Embedding Macros Pages With Advertisements: Document Types And Formatting

Types of Document Used in Business Organizations


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Discuss About The Embedding Macros Pages With Advertisements?

1A. There are many kinds of documents that are used in a business organization. These documents could include spreadsheets, databases, letters, memorandums, faxes, brochures, handouts to the employees, flyers, display materials, reports, project reports, sales reports, annual reports, prospectuses, policies, procedures, financial statements, invoices, bills, orders, tables, newsletters, agendas, minutes and circulars.  The documents are based on the type of activities, the BSBADM506 assessment tasks and the activities creates the needs for documentation. 
 For example, if in the organization there is need to inform the employees regarding a particular meeting that is going to be held in a particular day, then there will be need for drafting notices, memorandums or circulars for the employees, similarly there is requirement for drafting sales report and project reports. When new employees join any organization, many documentation formalities are done, the new employees are given joining letter, employee handouts that consists of code and conduct of the organization and other documents related to the policies of the organization (Mihai-Adrian et al. 2017).

The information technology of an organization helps a lot in designing of the documents and their products. Presently almost all the organizations use computer technology for designing of all the important documents, like the notices, circulars, memorandums, there are many softwares that help in designing documents for business organization. Templates are available online which makes it easier for document designing and production, format of business letters, notices, circulars and the format of all organization related documents are available online. Printers and fax machines are used for taking out the hard copies of the designed documents. Xerox machines are used to make the photocopies of the documents that are to be circulated amongst the employees. Scanners are used to convert the hard copies of the documents into soft copies which can be further circulated through electronic mails. Organizations have to make their logos and business cards. Document design and format depends on the type of activity for which the document is to be designed, for legal documents, generally a different kind of papers are used for designing legal documents, papers with rubber stamps are used for drafting agreements, contracts and all the other documents that have legal significance. All the documents are required to have the logo of the organization, with the stamp and signature of the Managing Director of the organization. According to the current trend Darwin Information Typing Architecture a model of XML data which is used for writing, DITA will be ruling the documentation sector even in the future. Other tools that are anticipated to be used in the  future that will help the writers in creating and archiving documents in .XML format to PDF/DOC/ other praser format so that the documents can be presented whenever and in whatsoever way required. Future customers might want documents to be customized. The writers affect the user experience because of the user interface and the user design (Mihai-Adrian et al. 2017).

Importance of Computer Technology in Document Designing

Business plan is a very important document that the business owner is required to write, the documents contains the goals, objectives, management plan, marketing strategies and the financial budget. Business plan also includes strategic goals of the organization. This document is drafted in the beginning when the organization is being set up, for the first five years, this document acts as the blueprint for the business operations (Wilson 2014).

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According to the format of business plan, it consist of executive summary, which is the snapshot of the business plan, it represents the company profile and the goals of the business. Next element is company description, which provides information about the business, the unique features that the business provides in the industry that differentiates it from other businesses. Market analysis report is included in the business plan, market analysis and research is done before the business is started and a report of market analysis is included in the business plan. Organization and management related information, information regarding the service and the product line of the organization, strategies and information related to the marketing and the sales of the business. If any funding is raised from outside, the business plan should include the funding request information. Financial projections are very important for raining funds and this should be included in the draft of business plan. The last part of the business plan is Appendix, it is used for including additional information like, resumes, permits and leases (Wilson 2014).

Another important document for any business are the accounting documents, accounting  documents keeps records of all the transactions of the business organizations, purchases, sales, income and expenses all are recorded on daily basis. Accountants provides bills to the customers, they make monthly budgets for the various departments of the company, the accountants write the annual financial reports for the investors and shareholders of the company. Financial budgets, reports are generally long but the invoices are not that much long (Wilson 2014).

Business reports are other business documents, which are of 10 to 100 pages, it can be the annual sales report, annual budget reports and update reports of the marketing department which is made on monthly basis (Thill and Bovée 2013).

Companies selling services includes certain documents like, warranty related documents, user manual for the customers, that includes information regarding the application method of the product (Thill and Bovée 2013).

Operational documents are basically information that are written on daily, weekly and monthly basis, meeting minutes, project proposals about the internal and external activities that business must carryout, are some of the examples of operational documents (Thill and Bovée 2013).

