Employment Related Concerns: Addressed By Fabulous Inc. Company
Key Areas of Concern
There were different areas of the employment related concern that has been faced by the Fabulous Inc Company. The different key areas of concern that had to be addressed by the respective company in the new employment agreement are as follows:
In the original relevant contract, the terms were in favor of both the company and Lyra Banks and this helped them in maintaining cordial relationship as well. The original terms and conditions of the contract are as follows:
The rate of payment is one such issue that has to be addressed by the company, as the respective company required paying Lyra $1,000 for the scheduled photo shoot that will be lasting for four hours. There was an additional payment of $200/hour for each additional hour after the scheduled photo shoot. It was mentioned in the original contract that the respective company required paying $7500 to Lyra for each of the scheduled commercial kind of filming.
The main concern in this clause was that Lyra did not follow the terms and conditions seriously and this had affected the company as well. It was mentioned in the clause that Lyra needs to come to shoot within the period that has been provided to her. However, Lyra did not follow the same and there were no such deductions of the cancellation of the shoot. In the new clause, it is mandatory in nature that if there is any such cancellation due to Lyra.
The amount that had been paid by the respective company to Lyra previously due to different photo shoots that took place between 9:00 P.M to 7:00 A.M, however that had to be changed in the new clause as this will be act as warning for Lyra in the future for working hard and maintain the timings appropriately.
The scheduling of the photo shoots along with filminghas to be changed in such a manner that it will be beneficial for the company in the future. The company needs to address this concern in an effectual manner in the new employment agreement clause, as this will help them in making Lyra more professional with the different commitments that have been taken by her in the future. The seven days notice was not sufficient in nature for Fabulous Company, as they need to be strict and professional with Lyra as there had been different instances wherein Lyra did not turn up for the scheduled photo shoot and filming. The clause of the scheduling of photo shoot and filming needs to be addressed and changed in regards of the company as this will help them in meeting to the different commitments in an effectual manner (Bolman & Deal, 2017).
Changes Made to Address the Concerns
The rescheduling of the photo shoots and filming is the other employment concern that has to be addressed by Fabulous Company. Previously, it was mentioned that in the contract 48 hours of notice has to be provided to Lyra for change. However, this concern needs to be addressed in the new agreement as this will make Lyra professional and the company will not incur loss in the future. The company needs to reduce the notice time in the new employment agreement as this will be applicable for Lyra to perform well and she will be aware about the duties or there will be deduction of the cancellation fees from her salary.
Lastly, the non compete agreement is the other concern that has to be addressed by Fabulous Company. The company needs to change the clause, as Lyra could not sign any other agreements with other cosmetics brand while she is in terms with Fabulous Company. However, Lyra can sign up with other clothing brand with the concern of Fabulous Company as this will help the company to bind Lyra into their agreement and the time of the agreement will be changed as well in the new agreement.
Therefore, it can be seen that these are the four areas of employment related concern of employer Fabulous Company. These are the particular four employment concerns that has to be addressed by the company in the new employment agreement as this will help them in solving the issues that had caused huge impact on the reputation of the company. The different concerns are discussed in a detailed manner, as this will help in understanding the different changes that is required to be implemented in the new employment agreement of the company.
There are different areas of the concern of the employer Fabulous Inc. related to the employment. The employer Fabulous Inc had made different changes in the final agreement in an effective manner as this will help the company in maintaining professionalism and try to perform the best in the entire competitive industry. The four major areas of concern and the changes that had been made were as follows:
Rate of payment is one of the main and major concerns that have to be analyzed by the respective company Fabulous Inc. The payment rates are an essential matter for both employer and employee as in future in case of any kind of discrepancies, the duly signed contract by both employer and employee can be the proof for both the parties. The payment rate that has been decided by Fabulous to be paid to Lyra was $2,000 to the maximum for the different photo shoots for four hours.
Concerns and Changes in Detail
There will be additional payment of $500 per hour for additional kind of shoots. In the new agreement of the contract made by the respective company, it was decided that the company would be paying a maximum of $10,000 for the commercial filming that has been scheduled by the company (Storey, 2014).
The payment rate has different changes that included that Lyra will not receive any kind of premium for the different photo or film shoots that are shot between 9:00 P.M and 7:00 A.M. It was decided that the Lyra requires arriving at work on time regularly for commercial filming and photo shoot that has been scheduled previously. Furthermore, it was made mandatory that if Lyra does not arrive to work on time, it can be seriously lead to cancellation fees and it will be deducted from the salary of Lyra.
Schedule of the pay and probationary period is the second essential clause that has to be addressed by Fabulous Inc in their new agreement. In the new agreement that has been made and renewed by the company, it was mentioned that Lyra would be under the probationary period for next one year. The probation period will start when the members will duly sign the agreement and the payments during the probation period will be as follows:
- From month one to six-Payment of $1000 will be paid for the regular photo shoots for up to 4 hours and up to $100 for every additional hours of work. The payment for the filming that is regular in nature is $7500.
- From months seven to twelve- Payment of $1100 for the regular photo shoots up to less than four hours. The commercial filming will be done by Lyra at a payment of $8000
- Year one includes the payment of regular photo shoots for $1200 for 4 hours or less. Lyra will do the regular commercial filming at a cost of $8500.
