Employee Engagement: Importance, Challenges And Strategies For Improvement – Analysis Of ABC Company Case Study
Importance of Employee Engagement
The employee engagement refers to the relationship that exists between the organisation and its employees. An engaged employee might refer to the person who is observed to have been totally absorbed into the work that he has been assigned by his employers (Anitha 2014). The engaged employees might help the concerned organisation to express a huge growth in the concerned industry and thereby bringing about a positive growth in the reputation and the interests of the concerned organisation. ABC Company of United Kingdom is one of the leading companies that have been functional in the country. The following report deals with the analysis of a case study based on the ABC Company of United Kingdom. The report opens with the discussion on the importance of the employee engagement and the relations that need to be maintained within the organisation. The report then proceeds to put forth the major factor that drives the need for the employee engagement within the organisation. The report further proceeds to put forth an identification and the analysis of the major challenges that are faced during the management of the employees in the organisation. The report nears its end with the proposal of various strategies that might be helpful for the improvement of the long-term productivity and performance of the concerned organisation.
The employee engagement is one of the major factors that tend to put forth the various conditions that lead to the overall growth of the company (Alfes et al. 2013). The employee engagement generally refers to the energy and the commitment that is brought along by the concerned employees to the work field. This serves to be a key indicator of the dedication and the involvement of the employees of the organisation. The employees who have been more productive are considered to be more content, productive and loyal to the concerned organisation. According to Gallup, the employees who are observed to be greatly involved and enthusiastic about their commitment to their work might be termed as the engaged employees of the concern (Mann and Harter 2016). Gallup categorizes the employees of the organisation on the basis of the responses that are shared by the employees on the major workplace elements that have been found to predict the most important performance outcomes of the concerned organisation (Sorenson 2013). In the given concern, the ABC Company, the company is seen to face the issues regarding the employee engagement during the recent times. In the earlier times, the concerned company boasted of having several employees who were engaged to the organisation and performed almost over 20% better than the other employees of the organisation. The company did portray a visible huge growth during the earlier years due to the complete engagement on the part of its employees. The employees of the concern had taken up the roles of the various advocates of the company thereby leading to a massive growth of the company in comparison to the other competitor companies that are available in the industry. This had helped the company top face an increase in the bottom-line profit of the organisation, the improvement in the efficiency in the drive towards the change initiatives that were taken and thereby enabling the organisational agility. The complete engagement of the concerned employees of the various departments of the concerned organisation helped to create a positive impact on the well-being and the health of the organisation. This step had helped in evoking the increase in the employee support of the organisation. The company, in the recent times had been facing a huge number of issues in the field of the employee engagement and relations that might have led to the higher amount of the turnover that has been taking place within the organisation. This has led to the decline in the overall performance of the concerned organisation.
Challenges in Managing Employees
Engaged employees are those who are completely engrossed, focused on their work, and can work for long hours. They take on additional tasks and completely dedicate themselves in favour of the organization. For an employee to be so focused and dedicated the job needs to be attractive on a fundamental level. Along with that the atmosphere should be healthy enough for the job to be done. Many other such factors are related for an employee to work hard on his job, some of which are discussed herein. Firstly the employees should work in sequence and in the location where the business is actually growing. He/she needs to understand the area and the method of reaching his/her goal. Secondly, employees should have full trust in their seniors and leaders. Basically they should be able to rely on their superiors for support in times of need. Peers also contribute to a healthy office culture, which is much needed as well for employees to be efficient (Bal et al.2013). It is a symbiotic relationship that helps both the partners in this engagement. Personal influence, in the form of encouragement, always adds to the support of the morale of the employees, which boost their production rate in their work. This encouragement aids the employees in discovering new and better ways of doing things. Basically hard workers become smart as well as hardworking (Mishra, Boynton and Mishra 2014). These small factors affect employee engagement. The need for this employee engagement is truly transparent and is more evident with increasing workload on the company’s front. Greater the number of employees better is the workflow in the company. Hence the employees must feel connected to their work environment at all times for a better work execution. One of the key drivers for such employee engagement is connection. As said earlier, employees must feel connected to their work environment. The company should perform activities that let the employees understand that it cares for them. Next is contribution as a whole. The employees should have the feeling that they are contributing to some cause, which is not only restricted to their livelihood but to something greater so that they can feel that they are making a difference. For instance if the company can publish some kind of a client story that upholds the contribution of an employee, the fellow employees would be inspired to do the same thus resulting in a concrete employee engagement. Freedom counts in as the next important driver towards employee engagement. The company needs to ensure that the employees do not suffer from monotony of duties so that they do not feel repulsion from their job. Choice is power. Hence, the company needs to ensure that the employees choose their company and thus benefit symbiotically (Wang and Hsieh 2013). Growth as usual is a key factor as well. The employees need to see that growth is actually happening in the company they are working so hard in. Last but not the least, fun is an important factor, which determines the longevity of an employee in an organization.
