Effects Of Downstream Sector In Oil And Gas Production On Health, Safety And Environment In Netherlands

Literature Review

Energy is an important aspect in every nation; it cuts through economy, social-political and environmental sphere of every nation.(Gallagher, 2015) In the Netherlands oil and gas are the most depended in terms of energy production. The country uses oil and gas in their daily life activities. Apart from energy obtained from oil and gas the country also obtains energy from hydropower biomass and coal, though they do not contribute as much as energy from oil and gas.(Kelland, 2014) Oil and gas provide about half of the energy used in Netherland. Oil and gas have been providing energy for more than a half a century. In the last one-decade consumption of oil and gas has increased by about 60%. This has brought various effects in the industry producing the energy in the Netherlands,both upstream and downstream.(Lange, 2016) Due to an increase of consumption of energy the industries has been forced to produce more petroleum and gas to cater to the growing demand, this has brought implication in both the environment and human safety.Although energy produced from oil and gas is the backbone of the growth of the economy in the Netherlands, it also has a great effect on the environment and human safety.(Clancy, 2018) The energy is both interconnected with technology development and steady growth of the economy of the nation.(McBrayer, 2017) The upstream sector in petroleum involves the search for and production of oil and gas which comprises activities such as for as evaluation, exploration,development, production and decommissioning. While downstream involve refining, product storage, transportation, distribution and lastly retailing.(Sanati Farvash, 2016) In both cases, their activities pose a great effect on human health, safety,and the environment.(McBrayer, 2017)These effects pose a great challenge to the nation forcing the government to come up with tight rules and regulations regarding petroleum activities. This is by coming up in the way of curbing effects brought by the activities involving petroleum production and balancing them with the economic benefit.Many hypotheses have been brought out concerning the effects of petroleum in the nation; some believe that discovery of petroleum causes political instability, wealth and others disease such as cancer and calamities.(McKettaJr, 2017) Most of the hypothesis has been rejected others accepted.This brought into concern that leads my team and me to critically investigate the effect in health, safety and environment caused by downstream sector in oil and gas production in the Netherlands.(Park, 2017)

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Since the energy from oil and gas had been discovered, there has been a great effect of its production to both the safety, human health, and environment.(Reddy, 2017)A scientist has related this causes due to a poor method of handling petroleum.(Silvestre, 2017) Most private owned refinery organization value profit more than the effect the product has. In 2010 there was a sitting in the world conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO) to come up with measures to curb environmental pollution. This rose a lot of question on what contributes to high pollution of the environment.(Sanati Farvash, 2016) Industry activities were termed as the most contributors in pollution of the environment which causes harm to nature and also health safety of human being. In the Netherlands, most of the gas field about 470 have been discovered which about 25 are exploited.The effects of petroleum products especially in downstream production have been motivated by the following factors, accident, and disaster especially for transportation and retailing sector, in recent years cases,have risen in Netherland and involving gas leakage or burst of oil pipes which caused explosion and pollution of the environment.(Sanati Farvash, 2016) This rose eye browse of the environmental conservation sector too,come, with mitigation of preventing such disaster from happening.Because of the accident,death,and disaster involved in oil retailing,distribution has been visible. Due to effect brought by downstream sector in distribution, transportation and retail activities the oil and gas producing nation has come up with mitigation to developing a structured risk management strategy for safety and environment.(Sanati Farvash, 2016) Most of the organization especially the environment organization have been investigating effects of the products for the last decade, their result is of concern because despite the product being of much help it has great effects too and if strict regulation and rules are not set and be adhered to, the world will be at risk of the effects brought by the product.(Sumbal, 2017)


In our analysis, we proposed several methods to be employed in order to collect information about health and safety in the downstream sector in oil and gas in Netherland. the method that was to be employed in the collection of data includes

Through observation of activities that take place in the downstream sector, we will be able to determine and understand all that is involved in the sector; this is through visiting of the site where the oil and gas are being refined and stored. The method they use to control pollution in the refining sector and how the workers who work in that field are protected.The main aim of visiting the area is to see if the companies in Dutch follows the rules and regulation set by the government and WHO.(Junior, 2017) If not we determine the effects the activities carried out in refining and storage has on the environment, human health, and lastly safety of the workers. This will involve walking around several refinery centers such as SHELL NEDERLAND refining center,Gunvor petroleum refining center.(Werner, 2015) This two samples in the Netherlands will help in collecting of information involved in the refinery and storage sector. For transportation and distribution, our team will join one of the drivers who transport petroleum product and gas product to nearby petroleum retailers to learn how safe is transporting the product and observe the method that the companies use to transport the product.(McBrayer, 2017) Our team will also visit different retail shop around and far from the refinery center and observe how the retailers handle the product. If the product is handled in a manner that does not lead to pollution of the environment, violation the safety of both the retailer and the customers and lastly if the product is handled in a manner that it doesn’t affect the health of both the retailer and the customers.(Lange, 2016) We are targeting to visit different households too, to observe how customers use petroleum products. Most of the households in the Netherlands use energy obtained from oil and gas, hence by employing observation method we will be able to determine if the way the product is handled if its safe.(Sanati Farvash, 2016) Our team is focusing on also visiting different industries that use oil and gas as part of the energy in the manufacturing of their products, we will be able to obtain primary information on how waste from the petroleum are handled and if the industry has a risk management plan to handle spillage and the waste from petroleum.

