ENISA Big Data Security: Threats And Strategies
Overview of Case Study
ENISA is an abbreviation for European Union Agency for Network and Information Security. It is a centre that has been set up for the maintenance and improvement of the information and network security across Europe. A case study has been covered on the Big Data threats that are associated with ENISA and an ENISA Technology Landscape (ETL) was published discussing the same in the year 2016. Big Data is a term that refers to the huge volumes of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data that may comprise of data of different data types. There are many threats that have been discussed in the case study that are associated with Big Data. The threats that have been described in the case study mainly include the eavesdropping/interception/hijacking threats, nefarious activity/abuse, unintentional loss and damage of IT assets and information, organizational threats due to skill shortage and legal threats (Enisa, 2016).
The case study is spread across seven sections and there are sub-sections and appendices that are also included. Section one provides an introduction to the case study covering the policy context, scope, target audience, methodology and structure of the document. It is followed by the discussion of Big Data environments and assets in sections two and three respectively. Big Data threats and threat agents have been illustrated in section four and five followed by good practices and gap analysis in sections six and seven.
There are a lot of elements that are involved in the Big Data architecture. These elements include the data sources, integration process, data storage, analytics and computing models along with the presentation. All of these elements further include various components and entities. Due to the involvement of so many entities and the requirement to manage huge clusters of data sets, there are various risks that are associated with ENISA Big Data.
There may be security risks and attacks in the form of eavesdropping attacks, malware attacks, information breaches, loss and leakage. These may result in legal obligations as well. There may also be organizational issues that may result in compromise of security.
It is, therefore, required to develop a security infrastructure to deal with the Big Data threats. The security structure must include the security of the Big Data components at various levels and shall include a mix of administrative as well as logical control for the enhancement of security.
The security infrastructure for ENISA Big Data Security has been illustrated above. It comprises of five different sections with various sub-components that would make sure that the overall security of the Big Data is enhanced and is maintained as well.
There are a number of security threats and attacks that may take place on the Big Data sets that are associated with ENISA. The major threat categories that have been identified include eavesdropping/interception/hijacking threats, nefarious activity/abuse, unintentional loss and damage of IT assets and information, organizational threats due to skill shortage and legal threats. There are specific threats that come under each of these threat categories which may lead to the compromise of the safety and privacy of Big Data.
ENISA Big Data Security Infrastructure Diagram
Out of the various threats that have been identified in association with Big Data, the most significant threat category is the unintentional damage/loss of IT information or IT assets. This is due to the reason that there are a lot many causes and reasons that are associated with this particular form of security attack. The loss of information in the cloud is one of the most significant threats with high probability. There are a lot many different agencies, units and organizations that come under ENISA. Each of these entities makes use of cloud for information storage and management. There are also a lot many business activities, services and operations that are carried out using the cloud computing services. Due to the varied nature of operations and the enhanced number of operators, the information and data may get loss or may get leaked in the cloud environment. This may be unintentional in most of the cases due to a technical or an operational fault. However, it may possess a lot of danger to the privacy of the information on the cloud (Ko & Dorantes, 2016).
There can be varied data sets of huge volumes that may be available on the cloud. These data sets may comprise of the information that may be public, private, sensitive, confidential or critical in nature. The properties of information such as its privacy, availability, integrity and confidentiality may get violated due to the loss of information in the cloud. The data leaks may have an impact on the associated IT assets as well. There have been a number of such cases that have been reported in the past and there are measures that have been taken to put a check on the same. However, the occurrence of these risks and threats are still continuing which may cause a lot of trouble for the entities that come under ENISA (Amato, 2016).
The threats that have been identified in association with Big Data involve a lot many threat agents. These agents are the carriers of threats that assist in shaping and execution of the threat.
- Cyber Criminals: These are the categories of threat agents that give shape to the nefarious activities in the cyber space and they have a selfish motive associated with the attacks. The attacks that are performed by these agents are deliberate and intentional in nature so that they may gain benefits as a result. There may be legal actions that may be taken if the attacks are reported and these criminals are identified.
- Online social hackers: These agents are also known as Hacktivists and these give shape to the social engineering attacks. The primary targets of these agents are the high profile web sites along with military institutions so that they may achieve a one-time high profit as a result of the execution of the attacks (Wood, 2016).
- Nation States: Many of the top threats are given shape by these threat agents that make use of the huge number of resources and cyber intelligence for threat execution. These threats agents give shape to the security attacks so that the damage that is caused is huge and severe.
- Employees: There are members of the staff that are associated with every organization. The unintentional data loss and leakages are primarily caused by these threat agents due to certain technical or operational fault. They may also be involved in other deliberate and intentional attacks so that they make gain benefits as a result.
- Cyber Terrorists: These agents may be motivated due to a political or a religious reason behind the execution of an attack. The forms of attacks that are given shape by these agents may have some extremely severe impacts (Casey, Koeberl, & Vishik, 2010).
- Script Kiddies: These are the unskilled individuals that may cause the attacks and threats to take place due to their malicious code or program.
There are a lot of measures that may be taken to reduce the impact of the threat agents that have been classified and discussed above.
