Electric Vehicles In Australia: Potential Benefits And Challenges
Australia is comparatively a small country in relation to world’s population and global implications. In regards to energy policies that are mostly geopolitical, Australian policy making consists of those components that can be argued for ‘policy taking’ rather than ‘policy making’ ( Järvinen, Orton, & Nelson, 2011). Under this context, it can be said that electric vehicle (EV) trend is developing significantly in Australia. For businesses, making investment in electric vehicle sector can bring in potential gains and prove very significant in long run due to growth intensity features of EVs. The EV industry in Australia can be best defined as an emerging trend with great potentiality due to increase in number of manufacturers including global companies like Nissan, Mitsubishi and Holden (Sharma, Manzie, Bessede, Brear, & Crawford, 2012). However, failure or success of EVs to set among transportation paradigms can be decided in global context and it can be said that Australia is one of those countries which acclimatizes policies that are reliable with rest of the nations. Recognition of similar need has been identified and have been prime motivation behind preparing this report.
With growing uncertainty in global supply for conventional fuels and growing societal concerns about contribution of global gases to greenhouse gases, significant interest among people have been seen where application of alternative drive in technology are being considered by them ( Zhang, Xie, Rao , & Liang , 2014). Under this framework, electricity powered vehicles have emerged and proves to be most promising in terms of technology and reducing societal dependence upon transport fuels along with reducing GHG emissions (Devogelaer, 2010). The apparent advantages of electric vehicle technology have resulted numerous countries undertake advanced programs and procedures that have even sought to hasten the global market of Japan, America, and other European nations. In fact, global manufacturers are also responding to these market indications by developing range of plug-in hybrid and fully electronic vehicles for global vehicle industry.
Regarding EV recharging, progress has been made by developing infrastructure, providing better place for charging and increased charging points. Even government along with private agencies are entering into combined foundation for public transport recharging stations in major cities of Australia. Additionally, government in almost every nation are recognising that future needs for such trend is inevitable and they need to remove significant barriers to wholesale EV in transportation market. For evidence, government of Australian Capital Territory is working along with ActewAGL, an energy provider, and Better Place for establishing a recharging network stations with potentiality of providing electricity to more than 1000 EVs. These kind of developments shows that Australian customers are giving a chance to EV manufacturers by accepting this new emerging technology (Palinski, 2017).
Defining Electric vehicle
Traditional vehicles are conservative motor vehicles which uses internal engine combustion (ICE) that burns fuels to initiate its wheels whereas EV are those that uses electric motors to initiate its wheels. Regular supply of electricity is required by EV to operate that can be charged from any electricity providing network or internal combustion engine. As compared to traditional vehicles, EV are considered 97% cleaner that produces no tailpipe emissions which can emit particulate substances into the air. Since these vehicles do not emit any GHG, the owners of EVs do not require to take permissions or Emission testing inspections. Along with it, since these vehicles do not pose any risk like shedding of tatty out-hoses or damaged fuel filters and leaking of contaminated fuel oils into water supplies that destroys plants and animals, EVs proves to be environmentally favourable car. EV are exceptionally quiet vehicles and therefore many manufacturers think that they need to implant some kind of instruments so that pedestrians are aware about coming of EV in their area (Todd, 2013).
There are many traditional vehicles running on the roads presently that have ICEs fuelled by diesel or petrol. Alternative to these are CNG (compressed natural gas), LNG (liquified natural gas) and LPG (liquified petroleum gas) that can be found among commercial and freight fleets along with passengers’ vehicles. In Australia, only 3% of vehicles are registered that does not run by any of the above fuels that shows adoption of EV is not much as anticipated. However, many inventions in the field of EV has been made under which three of them are most popular ones:
Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs): These vehicles are a combination of electric motor and conventional ICE systems. Additionally, ICE vehicles to electric power trains can boost economy of fuels and enhance performance through charging the batteries internally without any need for external source. Toyota Prius is a good example of such kind of EV.
Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicles (PHEVs): These vehicles can run either on electricity or on fuels. Depending upon their configuration, these vehicles can be regarded as battery-electric vehicles or BEVs. Since the driving scale is boosted by ICE, as a hybrid electric vehicle, with batteries that can be recharged proves extra benefits to it. Chevrolet Volt is an example of such cars.
Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs): These vehicles run only on electric motors charged by charging networks. Vehicles contains batteries which have chemicals stored inside that can be recharged by electric grids. Mitsubishi I Miev, Tesla Roadster and Nissan Leaf are good examples of BEVs.