The Business Plan and its Importance

No I do not agree that Organizational information, budget, resources and technology requirements are not needed to be focused while setting up the standards for documents used in the organization, because all these information and factors are required, they form the basis for establishing the standards that are required for the business. All these details will be required to set the standards, documentation differs and depends on the audience it has been drafted for and the event for which documentation is done (Wilson 2014).

Business letters have a standard format, or can be said that the business letters have standard template, the elements of the template contains heading, date, subject, salutation, body and closing section. Business letters are used for a variety of purposes, it can be written to the customers as a reply to their queries, it can be sent to the suppliers for the supply related queries. Business letters are formal type of letters that are used in an organization for the purpose of communication (Tsun and Nikfarjam 2014).

Notices also used standard format, the template of notices contain heading, notices do    not have salutation, address is not required in the notices the most important part of the Notice is the heading, it should be designed in a way so that it can successfully draw attention of the employees or the people for whom the notice has been designed. Notices are mostly printed in the paper and placed in the notice board of any organization (Thill and Bovée 2013).

Brochures are informative papers that are used by any organization for providing information related to the organization or any product related information, in educational organizations brochures are used for providing information about the institute and also have important rules and regulations. Brochures are standard document that are used to provide information to the customers mostly. Brochures are single fold, bi-fold or it be designed with multiple folds as per the requirement of the information, the length of the information (Springer, Cham. May and May 2014).

Yes, each of the elements fulfills the objective they are designed for. They design used for the documents is very appropriate, the objective of the message is clear from the subject section itself, the body of the notices and business letters clarifies the message more clearly. The body part provide the information about the reason for the message or the document (Sen et al. 2014)

Accounting Documents: Keeping Track of Transactions

156 J Edward Street #105, Meridian, ID 567783. 456-569-7698

Our company has decided to open an online portal for our customers to book taxis online. Based on the research we conducted, surveys and feedbacks from our customers we came to know that customers are finding it very difficult to books taxis, some of our customers also suggested that online portal will be a very suitable solution for this problem. Based on the suggestions we have created our online portal, where the customers can go and book taxis online, they can enter their location and the taxi will pick them from their location and drop them to their desired location. A processing charge will be charged on all the bookings that will amount to $10.

I would like to inform all our customers about the new facility of online website and invite them to use this service be benefited by the service by just paying $12 processing charge.


Gerard Thomas

General Manager

KTM Taxi Services

The documents that will be used for providing training to the junior employees will be

Brochures are documents that are used to provide information; the brochures for the training program will be made to provide the information related to the training that will be conducted. The employees will use it will be easy for them to get help for their training (Mihai-Adrian et al. 2017).

Next document that will be used for the training will be the training agendas that will consist of the entire training schedule. Things that will be taught to the employees, according to the days. It will also consist matters that will be included in the training (Li et al. 2014).

Feedback forms are the most important documents that are provided to the trainees after the completion of training program to know the extent to which the training program was effective. It helps the trainer know the effectiveness of the training program and get suggestions about changes that could be made to make the training program more effective. It is basically the review of the trainees which can be used in the future training programs (Kroetsch et al. 2015).

For testing the template that the employee has created first the format of the template is to be seen, format of any business template is very important, in case of legal firms, the templates usually contains names of the certain rules or regulations sometimes quoted clauses of any piece of regulation is mentioned. It is very important to check that the article no. of the piece of regulations mentioned is correct, the clauses are correctly mentioned. After checking the clauses and the regulations it is very important to check that the legal terms are appropriately used, because each of the legal terms have their own legal definitions, wrong use of the terms often changes the meaning of the sentence and often create problem (James, Lazdunski and Pattus 2013)    

Business Letters and their Standard Formats

The template for production of notice for appearance on behalf of the defendant, which was drafted by you. The draft was good and you have followed the format correctly. The format that was followed was good but I would like to mention that it was not exactly the standard format that we use for legal matters. The template lacked few thing that were supposed to be mentioned. It seemed very simple and the purpose was not clear in the draft.  The rules should have been written in a more clear way so that it can be understood. So the template require some changes, the brief details of the case can be mentioned in the template and the date of appearance is missing that also needs to be mentioned. Kindly draft the template according to the review and the missing elements mentioned.

