Enhance Your Cognitive And Professional Skills To Excel In Law: A Case Study

Effect Of The Two Main Concepts Learned During W101 On Thinking

What are the two most important concepts you have encountered on W101? Explain why they have had a direct effect on your thinking. How will you change your own way of working, either in your studies or in your employment, as a result of your studies on W101?

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Studying is concerned with much more than the knowledge regarding the subject and that is the reason the skills are developed during the learning stage. Defining few of the constructs included in the scope has been significantly more challenging than traditional constructs. The importance of subject specified skills have been known and learned during this study and the same have been explained through this report. The main skills that had endeavoured my skills have been explained in the report. Their effect on my learning and future impact on working or studies had been also explained. The obstacles that were part of my learning are also part of the report. The manner in which my thinking and working style has been reformed after the studies has also been included in the report.

Cognitive Skills

It can be said as intellectual skills which are concerned with the identification, description, application and description. Analysis and synthesis of study are also included in it. These skills are the major skills of our brain that are used by it for thinking, learning, reasoning and remembering (Bondi and et.al., 2016). These skills enable one to construe, explain and apply legal principals and authorities in a coherent manner. It assists one in identifying the factors of legal argument and analysing the interpretations. It can also be said as reflective thinking which is focused on ascertaining what to believe or do.

According to Braye and Preston-Shoot, 2016 the one who has inbuilt the enhanced cognitive skills in itself can interpret the law appropriately on a word to word basis and can ascertain the correct governing rule relating to it. It plays an important role in processing new information. The probability of desirable result is increased with cognitive skills rather than outcomes of non-critical thinkers (Cooper, 2016). Due to this reason it had not only directly influenced my thinking but also changed the manner of taking a decision. The result that I observed after changing the method of decision taking was surprising and positive. As previously I take a decision without critical analysis but now I take a decision after analysing the factor relevant to circumstances; the outcomes which come are pretended or desirable most of the time.

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Cognitive Skills

 In the case of subject law, these skills play a major role as if one is having enhanced cognitive skills one can easily interpret the rules and regulation in the form they are present. I recognised its importance at learning stage of this study. The result after learning this skill on my work was the reason that it directly affected my thinking. Case studies, laws and regulations are interpreted in an appropriate manner after being acknowledged with the skills (Samantha Love, 2013). To recommend conclusion of a case or to reach a conclusion, it is very necessary that one should interpret the law and the case in appropriate manner (Furniss,  2013). Law and regulation can be interpreted in an appropriate manner only when one is having cognitive skills. The advantage that I received through this skill is now I am able to test the validity of propositions inappropriate manner.

Practical & Professional Skills

The learning during this study also enhanced practical and professional skills   assisted me not only in academic study but in another context also, such as workplace and even in taking decisions of daily life. The identification and application of primary and secondary sources of law become easy and is done in an appropriate manner if one is inbuilt with practical and professional skills (Gruzd and et.al, 2016). The other advantages one can achieve after developing these skills are:

  • Relevant matter can be extracted from a case study or statute
  • Time can be managed effectively.
  • Our own development is reflected as a learner.
  • Things are understood in the form they are present and the possibility of confusions is reduced.
  • Presentation of report or assignment with these skills represents your own development.

The drastic change in my own working after practising on these skills had directly impacted on my thinking. Things were easy for me than before they were, improvement in the manner of presentation was also done. As this practical skills effect on every decision, whether it is related to professional or daily life (Niedwiecki, 2012). The estimations regarding a case law were appropriately taken now and not without any base, the manner which was followed by me previously.

The regular practice of professional and practical skills not only develops other skills but also improve the ability to take the correct decision. It plays a major role in law subject; as things are to be critically analysed here and even small information can have major importance (Put and et.al., 2016). Having enhanced practical and professional skill is important in subject law because the practical application of law and rules is majorly present in this subject.

