Employee Motivation: The Key To Success
Theories of Employee Motivation
Discuss about the Motivation of an Employee in an Organization.
A factor that causes the employees of an organization to work and complete their tasks is known as employee motivation. Employee motivation allows the employees to react in a particular manner. It is nothing but the energy level, the creativity, and the commitment that the workers show towards their respective jobs. A company’s economy may either grow or shrink due to certain reasons, but the employees should constantly be motivated. Employee motivation is one of the greatest concerns of the management. Various theories state that incentives should be given or there should be an empowerment of the employees to keep them motivated. The organizations should keep a check on the employee motivation because if the employees do not feel motivated, it may be harmful for the business. The problems that may arise if the employees do not feel motivated include disinterest, complacency, and even discouragement. There are various methods that can be employed to motivate the employees because there are many companies that operate in the huge business environment. Few strategies are prevalent among the business organizations. The organizations have also discovered that the flexibility of the job design and the reward systems have resulted in the longevity of the employees along with an improved productivity.
The authors of the above study aim to highlight the various factors that are known to work on employee motivation. The objective of the authors is to test the Herzberg Theory and see how far it is valid. A sample of around three-hundred and twenty-five employees from 6 hospitals within the city of Jordan was selected. For doing this, the structural equation modeling or the SEM approach was applied. The findings that were found in the study supported the theory of Herzberg of motivating the employees at work. The study reveals that not only growth but also hygiene motivation factors have a great impact on the entire degree of motivation. The employees give immense value to the non-financial incentives. This proves that only financial stimulus does not increase the motivation level of the employees. The managers should be focused on both financial and non-financial incentives in a combined manner so that the employees can be motivated. The authors state that the performance is influenced by the human resources and they can be influenced by improving the skills of the employees, and also by increasing the employee motivation
The authors of this article focus on the employee motivation in the family businesses. The main aims of the authors are to examine the employee motivation in the firms that are handled by various members of the family. In order to conduct this research, family firms have been selected in Poland, and these firms are mostly from retail sectors. At the beginning, the various theoretical aspects were discussed that were related to family businesses. Then employee motivation in these family firms was also presented. Methods like literature review were used along with a questionnaire for collecting the required data. The results of the entire analysis of employee motivation in the family firms have been presented after the completion of the analysis. Also, the authors had suggested certain recommendations and insights on employee motivation.
Importance of Employee Motivation
The authors aim to compare employee motivation and its level in this paper. The comparison is based on the employee motivation two important places, Slovakia and Hungary, in the year 2016. Sociological survey was conducted with the help of questionnaires. Researches were conducted in Slovakia and Hungary. A total number of thirty motivation factors had been divided into 5 groups of factors. The motivation factors that were analyzed were related to finance, career aspiration, mutual relationships, and also social needs. The motivation factors that were related to the mutual relationships were preferred by the Hungarian respondents. On the other hand, the Slovak employees preferred financial motivation. The factors that were related to the social needs were hardly of any concern for the groups. Lastly, it was suggested that there should be a prominent focus on the motivation factors that are related to relationships. This will help in improving the relation amongst the employees within the organization. For the Hungarian employees, motivation factors that are related to career goals should also be taken into consideration.
The authors in this article state that if any good is being done for the society, then it is considered to be an important factor in motivating the employees who belong to the public sectors. This allows the employers to perform their tasks well. The authors analyze the various degrees of inclusions within the public sector matter. The prospects of the employment relations along with all the temporal differences that moderate the public sector matter in both public and private sectors are investigated. It is suggested that the factors that influence the PSM are mostly multifaceted and actual conditions of employment should be considered when public sector matter is being assessed.
