Effects Of Global Warming On Public Health Of Australia
Problem Statement
Discuss about the Public Health for Global Warming.
This research paper is depicting one of the major issues in the modern context; that is the effect of global warming on the public health of Australia (Benenson, 1990). In the recent ear of technological revolution, like all the countries of the world Australia is also facing the issue of global warming. Besides affecting the ocean ecosystem, global warming also has its negative impact on the human beings (Wilks, 1993). Emission of green house gases leads to create global warming; as a result the temperature of the globe is rising (Miller, 2008). As per the experts, rise in the temperature is the major cause of various diseases in the country Australia. The global warming also upholds the ozone holes concerns that allow the harmful UV rays to enter into the ground (Brown, 2015). The UV rays are extremely harmful for the human as it may cause various skin diseases. So, in this situation to support public health, the Australian government has to take suitable strategies safeguard the public health.
Like every entity in the world, technological revolution also has its both advantages as well as disadvantages (Brown, 2015). The key issue faced by the whole world in the recent time is problem of global Warming. Like the rest of the world, Australia is also faces the problem of global warming. Besides affecting the environment, it also leads to cause harm to the people also (Miller, 2008). In this context, the Australian government should adopt necessary policies and guidelines for maintaining the public health effectively (Wilks, 1993). In this context, the problem statement can be described as “What effective strategies Australian government should adopt to reduce the terrible affects of Global Warming on the health of general public?”
Source: https://www.nmsea.org/Curriculum/ 1
Fig: Variation in the temperature of the earth
The above figure depicts the increase in the temperature of the global for the last couple of years that became one of the major causes of concern for the experts (Benenson, 1990).
Identification of the problem statement is necessary for the purpose of understanding the major concerns related with the issues. In this case, the like all the countries Australia also suffers from the problem of global warming (Obituary, 1998). Australia is one of the developed economies of the world; as per the researchers the effects of global warming are mostly seen in the form of curse among the developed countries of the world. So, in this situation to save the residents of the country, the government has to take suitable tactics for managing the situation under control (Vacancies, 1998).
Background of the Research
The research work is based on the issue of effects of global warming on the health of common people of Australia and it also aims to identify the factors that should be focused by the Australian government in order to maintain put aside the resident from the curse of global warming (Obituary, 1998). As the whole research work is based on global warming; so it should first have to be understood what is global warming, what are the major causes of it, and how it affect the life of the common people (Brown, 2015). In addition, the other issues of the global warming are also have to be understood. The background part also includes the section of identification of the major aims of the research work (Christie, 1993).
In this case study, a brief idea about global warming is almost necessary (Vacancies, 1998). In accordance with the scientists, only a small portion of the heat that comes from the sun towards the earth is being able to reach to the ground (Christie, 1993). The atmosphere also absorbs a part of the heat energy; the rest portion of the heat energy is return backs. In the atmosphere, there is a layer of ozone gases that leads to prohibit the harmful UV rays coming from the sun to penetrate in the ground (Perkins, 2011). In the modern age of technological revolution, due to the rising environmental pollution there seen a significant increase in the green house gases that are the major cause of concern for the damage of the ozone layers of the atmosphere. The major green houses gases are carbon di oxide or CO2, carbon mono oxide or CO, nitrogen di oxide or NO2, sulfur di oxide or SO2 etc. With the increasing level of green house gases in the atmosphere, the thickness of the ozone layer is get decreasing and this phenomena is known as “Ozone holes” (Christie, 1993). Due to the significant decrease in the ozone layer, the UV rays coming from the sun can be able to easily penetrate in the ground. These UV rays are very harmful for the human beings and lead to cause various diseases among the people (To abrupt change, 2011).
In addition, the increasing level of green house gases in the atmosphere leads to increase the temperature of the earth’s environment. As a result, the average temperature of the earth is increasing day by day and people have to face various problems due to this. In addition, besides the harmful UV rays, the increasing temperature of the earth is also a matter of concern for the health of the human beings. Besides the human being, the global warming also causes major harm to the all living beings in the earth (To abrupt change, 2011).
Global Warming
Source: https://www.google.com/ 2
Fig: Increase in the ground temperature of the country Australia
Above graphical representation implies the variation in the ground temperature of Australia. This shows a considerable increase in the ground temperature of that country that became a major issue for the local government (Perkins, 2011).
Increase in the green house gases in the atmosphere leads to cause global warming (Perkins, 2011). The major green house gases like CO2, NO2, SO2 etc. are generated from the industrial purposes, transportations and also from other sources. Excessive use of petroleum products leads to emission of these green houses gases. In this context, the organizations have to follow all the necessary rules and regulations of environmental standards in order to lowering the emission of these types of green house gases (Preface, 1998). Besides the various green house gases, the carbon mono oxide gas also leads to cause harm to the ozone layers of the atmosphere that leads to cause the holes in ozone layers. So, in this scenario the Australian government should implement the necessary strategies for reducing the emissions of green house gases (Perkins, 2011).
