Enhancing Rural Resilience In Yemen

Overview of the Enhanced Rural Resilience Program in Yemen

The project mainly focuses on “enhancing rural resilience in Yemen” which is a joint programme funded by the European Union. The enhanced rural resilience program in Yemen is a three-year joint program, which was mainly implemented by four participating UN organizations named United Nations development program, World Food Programme, international labour organization and food and agricultural organization. The program that was implemented for strengthening community resilience planning, livelihood improvement, assets rehabilitation for community as well as access to solar energy. The entire program will be completed in 3 years within the budget of 4A5 million.

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The poverty rate of Yemen doubled to 62% during 2014 and as a result, the people are unable to meet their basic needs properly due to exacerbation of chronic vulnerabilities. Displacement, conflict as we without a proper source of income at a time where there is all as economic declines are generally creating severe pressure on various essential basic services and as a result the institutions that provide them generally pushes them total collapse. The salaries for teachers, facility staff as well as other public sector remain unpaid and as result, it keeps 1.25 million and their 6.9 dependents where there rise in process. Due to this, about 8 million people of Yemen have lost their livelihood and are generally living in communities with no basic services. Therefore, communities generally lie in rural areas that need support for strengthening their resilience.

The main goal of the project is to enhance rural resilience in Yemen by strengthening community resilience planning, livelihoods improvements, and community productive assets rehabilitation as well as by accessing solar energy so that the communities can be able to manage the local risks as well as shocks for enhanced economic self-resilience as well as enhanced social cohesion.

 The objectives of the project includes:

  • To strengthening community resilience planning, community productive assets rehabilitation, livelihoods improvement as well as access to solar energy
  • To bridge the gap between humanitarian response as well as development aid
  • To protect livelihoods by creating livelihood opportunities

Task Name

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Enhancing Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY)

761 days

Thu 17-03-16

Thu 14-02-19

   Improvement of community livelihoods and productive assets

252 days

Thu 17-03-16

Fri 03-03-17

       Strengthening of community based governance system

43 days

Thu 17-03-16

Mon 16-05-16

          Establishing as well as operationalizing Village cooperative council through technical support and training

12 days

Thu 17-03-16

Fri 01-04-16

          Developing community resilience plans as well as community initiatives

16 days

Mon 04-04-16

Mon 25-04-16

          Providing block grant as per the community compact

15 days

Tue 26-04-16

Mon 16-05-16

         Milestone 1: Completion of Strengthening of community based governance system

0 days

Mon 25-04-16

Mon 25-04-16

      Providing livelihood opportunities with the help of stabilized cash as well as vouchers

47 days

Tue 17-05-16

Wed 20-07-16

          Validating target community target in coordination with various target districts

15 days

Tue 17-05-16

Mon 06-06-16

          Carrying out screening as well as project validation with the help of environmental protection criteria

12 days

Tue 07-06-16

Wed 22-06-16

          Preparing micro-project implementation plans

20 days

Thu 23-06-16

Wed 20-07-16

         Milestone 2: Completion of Providing livelihood opportunities with the help of stabilized cash as well as vouchers

0 days

Wed 22-06-16

Wed 22-06-16

       Creation of income generated revenue with the help of enterprise recovery

65 days

Thu 21-07-16

Wed 19-10-16

          Conducting market assessment in targeted governorates for identifying viable social businesses

14 days

Thu 21-07-16

Tue 09-08-16

          Selecting beneficiaries as per the vulnerability criteria that is agreed on various national counterparts

15 days

Wed 10-08-16

Tue 30-08-16

          Developing capacities of beneficiaries in life as well as business development skills

14 days

Wed 31-08-16

Mon 19-09-16

          Complement beneficiaries seed capital for creating social business

10 days

Tue 20-09-16

Mon 03-10-16

          Establishment of business venturing

12 days

Tue 04-10-16

Wed 19-10-16

         Milestone 3: Completion of Creation of income generated revenue with the help of enterprise recovery