In law, definition tends to be both general and broad and to make it useful for test development it is necessary that they should be specified (Seabrooke, 2014). Therefore, they could be a conception of sharing that definition in assessments and case laws. It is only possible with enhanced cognitive skills because with them only we are able to interpret the law in an appropriate manner and apply it. It is not an easy job to understand the language of the law as its application includes many parts such as the rule of domain-specific or domain-general and many others are also present (Surden, 2014). Developing cognitive skills in myself not only improved my ability to understand the laws and regulations but also enhanced my writing skills.

These skills assisted me in presenting assessments in an appropriate manner which is used by me during my studies in solving case laws. It has changed the manner of my working too, which will help me in my future employment. I am able to critically analyse the case and to abstract the important data from it and to ascertain the law under which it will be governed. I am practising it in my current projects to improve these skills in a better way so that I could gain more advantage from it in my future.

The role of the legal profession in the legal system was analysed by me during this study while developing practical and professional skills. The skills that should be present in student of law or a new lawyer (Key skills for successful legal professionals, 2016) ; which I learned during the study are:

  • Identification of ethical issues in practice and resolving them.
  • To learn about the circumstances in which ethical concerns regarding compliance of trust with accounting obligation should arise.
  • Acknowledging and meeting legal duties relating to connection with dealing in others property.
  • Appropriate measures should be taken to avoid a rise of conflict in future.
  • Presenting professional behaviour in all the dealings with clients as well as authorities.

The lesson of professionalism was learned by me during the study which is not only improving my image now but will also help in creating goodwill in future. I learned about the importance of ethical behaviour during this study and to have patience while working in a group. The importance of pro bono contributions to legal practice was observed by me and even I learned the method of using it. The enhancement in professional skill which was developed during the study, I am practising these skills in my daily routine to make more improvement in it.

The information regarding accounting for trust money was also obtained during the study. The procedure of identifying the legal characteristics in a case law and analysing the coherent conflictions with governing laws was explained to me that is assisting me in my other projects and will help me during my employment also. These skills will help me during my employment period as till that time I will gain enough experience to behave professionally and also to interpret the law in an appropriate manner.


It can be concluded from the above case study that cognitive skills and practical & professional play a major role in the field of law. As analysed above that cognitive skills are necessary for correct interpretation of law and regulations and on the other hand, practical and professional skills play a major role in ethical issues. The lessons that I have learned during the study will assist me in future also. The development of skill will help me in completing other projects and also during my employment period. The enhancement in practical and professional skill had improved the manner of behaving with authorities which will help me in future for making a good reputation.


Books & Journal:

Bondi, L. And et.al ( 2016). Towards professional wisdom: Practical deliberation in the people professions. Routledge.

Braye, S. and Preston-Shoot, M. (2016). Practising social work law. Palgrave Macmillan.

Cooper, J.M. (2016). Smarter Law Learning: Using Cognitive Science to Maximize Law Learning. Capital University Law Review, 44.

Furniss, T. (2013). The multi professional handbook of child sexual abuse: Integrated management, therapy, and legal intervention. Routledge.

Gruzd, M.V.and et.al (2016). Influence of professionalism and competence in public administration.

Niedwiecki, A. (2012). Teaching for Lifelong Learning: Improving the Metacognitive Skills of Law Students Through More Effective Formative Assessment Techniques. Cap. UL Rev., 40, p.149.

Put, K .and et.al. (2016). Using web-based training to enhance perceptual-cognitive skills in complex dynamic offside events. Journal of sports sciences, 34(2), Pp.181-189.

Seabrooke, L. (2014). Epistemic arbitrage: Transnational professional knowledge in action. Journal of Professions and Organization. 1(1), Pp.49-64.

Surden, H.(2014). Machine learning and law. Wash. L. Rev., 89, p.87.


Key skills for successful legal professionals. (2016). [Online]. Available through< https://www.lawcareers.net/Information/Key-skills-for-successful-legal-professionals>. [Accessed on 31st  August 2016].

Samantha Love. 9 Essential Skills for Aspiring Lawyers. (2013). [Online]. Available through < https://www.oxford-royale.co.uk/articles/professional-development-aspiring-lawyers.html. [Accessed on 31st August 2016].

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