all this through a close rational sixty years after most Asian countries liberation. She points out that majority of women have made greater improvement that is highly notable through eliminating possible gender differences that existed (González, 2012). Hitherto, the fact that most girls are marketed annually, with increased dowry practice, sexual harassment, which highly inhibit development processes. Unlike initially, most women in the current state have accomplished many things although they should thrive to work hard in order to achieve all objectives.

Empirically, in this paper primary data was gathered with interview with one woman who is an entrepreneur from a potential business region in Asian or Gulf region. In reference to theoretical frameworks of interviewing the participants, it was evident the Asia and the Gulf regions were suitable for the activity. These regions mainly represented different kinds of women entrepreneurial businesses and a wide range of age groupings. The interviewers were designated based in both comparative high level of skills and knowledge driven entrepreneurship with others being depicted from the rural sector. In this research paper, we shall present the questions used during the interviewing process with on response from one interviewer.

Challenges and barriers for women entrepreneurs

Personal comments: “Smitha’ acknowledges that where she is today being due to continually seeking gurus support (Now she tutors others), investing her extra energy on circumstances she needs to seek after, certainty, mixing her work and coexistence, and survey issues like chances. This is regarded as the fixation and enthusiasm aimed at accomplishing various prominences.”

Question 1: What do you believe are the keys to expert and business accomplishment for women in Asia or Gulf region?

Question 2: What was your best impediment you have looked in making the progress you want? How did you defeat it?

Question 3: What guidance would you give young women who need to pursue a comparative vocation way as you?

Maintaining a positive assumption, which denotes 100% of the feedback, the response exhibits a high level of honesty and integrity backed up with critical thinking and education. Entrepreneurial women in my locale were characterized by hard work and determination due to their notion to multitask. Over the years, the level of critical thinking and education has increased significantly. Despite this progress, there are certain obstacles that are evident in every activity that entrepreneurs do. However, it is our own choice to determine if we will consider the obstacles or not.  On the other side, it is significant if we work towards mitigating the challenges and obstacles that ‘staring’ at them. This is highly recommended since its advantages are numerous. For my case, I consider engaging my two children in every activity I do instead of leaving them with someone or thinking of babysitting while I am away. In that manner, my children learn a lot in the process while continue doing my work.

It is critical of people had a clear perception of their passion and what they are pursuing in life. This is further enumerated when people knew what they wanted in life. As long as you have a firm focus and expectations, you will be ready for anything that might come your way. However, confidence and evaluating your strengths and weakness are relevant in business and self-education about a particular business. Once you have understood your expectation and comprehended on your weaknesses, you should stay focused and avoid giving up. As part of my advice, I appreciate if people stop comparing themselves with others. Embrace the spirit of self-innovation, being independent and focused. Most importantly, learn to regulate yourself and evaluate what is relevant to you. This can be achieved by being assertive on your decisions, which does not allow you to be influenced by being either male or female. Stay strong, comfortable with yourself.

In Asian or gulf region, women businesspersons perform a very fundamental part. Not only are they just taught, skilled, sure, aggressive and profession situated however they likewise know their brains. Presently, women show that they can perform multiple tasks. Women doing business can surely start, sort out, strategize and work their little and intermediate endeavor proficiently. The use of entrepreneurial skills to add on your income is fundamental especially for those who come from regions with tough economic conditions. These skills can also be used by people who are either unsatisfied with their salary or just want to have an extra source of income (Meudt, Metternich and Abele, 2017). In any case, test for bigger areas of women in the Asian or gulf region lies on an intersection edge, conquering boundaries and finding impending and self-personality.