Employees are the primary carriers of the threats and a large share of such threats are not intentional in nature. These are caused due to an operational mistake or an error. The impact can be minimized by providing the trainings and discussion sessions to the employees to inform them about the best practices that shall be followed along with the corrections that they make apply in case of an error. It is also necessary to apply enhanced administrative control so that the frequency of such attacks is reduced.
There are many of the threat agents that give shape to the deliberate threats, such as, eavesdropping attacks and many of the nefarious activities. These threat agents include cyber criminals and cyber terrorists along with nation states and online social hackers. The best possible method to control the impact of these threat agents is the enhancement of the legal and regulatory policies for information protection and safety. There shall also be technical and logical controls that must be implemented so that any of the nefarious activities attempted by these agents is avoided.
Script kiddies must be explained and made aware about the legal obligations that they may have to face in case they are found guilty of executing a security threat. There shall be sessions and awareness campaigns that must be launched so that the required information is adequately communicated.
In addition to the above measures, strong administrative control and monitoring shall also be used and applied so that the impact of these threat agents is reduced. These administrative checks must include the regular security audits, security reviews and inspections to be carried out to obtain a picture of the security state. This will lead to the detection of the areas of improvements and will also lead to the maintenance of the security logs.
The probability of the threats keeps on changing on the basis of the technological tools that are used, information sets that are targeted, legal and regulatory policies and many other factors. In case of the security threats that are associated with ENISA Big Data, there are certain threats that have a higher probability that the rest. These high probability threats include denial of service threats, ransomware attacks, phishing and spam. The reason behind the high probability of these threats is the benefits that the threat agents and the attackers may gain. In case of denial of service or the ransomware attacks, the attackers may be provided with a huge amount of ransom in response to the attack. There are users who cannot deal with the unavailability of the services and applications and will agree to pay the ransom amount to the attackers. Attacks such as malware attacks, integration abuse and man in the middle attacks have a medium probability as there are many countermeasures that have been developed in order to deal with such security risks and attacks. There are a number of physical, technical and administrative controls that has been applied so that such attacks are reduced and dealt properly. Botnets and identity thefts have a low probability due to enhanced authentication and access control that is being used in ENISA (Nichols, 2016).
There are various improvements that can be made in the ETL process so as to prevent, detect and control the Big Data security threats and issues.
There are many different mechanisms that are in use by ENISA so that the overall security architecture is improved and the frequency of the threats and attacks is reduced. In case of Big Data, there is a huge variety of data and massive data volumes that are involved. It is, therefore, recommended to make sure of the security measures that are as per the latest technological developments and enhancements.
Encryption of the data files in the database and one the cloud is necessary. It is being done at present; however, there are several advancements that gave been made in this area. These advancements include the use of advanced encryption algorithms along with the hashing algorithms that may be used and applied for enhanced protection of the information. In such a manner, the attackers will not be able to misuse the information even if they succeed in the attempt to breach the information.
It is also necessary to reduce the attacking window and attacking surface in order to avoid and prevent the security risks and attacks. This can be done by frequently updating the applications and services so that the version specific attacks are avoided. Also, the data and information shall be re-located so that the attackers may not target a particular address for attacking the information.
There are various errors and steps that the users and employees take that result in the execution of the threats and attacks. These can be controlled by promoting user awareness and providing training sessions to the employees. In this manner, the security threats and attacks due to an operational mistake or a human error will be avoided (Microsoft, 2016).
The primary focus for the ETL processes should be on the high probability attacks and the ones that may have a huge impact. There are certain forms of the threats and attacks that are difficult to track and control. For instance, in case of a use of an unsecure network by the end-user outside the infrastructure of ENISA, then it would be challenging to apply security controls and protocols (Panetta, 2016). The access control shall therefore be applied by making use of the advanced access control measures such as attribute based and role based access control.
There are also challenges that may come up in the attacks that are associated with the internal employees of the organization. There must be ethical and professional codes of conduct that must be discussed with them so that the deliberate and intentional threats are avoided.
With the aid of an amalgamation of technical, physical and administrative controls, it would be possible to put a check on the ENISA Big Data security threats and attacks.
Current IT Security State of ENISA – Recommendations & Conclusion
ENISA has taken a lot many steps to make sure that the security risks and attacks are avoided, prevented and controlled. However, in spite of so many attempts and measures that have been taken by ENISA, the frequency of the security occurrences and events is still high. It is due to this reason that ENISA should not be satisfied with the present state of its IT security structure.
There are newer forms of security risks and threats that are being created by the attackers and the Big Data that is associated with ENISA is exposed to such risks and attacks. There are a huge number of unintentional attacks that take place in association with Big Data which should not happen. There are six different types of threat agents, viz. cyber criminals, cyber terrorists, employees, script kiddies, nation states and online social hackers that act as carriers to the risk and attacks. Most of these threat agents give shape to the attacks that are deliberate and intentional in nature. There is only application of strong security policies and controls that can stop these attacks (Aws, 2016).
The primary requirement is therefore to improve the IT security state by introducing enhanced measures for the security of IT infrastructure and architecture. These enhancements shall be done in the form of technical controls, logical controls along with the administrative policies and controls. It is also necessary to make sure that the employees of the organizations are aware of the ethical standards and professional codes of conduct to be followed. The users must also be made aware of the common security attacks and the safety measures that they may take.
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