Enabling Innovation In Campus Networks With Software-Defined Networking (SDN) – A Literature Review
Literature Review
Discuss about the Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks.
Software Define technology is a type of computer networking which allows and help the network administrator to manage the network service of the organization through the abstraction of lower level functionality. It addresses the fact that the static architecture of traditional network doesn`t support the dynamic, scalable computing and stored the modern computing environments like the data centre. SDN are commonly associated with the Open Flow protocol. It emerges later in the year 2011. From 2012 many companies have moved away from Open Flow as a single solution and have embraced a number of different techniques which includes like Cisco`s open Network Environment and Nicira Network Virtualization. Software-defined networking has originated shortly after Sun Microsystems which is released by JAVA in the year 1995]. The first SDN project was AT&T`s GeoPlex. The main purpose of this assignment is to develop the skills of emerging technology SDN (Software Define Networking).Through this assignment first thing which we will learn is how to develop the knowledge based on some current state of emerging technology SDN which help the organization to do their work more easily and fast. After studying and searching SDN emerging technology we will also identify it`s security issue of the emerging technology.
I have gone through the different articles and book and get the knowledge of Software Defined Technology. After doing the research I found that this is an emerging technology and a rising concept for the computer networking. It has been centralized the software logically to control the behavior of the network. It controls the network through the underlying the physical routers and switches.
I have gone through an article which is written by Nick Mckeown he believes that from years the computer scientist has thought to innovate something new which will improve the network speed, reliability, security and the energy efficiency. But all the scientist has failed as the test was impossible on the large scale. A company like Cisco and Hewlett-Packard had tried but the test was not possible. After that the Nick McKeon and his colleges think to develop a standard called Open Flow which opens up the internet and allow the user to define the data flow using the software called SDN (Software Defined Networking). This network directs all the switches and routers, how to direct the network traffic to one another. It also protects the proprietary routing instruction which differentiates one company`s hardware from another.
The following capabilities of the software Defined Networking are :
According to the James Mclllece Software Define, networking provides a method to configure and manage the physical and virtual network devices like router, switches and gateway in the data centre. He told that virtual network element like Hyper –V Virtual Switch, Windows Server Gateway is designed to be the integral element of the software-defined networking infrastructure He has explained very nicely in his article about the SDN , he told that SDN is only possible because of the network planes. If the organization use this network there will be no bound to the network devices. The software-defined networking allows the user to manage the data center dynamically to provide the automated and centralized way to meet the requirement of the company’s application and workloads.
It has the capability to define and control the policies which govern both the physical and virtual network which includes the traffic flow of the network.
It implements the network policies in a consistent manner with a perfect scale, even if the user or a company deploy the new workload or move the workload across the virtual or physical networks.
It also abstracts the application and workload from the underlying physical network which accomplishes by vitalizing the network.
Paradis and Thomas also defined that software Defined Networks is a paradigm in which the routing decision are taken by a control layer. They told that if we go through the difference between the software-defined network and the conventional network structure were we can see that control plane and forwarding plane are separated and communicate through the different protocols like open flow. They told that SDN is radically a different proposal which is simply based on layered approach and try to bring the management together of the different layer into a single controller. He also says that Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture which is manageable, it is cost-effective and dynamic. It is also an ideal for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications.
Paul Goransson in his book explained about the Software-defined networking. He has very nicely explained the SDN, he says that in the year 2010 when he gave the first public talk on Open Flow that time this protocol was the heart of SDN and no one had heard of Open flow or software defined network. He told that after 10 months in the month of May 2011, open flow become famous and everyone started talking about the Open flow. The author also told that, after this from 2012 many companies have moved away from Open Flow as a single solution and have embraced a number of different techniques which includes like Cisco`s open Network Environment and Nicira Network Virtualization. The author was also a serial entrepreneur who has start-up companies through the successful acquisition by industry giants. He has also used this software-defined network in his organization. After going through all these articles , books, and journal I have gathered much information regarding the Software Defined Networking. Software Define technology is a type of computer networking which allows and help the network administrator to manage the network service of the organization through the abstraction of lower level functionality. In today`s modern age this SDN is the emerging technology which helps every company to have the good networking system.I also came to know that Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging architecture which is dynamic and cost-effective, it is also an ideal for the high-bandwidth, dynamic nature of today’s applications. This architecture separates the network control and forward the functions and which enables the network control and it directly becomes programmable and underlines the infrastructure to be abstracted for applications and network services. Among this, the Open Flow protocol is a foundational element which builds SDN solutions. It is the heart of SDN.
The Architecture of the SDN
Directly programmable: In this, the Network control is directly programmable because it is separated from forwarding functions.
Agile: It controls the forwarding of administrators dynamically and adjusts the network-wide traffic flow to meet the changing needs of the organization.
Centrally managed: Network intelligence is the one which is logically centralized in software which is based on SDN controllers and which maintain a global view of the network, which appears to an applications and policy engines as a single, logical switch and router.
Programmatically configured: SDN lets network manage the managers configure, secure, and it optimize the network resources very quickly through dynamic and automated the SDN programs.
Open standards-based and vendor-neutral: When SDN are executed through open standards, then it simplifies the network design and
It is a very critical process security to the SDN. To provide a security to the SDN a proper knowledge of technology is required. It is globally programmable so vulnerable attack take place in the SDN.
Targeted Level |
Malicious Behavior |
Caused by |
Possible Countermeasures |
Forwarding Plane |
Switch DoS Packet Encryption and Tunnel Bypassing |
I. Rule Aggregation II. Increasing Switch’s Buffering Capacity |
Control Plane |
DDoS Attack |
I. Centralization • Controller Replication II. Limited Forwarding Table Storage Capacity |
I. Dynamic Master Controller Assignment II. Enormous Number of Flows |
Compromised Controller Attacks |
I. Centralization |
I. Controller Replication with Diversity Attacks II. Efficient Controller Assignments |
Forwarding control link |
Man-in-middle attacks |
Communication message sent in clear |
Encryption |
To keep the SDN protected from these attacks the user has to provide a proper security. The Denial of Service attack is a type of network attack which is designed to target the network or machine with a huge amount of useless traffic which is overloaded and eventually bring it down to the knees. The main intention of the DoS attack is to make the services on the target machine which is always temporarily unavailable to its individual users. The company who will use the SDN service they should keep the network with a security like they should use id and password system to keep the important data of this SDN to protect from the threat Denial of Service. They should not leak out any code of the network to any other client it may affect the service.
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