The authors in this article state that most of the organizations are recognizing the need for using the human resources as a great influence for their success. The environment now has become very competitive and the companies are bent on finding new ways so that they can be more efficient and effective in utilizing the resources so that their performance is also boosted. This is why, it is very important to recruit the employees who not only have high qualifications but are also motivated. Motivated employees will lead to a better productivity and will help the company to remain competitive within the environment that is unstable. This article focuses mainly on the banking industry of Nigeria along with the various methods employed by these industries for motivating their employees. The primary data has been collected from a sample of sixty employees working in seven different banks. Face-to-face interview was also carried out for achieving the objectives of the research and also to back up the theoretical findings. The result showed that the relationship between employee motivation, organizational performance, and recruitment practices is very strong and positive. The analysis also identified that the bank employees are motivated extrinsically, but intrinsic factors also motivate them to a certain extent. The banks provide many extrinsic motivators so that the performance of the employees is improved. The authors suggest that more motivational incentives should be suggested for the employees so that their performance is boosted. The employees who are unmotivated do not come of any use to the companies.
Employee Motivation in Family Businesses
According to the authors, consumerism has been imposed as an aspect of representing the current society. Due to this, the motivation levels among the employees are becoming hard to generalize. A mixture of the motivational theories is being witnessed. One of the growing trends among all the employees is generally represented by desires to be promoted faster no matter what post they are in they also want to accede to a salary level that is higher. The young employees are comparatively less patient unlike the traditional employees, and they want to cross all the hierarchical levels for reaching the highest position. Material motivation and Spiritual Motivation go hand in hand and both should be provided by the companies so that the employees start showing a higher productivity in their tasks.
The authors in this article state that motivation is the main reason behind the activities and the behaviors that are delivered by the people in an association in respect to the challenges that are there. To ensure the productivity and the performance in the modern associations, it is extremely important to understand the various elements that are responsible for motivating or de-motivating the employees, and also, how to apply the motivational factors. The individual performance has a relationship with how the human resources are being managed. By knowing the different motivational theories, organizations apply these strategies for engaging the employees in the competitive achievements. This, in turn, allows the employees to meet the aims and goals of the organization. The authors conclude that for achieving the goals, an organization should motivate their employees to such an extent, that they would dedicate their hundred percent for the success of the organization.
The authors state that the European population is ageing steadily and this is nothing but an important demographic trend. This trend is mostly reflected in those older employees who are growing in number. The authors describe the necessity of satisfaction and employee motivation within the companies. The aim was to conduct an investigation the various differences between satisfaction and motivation of the employees. The research was conducted on two groups in Slovenia and the Mann-Whitney U test was employed for verifying the differences. The results showed that the older employees were motivated by the flexibility, autonomy, interpersonal relationships, working with their own pace, respect among all the employees, equal treatment of the employees irrespective of the age in their workplace. They are also satisfied with the work hours and the equal distribution of the obligations. It can be concluded that the motivations and the satisfactions start changing with age. The employers and the managers can make use of this information to enhance the work performance, creativity, and relationship among the colleagues.
The authors have conducted a detailed study on the effects that employee motivation has on their performances within their workplace. Since the ancient times, the society has faced an involvement that is weak in terms of the human resources in an organization. Motivating the employees has become very important and it is also an eminent objective for the organizations. Motivating the human resources will boost the performance of the employees so that the organization can successfully reach their goals. Employees are very important for the organizations. De-motivating the employees have a negative effect on their performance. The employees should always be positively motivated so that their efficiency drastically increase.
In this article, the authors examine the four different dimensions of the organizational justice which are related to employee motivation and the performance of the company. Motivation is the voluntary willingness of the employee to do all the extra work and also work overtime. It is believed that individual motivations ultimately lead to the individual performance, which, in turn, is related to the entire organization. Thus, individual employees should be motivated so that the individual targets of the employees are successfully met.
Employee motivation is the critical aspect within the workplace which enhances the performance of the employees, thereby allowing them to meet their daily targets. Motivating the employees should be a regular routine. In case if the workplace is not motivated, it may lead to severe loss of the companies. Employee motivation allows the companies and their managements to meet the desired goals within a short period of time with the help of the employees. Companies should ensure that their employees feel at home even when they are working so that they contribute significantly to the success of the company.
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