Emergence Of Teamwork In Day-to-Day Life
Research Questions
The research design paper is based on teamwork where it analyzes emergence of teamwork in day-to-day life of people. People are facing issues related to lack of communication, therefore proper teamwork is required to overcome the issues.
The aim of this paper is to study how the team work is affected entire efficiency of the individual and the organization. Following are research questions based on which the literature study is carried out such as:
- Is teamwork the problem or solution?
- How teamwork works dynamic of effective team development?
- How teamwork is supported in every sphere of life?
Galegher, Kraut and Egido (2014) stated that the organizations are becoming dynamic as well as unstable; there is rise in greater reliance on the teams and increase in complexity of the team collaboration. High reliability organizations are existed in environments where there are higher consequences of the errors. McClellan (2016) argued that teamwork is essential components to achieve higher reliability in the business organizations. Teamwork ensures to provide effective use of project time as well as resources by collaborative working in the organization. There is efficient ability of leader to organize as well as ease the team members in work efforts. The factors which contribute effectiveness of teamwork are organizational support, structure of communication, role of leader, structural environment as well as interpersonal dimensions. Gounaris et al., (2016) discussed that teamwork enhances level of morale, decision making, productivity, cooperation along with communication among individual team members. It helps to achieve organizational goals.
In this study, primary research methods are used to analyze the teamwork among the employees working in the business organization. The methods which are used to conduct primary research are observations, survey, focus groups and interview. This research method is used by researcher to collect data rather than based on data collection from past research. The researcher has conducted the research only on specific research problem and focused to obtain related research solutions (Lewis, 2015). Based on selected research topic, the organization is required to validate data to create knowledgeable decisions. The researcher has used of online survey to gather information from selected respondents. The online survey is suitable as well as it is sent through emails in addition to filled out online. After deployment of survey, certain period of time is provided to the respondents to reply the survey questions and then it is sent back to the project researchers (Gibert, Tozer, & Westoby, 2017). The survey questions are consisted of open ended and closed ended questions. Focus group technique is used to collect data from smaller number of people to get higher insights to the research topic. The researcher also views reactions of the subject as well as makes a research notes for future reference.
Flick (2015) stated that research paradigm is set of common beliefs as well as agreements which are shared among the researcher about how the problems are unspoken as well as tackled. There are four elements of the research paradigm such as epistemology, ontology, methodology and axiology. It is required for the researcher to understand the elements as it is comprised of assumptions, norms in addition to values.
Significance of the Research
Epistemology: In this research, this type of research paradigm is used to describe how the researcher will analyze the study and how they know about the truth. It is focused with base of knowledge, nature and forms which are acquired (Silverman, 2016).
Ontology: It is a branch of philosophy focused with assumptions to consider that something creates sense as well as real to selected research topic.
Methodology: It is a term which is used to refer to the research design, approaches as well as procedures which are used to investigate the research topic (Ledford & Gast, 2018). Data collection methods, participants, sampling, data analysis and research instruments are part of the methodology.
Axiology: It is referred to the ethical issues which are required to consider at the time of planning a research proposal (Smith, 2015). It is considered with philosophical approaches to make decisions of value and right decisions.
In this particular research study, selected research paradigm is methodology. Detailed research techniques are used to analyze teamwork and its influence for the team collaboration in business organization. Under the research methodologies, selected research philosophy is positivism which helps to achieve information based on research evaluation work. Deductive research approach is used to conduct the study based on primary sources which help to define the teamwork in day-to-day life of people. Descriptive research design helps to apply teamwork concepts in the study for defining the impact of research study on others. Application of primary sources helps to bring a quality analysis of selected topic.
The target population is the employees which are working in the healthcare organizations. They are directly affected by content of research processes. The researcher is not considered each employees of the organization; therefore smaller sample of population is selected as sample. The sample technique for the employees is probability sampling where no such selection criteria are selected for the respondents (Panneerselvam, 2014). This sampling technique is where the samples are collected in research process which provides the individuals in population equal chances to be selected. In order to perform the online survey using questionnaire, the selected sample size of population is 30.
From the selected sample of population, quantitative research method is used to analyze collected data. The data collection is a process to gather and measure information on variables of interests. It will enable to answer associated research questions, and evaluate the research outcomes. Steps for data collection are as follows:
- The first step is to identify the research issues to collect data and conduct both internal as well as external assessment to understand functions of selected organization.
- The researcher should review the issues identified from the organization to prepare set of survey questions based on research objectives and goals (Dang & Pheng, 2015).
- The researcher them decides who will be the research participants, how the data will be collected, data sources used and duration of data collection.
- The researcher prepares survey questionnaires and then distributes it among the employees working in selected organization through email.
- After getting answers from the respondents, the researcher collects the data in form of excel format.
- Then, statistical graph are drawn to analyze the questions so that the researcher can determine if the teamwork is required in the organization or not. Explanation of the questions involved to analyze and interpret the data beyond the research scope.
The data collection method in this study is survey. This particular method is systematic measurement instrument which is used to gather the information directly from the respondents about the attitudes as well as perceptions of the team those are working in the organization. The list of survey questions are provided for this study so that it helps to better analyze selected research topic- teamwork. Refer to Appendix-1 for the survey questions.
In order to collect data and analyze those collected data, the researcher is required to consider codes to maintain the research ethics. The researcher is required to recognize difference among wrong as well as right set of behaviors which are required to follow while conducting the study. Following are ethical considerations which are taken to conduct this particular research study such as:
Obtain authorized access: The researcher is required to utilize the information relevant to the teamwork followed in the firm. Data and research reports are achieved and online data storage system is used to access sensitive and confidential data so that no other person can access to the data. The researcher ensures that it provides with legal authorized access to collected information. The researcher has followed of strict organizational policies to handle the information in digital form.
Data application: The raw data are collected using the primary sources which are resulted in violation of anonymity. The researcher has chose use of primary data to conduct and analyze the research study. It is pointed that in order to access the information collected from the research study; the researcher should safeguard the data from deceptive functions. The data application is limited for the academic usages only.
In this research study, there are two main research constraints such as time constraints and reliability. Because of limitation of time for conducting the research study, the researcher has conducted a cross sectional study. Application of this study is limited the researcher to conduct detailed analysis and evaluate different hidden details related to research topic. The data are collected from the respondents through survey data collection method. The respondents are biased to provide feedback that provides an impact on research outcome. The researcher is used of primary data in organizational publications obtainable from the open sources. There is non-reliability of data, and then it is a huge limitation in the research study.
The future research is conducted to enhance an understanding of the research processes related to teamwork. The study is focused to perform a team collaboration among the team members so that they can overcome with the communication problems while working in a project.
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