Engineering Background With IT Skills And Project Experience

Academic Background

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The academic background I have is bachelors in Electronics and Communication from Malla Reddy Engineering College, Hyderabad, India. I did two projects during my bachelors, one of which is a mini project and the other is a main project. The mini project has been done at MIC Electronics. The main projects have been done at Bharat Electronics Ltd.

The engineering knowledge and skills that I used is the IT skills are a must for an engineer in the present day world. I have CAD skills that are developed over time during my academic career which includes the knowledge of the Programming language concept, Relational algebra, Software architectures, Computability theory, Operating system concepts, Induction and formula proofs, Predicate logic, Automata theory, Set theory and Data structure concepts.

Along with the above I have knowledge of software’s in engineering including the Software Engineering Management, Software Quality Assurance, Software Product Engineering, Software Product Deployment. Also the list of software product engineering skills and knowledge that I developed overtime includes the Software project audits, Proofs of correctness, Statistical process control, Task Kick offs and Software testing techniques.

Also I have the various software quality assurance skills that are also added overtime which included the Software design, Human computer interaction, Debugging techniques, CASE tools and Code optimization.

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Various communication skills are also developed in me overtime during the earlier academic years including the ability to understand the coded information and to decode information so that only the relevant authority could be conveyed with the message. Also I learnt using of various modes of communication so that the message can be efficiently transmitted to the concerned authorities. I have developed clear and concise communication of the data, facts and figures required to support decision making and directing the organization department to work in alignment with the organization objectives and goals. I even gained the ability to get involved in the group activity so that the team spirit and benefits can be achieved from the formal and informal communications.

Various mathematics abilities are developed in me overtime that has helped me in getting the right outcome from the problem statements. This includes high extent learning and understanding of the Applied mathematics, Radio engineering and signal processing, Control theory in operation and Techno and industrial mathematics.

The various organization handling and time management skills that are learnt during the engineering academic years includes organizing, developing focus techniques, learning project development and initiation techniques, taking proactive actions and delegating authorities and roles to the appropriate personnel’s. I also learnt prioritizing work as per the project requirements, ways for streamlining the whole work, setting up of deadlines and meeting them and planning for the project keeping in mind all the objectives and constrains.

I have even developed great problem solving abilities during my engineering. This includes getting specific with the problem by early identification and realization of the way, methods that could possibly affect the organization output and gains. Also I learnt breaking of the bigger problems into smaller problems so that the project can be handled efficiently and the IT related problems can be sorted out at various stages. I even support the idea of taking expert advice and achieving synergy effect so that the most appropriate outcome is achieved in the end.

IT Skills in Engineering

I have learnt that the application of these competency standards meets the relevant occupational category as it helps in planning and prioritizing for the projects so that the desired outcome is finally achieved in the end. Also it supports in managing interruptions in the project application so that the delays can be avoided and cost effectiveness can be achieved. Along with that it helps in managing perfectionism as the project gets completed on time and the objectives that are expected to be achieved are finally realized in the end. Therefore I understand that it becomes easier for goal setting is done is the initial stage and the project is directed and controlled accordingly to achieve those particular goals. The delegation of the authority and roles are done accordingly so that the desired personnel is allowed to work on the project who has the abilities to achieved the targeted goals and objectives.

The target where I am applying is to achieve SMART objectives. The targets that I want to achieve are specific which includes getting admission in the course to upgrade my academic skills and help me learn new concepts and theories that could actually help me achieve desired career goal. The goal is therefore break down in smaller steps of first earning engineering qualifications than now with the addition of these applied managerial abilities. The motivational factor is to win a good job and make a successful career in life. This way I want to earn respect and knowledge from my learning. The accountable outcome can be achieved by securing good markets and earning degree from the academic institution that I am applying at. Also I would like becoming responsible and skilled enough to tackle business problems and support business operation to achieve desired goals and targets for the business. This way I will be able to achieve the actually attainable goals in the form of good career growth after the end of the academic period.

