Employee Burnout: Causes, Solutions, And Reviews – Organisation Behaviour

Details of the Articles

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The term employee burnout itself is a term that shows the organizational behaviour of its employees that includes their exhaustion of the emotional and physical strength. The burnout action of the employees is a lengthy period of time to show its results. The employees usually get exhausted by the pressure of the organization and the working environment of that organization. This process of exhaustion is the resultant of many criteria like the lacking of the resources and the support in the organization or the pressure in the job or the particular fixed deadlines for that task (Baker, O’Brien & Salahuddin, 2007). All these contribute in its ways for the employee exhaustion in the organization. There are many more reasons for this action. Therefore to take the study forward and to prevent the burnout by bringing organization’s morale, few things people need to know. The organization must carry out the reasons for burnout with bringing the solutions that must be agreeable mutually and lastly there should be the motivation of the employees (Demerouti, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2000).

For this reason, a review needs to be created which will show the employee burnout cases and will show the reasons attached to it. Along with that, it will show the total analysis of the burnout in an organization including the issues in the organizations. Therefore some of the few journals must be checked to take out the review of those particular criteria of burnout.

The journals selected to take out the review are: Journal of Employment Counselling, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Sociology and Welfare and The National Center for Biological Information (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004).

The Journal of Employment Counselling gives the idea in the article of the “Psychological distress and burnout in Australian employment service workers: Two years on” by Patton et al. in the year March 2003. The International Journal of Human Resource Management has an article by Peter J. Holland et al. in 23 May 2013, which about “Reducing burnout in Australian nurses: the role of employee direct voice and managerial responsiveness” (Search.proquest, 2016). Another article of “Burnout in Nursing” is being cited in Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing by Kent Patrick et al. in November 2006. “Correlates of Job Burnout among Human Services Workers: Implications for Workforce Retention” by Madhavappallil Thomas et al. in the year December 2014 in the Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare provides information regarding the employee burnout. The National Center of Biological Information has the article “Reducing workplace burnout: the relative benefits of cardiovascular and resistance exercise” by Rachel Judith Bretland et al. in April 9, 2015, for the scenario of the employee burnout in the organization (Maslach & Leiter, 2008).

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Summaries and the Reviews by the articles

The article of “psychological distress and burnout in Australian employment service workers: two years on” gives the idea of the employee burnout by going through the study that was continued up to three years. This study was done to the national employment service industry of Australia. This industry was eventually privatized in the year 1998. The article pays attention towards the privatization of the services that are given which the employment services of Australia became privatized (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). It is also stated after the study is due to the privatization, the private organization virtually compete in the market as per their condition. They compete in between themselves relating to the financial incentives which make the unemployed people find the employment. This action of the company creates a great work pressure in regarding to those incentives which somehow results in the exhaustion of the employees in the organization taking it to the burnout. Therefore the study particularly gives a review about the psychological condition or the current state of the psychology of both the unemployed personnel and the organization. Also, the person assisting the unemployed personnel to the organization also makes sense of the employment and heads towards the deletion of burnout from the organization (Rachel Judith Bretland, 2015).

The International Journal of Human Resource Management gives the idea of the reduction in the employee burnout in the health department by the enhancement in the voice of the employees along with the responses from the managerial level in the “Reduction burnout in Australian nurses: the role of direct employee voice and managerial responsiveness.” This article about the employee burnout focuses on the issues of the organization in the nursing profession (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). As the nursing profession is a very responsible and also stressful profession, so in that place if there will be any lack of the cooperation of the organization then there will be the exhaustion of the employees. But in this article, there is a good sign of reduction of that exhaustion between the nurses as they succeeded in raising their voices for the issues that are being raised in the organization (Wmich, 2016). For this study that is done in this paper, there is a case study that is done on the Australian nurses. The raise in the voice of the nurses makes the managerial position in threat. Therefore by undergoing the study here, Peter J. Holland et al. found the hypothesis that the interaction between the employee and the manager somehow became negative resulting the burnout condition (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). Further the managerial responses carried out actions that will take part in the reduction of the burnout of the employees.

Again another article shows the burnout issues in the nursing profession in the article “Burnout in Nursing” in the Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing. This journal in this article basically focuses upon the Victorian ANF nurses burnout and eventually makes way to find out the factors for this particular issue. This has been depicted in the article that any changes in the environment of the workplace eventually affect the employees getting stressed out. So the stressing of the employees makes their inclination towards the burnout by constructing a structure of exhaustion within them emotionally which also affects their personal traits (Wmich, 2016). The study here undergoes through the issues of the organizations and its changes which leads to the burnout n the nurses there. The study also depicted the reduction of the personal accomplishment of the nurses. The nurses here got for the exhaustion due to the increase in the overtime which made them feel pressured and led them getting emotionally exhausted.

The Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare provides the article “Correlates of Job Burnout among Human Services Workers: Implications for Workforce Retention” where there is the depiction of the impacts and the traits that have been developed due to the burnout issues in the services of the human resources (Rachel Judith Bretland, 2015). This study says about the emotional and physical exhaustion of the employees leading the burnout in the organization. In finding the reasons in the burnout issues, the organization sometimes gets unable to find out the methods that will be helpful in taking out the promotions of the organizational environment (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). This paper shows that the burnout of the employees can be said as the outcomes of the organizational issues which when taken in action can be helpful to take out the ways for the regulation of stress in the workplace. Also, all the keys of the organizational structures sometimes are dependent on the individual where the level of the individual also varies.

