Employee Unhappiness And Organizational Commitment: A Case Study

Issues related to employee commitment in an organization

Nature of a job plays a very important role in the organizational commitment (Bolman & Deal, 2017). Theories related to the employee commitment in the organizations have gained increasing popularity as they are helping the companies to retain more number of staffs and are thereby increasing the performance, profitability and productivity. Commitment of the staffs is very important in order to minimize the employee turnover (Anitha & Begum, 2016). Various studies are conducted concerning the organizational commitment and job design but studies related employee performance and productivity are still not covered. However, this report will elaborate on a case study related to employee dissatisfaction with their current job position in the manufacturing organization that is operating in the Australian region. It will primarily focus on the issues that they are facing with their present job role and few recommendations for them to overcome the same.

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Description of the news story

One among every five employees is reportedly unhappy and unsatisfied with their present role in their organization as according to the new research. The study from the UK power has found that a large number of workers are not happy with their present situation they are dissatisfied with their overall careers (“One in five employees hate their careers”, 2018). About 25% of the workers think that changing their job will surpass their psychological health. It has been found that men are more likely to be declining from their career woes than that of the women. General dissatisfaction of the daily life roles are being recognized as the primary reason behind their upset. One in every five employees has said that the thing that is making them unhappy is not their actual career instead; it is their level of seniority. About 13% of them want to switch to another job role, as they are very disappointed with their boss. Due to the career angst of the employees, their personal life is also getting affected, which in turn is affecting their mental health as well. However, though being unhappy and unsatisfied the top most reason for they are still staying in their current job is because of the lack of finances that are available to support their career change.  With the same 31% of the total respondents feels like there is no better alternative, 26% of them are scared that they will regret their decision of changing the job and 24% of them are suffering from mental disorder as they feel like they are a complete failure. 

Employee dissatisfaction with their current job position

The HR issues that are been raised in the news story

Employees are unhappy with their present job for the following reason:

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1. Issue with the level of seniority

Seniority refers to the period of time that a person has served in his job or has worked for a company or organization (Gross, 2017). It has the potential to bring higher rank, and status or precedence to the employees who have served the organization for a longer time. Most of the employees working in manufacturing organization of Australian region are facing problems with the levels of their seniority. There are numerous advantages of seniority system in the workplace but with the same, it is equipped with few demerits too and these demerits are contributing to the unwillingness and unhappiness of the employees for working in their current job role (Stone & Stone, 2013). It is not necessary that a more senior employee will always be a more productive employee. A seniority reward system in the companies is always based upon the duration or the time of employment of an employee working in the company (Napathorn & Kuruvilla, 2017). Only because a person has spent enough time working in his designed job role does not mean that is highly productive. However, the respondents have stated that their level of seniority is what making it difficult for them to survive in the company, as they are highly unhappy with their boss’ behavior, which they find unacceptable. In many of the organization, the boss behaves unfairly and unethically with their juniors. They force them to work more and take the credit for the works of the employees. This in turn is de-motivating the employees and resulting in their unhappiness. The study has showed that about 13% of the total respondents want to shift from their job roles because they dislike their boss. No matter how much a person love what he does, if he is working for a bad boss, he will eventually get to worn out.

2. Employees are feeling like they are a failure

As their present job role is unsatisfactory to them, the employees are planning to change their job but the fear of lack of enough finance to support their career change, fear of getting worst alternative, and the fear of regretting for their decision is haunting them and this in turn is effecting their psychological well being. 

The Human Resource Manager must take a deep look into the management and the leadership styles of your company and that must include his own as well. He must consider and find out the way they are perhaps negatively influencing the working environment and the moods of the employees. In case if still he is unsure if the employee are happy or satisfied with their respective mangers, ask them or conduct a written or online survey. This will help in getting the best and actual feedbacks. Unhappy employees and work force make for a business in difficulty.Hence, the Human Resource Manager must be aware of the common reasons behind people ending up hating their work and this in turn will make it a lot easier for identifying the problems in the company.

Consequences of unhappy employees on organizational performance

Communication is the primary element behind employee happiness and job satisfaction. Effective communication will lead to deeper employee relationship and will enhance their productivity. The work environment must be planned in a manner that will encourage exchanges among the employees. The Human Resource Manager must make use of communication tools such as the project management software, internal newsletters, instant messenger applications or other sort of live chats. However, before doing anything, he must first figure out the type of tool the employees will be more reactive to. After identifying the tool, he must ensure that the tool should also ally with his working culture within the organization and must fit within the existing processes.

