Enterprise System And Business Intelligence: A Comprehensive Report With Case Study
Introduction and Overview
Write a report of the following research topics. The report must include at least one case study to reflect the topic of discussion.
- Domain-based ES, such as ES in finance, supply chain, accounting, healthcare, customer-relationship management, knowledge management, and outsourcing
- ES implementations, which include Cloud ES, ERP II and Business Process Modelling Tools
- ES in business intelligence and analytics, which include ES role in big data, mobile ES, ES-facilitated social networking interaction
- ES integration within and across organizational boundaries
Enterprise system is a combination of hardware as well as software, and it is used to organize, and run various operations. It contains the historical data as well as it gathers data from different sources. It helps in taking both types of business decisions strategic decisions as well as tactical decisions. It provides various applications, services, and tools to the organizations, for handling the critical data. It provides various charts, reports, and spreadsheets, which act as a source for taking business decisions (Kuo, 2011). It provides various assets of information to the company. It helps in managing the information of inside as well as outside information of the organization. It processes the request very fatly, and accurately. It helps in processing the raw facts into a meaning full report. It helps in maintaining the database as well as it helps in enhancing, and improving the report system. Business Intelligence is a technique which is used for transforming the raw facts into a meaningful form that can be used for doing business analysis.
Enterprise system: It is software package which handles the various business operations, flow of information, and data analytics. In other terms, it is a combination of hardware as well as software, and it is used to organize, and run various operations. It is a combination of different protocols, and different applications. It manages the various requirements of the business or the organization. The benefits of implementing this system are: improved productivity, improved quality, reduces the data redundancy, reduce the investment cost of IT, improve the efficiency. There are various enterprise systems that are used in the business for getting better output: ERP system, and CRM system, etc.
Business Intelligence consists of different tools and applications that are used for collecting data from external sources as well as from internal resources, then saving the data in the database(data is stored in an organized manner). The stored data is used for data analysis, and then reports are created based on the data analysis. The data analysis part is performed by running different queries. The managers and other executives make their business decisions depending upon the analysis of data. It contains the historical data as well as it gathers data from different sources. It helps in taking both types of business decisions strategic decisions as well as tactical decisions. BI consists of various processes like OLAP, ad-hoc analysis, mobile BI, etc. The data of BI is stored in data marts as well as in data warehouses, and further, it depends on the requirement. If the data is at a large scale then it is stored in data warehouse, and if the data is at small scale then it is stored at DataMarts. It also uses various tools related to data quality which helps in providing accurate information.
Business analysis is advanced form of data analysis. It is subset of Business Intelligence. The organizations use DSS (Decision support system) system for handling the data. The information is placed in the knowledge-based and it is used by the enterprise system for decision-making process(Raghavendra, 2012).It is used within and outside the organization to take an accurate and timely decision. The enterprise system of the industry consists of DSS and ERP system. The decision makers create a network for sharing their knowledge and for accessing the DSS system, and by DSS they take a correct decision. The decision is taken depending on the What-if rule. It is similar to IF-THEN rule. What-If defines the different situation, and it provides guidance for making decisions in different kind of situations. It is divided into two parts: Forward chaining as well as backward chaining. It varies with the form of representation. If the chain moves from set of What-if module to set to decision, then it is known as forward chaining. It moves from the set of decisions to the set of what-if module, and then it is known as backward chaining.The handling of huge data is related to placing the right person at the right place to get the right or adequate result. The only differences that it provides explanatory information based on the quantitative data as well as statistical data.
Enterprise System: Benefits of Implementation and Types
The BI provides various applications, services, and tools to the organizations, for handling the critical data. It provides various charts, reports, and spreadsheets, which act as a source for taking business decisions (Raghavendra, 2012). It provides various assets of information to the company. It includes databases, financial data, product data, sale data, and information of supply chain, etc.
Web Focus: It is BI software that provides flexible and accurate solution for the business. It helps in converting the different data source into a useful form. The result is given in an action form. It helps in reducing the cost as well as time required for the development of various applications of BI (Kuo, 2011). It helps in managing the information of inside as well as outside information of the organization. It processes the request very fatly, and accurately. It helps in processing the raw facts into a meaning full report. It helps in maintaining the database as well as it helps in enhancing, and improving the report system. After converting the information into a useful form and into a proper format, it gives the information the information to the end user (end user is both remote workers as well as local worker of the company).
