Entrepreneurial Skills For Immigrants In Australia: A Pathway To Economic Development

The Role of Immigration in Australia’s Economic Development

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Entrepreneurs are obligated to understand of the business environment for a stable flow of processes in that particular industry. In Australia, there have been increases in the number of immigrants which are involved in social and economic activities in the nation. The immigrants in Australia are provided with an opportunity to work and start a business in the nation by acquiring the work visas (Australia.gov, 2018). The Australian government is focused on increasing investment and entrepreneurship in the nation for the achievement of the set macroeconomic goals of production. The nation is focused on offering migrants with equal employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for sustainable performance of the business. The government provides rules and regulation to control migration to Australia which is meant to ensure that there is an increased social progress in the nation. The migrants have contributed to economic development in the nation by assisting in employment and investing in a business. The 2016 census shows that 24% of non-English migrants and 50% of English migrants aged 25 to 34 are able to acquire employment opportunities in Australia (Chang, 2018). The nation has provided opportunities for migrants to own business which is vital in ensuring that there is social and economic growth.

The Australian government is focused on developing a proper platform that will enhance the entrepreneurial skills of the migrants. The empowerment programs by the government aim at ensuring that the migrants work towards economic development of the nation. Alam and Imran (2015) explained that the Australian government is focused on quality services through the application of technology. The digitalisation in the nation has made it possible for an individual to start up a business which will increase the standard of living of the community. Businesses by immigrants are required to focus on the use of technology in making it likely for the business to perform well in Australia. The inclusion of migrants groups in government decision making has provided the information needed by the community for a steady flow of operations. The nation is focused on dealing with the digital complexity and internet technology in the nation to deal with the technology divide (Alam & Imran 2015). Digital literacy considers the education and training level implemented in the nation. Australia has adequate ICT resources that are used in digitalizing operations for proper entrepreneurial activities. There has been an increase in the number of migrants in Australia in the recent past. Doherty and Evershed (2018) indicate that the number of migrants increased from 85,000 in 1996 to 208,000 in 2017. The migration to Australia has greatly contributed to population growth thus the government has developed a policy that is aimed at ensuring that the migrants contribute to social and economic development in the country.

Vuin et al. (2016) research showed that a nation is able to accomplish the required level of production by increasing the number of active migrants. In Australia, the government is focused on engaging the migrants with community activities for proper development of the nation. The migrants are made active through employment, entrepreneurship and volunteer engagement (Vuin et al. 2016). The migrants’ involvement in labour forces and volunteer activities is used in making sure that there is a substantial contribution of all the migrants to the community. Entrepreneurial migration is used in increasing the business world in the nation where the organisations are used to enter the international trade. Entrepreneurial migration is used in enhancing the lifestyle of the society through engagement in business. Carson, Carson, and Eimermann (2018) confirm that entrepreneurial migration is used to develop the lifestyles of the society through long-term development from the business ambitions. The migration from one nation to another by entrepreneurs provides business motivation that is necessary for acquiring a sustainable performance in the targeted market. Entrepreneurial skills are developed through the involvement of business in different nations due to the understanding of the various business environments. A proper insight on the international business environment is used by an entrepreneur to acquire an increased market share in a particular industry.

Empowering Migrants with Entrepreneurial Skills

Entrepreneurial skills for Australia immigrants are needed in providing a proper flow of businesses in the nation. The foreign entrepreneurs come with new ways and methods to handle different issues facing businesses in the region. The entrepreneurs are required to be innovative to develop products and services that are unique in the market. Unique products assist a business to acquire the desired market share in the industry. Adams et al. (2016) provide the need of focusing on innovation in developing products and services that will offer market sustainability. The entrepreneurs are required to develop flexible plan stat will increase the flow of the business in the targeted market. The products developed by an organisation should offer social and environmental benefit through value addition to the community. The innovation systems implemented by a business owner assists in adapting to the changing business environment (Adams et al. 2016). The business model implemented by an entrepreneur is required to offer an increased production level in the community. The innovative solutions are used by entrepreneurs in Australia in managing the available resources effectively for a successful business entry. According to Grant (2016), an entrepreneur is required to develop strategies that will enhance performance in the targeted market. The evaluation of consumer needs is used in ensuring that there are a successful business entry and expansion to new markets. The strategy is in ensuring that there is a quality decision-making process that will facilitate production for the accomplishment of set production goals by an organisation.

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Australia migrants are required to develop a unique business that will acquire an extended performance in the targeted market. The optimal decision is used by an organisation to pursue the long-term objectives of production. The positioning of business is necessary for acquiring a high number of consumers in the targeted market (Grant 2016). Booth (2015) affirms that strategic management is needed in entrepreneurship to acquire a competitive edge in the market. The strategic management is used to handle the uncertainty in a particular industry for increased performance of start-up businesses. The control and recovery strategies are used to minimise the effects of challenges in a national business environment (Booth 2015). The migrants in Australia are provided with a proper platform to develop business ideas and acquire the desired profit margin from entrepreneurial processes.  

