Effects Of Body Building Methods In Development Of Physique In Adolescent Male

Research Question and Capabilities

Effects Of Body Building Methods In Development Of Physique In Adolescent Male.

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Secondary sources: Annotation

In this research programming on the topic of the effects of different bodybuilding methods on the young boy building method, significant data are collected from secondary sources of information. It has provided me a  scope to compare those data along with relevant data found from the primary research. The secondary source of information includes the e-books, journals, magazines, daily newspapers and from other websites. In this way, I have got the scope to analyze the data vividly and will be able to scrutinize that which data are significantly relevant or not. From this perspective, I have selected the annotated secondary research procedure where I have the scope to find out credibility, biases, limitations and significant information from all of these sources. My annotated research is as follows.

According to my belief, this source is very trustworthy as the author has provided the links for many other related documents. Author, L.J. Mitchell has published this document in the SES library along with many other related documents (Mitchell, 2018, p. 324). In this aspect, it is also found to be present in his document that, this author is a very experienced person in this field and he sometimes provided his own practical experiences also. Along with this, Author has provided the references believably that, this document is created based on many other relevant documents. From all of these, it can be easily documented that, this piece of work is very much reliable and can be used as a source of secondary information during my research based on effects of bodybuilding methods on the adolescent males and in this aspect, in this paper the nutritional side is also highlighted. Dietary intakes, health supplements training procedures along with their demands and finally the implications of these bodybuilding methods on the male body during the adolescent period is highly emphasized here. For that reason, I have selected this source.

This piece of work is very much relevant to my research topic as it directly deals with dietary planning during the bodybuilding training period, utilization of nutritional supplements, demands during the training period along with all the health implications may arise during this bodybuilding period. From my concern, this document is highly relevant to my topic of research (Anderson et al., 2017, p. 967).

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After the complete analysis of this sour e, I can suggest this document as a very significant one related to this research topic. From the perspectives of biasness it can be stated that it is much unbiased because, in this research paper, all the possible outcomes of bodybuilding methods, its outcomes, demands, its relationship with nutritional foods along with other dietary supplements are discussed strongly. This document is clearly stated in all the explanations according to its title. According to me, this source is very much unbiased because; here the author has covered the body fitness, muscularity along with leanness under the umbrella of a competitive training center based description. As the entire description is based on training center, so all the data are practically delivered to the paper. It makes the paper very much unbiased. It’s only training but also author has discussed the primary goal of maintenance of body muscles along with the secondary goal of burning fat bodies from the physique.

Expected outcomes in the Subject

I have gone through large websites to justify all the information provided in this annotated document is right or not. In this aspect, it is found to be present that, all the information are provided on competitive bodybuilding plays are very much useful from a practical approach. In another article, named “Changes in maximal strength and body composition after different methods of developing muscle strength and supplementation with creatine, l-carnitine and HMB” has supportive pieces of evidence which has proved that, in this document all of the information is true (Saeidinejat, et al., 2017, p. 164). In both of these documents, it is clearly stated that bodybuilding methods have a significant effect on both male and female during their adolescent period in a different manner and both of these things are closely related with their dietary supplements, nature of vitamins, nutrients. In both of these articles, the negative impact is also clearly stated which occurs due to lack of nutritional supplements (Ahmed, 2017, p. 860).

In this document, it is clearly stated that the bodybuilding process is a crucial thing where adolescent males have a great competition regarding their leanness, muscularity along with physique. For that reason, resistant and non-resistant bodybuilding method also has different effects on the health. From this perspective, the author has provided all the supportive discussions. In bodybuilding procedure, the Energy Exercise Expenditure is also discussed in a laboratory-based experiment. As bodybuilding is highly popular athletic sports, so the competitive bodybuilders are always trying to develop their body muscles along with maintenance of physique symmetry (Ostovar et al., 2017, p. 96).

This research has not only given me the scope to collect information about my research topic but also provided the scope to develop my vocabulary. In this aspect, I have come to know several new words, and I have discovered their meaning also utilizing the www.dictionery.com

These words are as follows:

Pursuit: kind activities

Conflated: Making an assemblage of information

Ancient: Very old


To avoid all kinds of plagiarism related infringement I have preferred Harvard style of referencing in this anon noted research. After completion of the entire review, it can be stated that it is very much factual, relevant and trustworthy without targeting a particular segment of audiences (Annanpera et al., 2017, p. 5).