0 days

Mon 03-10-16

Mon 03-10-16

       Development off skills of agricultural value chains in men and women

97 days

Thu 20-10-16

Fri 03-03-17

          Identification of various key agricultural value for women and men

17 days

Thu 20-10-16

Fri 11-11-16

          Identification of opportunities related with agricultural value chain

22 days

Mon 14-11-16

Tue 13-12-16

          Provisioning of inputs to the farmers for the realization of various value chain

12 days

Wed 14-12-16

Thu 29-12-16

         Establishment of FSS in various targeted locations

12 days

Fri 30-12-16

Mon 16-01-17

         Technical training to the farmers on skills that are needed for value chain development

22 days

Tue 17-01-17

Wed 15-02-17

          Institutionalization of various FSS approach

12 days

Thu 16-02-17

Fri 03-03-17

         Milestone 4: Completion of Development off skills of agricultural value chains in men and women value

0 days

Wed 15-02-17

Wed 15-02-17

   Communities benefit from solar energy for various sustainable livelihoods opportunities

227 days

Mon 06-03-17

Tue 16-01-18

      Expansion of solar energy applications

61 days

Mon 06-03-17

Mon 29-05-17

          Mapping solar energy insecurity gaps

10 days

Mon 06-03-17

Fri 17-03-17

         Development as well implementation of awareness training program and campaign that focuses on various decision makers

23 days

Mon 20-03-17

Wed 19-04-17

         Sharing practices as well as experiences for scale -up

18 days

Thu 20-04-17

Mon 15-05-17

         Develop programme frame working solar

10 days

Tue 16-05-17

Mon 29-05-17

         Milestone 5: Completion of expansion of solar energy applications

0 days

Mon 15-05-17

Mon 15-05-17

       Decentralization of solar energy that is installed in various public centres

50 days

Tue 30-05-17

Mon 07-08-17

         Analysing and defining short term solar energy priorities

12 days

Tue 30-05-17

Wed 14-06-17

          Designing phase out road map for technical installation of feasible communal solar energy services

18 days

Thu 15-06-17

Mon 10-07-17

          Training various local cooperatives on maintaining of community solar energy system

20 days

Tue 11-07-17

Mon 07-08-17

         Milestone 6: Completion of decentralization of solar energy that is installed in various public centres

0 days

Mon 10-07-17

Mon 10-07-17

       Introduction of solar energy for supporting enhancement of rural community resilience for energy

63 days

Tue 08-08-17

Thu 02-11-17

         Analysing future and critical present needs of energy

14 days

Tue 08-08-17

Fri 25-08-17

         Identifying various demonstration sites for refining roles of stakeholders

16 days

Mon 28-08-17

Mon 18-09-17

         Designing as well as stalling pilot solar energy systems

18 days

Tue 19-09-17

Thu 12-10-17

          Development of capacity building program for maintaining micro-business on solar energy

15 days

Fri 13-10-17

Thu 02-11-17

         Milestone 7: Completion of introduction of solar energy for supporting enhancement of rural community resilience for energy

0 days

Thu 12-10-17

Thu 12-10-17

      Marketing of developed micro-business

53 days

Fri 03-11-17

Tue 16-01-18

          Assessing solar market potential for supporting solar energy sector

18 days

Fri 03-11-17

Tue 28-11-17

          Development of strategic solar market mix program

16 days

Wed 29-11-17

Wed 20-12-17

         Supporting building networking and partnership

19 days

Thu 21-12-17

Tue 16-01-18

         Milestone 8: marketing of developed micro business

0 days

Wed 20-12-17

Wed 20-12-17

   Promoting social cohesion through community dialogue

117 days

Wed 17-01-18

Thu 28-06-18

       Establishment of water user association

62 days

Wed 17-01-18

Thu 12-04-18

          Building relationship of trust or creating WUA

24 days

Wed 17-01-18

Mon 19-02-18

         Enhancing profitability and production by improving processing and marketing

20 days

Tue 20-02-18

Mon 19-03-18

          Promoting discussion on the potential for water market

18 days

Tue 20-03-18

Thu 12-04-18

         Milestone 9: Completion of establishment of water user association

0 days

Mon 19-03-18

Mon 19-03-18

      Resolving community level conflicts

55 days

Fri 13-04-18

Thu 28-06-18

          Conduction of community level conflict and situation analysis

18 days

Fri 13-04-18

Tue 08-05-18

         Capacity development through mentoring

15 days

Wed 09-05-18

Tue 29-05-18

          Innovative approaches supported with small grants

22 days

Wed 30-05-18

Thu 28-06-18

         Milestone 10: Completion of Resolving community level conflicts

0 days

Tue 29-05-18

Tue 29-05-18

   Enabling functions, capacity as well as financing for delivering improved service

