Emerging Technology: Biometric Identification With Cloud Computing

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Biometrics is the process of securing the communication that requires the identification or verification of people for accessing any data or information. It needs a strong security or privacy method that protects the biometric data from misuse or loss by decryption. According to Sudhan and Kumar, (2015), the existing biometric systems sometimes lack the privacy preserving processes as they depend on mainly the older cryptography system therefore, the application of these biometric security systems cannot be used in the reality as large-scale application. It can also be said that the process was quiet expensive to use any places where the security is required (Abdulwahid et al. 2015). Therefore, the study is focussing on the problem of offering a proper privacy system for the biometric identification system that can attain the efficiency with implementing the cloud computing system.

In this proposed system, the researcher has created a cloud server system that allows the candidate to perform a biometric identification. The privacy process is protected by the Credentials such as, identity card or password etc with which the candidate can get the access of entering in his or her own account where the private files and information were kept. Here the Cloud server works as the base of the biometric identification, which works as the encryption system (Siddiqui et al. 2014). When the candidate inputs the credential to the cloud system then the server will carry only the identification through it after encrypting the data. It gives the data or the information full privacy and reaches it to the destination properly. In addition, when the encrypted data reach the owner the data again becomes the original data, which was sent by the sender with the decryption process that the receptor could easily access it (Shah et al. 2015). The system has one more feature that in the time of carrying the data from sender to receiver it cannot read the data, which means it provides a high security to the data send by the sender. This process will enable the organisation to use the cloud server system as the biometric identification process that can give the access to anyone’s account with a proper identification number or password or credential that secures the candidate’s information. It will be proved more secured process that can be outsourced by the organisation, which will cost very less than the traditional cryptography process (Zhao et al. 2013). Therefore, this proposed process system is quiet promising offering minimum expense and high security.

Experimental Analysis

In the present time, the uses of internet and security systems are increasing day by day as well as the pressure on the existing cloud system. The growing population that are using these systems regularly are facing congestion in the route while using the system. Therefore, the existing cloud system has reached its limitation of conceptual scalability. Now the researcher is trying to find out an appropriate architect that can manage a large scale Biometric Identity Management Systems. 

The experiment has conducted with the process of direct observation strategy to collect the data that can be analysed in later part of the reach to reach the research objectives and to recommend some suggestion for solving the research issue.

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  • Statement of the problem – The main issue of the study is to find out a cloud system that can provide a proper structured database management system with less expense and high security providing efficiency and authenticated identification process.
  • Solution of the problem – The problem related to the authentication of the Biometric Identification process can be improved by implementing expansion, scalability and flexibility of the system associating with technologies and by incorporating some methods such as, retrieval, archival and matching methods.
  • Experimental results – The expected outcome of the research has measured by the researcher that it will provide an identity system that will verify the services based on the biometric systems such as on physical checking or/and behavioural characteristics, which will decrease the flaws of other systems. The research will conclude in performing an advanced Biometric Identification system that will secure the data and information in a large-scale manner.

Biometric Concept

Biometric Identification is one of the most authentic information security systems in present time that enable the users to verify people’s access for any authentication. The system uses the biometric scale to make the identification. The identification is done by either physical verification or behavioural verification. According to Marsico et al. (2015), the biometric security system uses the bodily parts such as eye, fingerprints, voice, hands, DNA, palm veins, odour etc that will provide the security to maintain the security process. For instance, in any cloud system the identification can be accessed by the password, which can be made of some numbers or can be set with the fingerprint or eye texture that will be only accessed by the particular person’s bodily feature. This give the protection to the system that the authentication of accessing any data or information from the cloud system cannot be accessible by others until the password will not match properly. Although it is argued by Alizadeh et al. (2015), the process does not work in every time as the biometric technologies cannot provide the high quality privacy to the users. As the security system cannot provide a proper privacy system therefore sometimes the biometric information of previous user, remain saved in the machine that can be accessed by the third party (Masala et al. 2015). If by any means the third party is able to access the biometric information then the security system will be failed. Apart from this, the advantages of using this security system is more authentic than

Biometric Techniques

The Biometric Identification can be done with different technologies such as, fingerprints, IRIS scan, face recognition, DNA, hand geometry, speaking style, signature, voice pitch, typing rhythm etc (Ahmad & Ehsan, 2013). Among these, some are used to recognise the physiological features of a person and others are used for behavioural purpose. Fingerprints, Face Recognition, DNA, Hand Geometry, and IRIS Scan are considered as the physiological identification techniques and the Voice Pitch, Typing Rhythm, Signature Recognition, Speaking Style is considered as the behavioural identification. These technologies are used to verify the person’s authentication to give the access in the cloud system. The technologies are used to provide the security systems are follows

Literature Review

(a) Fingerprint – Fingerprint is the process where the verification is done by the recognition of the fingerprints and it is an authenticate process as the marks on fingers are different for every people (Abdulwahid et al. 2013).

(b)Facial Recognition – Sometimes the biometric security system uses the face recognition procedure as the password or verification criteria that enable the recognition system according to the shapes, size, complexion and structure of the face (Babaeizadeh, Bakhtiari & Maarof, 2014).

(c) Voice Pitch Recognition – This is a behavioural feature of any person that is used in identification process. The voice can become identification criteria in some cases where the biometric security is provided by the recognition of voice pitch (Albahdal & Boult, 2014). The system analyses the pitch of the voice that can be checked by the system to give the authenticate permission to access any account in cloud.

(d) Iris Recognition – This is the most used and most authentic process of biometric identification that verify a person’s authentication with the IRIS recognition. The biometric identification works on the area of the eye that is covered with sclera and in centre situated the pupil (Kantarci, Kantarci & Schuckers, 2015). The process recognises the IRIS of the eye of every individual to give the protection of the information.

(e) Signature Recognition – The signature of every people differs from each other, therefore the signature recognition is one of the helpful criteria that is used to give the protection to the secret data in biometric systems.

(f) Hand Geometry – Hand geometry is also a specific characteristic that the biometric identification system used as the verification tool to give the security to the information.

Potential issues of Biometric   

The Biometric system is used to provide the security to the information and data that requires a high protection. As the system is depended on the bodily features therefore, the accuracy of the verification process sometimes differs due to some normal changes in the body ((Masala et al. 2015). Therefore, the problem of accuracy is there in this system while the system cannot provide a proper privacy system too. The biometrics is able to save the data of previous persons that can be used in wrong way further. Therefore, as the process is very helpful for securing the information still it possess some potential issues. 

Conclusion and Future Works

The research will provide the procedure of providing an authentic security system that can be based on the Biometric Identification system with less expense and high security. Therefore, while concluding it can be said that the research will help the researcher to analyse the issues regarding the security identification procedure that will driven by the Biometric Identification system and will provide a strong security system in cloud computing. 


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