Employer Obligations And Responsibilities In A Workplace

Legal Obligations of Employers

Currently, there are numerous number of organization which is operating in this business world, all organization is giving their best in order to achieve top rank among other competitors. But my dream is to work in an organization which will provide a full-time opportunity to their employees to explore the business world and Toyota is one of them (Langberg, Epstein, Urbanowicz, Simon & Graham, 2008). Toyota organization is one of the most innovative company in this world and my interest in innovative technology from an earlier age makes me a suitable candidate for this organization. It is the Toyota organization which can provide me the necessary platform to flourish my creative thinking and enhance my career growth.

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Employers Legal Obligations

According to the Australian law, it is the legal duty and responsibilities of the employer to provide a work environment which is maintaining high standard safety along with healthy workplace and make this sure that during working hours I will not face any kind of risk to my life in the form of injuries under section 19(1) of Occupational safety and health Act 1984. It is the responsibility of an employer to pay me according to my skills, do not harm my image in the organization in any case (Johnstone, Quinlan & McNamara, 2011).

It is the duty of the employers to never follow any misleading references. If all these responsibilities are practiced in the organization, then it will help in creating a healthy employer-employee relationship which is important for the growth of any organization.

Employers Moral Obligations 

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As per Australian moral conduct, it becomes the responsibility of the employers to protect me from getting bulled. It is also the duty of the employers to protect me from any kind of harassment and must treat me equally in the organization no matter what may be my religion, my country background, my race and even my gender (Walters & James, 2011). It is the moral duty of the employers to maintain the working diversity in order to support people like me. It is the moral duty of the employers to involve me in all the operational decisions and do not treat me as an isolated employee in the organization. This will help in creating a work environment which will consist of trust and non-biased and will assist the organization in bringing positivity in the organization workplace.

Supportive Industry and Government Groups

List the government or industry groups are available to give you support if you think you are being unfairly treated.  List the services do they offer.

If I will be treated unfairly by the organization then it can take help of these Industry groups as follows

Australian Red Cross, Department of human service, Department of social services, department of employment, Australian court, Act for peace and many more (Voon, Lo,  Ngui & Ayob, 2011).

The overall objective of these supportive industry and government groups is to protect me from being exploited by organizations. Their objective is to support me in case of being treated unfairly by any organization by highlighting the issue not only on the national platform but also on a global platform which will help in creating a pressure environment which will force the particular to face the global problem by introducing human service angle in the issue. In case of serious allegations, these organization will take the help of even court to file a case against the particular organization with the support of media partner group which are associated with them (Taylor, 2010).

Moral Obligations of Employers

My Role

Moral and Legal Obligations

As an employee, it will be my moral and legal duties to follow all the guideline prescribed by the organization. It will be my duty to pay full attention in case of any training program is being conducted. It will be my duty to wear all the safety equipment which has been mentioned in the organization rulebook at the workplace (Williams & Adams, 2013). It will be my duty to report any kind of hazard in the organization and keep an eye on other whether they are following the instructions mentioned by the organization or not. It becomes my duty to report any kind of harassment, bullying, and misconduct with any person in the organization to the higher authorities (Austrilan human right commission, 2008).

Three Key Ideas

The three ideas which will help my supervisor in setting clear expectations from all the employees who are working in the organization

  1. Define the expectation in a clear way

Here the supervisor must clearly communicate the expectation with the employees in order to ensure that the job will be done better. The communication should be made in such words which are easy to understand and must conclude the real means of the expectation. For this supervisor must use simple words, be direct not play on corners, provide an example in case of need and one of the important thing is, make it measurable (Gong, Huang & Farh, 2009).

  1. Give the reason behind this expectation

For any expectation, there must be some valid reason to accept. Hence, the supervisor must present some valid reason in front of employees in order to understand the importance and level of expectation (Weiss, Tyink & Kubiak, 2009). One of the important aspects which my supervisor must take care is that the presented reason must match the environment of expectation because if the employee will get a sense that presented reason is not connected with the expectation, then they are not going to support this expectation.

  1. Measurement of expectation

What we cannot measure, we cannot expect. Hence, my supervisor must implement a measuring method by which they can communicate criteria with their employees on the basis of which the performance of the employees can be compared related to the expectations (Hsu, Cai & Li, 2010).

Skill Comparison

Skills I need to perform

Skills I currently have

Skills I need to strengthen

Skills that the Toyota organization is looking for are self-motivation, positive energy, critical thinking, multi-tasking ability, must able to adopt working environment quickly, and eager to learn. In addition, this organization also looks for the moral values of the person, must able to work in pressure situations (Millán, Hessels, Thurik & Aguado, 2013).