ERP- It is software which is used for business management purpose. It is used for the planning of products, purchase, and sale, etc. It is used to collect, manage, and store data, which is further used for various business activities. It is also beneficial in automating the functions of back office. Now a day’s cloud ERP is also very popular. It is implemented using cloud computing techniques.The data are placed on the private clouds, and it is created and managed by the employees of the organization. There is a separate team in the organization (for handling the cloud servers). They can be made more secure by converting the data (before placing it in the database) into the encrypted from.There is a separate team in the organization (for handling the cloud servers).
CRM-Customer Relationship Management- It helps in managing, and analyzing, customer interaction. It helps organization in managing the current as well as the future customers.
NetSuite CRM- It provides a flow of customer information in an organized from. It helps in order management, and sales forecasting, etc. It is based on the three sixty degrees view point of the customers.
With the increase in the Big Data, various data- driven approaches are coming into the market. Big Data term is related to different things in different organizations. It provides better storage, and management of big data. It also helps in improving the analysis of the data. It also provides a reliable environment. The data is placed in a proper format so that it can be accessed easily and it helps in taking an accurate decision. It helps in taking the real-time decisions. Many Company uses cloud computing technique for handling the data. They use a private cloud computing technique for data management. The data are placed on the private clouds, and it is created and managed by the employees of the organization. There is a separate team in the organization (for handling the cloud servers). They can be made more secure by converting the data (before placing it in the database) into the encrypted form(Raghavendra, 2012).Many companies use the hybrid cloud computing system. In a case of hybrid system, the most important or the critical information is placed on the private server, and it is managed by the organization (within the organization), and the other information is placed on the public server and it can be managed by the organization or it can be managed by the third-party (outside the organization).
Business Intelligence: Importance, Tools, and Processes
Hadoop: It is a technology, which provides a framework for handling, and storing large chunk of data. It also helps in protecting the data from the frauds. It brings a new change in the use of data (according to business point of view). It helps in reducing the cost, maintenance, and complexity of data. It provides joins based on Meta data, which can work even with the very bulky data structures.
The use of mobile devices is increasing day by day. The people can exchange information at any time by the help of this device. The enterprise system has helped in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the devices. It also helps in providing the real time-based data (CRM data as well as ERP data) on the mobile device. In business, it helps in creating the new models for the business.
There are various Enterprise systems that are used for the management of mobile devices: like T-systems, and EMM, etc. EMM is based on public cloud computing technology. The information is placed on the public cloud, and it is managed by the cloud providers who are not a part of the organization, i.e., it is managed by the third party. It can be made secure by using the encryption technique. The data can be converted into the encrypted form before placing it on the database server. It can be accessed by the cloud customer with the help of private or encryption key. The various organizations use cloud computing technique for handling the data and for better network. It means accessing the information form the enterprise system whenever it required by the enterprise. It is based on Pay-on-Use based technology (Yang, 2013). There is no need for installing any hardware or software tools; these can be accessed from the cloud server by requirements. The cloud user has to pay the amount by use, and moreover, it depends on the deal that is done between the cloud provider and the cloud user (defined in the SLA). It also helps in better monitoring of the database. It also provides better security. The information can be placed in the encrypted form (placed on the cloud server), so that it is accessed only by the authorized user. The authorized user has only the private key that is required to unlock the data which is placed in the encrypted form (on the server).
Enterprise in Social Networking is related to the social relations between the people
The social networking is a source for sharing different activities. It helps in sending an e-mail by using the internet. This process is becoming popular with the help of a technique known as “building social authority.” The Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat, Viber, and Instagram, etc. are popular social networking sites. According to the researchers, there are eighty percent adults that are using these sites. It is import to handle, and manage the large volume of data.
Social media mining: It is a way of extracting, and representing the patterns that are derived from the data of social media. There are various methods that are used for managing this data: data mining, network analysis, and optimization, etc. (Doganaksoy, and Hahn, 2014). Many organizations provide social networking with the help of a public cloud computing technique.
DSS System for Decision Making
Boral Limited- It is an Australian company which is using Enterprise System role in Social Networking Interaction and they have developed a Yammer platform for the social networking.
It is set of data that is quite large and it is difficult to manage it with the help of data processing methods. The management of big data includes various processes like data capture, share, storage, querying, and reporting, etc.
Big Data term is used for a large amount of data, and the data can be in the structured form, or it can be in the unstructured from.
