Effects Of Parental Involvement On Students’ Academic Self-Efficacy, Engagement And Intrinsic Motivation


Discuss about the effects of parental involvement on students’ academic self?efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivation.

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The development of the motivation and students’ engagement can lead the students towards achieving their educational goals. According to Kim et al., (2015), the intrinsic and the extrinsic factors are the major two components of motivation and engagement in the educational field. The current advancements in the educational field have transformed the learning subjects into complex ones. Therefore, the students require becoming more engaged and motivated to participate in this competition. This research study is developed by conducting the secondary research collected from the literature based journal articles. The study would develop the clear understanding regarding the role of motivation and engagement as well as the role of teachers to make the students achieve their academic goals. The peer reviewed articles are selected for preparing the research study. The conceptual and theoretical analysis would be presented in this study to develop the clarified understanding of the subject area. 

The students’ engagement is specifically referring to the degree of curiosity, attention, optimism, interests, passion shown by the students. The peer reviewed articles associated with this specific literature study depicts the various aspects related to the students’ engagements. According to Walker, Greene and Mansell (2005), engagement is a combined form of three major elements, such as emotional, behavioral, and cognitive.  It is noticeable that the students’ engagement depends on the self-determination., life satisfaction, school socialization style, academic motivation, and flexible environment. Considering the importance of these segments, it can be implied that the teachers play a defined role in making the students engaged within the classroom activities (Dogan 2015). The current academic field is influenced by the advancements brought to the learning procedures. The teachers associated with the classroom learning need to take the responsibility to create the comfortable, flexible, and needful environment to make the students engaged with the educational activities. The students’ engagement also depends on the positive attitude and effective relationships with the classroom educators (Fan and Williams,         2010). The establishment of the transparent and high level of communication would help the academic educators to engage the students more into the classroom learning sessions.

In describing motivation, Evans et al. (2015) defined that motivation derives from the higher involvement of the students with the classroom activities in the educational field. The current advancements brought to the educational world draw the attention of the students towards the innovative method of learning (Filsecker and Hickey 2014). However, the efficiency levels of the associated teachers make differences in generating the higher degree of motivational sense. If the students lack the higher motivation at the early stage of their age, it might create the longer impact for the future as well (Martyn Stewart, Tim Stott & Anne-Marie Nuttall, 2016). It is implied that connecting the understudies is essential for making the students more enthusiastic towards the education that would lead them in achieving the academic goals. The diverse types of recognize and innovative learning methods can help in such context. The teachers need to evaluate the most efficient process to inspire the students and engaging them into the classroom activities (Shernoff et al., 2014). The students who are highly motivated show their valid commitment and inherent inspiration to create the remarkable educational scenario. 


After identifying the various aspects of student motivation for their academic purpose it can be highlighted that people are from various geographical backgrounds and socio-cultural attitudes. Poverty, economic constraints, social backgrounds may be major barriers for enhancing the academic growth of a student. Poverty or any other social reason should not come within the path of a student as a barrier of future growth. 

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Numerous research scholars have provided their own opinion on how self-efficacy is one of the most effective motivational pillars for a student in context to academic identification. Report provided by the United States Departments of Education implies that students’ family background is one of the most significant barriers due to which they fail to find their motivation in maintaining their higher education for getting a secured future growth. Dogan (2015) emphasized that socio-economic status is the most effective factors due to which students have to stop their academic carrier. As per the opinion of Shernoff et al. (2014) large numbers of institutions are there which show their biased attitude while taking admission of a student based on particular ethnic backgrounds. The rate of completion of a degree of African-American students is lower than Asian or Caucasian classmates. Lack of opportunity is one of the most prominent reasons for being de-motivated towards the academic field. Due to socio cultural racism innumerable students cannot continue their higher education. As per the point of view of Evans and Boucher (2015) amidst innumerable barriers several students are there who are able to continue their academic career by applying their self-efficacy. The underlining concept self-efficacy signifies the self-belief and behavior of an individual based on which the person can achieve the goal.

Every individual student is endowed with personal capability. The role of a guide is to identify the special quality of that student and direct that person towards the right path. Due to socio-cultural barrier students may not get effective assistance from the professors. Therefore, self-efficacy is the skill based on which an individual student identifies own capability and direct oneself towards meeting the target. Zumbrunn et al. (2014) opines that self-efficacy is the most prominent ways to reach the peak of success. Numerous students are there who have to continue their learning process by fulfilling the needs and desires of their family. As a result, they do not get enough motivation in rendering a good grade for their future growth.

Self Efficacy

In this context, Dogan (2015) has implement a concept based on academic identification and academic success. As per the opinion of this author academic identification is the urge that is developed in the mind of a student for making higher education. In this very specific stage students are not determined to put their best effort in getting good results by showing their self-efficacy. Identifying the needs to maintaining education for the future growth of career of an individual student is the primary goal of this concept. On the other hand, academic success signifies an extended concept where the student not only identifies the need to maintaining higher education but determines to achieve the peak of success by rendering a good result. Evans et al. (2015) opined that self-efficacy and feeling of academic needs should not be the primary mission of an individual student. In order to render a growth in future path by getting a good employability opportunity the student needs to focus on academic success rather the academic identification.


The literature study explores the conceptual ideas regarding the role of engagement and motivation among the students to achieve the academic goals. The information collected from the articles defines that the educators need to concentrate on making the students highly engaged and motivated. They need to utilize the high level of efficiency to lead the students towards achieving their educational goals. The level of self efficiency, communication, and interpersonal relationships are also some of the major components that influence the students’ positive state of mind to stay engaged and motivated.


Kim,. C, , Park. S…W, , Huynh. N.I.E.M, & Schuermann. R…T, (2015). University students’ motivation, engagement and performance in a large lecture-format general education course. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 41(2). pp. 201-214. 

Shernoff, D. J., Csikszentmihalyi, M., Schneider, B., & Shernoff, E. S. (2014). Student engagement in high school classrooms from the perspective of flow theory. In Applications of Flow in Human Development and Education (pp. 475-494). Springer Netherlands.

Martyn Stewart, Tim Stott & Anne-Marie Nuttall (2016) Study goals and procrastination tendencies at different stages of the undergraduate degree, Studies in Higher Education, 41:11, 2028-2043

Dogan. U, (2015). Student Engagement, Academic Self-efficacy, and Academic Motivation as Predictors of Academic Performance. Anthropologist. 20(3). pp. 553-561.

Evans, M., & Boucher, A. R. (2015). Optimizing the power of choice: Supporting student autonomy to foster motivation and engagement in learning. Mind, Brain, and Education, 9(2), 87-91.

Filsecker, M., & Hickey, D. T. (2014). A multilevel analysis of the effects of external rewards on elementary students’ motivation, engagement and learning in an educational game. Computers & Education, 75, 136-148

Zumbrunn, S., McKim, C., Buhs, E., & Hawley, L. R. (2014). Support, belonging, motivation, and engagement in the college classroom: A mixed method study. Instructional Science, 42(5), 661-684.

Fan. W, & Williams. C…M, (2010). The effects of parental involvement on students’ academic self-efficacy, engagement and intrinsic motivation. 30(1). pp. 53-74.

Walker. C…O, , Greene. B…A, & Mansell. R…A, (2005). Identification with academics, intrinsic/extrinsic motivation, and self-efficacy as predictors of cognitive engagement. Elsevier. pp. 1-1

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