According to my analysis of these secondary sources, it is very much believable because it is a scholarly reviewed one. In this research, the topic researcher has emphasized over the effects of bodybuilding methods, and its effects on growing bodies by energy generation through metabolic activities occurred inside the human body. Author has shown the vivid description of fat-free mass generation process and the energy generation procedure which has the metabolic effect in the physique development in the adolescent period male body (El-Reshaid et a., 2018, p. 326). Above all, as this author provided the qualitative data sheet with this document according to his actual practical experiment. Considering all of these points, it is an excellent brief on the effect of bodybuilding methods on the physique of adolescent males. It is here only a subtopic because enormous kinds of related issues, diseases, supplements are also highlighted here (Liokaftos, 2018, p. 50).

Research Outcome Substantiated by Evidence

This article adequately deals with energy generation procedure and hormone-related activities due to numerous bodybuilding processes. It is researched here that, all the building bones and hormones have a significant impact on the development of adolescent physique in both males and females. As the young male body or muscle regeneration related research is continued here, so in this assignment, this scholarly reviewed article is highly relevant (Fagerberg, 2018, p. 389).

After going through the entire scholarly article, it can be stated as an unbiased one. Here every discussion is made by energy release and consumption procedure. Here the author has propounded all the positive and negative effects of the bodybuilding methods, overfeeding procedure to maintain the body muscle with fat-free mass generation procedure. Author has also highlighted the incidences occurred during the underfeeding condition where the fasting is very crucial to maintain the fatless muscles in the body.

I have compared this article along with numerous websites from International journal of sports nutrition and exercise metabolism. In his article also both of the muscle and physique developing power and enormous effects of bodybuilding procedures are discussed in an analytical method. Here it is briefly described that how muscles are developed in the adolescent male body due to bodybuilding methods and what is the role of underfeeding or overfeeding condition and the energy regeneration system within the body. In both of these articles, these things are discussed prudently and provided enormous information to carry on the research (Aral et al., 2017, p. 125).

In this assignment, it is observed that how the bodybuilding procedures such as lift capacity, vertical jump, and many others provide a high energy production rate in the body through enhanced activity of testosterone, cortisol and much other development related hormones. Due to enhanced activities of these chemical messengers, muscles are developed in the adolescent males in a high rate. Author has also highlighted on the overfeeding and underfeeding procedure related diseases which occur in the athlete body such as the Hyperphagia. Above all, this article is very much resourceful also which can help readers to develop an intriguing interest in this topic.

In this assignment, I have used the formats of Harvard referencing to make this research-based assignment free from all kinds of plagiarism related incidents.

In this assignment, it is the best credible point for the article that, this article is published under the training based programming of a physical education school in Poland. Here the author has provided the training of weight lifting along with maintaining the balance of creatine administration and isometric training. As the entire system is described regularly, it is a trustworthy source of information (Maier et al., 2017, p. 90).

Types of Research Products

This journal, the source of secondary information is very much relevant to the research as the entire research is conducted upon school going boys who are going through the adolescent period. It is also discussed here that how bodybuilding methods such as the power lifting, or advanced weightlifting procedure enhanced metabolic chemicals of the body and affect the adolescent period based muscle generation and physique development. So, from al he perspective this topic is relevant to the research topic. From this discussion, it is clear that this journal is a relevant one to continue the research with enormous information (Mitchell et al., 2017, p. 76).

This source of information is an unbiased one because it is full of statistical data based on the school going, adolescent male boys oriented research article. Here, it is discussed that how creatinine is related to adolescent body development along with the importance of HMB in this developing period. As the author has provided a detail description that what metabolic chemical elements are crucial for the development of adolescent physique in male and which are indifferent of bodybuilding methods. From all of these perspectives, this research is much unbiased one (Kruszewski, 2011, p. 897).

I have compared this article with another article, named “Do Bodybuilders Use Evidence-Based Nutrition Strategies to Manipulate Physique?” where it is also emphasized that, all of the athletes used to take a nutrition based food supplements to enhance their strategic body power to perform weightlifting and other activities. In this aspect, the body becomes enriched with enormous kinds of vitamins, creatinine, and HMB. Along with these metabolic chemical messengers, body strength becomes enhances and helped athletes to build up their fat-free muscles. As both of these articles provide a great supporting evidence-based research conducted on adolescent school students, so in a definite way, this article supports the annotated one from all perspectives.

From this articles, it is found to be present that, during adolescent period bodybuilding methods are very crucial as these methods demand a considerable amount of nutritive supplements to make muscles in a fat-free manner. In this way, metabolic growth becomes enhanced, and it helps the young male body to be active and muscular without any fat.  In both of these research papers, it is clearly stated that bodybuilding methods are directly related to some dietary supplements also. It provides the research a new perspective. It will make the athlete’s lore cautious about their dietary pattern. Bodybuilding methods are useful for the growth of muscular fatless lean and symmetrical body in the adolescent period but here foods and nutrition has a significant role to flourish the effect of these bodybuilding methods.

Evaluation of the Research Processes

To enhance the level of capability, in this entire research the Harvard referencing method is selected.  It makes the research free from plagiarism related issues.