219 days

Sun 15-04-18

Thu 14-02-19

       Local authorities are better for planning monitoring as well as co-ordaining aid and recovery

75 days

Fri 29-06-18

Thu 11-10-18

         Conducting public service damage assessment

18 days

Fri 29-06-18

Tue 24-07-18

         Reactivating DMT and restoring public service delivery

17 days

Wed 25-07-18

Thu 16-08-18

         Establishing coordination mechanism at the governorate level

16 days

Fri 17-08-18

Fri 07-09-18

          Providing technical advice to the project team of UNDP

24 days

Mon 10-09-18

Thu 11-10-18

         Milestone 11: Completion of local authorities are better for planning monitoring as well as co-ordaining aid and recovery

0 days

Thu 11-10-18

Thu 11-10-18

      – Increasing local capacity of local actors

193 days

Sun 15-04-18

Wed 09-01-19

         Strengthening local capacity of local training

16 days

Fri 12-10-18

Fri 02-11-18

          Conducting participatory value chain analysis

12 days

Mon 05-11-18

Tue 20-11-18

         Designing and implementing private sector led apprenticeship schemes

22 days

Wed 21-11-18

Thu 20-12-18

         Developing, testing Work services pilot

14 days

Fri 21-12-18

Wed 09-01-19

         Milestone 12: Completion of increasing local capacity of local actors

0 days

Sun 15-04-18

Sun 15-04-18

       Strengthen partnership with the private sector

26 days

Thu 10-01-19

Thu 14-02-19

          Mapping active and economic credible entities

14 days

Thu 10-01-19

Tue 29-01-19

         Building capacities of business associations and economic institutions

12 days

Wed 30-01-19

Thu 14-02-19

         Milestone 13: Completion of strengthen partnership with private sector

0 days

Thu 14-02-19

Thu 14-02-19




 Counter measures



 Ongoing war as well as conflicting parties generally control various political and geographical areas

 Political risks

 Conflicting parties generally creates influence to benefit only one part of the parties due to the programme interventions.

 Communication with local authorities helps in clarifying the objectives of program interventions as well as impartiality

 Project officers, specialist cohesion specialists and project officers


Deterioration of security solution

 Security risks

 It is found that implementations constraints due to limited access to the target areas of the agencies as well as due to enhancing threat levels of the various international staffs.

 Regular security review with the partners are quite helpful in monitoring the security conditions and for taking remedial actions as required. In addition to this, it is identified that implementation of modalities are less dependent on various staffs and are generally likely to be impacted by the various security increments. Furthermore, procuring as well as identifying goods as well as services locally helps in ensuring sustainability.

 Project manager and Solar energy manager


 Lack of financial resources

Regulatory risks

 It is found that no sustainability of project impacts until capacity of local authorities improved.

 It is very much important to develop the capacity of various local authorities for supporting the local levels as well as resource mobilization. Additionally the project also helps in providing support to various local authorities’ operational support during the implementation of the project.

 Technical specialist


 Continuing humanitarian crisis

 Project risk

 Due to continuous humanitarian crisis, beneficiaries’ immediate needs generally does not focus on various subsistent needs and due to absence of space for midterm investment for planning commitment.

 It is identified that interventions are generally planned for meeting the subsistent needs and for creating space for people’s future investment planning and in addition to this, communities generally clarify the benefits of various interventions for resilience.

 Project managers

Communication officers and

Project officers



Financial risk

  Due to inflation there is lack of various types of financial resources in order to deliver the results.

 It is identified that payment to the partners in USD are generally done as per the agreed criteria

 Project managers


Recruitment delay of some staffs and specialists

 Operational risk

 It is identified that due to recruitment delay of various staffs and specialists there is delay in the solar energy implementation as well as delay in various financial services.