As per the Toyota organization skill set, I am aware of myself motivation skills, I do not give up early which shows my positive energy towards work. I am able to learn quickly according to the situations. I always have a passion for innovation which indicates my critical thinking.

As per the audit, there are some skills which I have to develop in me in order to present myself as a readymade package for the Toyota organization. These skills are multi-tasking which usually acts a weakness to me. Another important skill is adopting the work environment on which I have to work hard.

The present world is full of competition and in order to sustain, I must have enough skills to compete with other candidates. It is quick natural the person having a large number of competency will always be the first preference of the Toyota organization.

Current, I feel that I have some amount of competency inside me but still in order to attain my goal, I am in need of immediate addition in my skill set so that I can make myself presentable in the market (Castellani, Mariotti & Piscitello, 2008).

Current I am not only in need of competitive skills but also some knowledge of technology because at present every single operation is based on technology and if I have to prove myself I have to attain deep knowledge of available technologies.

At present, I have to fully concentrate on the skills which I lack and must try to explore my inner strength with the help of books, articles and guidance from experts in order to gain better job opportunity (Forth & McNabb, 2008).

No doubt that I lack some important skills but my quick learning ability will help me to overcome this problem. I believe that my presentation skills also belong to the skill set of the organization and can assist me in entering the corporate door.

Multi-tasking – Managing time according to the priority of the task.

Communication – listening, and understanding

Team work- coordination and trust building

Learning- focusing

Critical thinking – Deep analysis

Technology knowledge- articles related technology

Goal setting- set standards for activities

Adoption- starts learning from the surrounding.

VAK (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) learning style

VAK learning style was basically established in 1920 by Psychologists to create more refine the way of learning. As per this model generally, most of us learn things in one of the three ways or the mix of it.

Visual – In this part learning is being transferred in a visual way and the information which is being taken observed by the person is being retained in the form of presentation like some pictures, diagrams or some form of charts. One of the best examples is the training given in organization in which the teacher conducts the training of the new employee through the presentation in the form of pictures, graphs, and diagrams (Vaishnav & Chirayu, 2013).

Auditory- In this part, the person or the audience learn from the real voice of the presenter just like in a lecture there is going a group discussion, in this way the learning happen in two way communication. In a similar way, learning happens on the base of two communications instead of just watching. One of the best examples is the interactive section conduct in class in which all the participants are able to share their view as well as a necessary correction from their teacher.

Supportive Government and Industry Groups

Kinaesthetic- In this part, the person learns through hand on experience which basically provides the learner the reality of things which otherwise is not possible to learn through just watching or reading because through reading or watching we can just understand the process or method by will not be able to do things on practical based.

As per my knowledge, I feel that VAK learning is the best method in order to gain necessary skills or polish my current skills as per the organization need because in present time due to globalization every organization whether small or big are able to enter in any kind of the market which they want. This has increased the amount of competition in this business world and has forced in quick learning.

Hence, I feel that it is the VAK learning style which can help me to learn the necessary skills necessary which will help in achieving my dream goal of becoming an employee of Toyota organization. From my earlier age, I have experience that what ever I see, observe and try to work on the similar kind of topic, I am able to remember the thing for a long time as compared to the things which are just in the form of reading.  Even my interest area is also being developed from my life journey in which I have personally observed the things by taking the positive and negative impact of the situation and have tried to find out what the favorable condition for a particular thing is and how things work out.

From the skill audit, I was able to find out the skills which I have to strengthen in order to fulfill my goal of employment. I will fix a schedule to strengthen these skills with the help of guidance through mentors from both academic as well as industrial. Then will try to gain theoretical knowledge from books as well as articles written by various scholars and try to implement in to practice way in the form of participation in various college activities and some other activities which are being organized by social communities. 


Austrilan human right commission. (2008) code practise of employees. Retrieved from: https://www.humanrights.gov.au/publications/chapter-10-other-duties-employers-effectively-preventing-and-responding-sexual [Accessed 5/12/18].

Castellani, D., Mariotti, I., & Piscitello, L. (2008). The impact of outward investments on parent company’s employment and skill composition: evidence from the Italian case. Structural change and economic dynamics, 19(1), 81-94.

Forth, J., & McNabb, R. (2008). Workplace performance: a comparison of subjective and objective measures in the 2004 Workplace Employment Relations Survey. Industrial Relations Journal, 39(2), 104-123.

Gong, Y., Huang, J. C., & Farh, J. L. (2009). Employee learning orientation, transformational leadership, and employee creativity: The mediating role of employee creative self-efficacy. Academy of management Journal, 52(4), 765-778.

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