Meeting agenda is required to mention the issues that will be discussed in the meeting, the order of the discussions and the time taken for each of the subjects to be mentioned and discussed in the meeting. Meeting agenda focuses on the reason for which the meeting is conducted, the agenda should be simple, clear and well timed. Meeting agenda provides structure to the meeting. Generally, the meeting agenda is in the hardcopy format and is distributed among the participants of the meeting, in some cases the brief notice is mailed to the participants of the meeting, but the agenda is mostly in hard copy format. The meeting agenda is sometimes discussed orally or through digital presentation, the purpose is to make the participant of the meeting prepare beforehand about the meeting.  A meeting agenda can be in form of soft copy using Microsoft word document and can be distributed through e-mails, or a hard copy of the meeting agenda can be made and it can be distributed to the members of the meeting before the start of the meeting (Ionescu 2014).

Meeting minutes are basically the discussions and the activities of the meeting, unlike the meeting agenda the meeting minutes are drafted simultaneously with the meeting, in this every details of the meeting are mentioned, it includes the result of the meeting discussion and what were the conclusions of the meeting. Meeting minutes are either made on computers or written on notepads. (Hughes, Champion and Murdoch 2015).

The three advanced technological function or application software used for document document design and production are

Notices and their Standard Formats

In desktop publishing, computer applications, digital graphics and multimedia formatting is used to make electronic documents.  Digital pages can be created by desktop publishing, which can only be seen electronically.  Virtual pages can also be created   through desktop publishing, which can be transferred electronically. Desktop publishing is used to create a standard quality documents, which contains both text as well as graphics which is formatted for single page publication. It is used to make printed documents such as book covers, brochures, and fliers for advertisements. In an organization, desktop publishing is used for making brochures, fliers, pamphlets that contains product related information. 

Another computer program that is used for document design is word processor, it gives the users not just the text editing tools like WordPad program which is a part of Microsoft’s Windows OS. It was created to be used as text building programs, which are much simpler for using from the text editor, it is not just a text editor. Wang is the initial user of this, which popularized the workstation system designed for the secretaries and other staffs in the employees who has to create business letters and other important documents of the organization.

Spreadsheet in an organization is used for showing accounting and other data in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are computer application that is used for physical stimulation of spreadsheets through the capturing, displaying and manipulation of the data, which are arranged in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are one of the most common applications of personal computers. The data holding spaces in spreadsheets are termed as cells, based on the placement of the cells they are labeled. Mostly the spreadsheets are designed in a way that they can hold numbers, or short texts. It also helps in showing the relationships of the data graphically.

In order to identify the macro virus there are certain symptoms that needs to be identified:

The computer will run a slower speed than it runs normally. The computer will ask for passwords for those files that does not require passwords. The documents are saved in the computer in the form of “template” files. Error messages will appear on the computer (Hughes and Foley 2014).

Macro virus can be removed with the help of professional checking or it can be also checked manually by choosing Tools

Macro viruses are found in the within the documents or can be found as malicious codes in the word processing applications, they come in to the personal computers through the attached documents in emails, the code can be downloaded. The code can be downloaded after a click on phishing link, in online advertising that uses banners ads of the URLs. It is very difficult to be identified, because they are not operative until a default macro is on run in in the time they do a series of commands (Fan and Fujimoto 2017).

Brochures: An Informative Paper

PK Multispecialty hospital has created a reputation of being one of the finest hospitals in the city. The hospital operates in many fields, including, cardiology, neurology, pediatrics, gastronomy and many more. It operates in the areas like oncology as well. Patient service is the utmost priority of the staff members of our hospital. The staff members are required to be present timely on the hospital premises. The new staff members are required to go through the code and conduct of the hospital. They are required to be follow all the rules and regulations. The hospital has a reputation and the employees are expected to maintain that reputation of the organization. Staff members are required to follow the dress code and become neat and clean to the hospital premises. If the staff members are ill they are suggested to take leave, especially in case of viral diseases.

All the staff members are expected to be extra careful to the needs and requirements of the staffs. All the staffs are required to maintain hygiene, they should wear the uniform, masks, labcoat, masks, gloves when they are inside the wards. Staff members should be polite to the patients and pay attention to their problems. All the staffs are expected to maintain a professional relation with the patients. The employees are required to strictly adhere to the rules and regulations of the hospital and follow the methods that are set by the hospital. Food and medicines will be provided to the patients timely. All the employees show make sure that they have done their duties and at the end of the day they are required to make sure that they have checked they have done all the duties they were assigned.

