Enhancement Of Digital Business Through Ecommerce: Literature Review And Research Proposal

Overview of the research

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This study deals with research proposal on the topic for Enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce. It gives detailed analysis on understanding the importance of ecommerce evolved in the recent world. Researcher tries its best in conducting research by using certain tools and techniques for bringing detailed investigation on the research topic. This particular research proposal brings out clear distinction upon the enhancement pattern of digital business with the advancement of ecommerce websites.

Internet Ecommerce has become on the vital component in case of new form of business in and around the world. It is built on the foundation of EDI (Electronic Digital Interface). According to Bin Ayob and Ibrahim (2016), Internet e-commerce plays importance in bringing enhancement in advancement form. The study brings out real facts regarding internet ecommerce had redefined industry values chains as well as shrinking time dimensions for creation of competitive environment. It serves as a powerful new distribution channel in case of transferring valuable information as well as transactions at the same time.

Benefits of Internet Ecommerce in business organization

As opined by Bones and Hammersley (2015), Internet Ecommerce replaces intermediaries that mainly bridges gap between company as well as customers. There is links provided in the value chain that has been removed. It increased customer’s awareness as well as communication between buyers and sellers on instant basis. Senior Executives in case of public and private sector faces serious challenges on global economies in virtual reality. New digital markets evolve certain outdated form of trading transactions.

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On the other hand, Organization requires in keeping evolutionary changes for future growth in providing comprehensive knowledge of related concepts. It contains information that explores implementation of e-commerce in the most appropriate way. This section discusses on illustrative core ideas as well as provides finance and operational professionals in understanding basics of Internet Ecommerce. It requires in understanding innovative applications and challenges at the same time.

Figure: Ecommerce Model

(Source: Ashrafi et al. 2014)

Importance of Ecommerce

On the contrary, Internet ecommerce is defined in variety of ways that needs urgent attention as far as possible. Ecommerce defines as certain transactions as well as post transactions in setting of activities in performing buyers as well as sellers in and through internet for future analysis purpose.

Underlying principles of Ecommerce

As per Quigley (2015), Internet renders clear embracing of setting technical designs as well as technical implementations in case of advanced business practices in an effective way. High level of internet ecommerce states ways by an organization in conducting business after utilizing predominant electronic methods in daily activities. It enables doing business in case of buying as well as selling of activities in specified goods and services at the same time. Internet ecommerce is simple way of performing business on electronic basis. It mainly includes sharing of business forms in rendering business information by certain electronic means like electronic mail as well as messaging. Addition to that, it includes World Web Technology, usage of smart cards.

Literature Review

Properties of E-commerce

There is variety of business as well as business transactions affecting range of perspectives including aspects like:

From Communication Perspective- Internet ecommerce relates ways in delivery of information on products as well as services by means of electronic data interchange at the same time.

From business process perspective- As far as internet ecommerce is concerned, it deals with encompassing application based upon technology for automation facilitation for most of the business transactions in the most appropriate way.

From service perspective- In case of internet ecommerce, it is considered as a tool for meeting the desire of organization, customers as well as management in cutting service costs. It helps in bringing improvement in the quality of goods as well as services for increased level of speed of service delivery in an effective manner.

From online perspective-, Internet ecommerce helps in providing capability in buying as well as selling of products and information in and through online services for future analysis purpose.

According to Deshmukh, Chhangani and Thampi (2016), Ecommerce is the process that includes transactions relating to buying and selling of goods as well as services for revenue generation on direct terms. It includes stimulating demand of goods and services and offering sales support and customer services for facilitating communication between business partners in the near future. There are two broad categories of Ecommerce namely business-to-business and business-to-customers. It is necessary in gaining broad understanding on Ecommerce models depending upon the business organization in and with an individual through internet usage.

According to Business-to-business reveals selling of products as well as services in and within business corporations. It is the automation of systems for integration purpose as far as possible. Some of the categories of commerce include suppliers, distributors as well as manufacturers and stores. Transactions take place between two systems.

