Elaboration Of Knowledge Map Management System For Virtual Communities Of Practice

Existing Literature Review

The knowledge management is considered as the process of the managing, using, sharing and creating the information and the knowledge within an organization. It can be considered as a way of approach to meet the goals of the organization by implementing best knowledge in the organization. The knowledge management mainly uses in the information systems and in business administrations. In this paper an article one the knowledge management has been selected for brief elaboration of the knowledge management system.

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In the selected article a knowledge map management system has been proposed to implement the applications of the knowledge management in the practice of the virtual communication. In the selected research article various types of techniques has been used which includes the techniques of data mining and retrieval of information. The main aim of creating this knowledge map management system is enabling the management of dynamic knowledge of communities on the system of internet.

Focusing on the article in this paper the literature review of the created system will be discussed briefly. Following the discussion of the literature review methodology used in this research will be discussed properly. There after research will be analysed thoroughly in this article. Further how this article is related with the topic of knowledge management will be discussed and finally a conclusion will be given to summarize the whole findings from the article.

In the selected article some of the previous research on the knowledge map management system has been elaborated briefly. These literature has been used in this article to analyse the existing system on the knowledge map management system. Thus by analysing the existing system the author can assess what need be improved in the new system on the knowledge map management or what actually needed to be resolved. This literature can also help in the development process of the knowledge map management system. While elaborating the literatures on the knowledge map management system the authors has analysed two topics which are related with the knowledge map management system. In the first case the author has discussed about the Information Retrieval and in the second case the author has discussed about the Document Clustering.

As per the authors the system of the Information Retrieval can be used in the case of document representation by the extraction of the concept which are very much essential. The documents implicitly denotes only the semi structured text and the unstructured text. The system of the information retrieval can effectively reconstruct the unstructured and the semi structured data into structured data. This can be very much useful in the development of the knowledge map management system. In the system of the information retrieval the approach of the dictionary, the dictionary can be very much useful to match the sentences lexicons in each of the article. The main advantage of this approach is that it is very much efficient in the execution process and also it is very easy to implement such system in the knowledge map management system. The authors also shared other types of approaches which includes linguistic approach, statistical approach, mutual information based approach and the techniques of segmentation which are valuable in the development of the knowledge map management system.

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Methodology of the Research

In the other literature the author has discussed about the Document Clustering. The document clustering is the process of the cluster analysis of the documents which are in the textual formats. The main application of the document clustering is automatic organization of the documents. Also, it helps to extraction of the topic from the documents, filtering and in fast retrieval of the information from the documents. All of this properties of the document clustering is very much useful in the development of the knowledge map management system. The system of the clustering has a higher degree of freedom because by using this system it can be decided how many clusters needed to be created and what kind of the documents will assigned to each of the clusters. This technique of the clusters can be categorised in the three main approaches. These are the hybrid, hierarchical and partitioning. The author has described the approach of the partitioning in which the objects are seen as the distributing points in a hyperspace and according to the cluster numbers the seed points of the corresponding clusters are selected. The author selected to this approaches of the clusters in the literature because the hierarchal clusters are very much useful in the process of the data mining to build a hierarchy of clusters by analysis of the clusters while the data mining concept is going to be used in the development of the knowledge map management system. In the case of the hybrid approach, the two stage clustering can combine both of the hierarchical and partitioning clustering. In this case when the initial parameters of the partitioning clustering is not generated properly, it performs better compared to the hierarchical clustering.

While considering the new techniques of clustering there is neural network clustering which has been mentioned by the authors. One of this type of neural network is the Kohonen neural network. With the neural network there is also the density based clustering which is the CLIGUE. This two are capable to deal with large amount of data with high amount of noise.