Strategies for Improvement
The primary step of solving the problem is identifying it accurately. Currently the company faces a high rate of employee attrition. Coupled with it is the frustration of the already working employees. Hence, it is evident that if the situation continues the company would be vulnerable to high risks at any point of time. The situation calls for immediate employee engagement to at least regain the bottom line profit margin to sustain the company adequately. In case of employee attrition it is fundamental to understand the reason behind the dissatisfaction of the employees. Primarily it includes loss of connection among the employees or low connection between the company and the employee. Therefore, to rebuild this connection it is of high importance to regain trust of the employees. If the relations between the workers and the company employers do not become better through trust and feelings of confidence, it would be difficult for the workers to form a team. Secondly frustration contributes to the next problem. This can be solved by introducing fun activities during the office hours and allowing employee relaxations amidst work. The employees should not feel monotonous at work. Feelings of monotony harm the will to work further. Hence frustration develops resulting in resignation. Thirdly the employees should feel that they are actually contributing to some fundamental cause, which is greater than the basic reason of existing in the world. The need to feel important shall drive the workers to work further and feel even more important, thus implementing employee engagement accurately. Finally the ultimate reason as evident from this case is lack of growth of the company. If the company does not showcase the growth of the company it would be difficult for the employees to work on as a team.
The company needs to put forth the various strategies that might be helpful for achieving the needed improvement in the matters that pertain to the long-term productivity and the business performance of the concern. The company might need to put forth the various factors that lead to the improvement of the employee engagement and relations within the organisation. The company might be advised implement the theories that pertain to the strategic alignment of the organisation. The employees of the organisation might need to align themselves with the ultimate goals in the business and the ways in which the concerned organisation attempts to do so. In order to improve the employee engagement in the concern, the concerned organisation is advised to bring about an improvement in the peer culture that is prevalent in the organisation (Truss et al.2013). The company should promote the high levels of engagement of the productive employees of the organisation in order to help the improvement of the relationships among the members of the workforce and thus influence and motivate the other members of the organisation. The employees must be able to trust their immediate seniors with their well being and areas of promotion. This might help the improvement of the working relationship that exists among the concerned employees of the organisation (Mone and London 2018). This might directly affect the performance of the employees and might help in solving the issues that relate to the employee turnover among the organisation. The organisation might also provide the needed career support to the concerned employees in order to arrest the high rates of the employee turnover that the company has been facing since the recent years (Saks and Gruman 2014). The concerned management of the company should put forth the various amounts of the developmental opportunities that might be needed by the various members of the organisation in order to deal with the various skills that are required by the concerned employees of the organisation.
Theory of Strategic Alignment
The company should promote the high levels of engagement of the productive employees of the organisation in order to help the improvement of the relationships among the members of the workforce and thus influence and motivate the other members of the organisation. The employees must be able to trust their immediate seniors with their well being and areas of promotion. This might help the improvement of the working relationship that exists among the concerned employees of the organisation. The organisation might also provide the needed career support to the concerned employees in order to arrest the high rates of the employee turnover that the company has been facing since the recent years.
Thus, from the above discussion it is clear that employee engagement is a significant issue that needs to be implemented in all companies for better output of the company. As is seen in the above case the company was facing high employee turnover, coupled with small number of employees who were working under frustration, thus risking the company’s existence as a whole. Inter-personal trust building, confidence boosting and introducing fun activities, is a few key factors that would help in engaging employees to the concerned organization. Such other methods when implemented in an organization, profits on the company front would increase thus creating a win-win situation for the employee as well as the company.
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