In desktop publishing, computer applications, digital graphics and multimedia formatting is used to make electronic documents.  Digital pages can be created by desktop publishing, which can only be seen electronically.  Virtual pages can also be created   through desktop publishing, which can be transferred electronically. Desktop publishing is used to create a standard quality documents, which contains both text as well as graphics which is formatted for single page publication. It is used to make printed documents such as book covers, brochures, and fliers for advertisements. In an organization, desktop publishing is used for making brochures, fliers, pamphlets that contains product related information (Drucker 2014). 

Another computer program that is used for document design is word processor, it gives the users not just the text editing tools like WordPad program which is a part of Microsoft’s Windows OS. It was created to be used as text building programs, which are much simpler for using from the text editor, it is not just a text editor. Wang is the initial user of this, which popularized the workstation system designed for the secretaries and other staffs in the employees who has to create business letters and other important documents of the organization (Clarke et al. 2014).

Elements of Standard Documents Fulfill their Objectives

Spreadsheets- Spreadsheet in an organization is used for showing accounting and other data in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are computer application that is used for physical stimulation of spreadsheets through the capturing, displaying and manipulation of the data, which are arranged in rows and columns. Spreadsheets are one of the most common applications of personal computers. The data holding spaces in spreadsheets are termed as cells, based on the placement of the cells they are labeled. Mostly the spreadsheets are designed in a way that they can hold numbers, or short texts. It also helps in showing the relationships of the data graphically (Allen 2016).

The presentation will be done based on the level of knowledge of the trainees, presentation will be made interesting so that the trainees don not find the presentation boring and lose interest in the presentation, that not help in meeting the needs of the training program. Only the relevant information will be included in the training.

The name of the document would be “Standard documentation Procedure” which will be designed for the JK Sporting club.

All the documents will follow a standard format that is used for that particular document. Before the document are circulated it will be review by the senior manager who will be handling the document drafting. The personnel will check that the documents have followed the standard used for official purposes. All the documents will be saved for future purposes and will have multiple copies all saved in different locations of the computer.

The document will be circulated through e-mails. The master copy of the document will be saved in computer files in which all the necessary

The document will be called as guidelines used for mentoring the standards of documentation the document will be circulated through the help of emails, printouts of the document will also be taken out and distributed among the employees. The master document will be stored safely in the computers so that it can be further used as record (Bangert-Drowns 2014). The copies of the templates and the macros will be as per the requirement of the document.

There was a regular review conducted regarding the use of the Macros and templates that are used by the employees in the organization and it is very concerning matter that the format that is used by the employees for creating business letters, brochures and notices are most of the times wrongly drafted. Many times there are minor mistakes but many times there are major mistakes that often creates problems for the audience to whom the business letters are addressed. Rest other things are properly incorporated in the report only the format of the templates and the macros that are used should be corrected. It has been noted the format that was provided by me to the employees are not correctly used and hence there are many issues related to the templates and macros designs.

Documents Used for Providing Training to Junior Employees

Therefore, training is needed to be provided to the employees so that they avoid making mistakes while designing any documents.

Yes, I agree that once the documents have been drafted aacording to the standard, there is no requirement for continuously reviewing it, because it would be wastage of time and money. The standard documentation procedure will itself be the guideline for good quality document. If the standard procedure is correct and as per the organizational requirement there would be no need for reviewing repeatedly. However, there has to be personnel who will check all the document has fulfilled all the requirements, just once

The following report is based on the strategies and the  procedures used for document design in Soft consoles Pty ACN 115 368 XXX which manufactures and sells games consoles. As this is a new business there are several documents that will be needed to be amended and for that purpose the documents will be designed. The designed documents will follow a standard that is common in business operations. There has to be strategies that will be used for document designing and production. The following report focuses on how the procedure of documentation production and distribution will be done.

The guidelines for creating, formatting, revising and distribution of information and communication in any organization are the standard. The topics that are included in the document creation, managing of files,  naming the files, saving and sharing, writing, language use and style, content and style specific to the organization, design, format, production guidelines, accessibility for the users with different abilities, quality assurance and accuracy, document lifecycle, development, approval, distribution, review  and revision. The aim of document standard is to provide consistency throughout the work of documentation (Cangemi 2016).