To make a proper knowledge map management system some methods are critically followed in the selected article. In this process of development automatic clustering has been measured by the use of recall and precision as the recall and the precision is very much useful in the relevancy measurement of the information retrieval. This method of the information retrieval system is used in this knowledge map management system as this can determine relevant document percentage with the respect of number of documents which are retrieved while the recall is used for determining total relevant document percentage which are retrieved using the query made. To complete this research two document sets have been used which are retrieved from the two communities of practice. In the creation of the knowledge map system this two document becomes very much useful to determine the quality of the system which is created. In this system three strategies has been implemented for proper execution of the system. These strategies are the deep strategy, wide strategy and the mix strategy. The deep strategy determines cluster number varying 1 to 10 per layer by determining largest Silhouette Coefficient. The wide strategy determines cluster number varying 10 to 20 per layer by determining largest Silhouette Coefficient. The mix chooses cluster number varying 1 to 20 which has the largest Silhouette Coefficient.

Analysis of the Research

From the brief analysis it has been assessed that the author was trying to propose a system which is a knowledge map management system. As per the author this system will help to manage the knowledge based data in the virtual communities of practice. In this article the authors wanted to realize the knowledge map management system which has been proposed by them and for this the authors has developed a knowledge map creation and the maintenance function of it by the implementation of the data mining techniques and the information retrieval system. To develop this type of effective management system the authors need to take some of the applications related with it and available in the market. Here the authors considered two existing techniques for the proposed system of knowledge map management. These two techniques are the information retrieval techniques and the other technique is the document clustering. In this article author tried to present the architecture of their proposed system and they have become successful in their trying. Initially in this proposed system the authors wanted to include some crucial features. This features are the knowledge seeking, knowledge navigation and the advisory learning. It is very much clear that why they wanted to include those because the knowledge navigation can help to browse the document with hierarchy concept. The knowledge seeker can help to understand the relationship of inter documents. The system of the learning advisor advice suitable documents to the learner by the analysing the history of the accessed documents. Thus those implications clearly shows that the authors wanted to develop a system which can manage documents, find documents and can present documents effectively according to the needs of the user.

Though the conducted research was very much good by the author, it still lacked some of the areas which could have make it a better research. The authors have used the method of the information retrieval system for analysing the documents but the research does not engaged with some prior domain of knowledge. The authors could have been done it to make the proposed system more efficient for a particular domain. While engaging this system with some particular domain the authors could also add a complete set of terms related with the domain for a better execution results. In the research the authors has introduced the technique of the learning advisory but has not implemented this technique in this research. Thus it is a major drawback of the research. The authors could have used it in their actual research to find the dynamic relationships among the concepts that can make this research even better.

In some other aspects this research could have been improved more. The authors may have used more literatures in their article to implement more other types of technologies in the knowledge map management system. Also, the source backtracking is a very good option which can improve the quality of the research paper which is missing in this case.

As it was discussed previously, the knowledge management is typical process of sharing, creating, managing and using the information or knowledge within an organization. This process is able to make best usage of the knowledge to achieve the goals of the organization. In the selected article it has been seen that the author wanted to propose a system of knowledge map which can effectively present the knowledge among others. This tool can present what type of knowledge resides in which place. It also evaluates the knowledge flow patterns of the data. The map of the knowledge is very much helpful to guide an organization to manage the external or internal repository or to manage the sources of the knowledge or the information. In most of the cases this sources are the database, files, recordings, webpages or some kind of activity. The application of the knowledge map is actually the process of the knowledge management in where the knowledge is effectively shared, managed and represented within an organization. Thus it can be stated that this article is totally related with the topic of the knowledge management.


From the above discussion it can be concluded that the knowledge management system are very much useful for various type of organization to effectively manage and represent the information or the knowledge within the system. From this article it has been assessed that the knowledge map management system can find crucial information within the data. It has been assessed that the main aim of this article is facilitating explicit practices of the knowledge management. A unique technique has been assessed in this case which are the cluster number determination by Silhouette Coefficient. In this article a brief introduction about the selected research article has been given. Following the introduction part the literature review given by the authors has been discussed properly. Following the evaluation of the literature review, how the research has been conducted has been shared briefly. This evaluation is also considered as the research methodology. There after the research methodology a brief analysis of the research article has been done in this case. To elaborate the research analysis the workings and the findings of the authors has been shared in this case. Also, how this research paper could have been improved, is discussed in this paper. Further, how the selected research article is related with the topic of the knowledge management is properly discussed in this paper.


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