The definition of bid data regardingthree V’s: Volume, Velocity, and Variety. The data is collected from various sources like social media, data form MTM (Machine to Machine), etc. In the earlier days, it was difficult to manage the large data, but now days; the data is stored by using various techniques like Hadoop. Velocity: This term is related to the speed of retrieving the data. Now days, the information is placed in an organized format in the database, and it is less time-consuming process. Variety: The data is present in different forms email, text, and audio, etc.
It is divided into two different dimensions: Variability, and Complexity. Variability: The data which in the periodic form is highly inconsistent. E.g., the data related to seasons. Complexity: The data is collected from various sources. It is difficult to match, analyze, and convert the whole data into information form. It is beneficial to manage the data using correlate relations, and by using data linkages methods.
There are three ways for implementing the enterprise system in Big Data: The data is created and managed by using Relational Database management system and it is stored in the data warehouse (Doganaksoy, and Hahn, 2014).The second method is by using cloud computing. It is a network of cloud customers and cloud providers, and they are connected to each other through an internet. It is a useful technology as there is no need to spend a chunk on maintaining the infrastructure of Information Technology (Avram, 2014). The user can access the files, data, etc. from the remote server. The data can be stored, and managed on the remote servers. It can be accessed through computers, tablets, mobile phones, etc. (by using the internet).The users can access different application and files through the shared servers. There is no need to invest large amounts in database creation and their updating. The user can for the services used according to the quantity of data used by them. It is based on Pay-Per-Use technology. The third type is analytical sandbox. It handles and analyse the structured as well as the unstructured data.
The data is stored and processed from the internal as well as from the external source of the business. The big data term is referred to large amount of data that is avail being online as well as on the cloud. Business Intelligence is a technique which is used for transforming the raw facts into a meaningful form that can be used for doing business analysis. It is another term that is used for data surfing. It is used for handling a large chunk of data that is present in unstructured form. It also helps in identifying and creation of new business strategies. It describes the current and historical data and it is useful for various business operations. It helps in taking strategic decisions as well as it helps in taking operational decisions (Fox, 2011). It is beneficial for the internal as well as for the external operations of the business. It is helpful in providing real-time reporting, and process management. In a case of BI, the data is managed by the data warehouse or by using DataMart. It is different from another systems: In case of other system, they just analyse the data related to their competitors, but in case of BI, apart from competitors’ data, it also analyses the structured as well as internal data (for doing comparison with the competitors). The success of a business depends upon this quote: “The proper Management of the content will lead to the success of business”.
WebFocus for Managing Information
Power BI: It is a tool which is used in the business for analyzing the data.
Pros and Cons of using Big Data in Business Intelligence, and Business Analyst
No doubt, it helps in making the correct and real-time decisions for the business, but on the other hand it has made the business complex, as it is costly, and difficult to handle the big data. Also, if any outsider hacks the data of the business then, it will affect the business, it can cause losses in the billions of amount to the organization.
The iStart is an Australian company, which was founded in 2001. It creates and publishes various news related to technology, and performs research, etc. The company uses ERP system for handling the Big data (Hsu, Lin, and Ho, 2012).The data is managed by the help of ERP and relational database system. The ERP system includes various software’s i.e. software for warehousing, manufacturing, purchasing, payable, and transport, etc.
The implementing of ERP system consists of various steps like analysis of business process, and employee retraining etc. The benefits of implementing this system are: improved productivity, improved quality, reduces the data redundancy, reduce the investment cost of IT, improve the efficiency.
Earlier, it takes large amount of investment cost for managing the resources, and for other hardware, and software requirements. But, now days, this task is handled by the ERP system. It provides the modules of software, and there is no need for writing(codes) for the software. The other issue was the customer management was not proper. The customers could not check their orders progress, but ERP helps in helps in better customer management as the customer can trace their orders progress, and these facilities are not possible without ERP implementation.
Enterprise system is software package which handles the various business operations, the flow of information, and data analytics. The BI provides various applications, services, and tools to the organizations, for handling the critical data. It provides various charts, reports, and spreadsheets, which act as a source for taking business decisions. It provides various assets of information to the company. It includes databases, financial data, product data, sale data, and information of supply chain, etc. It also helps in identifying and creation of new business strategies. It describes the current and historical data and it is useful for various business operations (Kesavan, 2012).Enterprise in Social Networking is related to the social relations between the people. The enterprise system has helped in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the devices. It also helps in providing the real time-based data (CRM data as well as ERP data) on the mobile device. In business, it helps in creating the new models for the business. The social networking is a source for sharing different activities. It helps in sending an e-mail by using the internet.
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