Complements and Substitutes of EVs
Reduced air pollution: Increased air pollution can result in strokes, lung and heart related diseases. Globally, external air pollution causes premature deaths and around 3.5 million people die due to it. In OECD countries, 50% of economic expenditure costs due to environment related pollution among which major deaths occur due to hazardous gases released from motor vehicles. Presently, Australian climate shows good quality air, nevertheless, scientific examples no longer supports the idea that this safer level will remain apparent. This shows the future risks in air pollution due to increase in population and transportation usage (Malmgren, 2016). EVs can prove an alternative support to eliminate and reduce tailpipe air pollution
Reduced noise pollution: Combined noise emanating from tyres, engines and road surface along with wind resistance can be termed as traffic noises. In NSW, the key determinant of such noises is due to increase in number of motor vehicles on state roads. There has been great increase in number of vehicles since 1960s. Earlier 246 vehicles per 1000 people were recorded, but presently the figure says 634 vehicles per 1000 people. Where 5.3 million people got their vehicles registered in 2007, 6.5 million got their vehicles registered in 2017 in NSW. According to Australian road policy, the traffic noise has increased throughout the country and started affecting major neighbourhood amenities. EVs can prove beneficial here as they slower the speed of vehicles and make them virtually silent along with moving noiselessly. Since these vehicles do not have ICE, only noise emitted from EVs is rarely traceable high-pitched frequency. In fact, EVs not only reduces noises of wind resistance but also the noises created from tyre-road contact, however, during high speed, little noise can be detected ( Laza & McKenzie , 2010).
Fuel saving: EVs offers potential savings in fossil fuels. Even, it costs very less to get vehicles recharged form electricity networks as compared to refuelling conventional motor vehicles. Nevertheless, the capacity of fuel saving may further depend on relative difference observed between diesel and petrol process with electricity. As shown in the figure below, the price of electricity increases while holding the vehicle constantly whereas the price of petrol and diesel remains the same. However, the prices shown in high, low and medium scenarios shows that most of the potential savings are offered by EVs. FCEVs can also be considered here, but presently Australia do not have any hydrogen refuelling networks ( Yadav & Muazzam, 2016).
Potential benefits of EVs
Addition to fuel savings, reduction in reliability on fuel and non-renewable resources can improve Australia’s economic stability also. National security is prime concern for every country and organisations. According to Commonwealth Minister of Environment and Energy, reviewing Australian fuel reserves reported that as compared to International Energy Agency requirements, the country can hold up to 90 days of liquid fuel where Australia has 59 days od LPG, 22 days of crude oil, 19 days of aviation fuel, 20 days of petrol and remaining days for diesel. Therefore, there is a great scope for improvement in national security area related to economic concern and country’s non-renewable resources. With the rise of EVs, Australian government has recognised potential growth in economic condition through its adoption. By making investments in infrastructure related to EV, the country can observe reduction in green house gases along with reducing vehicle ownership costs, reduction in fuel import costs along with making environment eco-friendlier.
Range and batteries: For buying any EV, the major barrier is range of single charger in the cars which proves to be much lesser as compared to fully loaded conventional motor vehicle. The majority of EV in market are able to travel ranging from 80 to 160 kilometres when charged with single point. (Tesla is an exception here as it offers 500km, but in high priced models). Although this range is sufficient for most of the travellers, still becomes incomparable with ICE range. For longer distant travellers, this limited range might become problematic. Along with it, since EV has been recorded giving lesser speed of 130km/hr, while driving on highways the car needs more power. Instead, EVs are best managed while driving in 110km/hr speed as the vehicle manages to move without any significant drops in range (Sharma, Kulkarni, Veerendra, & Karthik , 2016).
Charging: Owners of EVs primary need becomes to get vehicle charged conveniently so that vehicles can be used during the times of need. For short distance travels or journey to workplace, the cars are usually charged during the night hours that provides sufficient electricity for regular day activities. Nevertheless, not every people in the country poses luxurious parking where their vehicles can get charged hassle-free (Figure below) . Also, many places and cities do not have enough charging stations for which the customers have to rely on finding suitable charging points. Another major challenge is faced during long journeys as EVs have limited capacity to hold electricity in their batteries (M & Kumar, 2012).
Purchase price: Purchase price of EVs are much higher than anticipated. This means EVs prices are higher as compare to conventional vehicles although they cannot be used for longer distance travelling. Due to high prices of batteries, these vehicles are charged higher where presently the market faces 350 USD price per 1 kwh capacity. For example, fully charged Chevrolet Bolt capacity is 60kwh and its selling price is near about 37.495 USD. For the price of 1 kwh of the car, battery prices around 21.000 USD that comes to more than partial selling price of the car. This reason also makes manufacturers on EVs face reduced profit margins and thus EVs prove more expensive than conventional vehicles ( Shepherd, Bonsall, & Harrison, 2012).
After analysing and evaluating present condition of EVs present in markets, it can be said that EVs are changing people’s thinking about going green where every individual is trying to contribute in improving environment by reducing greenhouse gases as well as securing non-renewable sources like fossil fuel. With advancements of technology and batteries, alternative fuel concept of these vehicles is going beyond like ever before where people and government have started relying on these advancements to reduce carbon footprints. The above report has stated potential benefits after evaluating contributions made by EV in present transportation mode. However, few challenges and barriers related to it has also been observed for which this report suggests managers of EV manufacturers to look into the concerned area and provide with enhanced mechanisms for sustainable growth of EVs in future.
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