In the new agreement, it was mentioned that after very six months, with the completion of the period of probation along with satisfactory performance, there would be increase of $100 and it can go up to $2000 for different shoots. The additional fees will be increased as well up to $50 to maximum of $500 per additional hour. The commercial filming that is done by the company on a regular basis will be increased by $500 and it can increase up to $10000 per shoot.
Length of contract is the other element that has been addressed in the new contract made by Fabulous Inc Company. In the new contract, it was mentioned that the contract would be for the term of the six months. The term will begin from the date of the agreement when it is signed by all the parties in the company (Kramar, 2014).
Non-Compete Agreement is the next element that has been addressed by the respective company. It was mentioned in the agreement that Lyra could not model ir appear on the behalf of other companies in the competitive industry for the duration of one year. However, it was mentioned and it was clear that Lyra can appear for different other organizations who deal with clothing and other products except cosmetics. However, it was mentioned that such companies need to take written approval of the respective company Fabulous Inc Company. It was written in the agreement that commitment of Lyra towards Fabulous Company comes first and the respective company will exercise proper faith in considering the different requests of Lyra in roder to perform her work.
Outcome of the New Agreement
The different concerns relating to the agreement has been mentioned in the leading to the contract negotiations section in the respective case study. In the original terms of the agreement, there were different facts in the agreement that has been made by the company as per the industry norms. However, later on there were issues and the company had changed the clauses in the agreement that had been compromised by them as well.
The outcome of the final and new agreement that has been made by Fabulous has served the different requirements of Fabulous Company to a huge extent. The employer Fabulous Inc Company has made compromise with the newly made agreement with Lyra. The respective company had planned to expand their business by expanding the agreement with Lyra. However, the CEO of the company was nervous in order to appoint a new model in their organization as they felt that they had to start all over again as newborn company. John tried to increase the notice period for Lyra, however there were different issues that have been faced by Fabulous Company due to Lyra.
There were different plans of the entire company to expand the business by introducing organic cosmetics. The human resource department of Fabulous Company with Lyra has made few negotiations regarding the agreement that had been signed by the company with her. The Fabulous Company had made the compromise by signing Lyra as they felt that hiring a new model would be difficult for them to start afresh and this can affect their brand as well in the market.
The employment agreement that has been made between Fabulous Company and Lyra Banks is a good one. It was necessary for the Fabulous Inc Company to take necessary steps relating to the professionalism of the Lyra Banks as there were different complaints relating to the unprofessionalism in performing her duties in the company. There were complaints from different individuals who were associated with the company (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).
There are different reasons that can be stated in the case study that helped in understanding that the new clause that has been made by Lyra Banks and Fabulous Inc Company was correct and this helped in understanding that Fabulous Inc Company has suffered a lot due to the different unprofessionalism showed by Lyra Banks. Lyra Banks did not work with the company and she was becoming unprofessional in the tasks that had been performed by her. The different instances that can be taken from the case study are as follows:
It was seen that in the first few days of her career, she was performing extremely well with the duties that has been provided to her by the company. However, as the days passed on, there were few drastic changes in her behavior and professionalism. This kind of unprofessional behavior was affecting the brand image of the company in the entire market. Lyra Banks cancelled different scheduled shows that had been confirmed by her few days ago. This was affecting the goodwill of the entire company as well.
There were different instances such as the hairstylist complained that Lyra did not behave properly with her and used slangs under her breath. Furthermore, the camera operator complained that Lyra was pretty cold and distracted in the sets and this was a huge issue for completing the shoot on time. There was different news wherein it was seen that Lyra was having argument with the police officer. Furthermore, it was heard by an employer of the Fabulous Company that she was unhappy with the money that has been paid to her and was frustrated with the scheduling of the company.
The higher officials of the company tried to be empathetic to Lyra Banks and asked her about the reasons of the discomfort that is faced by her in the respective company. However, the reaction that has given by Lyra was weird as she just commented that nothing is wrong and turned away by saying that is her personal life and she is having the right to privacy as well. The contract that had been made by Lyra Banks and Fabulous Inc Company was the correct one, as this will help the company in gaining their goodwill back in the market in the future (Albrecht et al., 2015).
The different facts that can be taken from the case study are as follows:
- Lyra Banks did not perform her activities such as scheduled photo shoots and filming on time and this had affected the goodwill and brand image of the respective company
- Lyra Banks behaved badly and rudely with different officials of the company that included hairstylists, camera man and the CEO of the company
- Lyra Banks had cancelled different photo shoots and other shoots without any kind of notice given to the company before hand and this has affected the image of the company
- Lyra Banks did not follow the different clauses that had been mentioned in the agreement previously and this led to different cancellation fees. The cancellation fees has been provided by the respective company itself and this had no affect on Lyra as well (Deery & Jago, 2015)
From the different kind of facts that had been taken from the case study, it can be seen that Lyra Banks was very unprofessional in nature. It was seen that there were different unprofessionalism in the attitude of Lyra Banks and this was not working in favor of Fabulous Inc Company. The original agreement that had been made by Fabulous Inc Company was in favor of both company and Lyra Banks. However, later on the agreement had been changed and it was basically in favor of the company as they felt this can make her professional in nature in the near future. It was seen that proper professional attitude will help her and the company to gain their goodwill and if she performs well, then the salary along with the company will increase the overtime accordingly.
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