For designing documents and ensuring that the documents meet the requirement, a standard method is to be used, that involves following steps:

The first step will be identifying the functional requirements of the organization and requirement for documentation. It is important to identify the areas for which the documentation is to be done. The documents have a set functions that are designed to make sure that it is useful to the end users for the specific tasks for which the document production has been done. It is very important to identify the need for the document, those needs are to be defined and once it has been done it becomes easier to proceed to the next step.

The next stage is to define the current situation, the prevailing way that is used for documentation in the organization. The entire process of documentation is analyzed in this system review. Flowcharts are used to show the prevailing documentation process, other things also needs to be reviewed like, organizational responsibilities, the person responsible for document production and design. It is important to analyze the hardware and software available in the organization for document design and production. The inputs of the data the organization has needs to be reviewed, and what are the outputs needed, what are errors in the current and what improvements are required.

In this stage, it is to be determined that what documents the organization needs so that it gives information to the organization how will it achieve its goals and objectives. It is very important to look at the documents that could be created into the so that organizational goals and objectives can be met.

In this stage the impact of the document on the organization is to evaluated. The need for new employees, training, the method that will be used for backing up the, the need for new software and hardware is to be looked. This calls for creation of elimination of areas that will be affected by the changes that are being made.

The impact might be wide ranging so it is very important to see all areas are considered, this includes

The method that will be used for document distribution

Method through which the information will  be flowing through the organization

How the document will affected the end user will switch from one document to another

What will be cost and source of the new software

How will the document be added to the system

How will the activities be impacted during contingency situations

All these areas might have a big impact on the operational areas of document design, production and distribution

In this stage the assumptions of document development that might affect the rest of the process needs to be examined. Assumptions are those areas where one has provided details but not is clear. Keeping in mind these constraints it needs to analyzed that how organization is ready for it.

The documents that will be produced includes, business letters, notices, circulars, brochures and financial budgets. The quality that will be used for the will be of business format that is standard and used by all the organizations for making the documents. The layout used will also be of the standard quality.  The language and the style that will be used for creating the documents will also be as per the standard format that is used by the business organizations. The language style will be formal, jargons will be avoided, and it will be designed according to the audiences so that they can understand the message that will be provided to them through the documents. The document creation will be done using computer applications, like Ms Word, Ms Excel so that the message is in organized way and not much time is being wasted in creation of the documents.

Manually making tables is quite a difficult task and often cause errors for the audience to understand. The documents will be made using the various tools available in the software application of the computers. Standard document will be created by following the set format used by the organizations, notices, circulars, budgets will have many copies, and so both hard copies, printouts of the documents created as well as the electronic copy that will be transferred through mails. Employees will be trained so that they can follow the exact format for creation of the documents. For making business cards, external personnel will be  required because it requires lot of designs and the layout can be as creative as possible therefore it is created through the help of technical experts who make business cards.

Legal professionals usually make legal documents like the contracts, agreements, and advocates these documents should be made very carefully and a lot of legal terms and clauses are used, the validity of the legal documents depends on the fact that an advocate has created it and includes his sign with proper stamp.   The internal staffs will be making the documents like business letters, notices, brochures and pamphlets. The information will be entered in to standard documents using the computer applications or type writers can also be used for making documents. After the completion of the documents, the documents like circulars, notices will be made in hardcopies; the printouts will be taken with the help of modern laser printers and placed in the notice boards placed at different locations within the organization so that it is accessible by all. 

Brochures will also be printed through the help of laser printers and they will be colorful. The documents will be stored in the files and folders of the computer system and the documents will be saved online like in the Google drives so that it is not lost when computer crashes down. The hard copies of the documents will be stored in files and proper lamination covers will be provide to the documents so that the documents are not spoiled, legal documents are kept as records for future use therefore it will be kept very carefully (Argenti 2015).

The budget of expenses will be of 250,000 dollar that the company expects to earn from the sales; the money earned will be used for hiring 33 employees. 150,000 will be used for the salaries of the employees and the remaining 100,000 will be used for training and advertisements so that the company can earn more. For document creation the company is planning to invest, 5,000. Templates will be created using various software applications available online like “Canva” which will be used for designing the templates. Many layouts available will be used for making the templates for the business letters (Allen and Kraakman 2016).


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