Global warming became the major cause of concern for every country. It has various dangerous effects on the earth.
- Due to the ozone holes phenomena, the harmful UV rays can be able to easily penetrating in the earth that leads to cause various skin diseases of the people. In addition, it also leads to the risk of skin cancer (Maxcy et al., 1998).
- Global warming not only means the rise of the temperature of the environment; it also indicates the rising environmental pollution. Increasing environmental pollution leads to cause various diseases of the human beings (Coping with change, 2011).
- Besides the human beings, global warming also has its harmful effects on the other living beings like ocean animals and plants.
- Due to the global warming, the average temperature of the globe is increasing day by day that leads to cause harmful effects on the human beings (Preface, 1998). Besides this it also cause melting of glaciers. As a result, the sea level of the earth is also increasing day by day.
- Due to the global warming, there also seen effective changes in the rainfall patterns (To abrupt change, 2011).
- It also leads to damage the eco system of the earth that leads to cause harm to the ecological balance on the earth (Coping with change, 2011).
- Changes in the global temperature also are the major causes for the widespread of various diseases among all the countries of the world (Maxcy et al., 1998).
The major cause of global warming is the increasing level of environmental pollutions due to the excessive use of petroleum products. The environmental pollution directly affects the public health of the country Australia. In the present time, most of the residents of the country are suffering from various types of health issues like heat problems, skin problems etc. (Coping with change, 2011). In addition, due the global warming the average temperature of the earth is also increasing; so the developed country is also faces the issue of widespread of various diseases due the changes in the global climates.
In addition, the major concern of the global warming is the ozone holes issue that leads to cause major harm to the skins of the Australian (Global Warming, 1990). As a result of the ozone holes facts, the harmful Ultra violate rays can easily enter in the earth atmosphere that leads to cause various skin diseases among the Australian (Pringle, 1990). The increasing level of UV rays in the earth’s atmosphere leads to increase the probability of skin cancers among the Australian. Thus, the global warming has harmful impacts on the public health of Australia and the government has to take suitable steps for the betterment of their countrymen. As per the experts, due to the raise in the ground temperature of Australia, the threats of the diseases malaria, dengue fever and diarrhoeal are also increases significantly (Global Warming, 1990).
Major Causes of Global Warming
Identification of the major aims and objectives of the research work is also one of the major aspects of the research background. This research is mainly aiming to understand the fact of global warming. This also includes the process of identification of the major causes of the global warming and also to understand how it affects the Australians. In addition, this research work also depicts the various pre existing policies of the Australian government in order to save the people from the harmful effects of global warming (Global Warming, 1990). In this context, understanding of international safety standards is also essential. This research paper also suggested some strategies for the Australian government for reducing the effects of global warming on the public health (Pringle, 1990). For sustainable development of the country, the government has to take necessary strategies for reducing the effects of global warming.
To fight with the issue of global warming, both the national and international bodies should work together as a team and also have to be coordinate with each other effectively (Public health, 1995). Under the international program of united nation in the field of maintaining environmental sustainability named as United Nations Environment Porgramme or UNEP, an international committee was set up in the year 1998 by world meteorological organization or WMO (Shopland, 1992). The committee was known as International Panel on climate change or IPCC. The main aim of this committee is to understand the major cause of global warming and green house effects. It was also aiming to identify the suitable strategies for controlling the situation effectively (Smith, 2014).
The Australian government also already had taken various steps for understanding the major causes of green house effects. They also work together with Commonwealth scientific and Industrial Research Organization or CSIRO to observe the changes in the pattern of the climate of that country (Shopland, 1992). In addition, they also had taken the initiatives of Australian Climate Change Science Program or ACCSP in order to understand the consequences of the global warming phenomena in their country (Public health, 1995).
Besides these, the Australian government also had taken the strategy of issuing some legal aspects for the industrialists such that they can be able to control the emission of green house gases (Maslin, 2004). The government started some schemes to reduce the effect of global warming. As per the cap and trade emissions trading schemes, the industrialists are allowed to emit a liable amount of green house gases at the cost of a prefixed price (Haugen, et al, 2010). The carbon tax legalization charged an amount for emission of every tones green house gases from their factories. In addition, they also started the baseline and credit schemes that states that the organizations didn’t have to pay penalties if the emissions of green house gases from their plants are under the base line limits; but they have to pay penalty amount if the rate of emission exceeds baseline limits (Haugen, et al, 2010).
