Enhancing Efficiency In Grocery Shops: A Framework For Managing Store Operations
This article upholds the importance of management in the online sales through the means of logistic models. Due to the transformations in the marketing activities, there has been inadequate research on the practices for distributing the products to the customers. However, scarcity prevails in the research on the management strategies for distribution channel in retail marketing, which lacks strategic planning (Hübner, Kuhn & Wollenburg, 2016). This article attempts to develop a framework for constructing planning towards “last mile fulfilment” for enhancing the efficiency in the grocery shops. Explorative design and qualitative data collection enhances the awareness of the readers regarding the practices involved in the managing the retail store operations. Typical evidence of this lies in the interviews conducted on the retail store and logistic experts.
Logistics planning is segregated into back end fulfilment and last mile distribution concepts. The design choices are exclusive to the store owners in terms of planning the managing the store operations. Within this, Hübner, Kuhn and Wollenburg, (2016) makes mention of specific components like capability for cross channel process integration, which helps in mapping the areas to be covered for controlling the store operations. This integration process contradicts the situations of “in-store thefts. This technique is fruitful in terms of reducing the instances of store thefts.
I think last mile fulfilment technique is beneficial in terms of optimizing the integration of omni-channel integrations. Adopting this technique is assistance for the grocers towards fulfilling the concepts, which needs to be used in different contexts of managing the store operations. After conducting a thorough review of the source, I have learnt that foundations in the field of research regarding the frameworks for managing the store operations are a cornerstone towards enhancing the productivity through the decision supporting systems.
Source 2: Bamfield, J. (2018). International Trends in Retail Crime and Prevention Practices. In Retail Crime (pp. 33-53). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
The article enhances the awareness of the readers regarding the measures taken by the retail stores for preventing the crimes. These measures include measuring the loss outputs. Within this, focus has been placed on the investments made towards acquiring innovative technologies for curbing the crimes (Bamfield, 2018). As a matter of specification, the article sheds light on the specific crimes, which the retailers encounter in the process of managing the store operations. These are customer theft, employee deviance, which is persisting in the retail industry since a long time. The article also emphasizes on the instances of frauds, which have also gained a significant position within the crimes associated with the retail store operations.
Assessment of the validity of the source
Situations like thefts attains commonality in the present scenario. These instances aggravate the complexities of the stores in terms of fulfilling the specific needs, demands and requirements of the clients and the customers. Moreover, Bamfield, (2018) is of the view that thefts delays the process of supplying the products to the clients and the customers according to the requirements. This degrades the stability in the public relations, indicative of vulnerability, which might get added into the market position of the retail stores. In order to prevent these crimes, measures like control, framework are needed.
I think CCTV cameras are an efficient means for controlling the situations of thefts within the stores. This is an innovative step for regulating the store operations in terms of achieving infrastructural upgradation. Along with this, I also feel that joint ventures with the members of the research and development team is needed for maintaining the pace with the contemporary brands. Moreover, this would be an efficient and effective means for expanding the scope and arena of the stores through the means of large scale customer satisfaction.
Source 3: Sidebottom, A., & Tilley, N. (2018). Towards a Theory of Tagging in Retail Environments. In Retail Crime (pp. 379-402). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
The article enriches the knowledge of the readers regarding the theory of security tagging. Synthesis of the ideas from other perspectives of crime prevention expands the scope and arena of the field. The context of the article is a retail setting, which helps in excavating the decisions towards mitigating the intensity of the crimes (Sidebottom & Tilley, 2018). Along with this, specific contexts have been taken into consideration for giving the readers a practical example of the crimes, which takes place within the retail environment.
The tag of security is crucial within the retail store operations. This tag acts as a certification for the retail brands in terms of assuring the clients and the customers regarding the safety of the confidential data. As per the arguments of Sidebottom and Tilley, (2018), this certification, in turn, enhances the brand image, indicative of the trust, loyalty and dependence, which the store managers would achieve from the clients and the customers. Registration certificates for the stores is an essential document in terms of preventing the intensity of the crimes. This documents is a legislative requirement, which the store managers need to possess for averting the illegal scandals and issues (Sidebottom & Tilley, 2018).
Reflection towards the contribution of the research into argumentation
I think that theoretical considerations towards security in the retail stores. Tags for the security is authentic in terms of executing the marketing strategies. According to me, strategic approach in this direction is appropriate in terms of achieving the desired outcomes. As the matter relates to the security, rationality and consciousness towards taking the preventive measures, is a wise step towards reducing the instances of store thefts.