The subject of personal accomplishment is the top most need in the Maslow’s pyramidal hierarchy of needs. Therefore, most of the people develop a thirst for a continuous development and learning and where there is no room for development or advancement, he employees feel disconnected. No one takes a job in a hope for doing the exact same thing after five years. Everyone wants to move forward in his and her present position and advance their career in order to feel challenged and improve their productivity. Therefore, the Human Resource Manager must address must address this in the hiring process and he must ensure that the mission statement of the company is clearly mentioned there. He must ensure that the company have a clear cut hire-from-within policy in the system or else each of the employees will feel stagnant and they will look out for other options.

Hence, the Human Resource Manager must ensure that the good training opportunities are offered to the employees so that they get a chance to deepen and strengthen their knowledge and become specialized in their respective field and with the same, they could enjoy their work. Most of the companies think that developing their skills will increase the possibility of flying away but this is not the fact. He must not worry about the same as providing training opportunities is in fact an investment rather than expense. It will encourage the employees to stick around with the company because this will make the employees feel like that they are worthy of investing upon. However, whether an employee needs internal or the external training, the Human Resource Manager should allocate them time to spend particularly on their self-improvement and development.

Recommendations to improve the situation and increase organizational commitment

He must encourage team spirit in the organization, as it is as vital as the employee’s motivation because work is always collaborative in nature. Hence, having a positive energy flow among the co-workers is important. This flow is based on good communication and the tools that support it. The Human Resource Manger must ensure that he is able to take necessary action in case if any problem arises. Apart from this, he must also let other people to know to inform him when the frictions evolve, so that they can react fast. He needs to encourage the employees to communicate with each other and the other superiors in and about both good and bad moments.

Employees are thinking that the grass is greener in the other places. It is a part of every human nature. Human always wonder for better alternative and they always seek for something better out elsewhere. The case is same when an employee is unhappy with his job role and is unsatisfied with working in his organization. They talk to their other friends who are happily working in their respective fields and are highly motivated and satisfied, especially when they hear about their good and helpful boss, and all the other wonderful benefits their friends are getting, they starts to think that now it is the time to look for a better opportunity. Therefore, in order to make the employees stay, they must be given reason to stay. Hence, in such cases, the Human Resource Manager must stay aware of the things that others in the different organization are doing in order attract more employees and to retain employees. He must try to adopt new strategies in order to minimize the employee turnover rates and retain more employees. For this, he can offer competitive benefits packages to his employees that fit their needs and will make them happy. For example, in today’s world, health is one of the major areas of concern for people all over the world; hence, he can provide the employees with life insurance and health insurance. Furthermore, he can also provide retirement-savings plan. Other benefits my include availability of telecommuting option, flextime etc. These will help a lot in minimizing employee turnover, as these will make them feel that the company is willing to accommodate its employees’ outside lives. These slight changes would work wonders for increasing their level of happiness.


From the above analysis, it is seen that the main reason behind the fact that every one out of five employees are hating their careers in Australia Hating job is not a very uncommon thing but in order to stay in the competition and to become truly successful, an organization must ensure that none of its employee is unhappy. Unhappy employees mean less production, less engagement and more employee retention, which in turn will negatively affect the company and is more or less likely to affect the mental condition of the employees as well. None of the either is of a great benefit. Hence, in order to improve the present condition of the company as well as the mental health of the employees, the Human Resource department of the company must follow the above recommendations. 


Anitha, J., & Begum, F. N. (2016). Role of organisational culture and employee commitment in employee retention. ASBM Journal of Management, 9(1), 17.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2017). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Gross, E. (2017). Work, organization, and stress. SocialStress. Chicago: Aldine. GrossWork, organization and stress54Social Stress1970, 54-110.

Napathorn, C., & Kuruvilla, S. (2017). Human Resource Management in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand. Routledge Handbook of Human Resource Management in Asia.

One in five employees hate their careers. (2018). HR Online. Retrieved 2 February 2018, from https://www.hcamag.com/hr-news/one-in-five-employees-hate-their-careers-245178.aspx

Stone, R. J., & Stone, R. J. (2013). Managing human resources. John Wiley and Sons.

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