 It is assumed by the program officer from the livelihood restoration team that the project manager will work until the entire recruitment procedure gets completed.

 Programme officer


 Collapse of financial system

 Financial risk

 It is identified that the lack of liquidity creates difficulties in transportation.

It can be resolved by assessing the feasibility of utilizing alternatives financial providers including various micro-finance institutors, exchange officers. In addition to this, it is quite necessary to support cash based interventions for establishing partnership with various financial providers in order to provide appropriate liquidity.

 Project managers


 Perception that  UN’s perception is not impartial

 Strategic risk

 Greater requirement for conflicting sensitivity mechanism for cutinisation of various program activities are generally accused.

 It is identified that the problem can be easily resolved by continuous engagement and by monitoring number of perceptions at the community level. Working with various neutral, local as well as socially accepted partners as well as continuously sharing of local knowledge is quite important for resolving issues. In addition to this the investment within the program by properly selecting the beneficiaries with the, local partners as well as various community members.

 Project officers and Technical specialist


 Limited capacity of implementing partners

Operational risk

 It generally leads to limited technical, managerial as well as financial expertise.

 It can be resolved by working with local partners that have generally under various projects where possible including the PBF. It generally builds capacity of implementation partners including training initiatives with the help of current program as well as other UNCT projects.

Project status


 It is assumed that the project of “enhancing rural resilience in Yemen will be completed within the budget of around 30 million. The cost that is associated with various resources as well as materials of the project are listed in the table below:


Total budget (USD)

 Staff as well as other personal costs


Materials, commodities as well as supplies

4,331, 500.33

Equipment’s, furniture, vehicles including depreciation


Contractual services




Transfers and Grants to Counterparts


Other direct cost including operating cost

2,024,882.83 7

Indirect support charge (7%)

2,463,054.01 8

 Total cost including indirect support charge


The stakeholders who are involved with the project are listed in the table below with their responsibilities:



 UNDP senior management

 The senior management of UNDP takes proper actions about the project in order to enhance Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) so that the communities can be able to manage the local risks as well as shocks for enhanced economic self-resilience.

 ERRY programme manager

 The program manager mainly arranges the program of rural resilience in Yemen in order to resolve the issues that the people of Yemen are facing by strengthening community resilience planning, community productive assets rehabilitation, livelihoods improvement as well as access to solar energy.

Project Officers

 The project officers mainly engage in the project of enhancing Enhance Rural Resilience in Yemen (ERRY) for improving the livelihood of the people by providing them proper facility for strengthening the community resilience.

Social Cohesion Specialist

 The social cohesion specialist mainly engages in overseeing as well as managing the day to day activities of the project for capacity improvement of the entire program so that entire program can be properly implemented for improving the livelihood of people in Yemen.

Technical specialists

 The technical specialist mainly engages in developing, promoting the technical solutions which helps in supporting the business requirement of the program so that the people can get proper facility for enhancing the rural resilience of Yemen.

 Solar energy project manager

The solar energy project manager mainly engages in developing solar programme framework for defining the immediate, medium as well as long terms actions fort resilience building in the project.

Communication Officers

 The communication officers utilizes appropriate communication strategies in order to communicate appropriate with other stakeholders of the organization so that no issues occurs within the project due to communication gap. In addition to this, they are mainly responsible of conveying information organizations external as well as internal messages.

Communication type

Objective of communication





 Project team meeting

 Project team meeting is mainly arranged in order to discuss about the needs as well as requirements of the project so that the rural resilience of Yemen can be enhanced successfully.

Face to face

and conference hall

 As needed

 Project sponsor and project member

 Project manager

Kick off meeting

 The kick off meeting is mainly arranged in order to discuss about the objectives as well as goals of the project.

Face to face


 Project sponsor

Project officers

Monthly status meeting

 The status meeting is mainly arranged in order to discuss about the status of the project for ensuring that entire project will be completed successfully on time.

 Face to face

Conference hall

 As needed

Project team

Program officers

Project status requests

 Reporting about the status of the project is mainly done in order to provide proper assurance that the entire project is on track and it will be successfully completed within the assumed time and budget.

 Face to face

Conference hall


Project sponsor

Project manager

Program officers

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