Enterprise Systems Integration: Modelling, Knowledge Management, Legacy Systems, And Physical Architecture
The Evolution of Enterprise Information System
The Communication and information has been the pillar for the organizations in the world (Bi, Da Xu and Wang 2014). The integration is very important for the development of the systems in the organization and also helpful for meeting the demands of the customers of the organization. The report has been used for the description of the Enterprise information system and the different aspects of the Enterprise Integration system has been described in the report.
The report includes the description of the Enterprise System Integration, The Evolution of the Enterprise information system, the system theory and the system thinking of the Enterprise Information System and the enterprise integration and the application of the systems theory.
Enterprise system integration is a disciple that would be helpful in the combination of the processes and the procedures for the systems and the management of the system (Gaichetti 2016). The development of the product and large-scale, complex system that would be involving the software and the hardware which are based on the existing system for the organization for which the systems are to be coupled with the newer requirement to add the functionalities significantly. In this digital era the information system has been developed in the different areas for creating complex environments and specially in the large scale enterprises. In addition to this, the system integration is a very challenging task due to the difficulties in the technical aspects of the system. It involves a number of organizations and the different type of organizational structures to be incorporated into a single system and the technical and the non-technical aspects of the systems are also managed efficiently by the system (Panetto et al. 2016). It is also to be seen as a continuous process where the business is evolving continuously.
In respect to the historical context it has been almost about half of a century that the Enterprise Information systems have been spanned across over more than half of the companies of the world (Feldman et al. 2015). The material requirement, manufacturing requirement and enterprise resource planning has been developed and additionally there has been wide implementations for controlling the production and planning activities within the manufacturing enterprises of the modern world. In addition to this, the organizations have been facing a world-wide competition for over a longer period of time. There has been a huge amount of expectation that has been imposed on the organizations and the enterprises are compelled to unify the work and achieve the success that is expected of them. The main goals for the organizations vary however there is common goal to reduce costs and increase efficiency (Hoag, Molla and Poon 2016). There have been new forms of organizations that follow the newer procedures such as the extended enterprise organizations and the virtual enterprises.
Challenges of Enterprise System Integration
The information systems were built traditionally to support the procedures of the organizations so that the automation of the procedures in the organization can take place efficiently and the execution of the complex procedures involved in the businesses can be conducted very easily (Ghazali, Ahmad and Zakaria 2015). The business enterprises are generally viewed as a network of multiple number of heterogeneous sources of information which would be helpful in the accommodation of the automated business functions, which are performed by other business functions. Once the systems are automated then the enterprise typically ends up with a large number of stand-alone systems and in between this system the related information are distributed and not all information are shared (Laudon and Laudon 2015). In the current business scenario, the business modellers are not provided by the system architects and a formal system is formed theoretically and the it is later realized using the business perspective (Berente et al. 2016). Using these perspectives, various businesses are an analysed and the overall evaluation of the business is formed. The gap in the business is serious and the results in the change of the process logic before the system.
The concept of system thinking helps in the obtaining an important insight to the role of the information systems for the organizations, and the process from the knowledge in the data (Buckley and Ghauri 2015). The information system, are generally created for the organizations to support their business and the process within the organizations. The enterprise information system thinking involves the concept of the integration of the business process into the digital system and the implement the thinking and ideas using the functions and the methods for any type of organizations. The integration of one or more systems in the organization helps them in supporting each other and are also helpful in fetching results from of collaborative process executed from each system individually (Yeow et al. 2018). However, in case of a certain system supporting another system for fetching the result, it has been thought necessary that the system servers the nature of it.
The concept of information is more comprehensive than the concept of a mere data processing system and the it is used efficiently for addressing the type of computations that are going to take place and the process of transaction taking place for the systems. The information systems are also indicated as the knowledge attribute system that provides the data for the queries from the different source of the users (Moones et al. 2015). The results fetch meaningful reports both for the individuals and the organizations. One of the very crucial factor for the EIS is the government of the people who are within the organization and control their activities and monitor them.
System Thinking and its Importance
The construction of the information system adopts a number of approaches such as the structural design and the bottom-up processes (Romero and Vernadat 2016). The information system development is to be accomplished in a systematic process and there is various type of order in which the order of the tasks is completed. In addition to this, there are consequent processes in which are managed in phases and the steps are required for building and shaping up the new IT systems. Each of the phase are to completed by different sets of experts and personnel who are within the organization. The core theory involves the conventional approaches taken for the development of the systems. There has been a rapid renewal in the software and hardware the network formed for the organization is basically a distributed one and hence, there has been an evolution in this aspect and so the ISD would work with great agile methodology. The human-centric process influences the information system very heavily and a generic approach is adopted for the systemic network and the thinking is to done on the same basis.
Integration can be defined as the information required by each of the activity which is available on a timely basis and accuracy in the format is also required by the and it is assumed implicitly that there are broader concepts about integration (Busch 2015). The Enterprise Information system is viewed as the federal aggregation for the multiple components of the system such as the applications, services or the modules. The basic integration modes of the integration of an y application are basically three, firstly there is the peer to peer mode, secondly, the broker based integration and thirdly the business-process integration. In the peer to peer integration the communication is linked directly and the users make full use of the interfaces. The in the broker-based system the broker acts as the hub for the integration of the middleware and the IT applications. The business process integration is used as an extension of the broker-based integration system, with inheritance of the knowledge about the business procedures.
The business models are basically used for capturing the activity in between the humans and the IT applications (Da Xu 2014). The application logic dimensions are used for obtaining the ability to manage the interactions in between the applications system and various presentation interfaces of the application, such as the web browsers and the mobile computing devices are used as the terminals to the interface of the information systems. The data logic is basically used for the mapping the data and accessing the same from the different sectors of the information system designed for the organization (Hung et al. 2015). This would be very helpful for the management of any business for the organizations.
Business Processes and Information Systems
For conclusion it can be said that the report has been used up to describe some of the aspects of the Enterprise information system. The description of the Enterprise System Integration, The Evolution of the Enterprise information system, the system theory and the system thinking of the Enterprise Information System and the enterprise integration and the application of the systems theory has been included in this report. The system thinking and the system theory concepts have also been focused upon in this report and the theory provides a multi-dimensional vision for the system and also provides a hierarchy for the demonstration of the Enterprise information system in this report. A concrete support for the system has also been described in this report. Hence the reader would be easily able to understand the concepts of Enterprise information system and its integration.
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