The main problems in area of my workplace in mini project included the lack of feedback by the employees using the efficient communication system that could be developed overtime was avoided with a negative thought that nothing will be actually achieved from it. Therefore the employees were totally unaware about the possible benefits of feedback along with the safety in feedback through non sharing of the information displayed in the feedback. Also the personal issues that was observed in the organization was the reluctance of the concerned department head to discuss and display the required the information. It was considered as a kind of attack on security as per his personal views. Therefore the inefficiency in sharing the related and required information with the employees resulted in creating confusion and personal disagreement between the department head and other employees of the company. I even observed the language barriers. This was due to the reason that people working belonged from various backgrounds in the company. This way the employees were only attached in a formal mode of communication using English language as the other regional languages were not known to other employees. This created a language barrier which at different proved fatal as the problems were not discussed in details and the employees were directed towards a certain direction or goal without taking their consent and suggestions. I even found the presence of lack of knowledge about the usage of communication system at various stages of operation during the organization process mainly to the new entrants was observed. This problem created a havoc conditions at various times when the concerned department was not alerted accordingly about the business operation and decision taken. The result was delay in the communication process that resulted in affecting the output and punctuality feature of the organization. The negative impact on the productivity, efficiency and the losses incurred by the organization due to the same included the existence of confusion in the work environment. Also the employees did not trust each other, synergy effect was absent during the decision making process and the departments were unaware of the latest decisions taken by the organization. Along with that the employees were unable to understand the main motive and were just directed towards a particular goal. There also existed lack of informal relation between the employees of the organization. The employees hesitated to approach and discuss their problems with the department heads, thereby giving chance to the problems and issues to become huge with the passage of time.

Software Engineering Management

The main problems in area of my workplace in main project included the use of old technique that was almost becoming obsolete was used in the organization. This was due to the fact that the company had employees which were aged and had passed several years of service. These employees were reluctant to change as per the new technological requirements as they considered it difficult to grasp and apply in the daily operation. I even found out that there was lack of competent skills within the organization as the human resource at the current time was not equipped with the required skills that could help in using the latest technological upgrade to achieve high efficiency and effectiveness for the company. Also the high level commitment was seen missing with the concerned department head unable to communicate fairly with the employees. This way the confusion was observed in the work place and the high level managers were not showing commitment towards the development of skills and technological upgrades in the company. There existed lack of technological upgrades that could have actually helped in achieving high level of gains in business operation. The lack of technological upgrades was due to the fact that the company spent less on buying the technological upgrades. Also the system that was offered to be developed was affected by time and monetary constraints which were actually halting the seamless development of the technological upgrade process.

The negative impact on the productivity, efficiency and the losses incurred by the organization due to the same included the productivity of the company which was declining since the technological support system is getting obsolete and does not support the present day business requirements. Also the business efficiency was facing serious threats due to the incompatible technology application which does not facilitate the usage of data, facts and figures from various places. The loss to the organization was observed through losing of customers which was due to delay in the consignment delivery. The cost of operation was rising as the technological status at the current stage was not giving an in-depth knowledge about the cost factors and other factor inputs.

The role that I played for eliminating the problems in mini project was that I analyze the present communication system and detected flaws at various stages that were suggested to the concerned departments to be removed with the application of the new technology upgrade. I even supported the idea of developing communication system as per the new technological requirements. Also I conveyed the management about the various benefits that the end of the communication gap can give to the organization. I even suggested the high level manager about bringing some level of change in the work method so that the trust can be built in the work environment. Along with that I kept the idea of making informal meetings at regular intervals. Training, education and development programs are suggested to be developed to convey the new technological breakthrough for the employees.

Communication Skills

The role that I played for eliminating the problems in the main project was that I made research with my team on the new technological inputs that could help the organization in achieving the various objectives, goals and targets in the long run. Also I analyzed the present status of using the technology and found out ways that could help enhance the technological system followed in the organization. Along with that I supported the idea of bringing technological upgrades at all stages in the company so that the dependence on obsolete technology can be removed completely. I even suggested methods and places where the new technology can bring in benefits, gains and profits to the organization. Also the benefit of upgrading the technological upgrade was discussed and displayed to the management so that they could understand the value and the possible they could retrieve from it.

