Enhancing Employee Motivation And Customer Care In Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London
Factors that Help Retaining Employees and Enhancing Customer Care
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The employees should be happy and satisfied working in the organization. Once the employees will be happy, they will carry out the work in an efficient manner. In the present situation, Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London is suffering from employee turnover. In addition to this, they are receiving complaints from the customers. Once the employees in the hotel will be satisfied, they will stay in the organization for a longer period and eventually will serve the customers in a better manner (Bratton and Gold 2012). Some of the factors that will help retaining the employees and help in enhancement of customers care are:
Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation will help the managers of the organization retain the employees (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Proper rewards and timely payment will help in extrinsic motivation. Taking care of the employees by looking after the well-being of the employees will help in the intrinsic motivation.
The managers should indulge transformational leadership to get the employees involved in the work. A transformational leader not only thinks of personal benefits but also looks after the development of the employees working in the organization (Buller and McEvoy 2012). Making the employees learn new things rather than just indulging in reward and punishment will make the employees feel good about the workplace. They will work harder and will feel better about the leaders who are thinking of the employees as well as the organization.
The employees should know about the duties to follow in the organizational and the organizational goals (Stahl, Björkman and Morris 2012). Changes should be clearly communicated to the employees. There should be no hidden information that employees will come to know later. The salary of the employees, the benefits and the penalties should b also be communicate properly
Once Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London will follow the above factors, chances are high that the employees will remain loyal to the organization and will serve the customers in a better manner. The motivation will make the employees perform well and take care of the customers. The transformational leadership will make them feel good at the workplace and they might give extra effort to enhance the business of the hotel. Once they will be aware of all the perks and the conditions, they will take measures that they are able to get those benefits and mistake that might land them into trouble.
The responsibility of the junior employees to enhance customer service
The junior employees should listen to the customers. The customers give good feedback as well as the bad feedbacks. The junior employees should listen to all the feedbacks. The junior employees should report the feedback of the customers to the senior authorities so that they are able to take necessary steps to enhance the service (Cina 2013).
The first impression at times works wonders for the customers (Wu 2013). The customers come to the hotel either for work or for spending leisure time. The customers expect good behavior from the employees in the hotel. As a result, the employees should treat them properly and cheerfully so that they come back to the hotel.
The junior employees are the ones who are in constant touch with the customers. The feedback that they will bring from the customers will help the managers should to understand the issues the customers are facing in the hotel (Rego, Morgan and Fornell 2013). The managers should the news of the issues to the CEOs. Depending on the feedback, the CEOs could decide the changes that should be brought in the organization
The senior managers are given the duty responsibility to respond to the queries of the customers (Yu et al. 2013). If there is any query posted by the customers in the website, then the query should be resolved as early as possible. The fast service by the senior managers will help the organization in retaining the customers. The satisfied customers will help promote the hotels in the market through word of mouth.
The manger should not differentiate between the customers (Vega-Vazquez, Ángeles Revilla-Camacho and J. Cossío-Silva 2013). The customers are free to choose between the economic packages and the luxury packages, all the customers should be treated equally by the managers. The services will vary according to the choice of the packages but the behavior of the managers should not change depending on the type of packages the customers are availing. If the customers feel that they are being differentiated based on the rate of the packages or the rooms, they might not avail the services in the future.
The CEOs have to decide the services that the customers would be given when they come to the hotel. The CEOs decide the expenditure that would require giving the services to the customers. The rate of the rooms and the amount of facilities is decided depending on the amount the customer is paying for the service. However, the CEOs should not consider the services as the cost but as investment (Cina 2013). The better the services will be, the more customers will pour in.
Proper Leadership Style
The efficiency of the employees is directly proportional to the satisfaction of the customers (Wu 2013). Once the employees will be efficient in their job, the customers will be happy with work of the employees. However, for gaining more customers, the CEOs should set the goals and services, which the employees will be able to achieve. To enhance the service provided to the customers, it is important that the employees should set a high standard for themselves. However, the standards should not be that much high that it turns against the customers.
As it has been discussed that the mangers should not differentiate between the customers, similarly the CEOs should introduce packages for all types of customers. The CEOs should packages that should attract both the low-budget and high-budget customers (Rego, Morgan and Fornell 2013). In that way, all types of customers will be able to come to the hotel, which in turn will enhance the business of the hotel.
The managers in an organization are responsible for taking care of the employees (Bratton and Gold 2012). In Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London, there has been a sudden increase in the employee turnover. The managers are noticing some of the issues. The complaints from the customers have thrown light on other issues as well. The managers should manage the time and the duty hours in such a manner so that the employees get proper rest and are able to carry out their duties in the hotel. Some of the time-management strategies and their positive effect ion the customer service are as follows:
The employees should be given work that they could carry out in the given timeframe or in the duty hours (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Extra pressure will not only affect their health but will also deteriorate the quality of services. Hence, the hotel should employ more people and change the duty at regular intervals. However, hiring more employees will have extra expenditure on the part of the organization, yet it will enhance the quality of the services. The employees will be refreshed after the rest and they will be able to deliver well in the organization. Once, the employees will feel that the steps taken by the organization are for the employees then they will fell good and work harder for the organization.
Doing similar job everyday will make the work for the employees monotonous (Buller and McEvoy 2012). As human beings likes change hence the employees should be trained to carry out different kinds of jobs. For example, the employees’ should be given different floors to handle. If one of the employees is at the reception, the same employee can manage the store. However, a thorough training will be required for the employees. The employees will also feel good to acquire the knowledge as it will help them in building their career.
knowledge as it will help them in buildi
The environment of the workplace should be good and should not pose any hazard for the employees (Stahl, Björkman and Morris 2012). The place should be maintained properly. Any issues regarding the construction, the managers should check electricity or any other hazard properly. The employees should feel secured in the organization and should not be stressed out.
The employees need holidays and leaves on a periodic basis so that they can rejuvenate for the work. The same applies for the employees in the hotel (Stahl, Björkman and Morris 2012). The employees should get proper weekly holidays and long holidays so that they do not get pressurized due to the work. The employees will not suffer from any stress and it will enhance the quality of their work
The above-mentioned time management strategies will make the work enjoyable for the employees. The employees will not be pressurized and will be able to handle the job more efficiently. The customers will be satisfied by the services of the employees and will come back to the hotel in future.
Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012. Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan.
Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight. Human resource management review, 22(1), pp.43-56.
Cina, C., 2013. Creating an effective customer satisfaction program. Journal of Consumer Marketing.
Rego, L.L., Morgan, N.A. and Fornell, C., 2013. Reexamining the market share-customer satisfaction relationship. Journal of Marketing, 77(5), pp.1-20.
Stahl, G.K., Björkman, I. and Morris, S. eds., 2012. Handbook of research in international human resource management. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Vega-Vazquez, M., Ángeles Revilla-Camacho, M. and J. Cossío-Silva, F., 2013. The value co-creation process as a determinant of customer satisfaction. Management Decision, 51(10), pp.1945-1953.
Wu, L., 2013. The antecedents of customer satisfaction and its link to complaint intentions in online shopping: An integration of justice, technology, and trust. International Journal of Information Management, 33(1), pp.166-176.
Yu, W., Jacobs, M.A., Salisbury, W.D. and Enns, H., 2013. The effects of supply chain integration on customer satisfaction and financial performance: An organizational learning perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 146(1), pp.346-358.