Primary data analysis: Interview with a female small business owner

Therefore, below are advantages achieved by women entrepreneurs in Asian or gulf region, they include:

  • Emotive Insight: According to Cheng (2017), many business women as more astute than most men. These women have a higher level of relation aptitude, which is imperative and applicable in various environmental processes and support programs.
  • Task Performance: Women are characterized by their ability to do multiple tasks at one. These include doing bookings, writing texts and answering a call, including any crucial activities that have to be undertaken on a particular day. This implies that women can successfully head their families and work obligations. On the other hand, men are fond of having some troubles while handling multiple tasks at one. They only tend to concentrate more one task and leave another unhandled.
  • Marking Demeanor: Women in business have a vision, which is of a higher degree when it comes to decision-making processes. With a good performance record of socialization, women accentuate more on discussion advantages in business. Resultantly, quality decisions might be realized that will be useful in making business choices.

Problems encounter by Women Entrepreneurs in Asia or Gulf region

  • Family Contemplations – In Asia or gulf region, women are bound to bear a more noteworthy offer of children raising obligations. Kids may request their moms’ full focus, which is difficult for female business visionaries. Building and maintaining any business requires much time, which might affect the focus on an individual on his/her own family duties. Ladies in this circumstance must offset their family existence with their obligations as business visionaries. For instance, mothers can convey about the need to commit some time amid the day exclusively on business, while different occasions can be given to family problems.
  • Confidence – Albeit a man and a woman can confront issues of self-uncertainty, or need certainty to contend in the business advertise, men do not experience the ill effects of a similar level of predisposition compared to woman’s business visionaries. For instance, male business pioneers may not trust that their female partners can contend or enhance to the extent that they can. Thus, the main background of these perspectives is generalizations about women. Acquiring a female guide or partner can helps ingrain fearlessness in one’s capacities as a female business visionary.
  • Financial Obstruction – a first detriment of female business is the capital financing obstruction. Upon beginning a business, business people need to arrange cash flow to get the business off the grounds. Female business people frequently get their underlying financing from family advances, reserve funds and charge cards (Khurum, Petersen and Gorschek, 2014). In any case, women can acquire capital from government aids, self-subsidizing and financial speculators. At the point when women have promising business thoughts, it is less troublesome for them to acquire startup capital. In this manner, having a strong marketable strategy aids in decreasing the fund boundary for women.


To whole up, the examination presented in the past segment exhibits repeating examples of, objectives, inspirations and achievement, alongside parenthood with micro-environment being certain, however regularly commanding impact, whereas meso and the micro-environment assumes a reduced imperative job in affecting achievement. Generally, the information features the multifaceted nature of accomplishment with a considerable lot of our respondents consolidating business with individual life related perspectives within enterprising exercises.

Therefore, it is proposed that consideration of inspirations and objectives collectively with an expansive comprehension of what establishes achievement is an initial step (Fitz-enz, 2009). In accordance with past examinations, because of women business visionaries it does not get the job done to limit accomplishment to financial accomplishment, as this does not clarify women’s innovative conduct. Another step incorporates involving achievement, at the end of the day, contemplates accomplishment inside its assorted settings in light of the fact that they have a certain and unequivocal effect on individual conduct. In such manner, further research is required, contemplating the karmas among conditions and personal conduct and undertaking achievement.

All government officials should proceed with their endeavors in supporting more women in doing business and furthermore to encourage their prosperity. An arrangement that is well disposed to new firms must be sanctioned. In accordance with the social learning hypothesis, all guardians must be urged to persuade their youngsters, especially little girls to wander into enterprise. Numerous colleges/campuses have begun to offer bachelors program in business enterprise or potentially make the subject of enterprise compulsory. The women business people ought to understand that by accessing the specialized systems and business preparing that women need to succeed is of extraordinary significance. Hence, the women business people ought to use this chance minus all potential limitations degree by getting to be individuals from these affiliations. Furthermore, the Asian woman’s business people need an intense comprehension of the pioneering introduction with the goal for them to prevail in their endeavors. These introductions, including certainty, valor, solid self-discipline, hazard taking, inventiveness and imaginativeness, etc. can be installed inside the women business visionaries through short courses, preparing programs, tutoring or even long haul courses prompting the honor of a recognition or degree.


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