The organization in both cases worked as team. The members of the team used their experience, skills and education to assist each other and reach out to the solutions. A synergy effect was observed every time the discussions took place between the team members regarding the problem identification and possible and proposed solutions. Hence the team spirit was achieved by helping each other in identifying the problems and reaching out the possible solutions.

The problem in the mini project was to enhance real time computing assistance during the project completion through the application of the Zigbee module that could help in improving the communication techniques and tools followed in the organization. The problem was solved with the team efforts to review and analyze the present communication system being followed. Also the estimation of the usage and benefit that can be retrieved from the application of the Zigbee module was made. Thus the areas were the Zigbee module can be applied were identified and the methods that could help in enhancing the communication system were recognized. Finally the ZIgbee module of communication was designed such that it meets the requirements of the organization related to the communication.

The problem in the main project was that the need to develop the VHDL code for the Amplitude DF algorithm for a DF or Direction Finding system was required. This way the efforts were made to compare the two maxima and estimate direction of the arrivals. The problem was solved by analyzing the present status of the Amplitude DF algorithm for direction finding system. Hence the VHDL was model was developed accordingly so that it meets the organizational requirements in the best way. The team worked together in this regard using their engineering capabilities and finally framed out a design for developing the VHDL code that could actually help in meeting the organization targets and goals.

The reward that I received for mini project was certification that the mini project “Zigbee Communication between embedded application and PC” was completed successfully which met the objectives and need of the organization.

The reward for the main project “DOA (Direction of Arrival) Computation Algorithm” was certified as completed and submitted to the organization as per the required directions. This way the project meet the objectives, needs and satisfaction of the related department head which is considered to be my main reward.

Mathematics Abilities

PROJECT NAME – ZIGBEE Communication between embedded application and PC.


The time period consumed for this project was one month and five days.

  1. a) Date of start of project: Date / Duration

The date of start of the project was 10th May, 2009.

  1. b) Date of Completion of project: Date / Duration

The date of the completion of the project was 15th June, 2009.


The location of the project was at Plot No:35-37a & B, Navya Estates, 4th Floor, Moula-Ali Main Road, Moula Ali, Hyderabad – 500040, Telangana, India


My role in the project was of a team member during that time.


The name of the organization was MIC Electronics Tech Center.

  1. a) OBJECTIVE :

The objective of the project was to deal with the communication with the embedded application which will display device with the Zigbee module. The other side will of the communication channel will be the personal computer with the Zigbee module that will receive the data and information transferred through the same system.

  1. b) THE NEED:

The need of this system was to perform a dedicated function to enhance real time computing assistance during the project completion. This way the need was to bring in efficiency and effectiveness in the communication method.

  1. c) THE TEAM:

The team members were Sri Harsha Mothukuri and Nikhil Prasad Luke.

PROJECT NAME – A project report on DOA (Direction of Arrival) Computation Algorithm.

1) Time Period:

The time period consumed was 5 months.

  1. a) Date of start of project: Date / Duration

The date of start of the project was December 2009.

  1. b) Date of Completion of project: Date / Duration

The date of completion of the project was April 2010.


The location of the project was at Bharat Electronics LTD, Industrial Estates, Near Manikchand Gutka, Nacharam, Hyderabad – 500076, Telangana, India.


My role in the project was a team leader who was entrusted with the task of organizing team and assigning work to the other team members.


The name of the organization was Bharat Electronics Limited.

  1. a) OBJECTIVE :

The objective of the project was to develop the VHDL code for the Amplitude DF algorithm for a DF or Direction Finding system. This way the FPGA compared the amplitude signals which it actually received from various directions and gives the DOA with 6 bit buffers.

  1. b) THE NEED:

The need of the project was to compare the two maxima and estimated direction of arrival. That is the PCB received 4 sets of amplitude data and generate course DF that was measured and estimated accordingly.

  1. c) THE TEAM:

The team members were Sri Harsha Mothukuri, Nikhil Prasad Luke and Pavani Poluru.

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Organization Handling and Time Management Skills

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Problem Solving Abilities

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