Emotional Intelligence For Self-Management

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Using Maetrix EI Online Test, to evaluate my Emotional intelligence level, I scored below average on my self-awareness test as well as my self-management test (Maetrix, n.d.). However, I tested well on social awareness and scored above average on relationship management. From the test, I realized that I need to work on my self-awareness as well as self-management

While working as part-time at café restaurant, one colleague, who was supposed to relieve me from my already ended shift often, ran late without informing me in advance. One time I decided to confront him and calmly explained to him that they should tell me in advance if they were running late. After that moment, the colleague acknowledged his mistake and started informing me every time he would be running late.

Several internal events may elicit emotional reactions. Some of them include person fear, feel, worrying about a future event and that underachieving on set goals, which could evoke negative emotions (Degarmo, n.d.). Similarly, external emotions such as conflicts with colleagues, excessive job demands, as well as job insecurity would also evoke negative emotions at the workplace.

At one time I walked into the employees’ lounge and found them gossiping about a colleague who was a friend. I was outraged and scolded them. In retrospect, if the situation were to occur again, I would sternly explain to them that such behavior is unbecoming and they should think about how they would feel if they found another person discussing them negatively.

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In a review of my personality, I find myself to be a conscientious person; this is because I am self-disciplined and committed to achieving my personal goals. Additionally, I find that I am dependable and organized both at school and at home. I scarcely act out of spontaneity; rather I prefer planning for an activity.

Persons categorized as type A persons are often ambitious, highly organized, sensitive, anxious and impatient. They are also time conscious and sometimes irritable. Managers working in highly demanding workplaces display such emotion (Degarmo, n.d.). In contrast type B persons have a calm disposition, less anxious and spontaneous. Writers and actors tend to exhibit such character traits.

At the workplace, some of the skills that one can develop to build emotional intelligence include being self-aware of their emotions and exercising self-control. Secondly, showing empathy towards other people helps in improving relationships among colleagues. Thirdly, one should be flexible and accommodating of different personalities that are common in the workplace.

Where EI helped In Workplace

In order to reduce emotional stress at the workplace, it is important to cultivate a positive environment at the workplace; this can be done by displaying positive behavior towards fellow colleagues and assisting struggling colleagues. For instance, smiling at colleagues and clients often makes them feel welcomed.

By acknowledging the situation that causes stress, one can avoid such situations and develop a coping mechanism that would help deal with the stress. A strong network of people offers a support structure for one to in stressful situations. This may include friends, family, and religious institutions.

In one instance, a colleague confided in me that I was too naïve and trusted too much. While it was true, I was annoyed, but I decided to respond by making fun of the issues. By doing so, I realized that the statement did not bother me because I had developed tolerance to disturbing comments.

Change at the workplace often arouses emotions such as anxiety, aggression, and fear of job loss. Effective communication regarding change prevents resistance from changing and reassures employees of where they stand about the ongoing changes in the organization.

A company that could be go through economic hardship can opt to restructure the organizational model. In a bid to deal with the wide range of emotion among employees, which include uncertainty low morale and resistance to change, Communication of information regarding organizational change in a way that will reduce employee concerns about important job aspects is considered crucial. Expressing a concise vision for the changes and defining employee s’ roles in the changed environment allows employees to understand their new functions. It is also important to Give employees a sense of  control by involving them in the process of change. 

Reflective listening involves giving audience to a speaker with the aim of understanding their thoughts and emotions. This is done by relaying the speaker’s words in a bid to understanding their thought processes(MTD Training, n.d.). Through reflective listening, a speaker can assess his thoughts and develop self -insight which allows the speaker to resolve his or her problems.

In many cases, friends come for advice on an issue they are facing. In one instance you find that they feel disappointed when they try to talk while you are busy doing something else. However, when one pays attention and engages them in a dialogue, they feel safe and valued.

Workplace bullying negatively affects the victims. It may cause low morale and productivity of the affected personnel. Workplace bullying comes in the form of verbal abuse, Threats, as well as improper behavior towards colleagues such as sexual harassment (MTD Training, n.d.).

External and Internal Events that Evoke Emotion

There are several situations where one’s behavior might affect others at a workplace without their knowledge. A good instance is where a manager who reprimands employees in full view of their fellow employees can negatively affect the morale of those employees. Such conduct can be perceived as humiliating towards the criticized employees

Effective listening allows employees to learn faster especially in changing the work environment. Additionally, it also enables one to perform the task correctly in the first instance thus reducing the chance of repetition. In so doing, adaptability to changes becomes smoother and faster.

One instance my mother asked me to visit them during a certain weekend. However, I forgot and made my own plans on the same weekend. When my mother called to confirm whether I was on my way, I felt ashamed that I did not remember while mother seemed angry as well as disappointed since she was expecting me. After the incident, the situation between my mother and I was tense for a while until she accepted my apology

In a team, emotional intelligence seeks to achieve three critical elements. These include a sense of group identity, development of trust among team members as well as efficiency within the group (“Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations,” n.d.). Emotionally intelligent group members develop these critical, which in turn enhance team effectiveness.

Sales persons who work in groups develop trust by communicating openly and being honest with one another. Additionally, accommodating team members’ different personalities and collectively owning blame increases the group’s cohesion. Organizations may organize team-building retreats that help the teams to synergize and work as a team.

Emotionally intelligent people are self-aware of their emotions, and through self-awareness, they are better equipped to self-manage their emotions to create a good impression and handle themselves professionally (“Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations,” n.d.). Additionally, they are empathetic to the needs of others and adapt to change quickly. Such traits enhance a good relationship between customers and employees contributing to the overall success of business.

In high school, my mathematics teacher noticed that my grades were depreciating when I returned to school after recovering from a cold. He asked me to see him and feeling concerned about my grades. He offered to tutor me so that I could catch up on the syllabus. Eventually, my grades improved swiftly because of his extra tutelage.

Locus of control refers to the extent to which people believe they can control outcomes in their lives(Changing Minds.org, n.d.). Internal locus of control refers to individuals who believe that they have a degree of control over what happens in their lives, while external locus of control refers to individuals who attribute the outcomes in their life to external factors, which are beyond their control. People who believe in internal locus of control work diligently to improve themselves.

In a place of work, one can help others manage their emotion by accommodating them without judgment. This makes them feel accepted. By displaying emotional control, one leads by example where others learn by emulating you. Additionally, listening and inquiring about other’s well-being, strengthens they support network that will help them cope with emotional stress.


Changing Minds.org. (n.d.). Locus of Control. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from https://changingminds.org/explanations/preferences/locus_control.htm

Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. (n.d.). Retrieved September 29, 2016, from https://www.eiconsortium.org/pdf/an_ei_based_theory_of_performance.pdf

Degarmo. (n.d.). Employee Coping During Organizational Change | DeGarmo. Retrieved from https://www.degarmo.com/employee-coping-during-organizational-change

MTD Training. (n.d.). Emotional Intelligence At the Workplace. Retrieved September 29, 2016, from https://www.healthyworkplaces.info/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/emotional-intelligence.pdf 

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