In entrepreneurship social-economic factor is a significant feature for a business to flourish.  The entrepreneur is expected to have a proper understanding of the socio-cultural factors in Australia for a steady flow of operations. The factors assist in developing products and services that are widely accepted by the targeted consumers in the market. The migrant entrepreneur should analyse the external business environment in discovering the society. Self-employment provides the community with an opportunity to acquire wages through the offering of products and services to the community. According to Simoes, Crespo and Moreira (2016) self-employment are the best opportunity to achieve the desired level of income to an individual. A successful business is expected to meet the needs and desires of the community. The Australian government provides the community with an opportunity to acquire profits from business operations. The personality and perception of an individual are required to be positive in acquiring a proper business entry. Kozubikova et al. (2015), states that an entrepreneur is supposed the following qualities; courage, accountability, purpose, creativeness, and determination. The personal characteristics are used to develop a strong business that will acquire a sustainable flow in the targeted market. The strong qualities of entrepreneurs are used in developing products and services that make the migrants business to be top sellers in the nation.

The Importance of Digital Literacy and Innovation for Entrepreneurship

The Australian government is focused on economic development for the accomplishment of the desired status in the nation. The economic development in Australia makes it certain for an entrepreneur to make profits from the business. According to (Janda and Letts, 2017) the economy grew by 1.8% and the spending by the public increased by 1% which is a proper indication of business progress. The increased spending by households makes it likely for a business to acquire the expected sales volume. The production of differentiated products and services by an entrepreneur is used in acquiring a sustainable performance in the targeted market. The SMEs are needed in the economic system to achieve the desired level of development (Kozubikova et al. 2015). Entrepreneurs are risk-taking where the investment is made to the areas where there is a high expected return from production. The risk attitude of an entrepreneur impacts the performance of the business in the market. Development of differentiated products is used by entrepreneurs to influence the society and economic development positively. Smith, Bell, and Watts (2014) provide the need of differentiating between the traditional and social entrepreneurs. The traditional entrepreneurs are focused on making profits without considering the wellbeing of the community while the social entrepreneurs acquire the desired level of production by satisfying the need of consumers. The traditional consumers’ products are profit-oriented while the social entrepreneurs are consumer oriented. The Australian migrants are required to be social entrepreneurs that will focus on the community for sustainable performance in the market.

An organisation that is focused on the society is able to acquire a competitive advantage in the targeted market. The entrepreneur orientation is used to determine whether the business is focused on social progress or on making profits. The social entrepreneur focuses on the interests of the community for a sustainable flow of operations in the market (Smith, Bell & Watts 2014).  Entrepreneurial traits of social business are that which is socially oriented where profits are acquired by the business by improving the status of the community. Corporate social responsibility is used in coming up with a socially oriented organisation focused on social and economic progress. Innovation and creativity are needed by the social entrepreneurs to satisfy the different needs of the customers. Hopkins (2016), states that corporate social responsibility is supposed to be practised by all organisations willing to acquire a competitive advantage in the market. Corporate social responsibilities required the entrepreneurs to develop plans that will make sure that there is social and environmental sustainability in the area of operation (Australia.gov, 2018).  An organisation should be accepted in the area of operation to acquire the desired level of market share in the market. The stakeholder perception is an important aspect of decision making where the management is required to analyse the social and economic status for the achievement of set goals (Hopkins 2016). A business is required to satisfy the interest of the various stakeholders in the market for a smooth flow of operations.

The Australian government is focused on implementing government policies that will enhance production level in the nation. The policies executed should enhance local and foreign business entry for the attainment of set macroeconomic goals by the nation (Australia.gov, 2018).  Australia has public policies that encourage entrepreneurship through financial support to people with business ideas. The government is required to develop an entrepreneurial ecosystem that will handle the interest of entrepreneurs and the government (World Economic Forum, 2018). Entrepreneurship is the most effective way to deal with the unemployment issue facing the community. The consideration of all stakeholders in a business environment makes the government develop appropriate conditions for business progress. According to Falkner (2017), it is important to build a strong business and government relationship to enhance the production level of an organisation (Ng & Metz 2015). The government policies should focus on growing the new and existing businesses for a positive flow of the economy. Government initiatives are required to increase the skills and knowledge of the community for an increase in production level.  The private and public sectors are required to collaborate in developing a proper business environment that will make the nation attract investors (Falkner 2017). The government is an indirect facilitator of business progress hence requiring a proper relationship between the government and businesses.

Strategic Management for Business Growth and Sustainability

Australia government develop growth-oriented policies that will increase businesses in the nation by handling the challenges in the market (Australia.gov, 2018). The migrants are able to establish business and successfully grow in the nation due to the suitable entrepreneurial ecosystem. The evaluation of different trade rules and regulations makes it possible for an organisation to enter the international market (Hamilton & Webster 2015). Globalisation has made it possible for foreign investors to start businesses in different nations. Australia is a nation that aims at using globalisation to increase the business entry and expansion in the region. The business standards in Australia are aimed at ensuring that there is social and economic development through an increased level of entrepreneurship. Australia develops multiculturalism policy that is meant to raise the completion level of the nation in global market (Ng & Metz 2015). Increased entrepreneurship positively impacts the flow of the nation to acquire the desired level of national competitiveness. The empowering of immigrants through entrepreneurship is necessary for reducing the dependency and unemployment rate in the nation. Ng and Metz (2015) explain that the focus on skilled immigration positively impacts the development of Australia to the desired competitiveness internationally. The Australian government develops a flexible multicultural policy that will handle the changing needs of migrants from different nations. The migrants are provided with a proper entrepreneurial ecosystem that focuses on business progress in the nation.


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