The National Center for Biological Information is always considered to have the information for the every desired issue and solution which are having the involvement of the normal behaviour of the biological issues. Same way here the issue is the burnout of the employees from the organization. Therefore NCBI has taken up article “Reducing workplace burnout: the relative benefits of cardiovascular and resistance exercise” which has been studied by Rachel Judith Bretland et al.  NCBI is always focussed towards the welfare of the society with the welfare of the human beings. Therefore the article pays attention towards the reduction of job stress resulting in the reduction of the employee burnout. Many ways and exercise are being found out that focuses on the stress reduction in the organization and the maintenance of peace in the organization eventually reducing the burnout issues of the organization (Baker, O’Brien & Salahuddin, 2007). For undergoing this study, the specific designs are being made which included the males and females of the organization. Then the structure and design that has been made for the burnout reduction have been implemented on those people, and the results are surveyed. From this study, this article shows the psychological effects and the health effects that are found on the employees of the organization. Also due to this the organizations ultimately will get free from the interventions that are changing the organizational culture by motivating and evaluating the emotional, mental and physical levels of the employees of the organization.

Employee burnout as an important issue for the organization and its culture finds its ways for the solving and resolving the problems that will enhance the situation in the organization. The burnout of the employees in the organization sometimes makes the degradation of the organization and intervenes in the growth of the organization. Due to this many articles have been produced studying the every angle of it (Rachel Judith Bretland, 2015). By these studies, the factors that are resulting to the burnout can be rectified which eventually results in the reduction of the burnout process. As there is an issue of burnout in the privatization of the national employment services in Australia whose elaborate studies will enable revealing of the psychological statement of the people who were unemployed and those were serving them by assisting them. Issues of burnout in the nursing profession are putting a bad effect in the health department (Schwartz, Tiamiyu & Dwyer, 2007). This burnout in the nursing profession generally enhances the contribution of the lowering of the emotional exhaustion which rises to the depersonalization. The issue that has been raised was the Victoria ANF nurse members. Studies have shown that these ANF nurses have undergone the burnout which was the outcome of stress in the organization. For this particular issue, there has been a study which is a survey methodology of the ANF nurses, where the samples of 574 Victorian ANF nurses have taken. The examination of the samples of these nurses will bring out their burnout levels and the characteristics of individual nurses that are affecting to burnout. After the study of the samples, these are also evident that the age factor of the nurses also has the specific effect on the burnout of the nurses (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). The working hours for the nurses are the addition to the increase in their burnout and depersonalization. Usually, the working time decreases with an increase in the age factor which decreases the burnout in them.  As nurses have a regular interaction with the patients and the clients which if goes overtime, it affects their activity. Demerouti et al was also describing this action of nurses in article “A model of burnout and life satisfaction amongst nurses.” It is also evident from the studies that the levels of burnout vary from person to person which has been described by Schaufeli and Enzmann in the article “The burnout companion to study and practice: a critical analysis.” The studies by various authors finally came to that instance that Victoria ANF nurses are not undergoing the elevated levels of burnout, and they are in maximum cases getting satisfied with their career options with the patients as with growing time they gain experience and get benefitted. Also in any cases of the burnouts, the management gives many opportunities to relax their stress and the maintenance of chore in the organization.

Another issue that was raised was the social and demographic factors that led to the commencement of the burnout. The absenteeism is also an important factor eventually, increases the pressure within the employees afterward and finally results into the burnout in the organization. There have been various issues where there are the chances for the absentees which lay out the foundation for the burnout in the organization. In this situation, there has been a multiple regression analysis which will be showing the relationship between different variables which led to burnout (Rachel Judith Bretland, 2015). Maslach & Leither, Schwartz et al. revealed the relationship between the absenteeism and the burnout of the employees which also involves various conflicts in the organization (Maslach & Leiter, 2008).  Out of the study, Kirk-Brown & Wallace found the importance of role ambiguity which somehow as the predictor for the emotional exhaustion which leads to the burnout. It is also evident that all these activities eventually lead to workforce retention (Kirk-Brown & Wallace, 2004). The burnout or the emotional exhaustion also caused by the increased amount of time pressure and low self-efficacy, which was explained by Baker et al (Baker, O’Brien & Salahuddin, 2007).

The sole aim of the article is to pay attention towards the details of the employee burnout. In normal words, it can be said that an employee burnout is such a criterion which can come up with important consequences for the employee and the employer. As discussed above the employee burnout is the physical and the emotional exhaustion of the employee of an organization which describes the psychological state of mind of the employee. This concept of employee burnout has many causes which initialize its emergence, as the lack of control, being overworked, conflicts in the workplace, lack of personal and professional balance, the feeling of unappreciated by the boss and much more. These factors mediate the way for the imbalance of the psychological state of mind of the employee. It is also required that the employer must get aware of the situation to take some measures to solve the issues of burnout (Wmich, 2016). It is for sure that if the employee burnout is emerging in the organization by any means, then the employer must continue to have a clear communication with the employees by creating a friendly environment (Search.proquest, 2016). The important mist weapon to tackle with burnout issue is the motivation of the employees. The enhancement in motivation wills eventually flexible more confidence within the employees by making them flexible to handle and cope up with any responsibility and situation at ease. It is also a necessity to give some break to the employees from the working hours for the increase in the focus on the employees (Schaufeli & Enzmann, 1998). Fulfilling the demands of the employees eventually fill the employee psychology with positivity which will be beneficial for both the employee and the employer.


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