Enquiry Concerning Political Justice System: Utilitarianism, HRM, And CPM

Utilitarianism and its relation to happiness

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Happiness Principle gives focus on the action’s that should be corrected so that the happiness can be promoted and if wrong actions are produced then it can give reverse of happiness. Utilitarianism states that the good actions give a great amount of happiness for the greatest number. It gives focus on increasing the happiness, of the majority of people. The concept is applied at the time of passing the government policies in the form of majority vote. It also gives an evaluation of the actions that are based on the consequences. Happiness is a feeling that gives joy and also encourages to perform in an effective manner (Veenhoven, 2015).

Utilitarianism gives emphasis on the outcome of the actions and not on the intentions behind them. The actions are evaluated by considering the quality of the utility that is offered to the general public. If the majority of people give preference then it is evaluated that high quality and variety is offered that gives maximum level of satisfaction. Utilitarianism considers that the right actions are those actions that enhance the pleasure and reduces the pain. Happiness makes the environment positive and also it helps the individual to perform their actions in a proper manner (Murray, 2013).

It is evaluated that utilitarianism is taken from the principle of happiness. It states that actions are moral when the emphasis is given on the utility and the actions are immoral when the support is given to opposite. The utility is considered as the lack of pain. When a person perceives moral then the actions are focused towards the promotion of utility of the general public. It is also related to the principle of happiness. A moral action is considered when it minimizes the pain and enhances the growing utility (Godwin, 2015).  Utilitarianism considers that if the actions are right then the pleasure can be attained and if the actions are wrong then it will give rise to pain. It also considers that sacrificing one man to save thousands of people can be good because it enhances the happiness globally.

So by this, it is stated that right actions enhance happiness. Personal relationships are not taken into consideration by the Utilitarianism. According to the concept, it is the duty to assist people without giving focus on the consequences (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).  For example, the charity should be given so that the pleasure can be enhanced and pain can be reduced. There are various acts that are not according to utilitarianism, like thinking for yourself, beating up the wife because it gives pleasure to men. So this act is not right and good for utilitarianism (Hughes, 2014).

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Human Resource Management

Utilitarianism is considered as an idea through which the moral values are determined by the contribution made to enhance the happiness of the people. In this, the main focus is on enhancing the happiness of a large number of people. It is stated that the moral should be used as a guide so that the correct decisions can be taken.  According to the concept, it is evaluated that if the person lies, then it is not right. So if the person lies and it maximizes the happiness of the other person, then it can be stated as right. The theory also gives focus on the type of action rather than the consequences of that action. It is believed that the moral decisions should be created by considering the right and duty of the person (Gainer, 2013).

Human resource management is an important aspect of every organization. To conduct the operations smoothly it is essential to take into consideration human resource management. With the rapid change in the organization, it is important to enhance the approach of managing people. It is essential for large as well as for the small organization. In a small company, the process of human resource management is simple as the manager has sufficient time to analyze the employees who are working in the organization. In the large companies, the responsibility is of the whole department to conduct the activities that develop the employees of the organization (Beardwell and Thompson, 2014).

The quality of the staff members can be enhanced, if the needs are satisfied in an effective manner. By investing time in the employees and also by satisfying the needs the company can attain profitability for the long term.  Strategic human resource management gives focus on human resource plans that have long-term goals. The main objective is to increase the efficiency of the employees by giving focus, on the business obstacles that take place externally in the management of human resources. HRM is an effective approach that is related to management of people and it is done in a planned manner so that the goals and objectives can be attained (Purce, 2014). It is the management of the human resources and also the performance of the employee is maximized. The main responsibility of the human resource manager is to enhance the motivation level of the employees so that they can work with their efficiency.

It is also evaluated that the manager should give emphasis on managing the people that enhance the skills and levels of conducting the work. It is also considered as a way that connects the activities of people with the strategy of the organization. Strategic human resource management is a process that is related to those activities that give direct impact on the actions of the individuals and the business performance is also enhanced (Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou, 2016).

Contemporary People Management

Human resource management is a process that gives direct impact on managing the people of the organization. This is also related to hiring of people, retention of the candidates, performance management, and change management. The relationship between the management and employees is also maintained. This approach gives emphasis on the objectives and the results of the human resource management function. When the company manages every operation in an effective manner, then it is evaluated that the employees feel motivated to give their best towards the work (Storey, 2014).

CPM stands for contemporary people management.  It is related to smart human resources that help in managing people and also give support to corporate and individual ambitions. It gives emphasis on meeting the aspirations of the people. It is related to managing the people of the organization.  For conducting the operations in an effective manner, it is essential that there should be proper management so that the goals and objectives can be attained by the organization. Managing people is considered as an important task for an organization. If the employees of the organization are managed then it is analyzed that there is an enhancement in the productivity and profitability level. The efficiency of the employees is enhanced when there is proper management in the organization (Barrow, 2015).

Managing people at work is an essential activity in the organization. In the recent scenario, the management of people at work has become as an important aspect due to the change in the external environment in which the organization conducts the operations. The managers have the responsibility to manage the people of the organization. Management is considered as an important aspect that should be taken into consideration by every organization so that success can be attained (Alon and Lehrer, 2017).

It is analyzed that HRM and CPM can be reconciled if proper management is taken into consideration by the organization. Human resource management is related to the management of human resources. The human resource department tries to enhance the performance of the employees who are working in the organization. It is concerned with the proper management of people within the organization and also gives emphasis on policies and plans adopted by the organization. In the concept of HRM and CPM, the friendly relation is essential as it enhances the effective relationship between the employees and the top management.

An organization should have an effective relationship between the manager and the employees who are working in the organization. An effective relationship between employee and the manager is essential as it enhances the success of the organization. Human resource management and contemporary people management plays a great role in enhancing the relationship between the employees and the top management. Contemporary people management is done by the managers and also human resource management is taken into consideration by the managers of the organization. So, it is analyzed that there should be peace and harmony in the organization so that the operations can be conducted smoothly.

So, it is evaluated that HRM and CPM are considered as an important aspect of the organization. For attaining growth and success in the market, the organization should give focus on proper management. If there is proper management of people in the organization, then the goals and objectives can be easily accomplished. Proper management also enhances the working pattern of the employees and enhances the productivity level of the organization.


Alon, S. and Lehrer, E., 2017. Subjective Utilitarianism: Decisions in a social context.

Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Barrow, R., 2015. Utilitarianism: A contemporary statement. Routledge.

Beardwell, J. and Thompson, A., 2014. Human resource management: a contemporary approach. Pearson Education.

Gainer, M., 2013. Assessing Happiness Inequality in the Welfare State: Self-Reported Happiness and the Rawlsian Difference Principle. Social indicators research, 114(2), pp.453-464.

Godwin, W., 2015. Enquiry concerning political justice: and its influence on morals and happiness. Penguin UK.

Hughes, J.L., 2014. The role of happiness in Kant’s Ethics. Aporía, 14(1), pp.61-72.

Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A., 2016. Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers.

Murray, C., 2013. In pursuit: Of happiness and good government. Liberty Fund.

Purce, J., 2014. The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67.

Storey, J., 2014. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals). Routledge.

Veenhoven, R., 2015. Happiness as a priority in social policy: The greatest happiness principle.

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