Effects of Global Warming
Thus from the above analysis, it is understood that the Australian government has already adopted various legal actions for controlling the emission of green house gases (Haugen, et al, 2010). Their strategies for penalizing the industrial organizations for emitting lager amount of green house gases leads to prevent the business organizations to emit extra amount of green house gases than base value. Adding to this the government also needs to take various further tactics for controlling the situation as it is essential for promoting the public health of Australia (Holland, 2014). The government should encourage the industrialists to use renewable energy sources for their industrial purposes in order to reduce the emission of green houses gases as the renewable energy did not leads to cause global warming. Proper monitoring is also essential in this context (Smith, 2014). It can help the Australian government to properly uphold of the entire safety standards of the environmental sustainability (Leifert, 2007). Adding to these, the government also should take necessary strategies for creating awareness among the people and the industrialists about the harmful effects of the green house gases. Besides the industrial bodies, the Australian government also should encourage the residents to use unconventional energy resources that also may leads to reduce the emission of green house gases (Maslin, 2004).
So, the recommendations to the Australian government for dropping the level of green house gas emissions are described as:
- Renewable energy Resources: To reduce the effects of global warming, the government has to focus on the alternative resources. Use of the renewable energy resources like solar cell helps to reduce the effects of global warming (Holland, 2014). For maintaining environmental sustainability, the organizations should utilize the unconventional energy resources. As the renewable energy resources did not emit toxic elements, so it may help to reduce the emission of green house gases.
- Continuous monitoring: Although the Australian government has utilized various norms to the industrial bodies for controlling the carbon emissions from their plants, in this context proper monitoring is also essential (Kerr, 2001). Besides this, the government also should encourage the business organizations to lowering the use of fossils fuels and use the renewable energy sources for maintaining environmental sustainability and promoting public health (Stainforth, 2014).
- Awareness programs: The excessive use of fossil fuels leads to cause global warming that has negative impact on the public health of Australia. So, in this context, the government should aware the countrymen for using the unconventional energy sources to reduce the green house gases (Leifert, 2007). Promoting this through proper marketing channels is also essential. The Australian government should promote this through both print media as well as electronic media. Being a developed country, the Australian are also connected through social media (Stainforth, 2014). So, in this context the government also should utilize the social media platform for promoting this information.
This research paper illustrates the effects of global warming on the public health of Australia. Global warming is caused mainly due to the emission of green house gases from the industrial areas and the transports (Holland, 2014). In addition with the increase in the temperature of the earth, the global warming also leads to damage the ozone layer that acts like a protecting shield of the earth (Stunted by climate, 2011). The UV rays can easily penetrate through the holes of the ozone layers and cause harm to the human. Thus the combined effects of global warming as well as ozone holes lead to act like the immense threats to the public health of the Australia (Kerr, 2001). To control this situation, the local government is working with the international bodies and also had taken various plans for well beings of the countrymen. Besides identifying the major causes of the global warming, this research paper also depicts the effects of it on the public health of Australia (Stunted by climate, 2011). Adding to these, this research paper also suggested some strategies for the Australian government such that they can be able to reduce the threat of global warming for upholding the public health of the country.
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How it Affects the Public Health of Australia
Communicable diseases are very much predominant in the recent times. These are the infectious diseases caused in persons that are transmitted from one person to the other by coming in direct contact with each other. The communicable diseases also get transmitted when an individual discharges the diseases by indirect means.
- Brown, A. (2015). Climate science: Regional climate prediction. Nature Climate Change, 5(3), pp.193-193.
The climatic changes are the main causes behind the cause of the communicable diseases. Sudden changes in the climate cause the people to come across various disease-borne viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, etc. that can lead to cause diseases in humans.
- Christie, I. (1993). Global warning … global warming. Futures, 25(2), pp.215-217.
Global warming is referred to as the increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth. This rise in the temperature is caused mainly due to the greenhouse gas effect such as deforestation or burning fossil fuels through which the carbon dioxide gets emitted.
- Coping with change. (2011). Nature Climate Change, 1(4), pp.226-226.
The sudden climatic changes are very much harmful for the individuals. The public health is greatly affected due to the sudden climatic changes. The heath conditions of the humans are adversely impacted by the sudden climatic changes along with the natural as well as the health stressors made by humans.
- Global Warming. (1990). Science, 247(4945), pp.919-919.
Global warming widely affects the public health. Excessive heat on the earth’s surface makes it difficult for the humans to maintain good health conditions. As the climate changes, the humans are posed directly with the risks of illness, injury and even death. Moreover, global warming can lead to increased heat waves, rise of floods, intense storms and wildfires.
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The health conditions of the humans are very much influenced by the climatic or environmental changes. As the climate changes, the humans fail to cope up with the sudden change immediately and thus they are exposed to several health related risks.
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