Observation only isn’t enough method of gathering information. Hence we have to employ interview method in order to get right-handed information from both the employer, employee, retailers, and customer on the implication of petroleum product to the environment, human health and lastly safety.(pan, 2014) We will visit the refinery center in the Netherlands to interview both top managers and the employees to get information on how the company curbs the effect brought out by petroleum products. In the refinery centers, we will visit the storage department and ask some few questions regarding on how safe is their storage and how they handle the products at the store because oil and gas are very flammable they can bring harm to both the employees at the store and the environment. We will interview the manager concerned with the refinery sector to determine how they handle waste from oil and gas, where they dispose of the products. We are also determined to know in case a disaster, or an accident occurs in the refinery center what is the risk management plan the companies have implemented to deal with such an issue. We will also visit the transport and department sector to determine how the company transports its product to the retailer if it’s safe or not.(Berkowitz, 2017) We will administer question such as how do the company make sure there no spillage of oil during transportation, if the company has insured their workers from the risk involved in transporting the refined products, if the company usually does checkup of the pipelines frequently to avoid disasters which may arise due to burst of pipe and leakages and lastly which measures the companies have implemented to cater for risk which may occur during transportation of the products to the assigned destinations.this question will enable us to come up with a full report concerning how the refinery center critically handles the products if they follow a regulation that protects the destruction of the environment, safety,and human health. We will also visit industries and retailers in a petrol station to interview them. Information that will be gathered from the retailers will help in determining if the product is handled in a manner that is required according to WHO and Netherlands government to reduce cases of accident and disaster.(Kumar, 2015)we will interview the employees in various industries that use the product to determine if the way they handle the products in the industries does not cause harm to their health, and if there waste from the petroleum products how do they handle the waste products, do they dispose of them appropriately or not. This questions will help in determining the effects caused by the downstream sector of oil and gas in Netherland.(Kelland, 2014) the government also has the mandate to make sure that the companies assigned the task of producing refining, transporting, distribution of the products follows the stated regulation to avoid effects brought by petroleum products. Hence this an interview will be conducted in the International Energy Agency (IEE) of Netherlands to determine this regulation and rules regarding the production of petroleum product. And what penalties do they give to the companies that break the rule? The other question that we will administer is how does the company make sure that rules and regulation set are being followed without default, and lastly if the sector has mitigation to deal with disasters and accident that accrue due to the transportation of petroleum products.(Junior, 2017) The question will be administered to both the head of the sector, different managers in the sector and employees in the sector. This information will be important to the research because they will be able to determine the weakness and negligence of the sector towards protection of the environment, human health,and safety.(Clancy, 2018)

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Question and answer

Apart from the two methods of collecting data, we will also employ the question and answer method. This is whereby we will structure question that will cut across all activities that are involved in the downstream sector and effects they have to the environment, human health and safety. The question will be distributed to the top managers, department manager, employees, retailers and lastly the consumers of oil and gas products. The main aim of the (Bommer, 2017)o the environment, human health,and safety. (Gallagher, 2015)There will be both the open-end questionnaire and closed questionnaire. The questions will be different according to the departments and activities. for the top managers in the refinery centers, we will administer question such as, how do they conserve the environment if the company has a risk management measure, and if the company is conversant with the set rules and regulation by IEE. The question sheets will also be distributed to the employee randomly to determine if the employees are satisfied with the measures set by the company to protect their health and their safety.the question is also to be distributed to the retailers and consumers to learn how they handle the product if the product has any problem to their health, and in case of an accident how do they deal with the issue. All this administered question will enable us to determine if the downstream sector and its activity that brings efficiency to health, environment,and safety.(Berkowitz, 2017)

Research timeline 2019


By the end of the report, we will be able to determine all effects that are associated in the downstream sector; these effects include the destruction of the environment, human health,and safety.(Barati, 2014) In every activity we will be involved in will unveil effects that they face. This will help us to determine a better risk management measure that will be implemented in Netherland in order to curb the great effect brought by the product.Indeed, petroleum energy is widely used because of its effective and a bit cheap compared to other forms of energy. But its usage also has a great effect on human health, environment,and safety of human.(Allred, 2015) This is rough out by the way the product is handled, poor handling of the product causes disaster and accident.


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