Business-to-customer includes certain transactions involving interactions between company and its potential customers at the same time. It mainly deals in marketing as well as selling of goods and services. Some of the focused companies are Dell, Amazon.com as well as eBay in selling sell to consumers with the help of internet (Lin et al. 2013).  

Literature Gap

Several literature gaps have been identified by the researcher in terms of usage of the tool of e-commerce. As per Vieru (2015),  past researchers have successfully evaluated importance of e-commerce and digital media. However, they have failed to identify any correlation between the two given variables. This research will help to identify enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce.

Benefits of Internet Ecommerce in business organization

Aims and objectives

This particular research proposal aims at identifying areas for non-integrated data for final decision-making process. It aims at bringing the importance of ecommerce in recent world.

  • To develop framework for planning as well as managing implementation of Internet Ecommerce
  • To broaden awareness among employees as well as obtain buy-in for the case for Internet ecommerce systems
  • To serve as a proactive leader of ecommerce initiative
  • To participate in the developmental activities of business case in supporting internal competence in ecommerce
  • To gain detailed knowledge regarding existing as well as potential software models for implementation of ecommerce
  • To help in creating series of strategic as well as operational performance measures that are financial and non-financial in nature.
  1. What are the underlying principles of Ecommerce?
  2. What are the key properties of E-commerce?
  3. What are the uses and benefits of Internet Ecommerce in business organization?

This part of the section reveals the methods used by the researcher at the time of research. Researcher’s uses positivism philosophy, as it requires scientific data collection for finding out facts relating the topic for Enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce. Other two research philosophies like Interpretivism and Realism fail in connecting with the present research study on Enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce. Interpretivism takes into account human emotions and feelings that hamper actual attributes on the study.  Finally, Realism is the combined form of both the philosophy named as Positivism and Interpretivism (Ghobakhloo, Hong and Standing 2015). Therefore, researcher finds it apt in using positivism research philosophy in carrying present work.

As far as research method is concerned, researchers use deductive approach for carrying out present research work on the topic for Enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce. Deductive approach concerns with development of hypothesis as based on the existing theory. It designs strategy design for testing the hypothesis in desired form. Deductive approach explains with the means of designing hypothesis as designed from the theory propositions. Deductive approach is concerned directly with the deducting conclusions related to certain problems (Plakoyiannaki et al. 2014). Deduction begins with act of expected pattern based on the research design for testing against observations in the most appropriate way. On the other hand, inductive approach fails in testing conclusions in relation with the research topic as far as possible. Induction begins with certain observations as well as seeks ways in finding pattern at the same time.

There is three-research design named as exploratory investigation, explanatory investigation descriptive investigation. Exploratory research conducts for ascertaining research problems that are not well defined previously. It mainly occurs before making any conceptual distinctions as well as posses explanatory relationship at the same time. Exploratory research helps in determining the fact regarding the best research design in case of data collection method in selected subjects in the most appropriate way. Researchers use descriptive research because it helps in describing characteristics of population as well as study of phenomenon as far as possible (Gupta 2014). It takes place in answering questions regarding quantitative as well as qualitative attributes at the time of research.

Importance of Ecommerce

Researchers conduct quantitative and qualitative data collection for the current research study for Enhancement of digital business through the medium of ecommerce. Researchers make questionnaires and distribute it to the customers for enhancing clear understanding on the importance of ecommerce for them in daily lives (Zafar, Ishaque and Javaid 2014).  Questionnaires will be distributed to 50 customers and gather their viewpoint by asking close ended questions. Urban population is adopting usage of ecommerce sites for purchase of goods as well as services. Rural population still lacks access towards internet that makes them unaware regarding the importance of ecommerce. Qualitative data collection includes asking interview questions from 5 managers.

At the time of conducting the research, researchers lack enough financial resources for using tools and techniques. Due to time constraint, researchers fail in conducting in-depth analysis on the current research topic (Giri 2016). Researcher should maintain confidentiality of information at and after conducting the research.

Reference List

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