Enrolment System For National University Of Melbourne
This main scope of the assignment is to focus on the system vision document of an enrolment system that will assist the students regarding the administrative facilities provided to them by the National University. This is the inception phase of the specific enrolment system that the university wants to design for the students. In this phase, the background of the problem for which this system is necessary, the capabilities of the enrolment system, the benefits provided by this system, the required resources, and the description of the stakeholders as well as the feasibility of the project are critically assessed and described in the following assignment.
The National University of Melbourne, Australia provides the students of its institution with the administrative facilities manually. The students are facing problems like standing in a queue while enrolling, taking admissions manually, making payment after visiting the accounts department that is payment to be made manually as well as accessing the term exams and area of specialization manually (George, Gabriel& Alexandru, 2015).
Thus to decrease the problems of the students, the university wants to develop an online system of enrolment (Hayes et al., 2018). The enrolment system will have maximum capabilities of administration that are provided manually and will be provided online after the enrolment system is implemented by the National university of Melbourne.
The system will have the facilities of gathering the personal credential of the students. This system will also provide the students to choose their streams from a list of post graduate and graduate programs as provided by the institution (Yu & Huo, 2016). Then the students could select the term for which they will be appearing in the exam and can opt for the classes, which they has to appear. The payment for the enrolment procedure can be done online and this will help the students for a quick and effective enrolment with the institution. After the payment is successfully done, the students can view the selections that he made for the enrolment with the National University of Melbourne.
The system will come up with a new set of facilities or provisions that will simplify the students with their enrolment procedure with the university. The system will have a variety of the data that a student will be exposed to and the students could select from these resources to choose the lecture classes as well as the specialization in which they want to have their graduation/ post-graduation degree (Lewis et al., 2017). The system will be divided into 5 parts. These are stated as follows:
Enrolment System
Gathering credentials: The first stage of the system will gather the personal credentials of the students for enrolment in which the basic personal information such as name of the student, address of the student, mobile number and the personal email-id of the student is to be provided for verification (Lucietti & Chierico, 2016).
Selection of the programme: As there are many programmes provide by the National University of Melbourne the students’ needs to select the stream, the programme for which they want to enrol (Loviglio & Calsamiglia, 2016). The term will also have to be selected by the student for which they will be appearing in the exam. Then this part will verify the selected areas to provide the students to be correct and aware of the selections that are already made by the student.
Selecting the class lectures: In this step the students will be provided with a variety of available courses in the university from which they can choose the courses as well as their class time’s correspondent to the course (Lo et al., 2016). The system will stop the intake of students in a class where the maximum number of students in a class are exceeded and will show the student with the next possible timing of the class for which they can enrol.
Final verification: This stage will provide the students with the selections they made and also give a scope to change their selections in case the student wants to (Cheung & Kwan, 2019). This step is vital as after this step the student will not be allowed to change their made selections.
Payment section: In this system, for the possible selections that are made by the student, the system will auto generate the fees and will lead the student for making the payment. The payment gateway will be designed in such a manner that all the possible payment options will be provided to the students, so that they can choose with the mode of payment they are favourable with (Beneito, Boscá & Ferri, 2018). Then this system will generate a receipt after the verification and the successful payment is made from the student side.
Final Step: This step will be the last step of the whole procedure of enrolment in which the necessary information is provided according to the selections made by the student (Kaur, 2018). This step will provide with the students confirmation about the lectures, programmes they selected and the enrolment will be completed.
Facilities of the System
The enrolment system if implemented by the National University of Melbourne will provide a number of benefits in the business.
The system
- Will provide easier student interface saving the time for the management to deal with every single individual.
- Will provide the business with a proper maintenance of the student’s needs.
- Will provide the business to gain a profit and manage it online as the structure of the payment methods are very clear to the user as well as the business executives.
The structure of the payment gateway will help the business with a great profit as it can be managed as well as many users can access the gateway at the same time (Brett, Croucher & Macintyre, 2016). This will help the end users to ease up the process of enrolment as well as provide the business to save time of the end users. This will also help the users to choose from the variety of the courses in a single platform which is very beneficial.
- Min 1GB of RAM
- Min 512GB of HDD
- Min P4 processor in motherboard
- A Server Software
- A Payment Gateway
- A GUI Software
- A Database software like MySQL.
The management should create a separate department who will be responsible for dedicatedly managing the data present in the enrolment system as well as the selected data of the students (Baik, Naylor & Arkoudis, 2015). This resource will be helpful for the data getting managed effectively.
There must be sufficient financial support that is to be provided for the creation and management of the above said enrolment system. In this case the financial support is provided by the management of the National University which will enhance the system to get financially supported from every aspect.
Technical Feasibility: The technical requirements are quite feasible in terms of the software as well as hardware requirements.
Economic Feasibility: The financial requirements are also feasible as the funding is totally made by the management of the National University.
Legal Feasibility: The privacy or the protection of data is feasibly maintained by the risk management team or the maintenance team.
Operational Feasibility: The operation of the enrolment system is quite easy to access by the users.
The above provided system vision document could be said to be perfectly detailed about the implementation of the software in the enrolment procedure. If the system is designed accordingly to the provided system document, then the enrolment system will be helpful and effective for both the end-users as well as the management of the National University of Melbourne.
Finally it can be concluded that the system will be very effective about the enrolment procedure of the students. This system will be an effective way of communication as well as an excellent way of enrolling the students in the university. The system will critically analyse the selections of the programmes as selected by the students as well as it will provide with the enhancement of the payment procedure about the selected programme. This will help the students to analyse all the programmes offered by the institute as well as the institute will also be beneficial about maintaining the track record of the student who is applying for a selected programme and making the payment for attending the classes.
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