Source 4: Sidebottom, A., Thornton, A., Tompson, L., Belur, J., Tilley, N., & Bowers, K. (2017). A systematic review of tagging as a method to reduce theft in retail environments. Crime science, 6(1), 7.
The article sheds light on the aspect of security tags, which the retail stores use for ensuring the safety, security and privacy of the store products. However, the critics are concerned about the recent scarcity within the research on the security tags. According to the article, the security tags are the evidence that in-store thefts, like in the workplace of Walmart have reduced in their intensity. Along with this, Sidebottom et al., (2017) attempts to explore the ways and means through which the tags can contribute in mitigating the intensity of the crimes. Within this, the main focus of the article is on the information related to the expenses behind implementation of these tags on the products of the stores.
In view of the increased levels of the in-store thefts, security tags validates the management practices towards reducing the intensity of the crimes. Mixed method reviews adds values to the perceptions related to these unwanted situations. Meta-analysis of these reviews results in the identification of three mechanisms, which contribute towards reducing the intensity of the crimes related to the in-store operations (Sidebottom et al., 2017). These are: increasing the risks, reducing the rewards and increasing the rewards. In all of these cases, the extent of the security tags vary according to its functions. These variations depends on the categories specified by the moderators: retail stored and staffs; customers (shoplifters); tag type, product type and intervention of the criminal justice system.
Thorough review of the article enables me to conclude that frameworks and planning helps in effective handling of the complexities towards the in-store crimes, like in Walmart. I feel that variation in the tags are effective in terms of reducing the thefts. This is possible only if the store managers use the mechanisms and systems rationally. Typical evidence of this lies in the capability towards making rational and judicious configuration of the conditions in which the preventive measures can be applied.
Assessment of the validity
Source 5: Hoehle, H., Aloysius, J. A., Chan, F., & Venkatesh, V. (2018). Customers’ tolerance for validation in omnichannel retail stores: enabling logistics and supply chain analytics. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(2), 704-722.
The article consists of the information regarding the contribution of mobile technologies towards the big data analytics. These technologies and analytics are crucial in terms of chalking out plans for enhancing the efficiency within the omnichannel businesses. The article also sheds light on the technologies, which enhances the convenience of the customers towards online shopping (Hoehle et al., 2018). Apart from this, the article considers the comparison to the physical presence of the customers in the stores for providing an insight into the challenges in implementation of the security measures.
The author introduces three emerging trends in online shopping, through which the customers can check out from the transactions. This has been done specially in the context of the retail stores, developing authenticity. Along with this, the suggestions regarding the exit procedures relates with the innovation planned for providing the customers with a hassle free shopping experience. The checkout processes, which are enabled through mobile technologies hamper the processes of the stores like the one in Walmart (Hoehle et al., 2018). These disruptions adversely affect the behaviour of the customers related to the purchases, which varies according to the changes in the validation process.
I think that measurement scales prove appropriate in terms of controlling the store operations. These scales prove beneficial in terms of measuring the intensity of the crimes, which helps in planning for the relevant solutions. Feedbacks from the stakeholders and shareholders is fruitful in terms of gaining an insight into the opinions towards the issues. The feedbacks enhance the awareness about the situations and contexts regarding the validation of the checkout processes. I think the way in which the clients propose the answers relate to their tolerance towards the issues. Synthesis of the ideas result in the fact that customers are highly tolerant towards the sources, which are enabled through mobile technologies.
Bamfield, J. (2018). International Trends in Retail Crime and Prevention Practices. In Retail Crime (pp. 33-53). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Hoehle, H., Aloysius, J. A., Chan, F., & Venkatesh, V. (2018). Customers’ tolerance for validation in omnichannel retail stores: enabling logistics and supply chain analytics. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(2), 704-722.
Hübner, A., Kuhn, H., & Wollenburg, J. (2016). Last mile fulfilment and distribution in omni-channel grocery retailing: a strategic planning framework. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 44(3), 228-247.
Sidebottom, A., & Tilley, N. (2018). Towards a Theory of Tagging in Retail Environments. In Retail Crime (pp. 379-402). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Sidebottom, A., Thornton, A., Tompson, L., Belur, J., Tilley, N., & Bowers, K. (2017). A systematic review of tagging as a method to reduce theft in retail environments. Crime science, 6(1), 7.