Enterprise Architecture (EA) Framework And Documentation
Basic Characteristics of an EA Framework
Enterprise architecture can be regarded as a holistic approach to management, planning as well as documentation activity, which also introduces the EA3 cube framework as well as implementation methodology. It identifies the different lines of business in five sub architecture levels, which are initiatives in the field of strategy, initiatives, business services, systems as well as information flows. The EA3 framework has a plug and play feature of all the sub architectural components.
It is important to show the current as well as future views of EA documentation since it can service as a transition as well as sequencing plan to migrate from the current systems to the plans within the organization. The implementation methodology as well as the framework helps in defining what exactly the EA program will define and how the data in the documentation will be collected and used. It can help in prioritizing resource utilization as well as lowering the project risks.
Spewak has stated that the Enterprise Architecture Planning is a model for developing the initial first two models that lie on the top of the Zachman’s Framework. The seven stages of the Enterprise Architecture Planning are integrated into a fourlayer model.
Goals & initiatives: Danforth Manufacturing Company aims to come up with a efficient IT decision-making system in the field of investment. It also aims to take initiatives in a proper project management as well as enhancing the security of the organization. Once Sam recommended the changes, Jim agreed to be the leader for the new Group of Capital Planning Working while DMC’s chi elf executive officer Robert Danforth provided the acknowledgement that the capital investment planning will be taken care by the Executive Committee’s with the required approvals.
Products and services: The Company provides services in the manufacturing companies and provide investment options on the different resources for the clients in voice, data as well as video resources of infrastructure. This have an aim to maximize the returns on such investments. That is their primary line of business.
Data and information: The data that they use is the resource management information such as the data from the market analysis as well as the financial data from the different client that they cater to.
System and applications: Commercial solutions in ERP that is WELLCO is needed for the organization. The systems that are needed are customized Sales as well as Inventory management information System (SITS).
Networks and infrastructures: IT infrastructure is needed in the field of technology infrastructure as well as the risk infrastructure so that the proper technologies that will be used can be well defined and incorporated. Network devices such as routers, switches, cables have to be installed and computers and workstations including servers need to be purchased to run in the networks.
Security: The organizational data security should be maintained by documenting information such as who accessed what information from which system and at what time. Audit tail features should be incorporated.
Standard: The standard of work operations should be kept at a check from time to time by documenting information such as feedbacks from customers and analysis of such data. Organizational standards in terms of ethical guidelines and other professional codes of conduct should also be documented.
Importance of Showing Current and Future Views of EA Documentation
Workforce: Employee details and their policies should also by documented within the organization in the human resource management software.
The line of business can be identified from the documentation in the fields of strategic initiatives, information flows, business services, systems, applications as well as technology infrastructure.
The vertical components are goal, products and services. Data information, systems nd technologies used within the enterprise. The cross cutting components are information documentation of human resources, email accounts, document tracking, finance as well as accounting.
- What are EA artifacts and how do they relate to EA components?
EA artifacts are documentation that are used to describe EA components such as reports, diagrams, video files, charts as well as spreadsheets.
- What parts of an enterprise’s strategic plan could be viewed as EA components?
Components such as the aims and objectives, goal as well as the vision can be viewed as EA components.
- List several hypothetical EA components at each level of the EA³ Cube framework for a large automobile manufacturing company:
- Function– The architecture of the functional domain of the automobile company
- Structure– The structure of the organization.
- Risk– The organizational risks
- People– The human workforce that is subject to change.
- Products– The products as well as services offered by the company that is subject to organizational rules and policies.
– Value – The organizational value
- Compare and contrast the use of the term “component” in the context of how it is used in this chapter with the use of the term in the software and application development industry:
The EA components are used in this chapter to define the different stages of planning of the enterprise architecture and are the vertical as well as the crosscutting components, which are subject to change. In the application development industry, the components represent the actual outcome of the application and the applications use in benefitting the end users.
- Obtain the Annual Report of a Fortune 500 corporation and list potential EA components at each level of the EA³ Cube framework:
The annual report of Walmart, which is the leading organization of Fortune 500 Corporation, sows that the EA components are the role of the shareholders, the changing prices of electronics in the global markets as well the level of customer satisfaction based on different parameters.
- What are the differences between traditional (ERD and DFD) data modelling techniques and object oriented data modelling techniques (UML)?
A DFD/ERD makes use of a data flow graphical representation within the system while UML is a language for modeling mainly used in the object-oriented design of software’s. UML makes use of class diagrams whereas DFD can act as a good starting point for a basic understanding of the working of a system.
- Is vendor-supplied documentation on software and hardware products important to retain as EA artifacts? Why?
Vendor supplied documentation provides the user manuals and do’s and don’ts for the particular product (hardware or software) in order to help the users use the product in the right way to prevent any hazards or risks of usage.
- Find a public or private sector enterprise and identify the following current EA components/artifacts at each level of the EA³ Cube framework:
Dell EMC:
- Identify current strategic goals, initiatives, and outcome measures:
To maximize revenue as well as product promotion through online web services all across the world. Initiatives are online promotion in social media as well as free distribution of trial services of software’s as well another products for first time users in selected countries. Outcome measures can be conducted through surveys and customer feedbacks form all over the world.
- LOB’s:Cloud services for enterprises, Computer peripherals, workstations, servers, software solutions, etc.
Business services: They include technical support services for customers all across the world, training and support services, asset resale as well as recycling services as well as deployment services.
- Identify the current IT infrastructure and networks that host IT systems and applications:
Present IT infrastructure in Dell EMC makes use of Artificial intelligence techniques combined with cloud infrastructure for performing important tasks such as data access and storage.
- Why is the same documentation technique used in the current and future view of an EA component?
Same documentation is used since the future view of EA is directly based and can be linked with the current components. The future view is based on components deigned using the present components.
- How can Business Process Improvement (BPI) and Business Process Reengineering (BPR) activities be reflected in future views at the products and services level of the EA³ Cube framework?
BPI can be achieved by improving the present components such as customer satisfaction, budget planning etc. Reengineering of the existing components can help in achieving improvements by implementing advanced information systems and technologies.
- How can changes in voice, data, and video networks be reflected in future views at the networks and infrastructure level of the EA³ Cube framework?
Voice, data as well as video networks can be enhanced by the use of internet and online platforms and online and will have the following benefits:
- Call Savings
- Simplification of communications infrastructure
- Optimization of management
- Unification system of Telephony across the offices
- Mobility as well as user ubiquity
- Develop a future scenario for an enterprise that describes changes in processes, human factors, and technology. Identify the planning assumptions that underlie these changes:
Outdated technologies in the present work operations as well as increasing problems in employee job dissatisfaction, slow work operations need a new technology as well change in processes and human workforce.