Efficiency Of Leadership In The University: A Case Study
Overview of the Case
Case Study: Efficiency of Leadership in the University.
The present day business has changed significantly owing to the change in the structure of the marketplace along with the augmented competitiveness of the marketplace along with the change in the manner in which companies are attaining their goals and objectives through various business means. In this context, prevalence of effective leadership is also one of the most important parts of the operations of the companies in the present day scenario. Leadership in the present day business has been an important part in terms of steering the overall operations towards a particular direction. In this study, focus would be on analyzing the provided case regarding the prevailing scenario in super start university.
The provided case mainly discusses about the efficiency of leadership in the university which is known for building innovation and learning for people in different parts of the world. Likewise, in this research study, it can be determined that Super Star University (SSU) is one of the most notable names in terms of its scale of operations. In this case study, focus has been elaborating the leadership structure within the university through various approaches such as leadership transfer, strategic retreat on leadership and others. This has been elaborately discussed in this study in the subsequent sections.
There has been certain change process that has been seen with regard to the work process of various domains of the university. Arts, engineering and environmental domain of studies of the unit has seen change of some sort in the recent years. The faculty of Arts has made certain key change in their approach of operating with the students. During a meeting in 2013, the executive dean of this department with more than 300 staff members regarding the new vision of the department. The changes were mainly proposed to be brought in performance related improvement within the workplace. A new faculty implementation plan has been introduced within the workplace towards improving the manner in which the next five years of operations of the business has called for the need of improving the teaching methods and approaches in this particular domain of study. The dean also depicted that there needs to be change in terms of the need for continuous and proper training for the staff on a continuous basis. The changes has also been depicted within this section of the university towards changing the technique of training by focusing more on enhancing quality of teaching but nit the aspect of quantity associated with it. The report of the dean has also seek for the determination of a new strategy for recruitment towards building a promising workforce which can work towards attaining the overall goals and objectives of the university. The dean of the arts section has also voiced for raising funds the section in order to improve their research ability in the long run. The unit has proposed bring changes with regard to the internship opportunities and assure proper placements for each of the students that complete their studies in this particular stream (Anderson, 2010).
Change Process in Arts, Engineering and Environmental Science
There has also been significant changes in terms of the operations of the engineering, environmental sciences and the architectural domain of the unit. The executive dean of this particular domain has focused on bringing change and implementation within their work process mainly in terms of the new SSU strategy regarding curriculum and teaching approaches. There has been issues of low performance in this particular section of the university which needs to be improved in course of conducting the operations of the same in the most efficient manner altogether. Many of the staff within the workplace has made certain key recommendations regarding the manner in which people within the workplace would have been improved in terms of their performance and ability to handle the initiatives of managing the students within this particular stream of study. There has been a considerable transparency within this particular section of study section amid the people who are involved in the decision making regarding the approaches and techniques of the employees within the workplace. During the urgent meeting that has been held within the premises amid the supervision of the dean, it was clearly decided that there has been a lack of efficiency of the employees with regard to the operations of the engineering and architecture stream. This has been comprehended with the intention to provide a better comprehension of the direction that seeks to be followed by the management of the university in the long run. There has also been noted redundancies amid the staffs within the workplace where more than 25% of the teachers has been associated with improving their overall quality and quantity of operations within this particular section of study in a considerable way altogether. With the initiation of the concept of better transparency within the workplace, companies operating in the present day scenario have been focusing more on assuring that the flow of information is in aligned with the goals and objectives of the overall University in the long run. It has been noted from analysis of the workplace of this particular study domain that lack of effectiveness from the end of the staff or teachers in this stream can directly influence the manner or the process of learning of the students associated with this particular stream. Hence, bringing noteworthy changes might be the only way forward to bring improvement within this particular domain of study within the University.
There has been new direction ascertained for the management of the unit regarding the way forward for the entire section in the long run. However, there has been a continuous resistance to the change that has been shown by the people within the workplace. This has been justified from the fact that unit has been focusing more on the deliverance of quality products and service which can be hindered by the decision of the staffs to show their reluctance to the overall change process. There has also been dispute regarding the fair work policy of the university which has also been hindering the establishment of the new changes within the unit.
Sources of Resistance to Change
It can be seen from the above study that there has been a considerable difference between the two forms of domains within the University especially in terms of the resistance that has been hindering the change implementation in the latter case. It needs to be mentioned that while bringing in the change within the arts domain the were no major hindrances or obstruction amid the staff since they were aligned with the fact that the change that has been brought into the workplace has mainly been done with the intention to assure that there has to be improvement in the manner in which the employees are contributing towards the overall growth of the students in this particular domain. In similar context, the research has been able to identify the aspect that in the engineering and architecture domain the change to be brought within the workplace has been condemned or restrained from the end of the staff. This can further be depicted as the difference between the two group or units within the University.
It can be seen from the analysis of engineering, environmental and architecture domain that there has been certain aspects that has been restricting and resisting the change which are to be brought in within the workplace regarding improving the overall performance of the unit. It can be seen from the analysis that the staff in this particular section has not been quite convinced regarding the changes to be brought into the workplace and they also might have hold the opinion that the change to be brought into the workplace might not be effective in determining a better positioning for themselves within the workplace. They were also deem to be less convinced with regard to the manner in which the overall change process can contribute to their long term wellbeing. It can be seen from the facts of the provided case that there has been lack of coordination amid the people within the workplace regarding the change to be brought into the overall operations (Liu & et. al. 2011). The implications of the change were also not been properly communicated to the employees, which further contributed towards hindering the proper implementation of the change within the workplace. Hence, it is indeed apparent that lack of improper practice of change management process can indeed be regarded as a potential issue, which had given rise to the resistance to change within the workplace of the University’s Engineering, architecture and environmental study domain (Cameron & Green, 2015).
It can be seen from the analysis that each of the departments within the university has seek to bring certain key changes within the workplace with regard to the present strategic direction of the overall university (McCalman & et. al. 2015). However, for bringing any particular change within the workplace, it is important for the management to ensure that the change is in alignment with the interest of the employees and people within the workplace. This aspect also means that a certain specific model needs to be considered while proposing or bringing in the change within the workplace. This can be justified from the fact that the use of change management model such as that of Lewin Change model can be implemented for assuring better results within the workplace with regard to the change made (Pugh, 2012). It can be seen that the change to be proposed can be segregated across various sections with the help of this particular model or framework. The first stage will include unfreezing the change to be brought into the workplace. The next stage will include communicating the pros and cons of the change into the workplace while the final stage will include implementation of the overall change to the entire work process in a considerable manner altogether (Simms, 2010). Hence, it can be determined that with this particular approach to the overall change management process, focus would be entirely on justifying the change within the workplace by depicting the interest of the same to the employees. This can be one of the key approaches through which change can be brought into the workplace with less resistance from the end of the staff or other factors associated with the overall change process (Sharma, 2006).
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