In this entire research practice, both the qualitative and quantitative research procedures are followed. From the quantitative researches, all the statistical findings are obtained. It provides a clear idea about the bodybuilding methods and their impact. According to this research, populations and samples are collected from the young age based school students. They are provided nutrient supplements along with training of bodybuilding methods including power lifting and weighting. BMI rates, muscle measurements, along with another hormonal measurement are also done. In this entire research, energy release and its consumption is a great thing. All of these measurements will be taken before starting the research, and all of the measurements will be taken after completion of the research. As a result, from the difference of the statistical values, it will be clear that what the quantitative changes in the bodybuilding methods are. After getting a different amount of hormonal activities, the qualitative researches will have come into action.

From the annotated review of enormous researches, it is clear that what hormones and nutrient supplements are responsible for particular activities relate to the muscle growth and physique development of an adolescent male. In this aspect, whenever the different amount of hormone will be derived from the statistical data, it will be apparent to the researchers that what are the positively activated hormones and what is indifferent of bodybuilding procedures. From the elaborate literature review portion, it is already clear that previous researchers have done the entire thing and how the bodybuilding methods enhance the level of metabolic chemical agents and help the adolescent boys to develop their muscular body without any fat. For that reason, in this reviewed literatures, the overfeeding and underfeeding period and their significances are also discussed (Denham, 2017, p. 328).

Through such a detail combination of both of the qualitative and quantitative literature review based research program both the qualitative and quantitative data will be gathered.

This research-based assignment has some limitations also. The primary limitation is the gap in the previous research work. As a result, there are only a few research papers are available to make any implication of the entire thing. On the other hand, the entire thing is dependent on enormous variables. As a result, it is very challenging to con lude a decision after completion of the research work.

Secondary Sources of Information used

The findings will be changed according to personal physical structure, the internal energy of the athletes along with nutrients or supplements (Gentil et al., 2017, p. 78).

During the continuation of researches, it is very crucial to complete the entire training period under the trainer and medical supervisors. Otherwise, bodybuilding related research may create some physical interruptions also (Campbell et al., 2018, p. 20).

In this entire research topic, it is found to be present that, most of the research papers deal with qualitative research procedure based experiments. But, I this experiment, as both of the qualitative and quantitative researches are done, so it provides a significant milestone in this field (Ormsbee et al., 2017, p. 240).

This research has enormous opportunities also which are listed below.

In this entire research primarily, it is discussed that ho bodybuilding methods affect the adolescent male body physique. In this discussion, it has been emphasized repeatedly that, bodybuilding methods enhances the metabolic energy of the body through activating some particular hormones such as creatinine, and others.

Mainly in the male body, bodybuilding methods enhance the production of testosterone, and another sex organ was developing energies also. As a result, the body becomes metabolically active, and it inspires the internal physiological system to be developed in a certain way (Coquet et al., 2018, p. 1431). ‘

In this bodybuilding period, there is another system of diet based charts and its maintenance. Proper diet chart, balanced nutrition makes the growing body more active. It helps young bodies to be grown up properly. I this research, it is also observed during the quantitative result measurement procedure that, bodybuilding method is continued with enormously laborious activities which creates an overfeeding period so. In this period, the human body loses its heat ad burnt the fat. In this way, fat-free muscles are developed.

From all of the discussions, it can be said that this research provides enormous information about the advantages of bodybuilding procedures in the development of physique during the adolescent period. These sources of information will inspire the school going adolescent boys to perform bodybuilding methods and develop their muscular body (Ferreira et al., 2017, p. 178).

From the entire research-based assignment, it can be evaluated that, it provides a quality amount of outcome in the field of research on the topic that how bodybuilding methods effects on the adolescent male body. In the annotated bibliography, three research papers are scrutinized from all the available resources and have made a comparison among other research works also. In this way, the research provides a direct pathway among bodybuilding methods and development of the physique in the adolescent period based males. There is an excellent equilibrium between the bodybuilding method and energy regeneration procedure. In these aspect enormous metabolic agents of the human body becomes active including creating, cortisol, epinephrine, nephrin, somatotropichormone, and many others. All of these hormones provide a positive signal to the muscular system to be grown up. Along with this bodybuilding method, as the energy becomes consumed, it creates a great hunger among athletes. It causes consumption of more foods. But due to performance a lot of fat becomes burnt. In this way, adolescent males can develop their muscles in a fat-free manner. In this research, it is also found to be present that, hyperphagia is the disease which is also occurred due to the fluctuation rate of energy according to the intake of foods in the underfeeding and overfeeding period.

Annotated Research on Effects of Bodybuilding Methods

In this research paper, mainly the body building methods are discussed along with its relationship with nutrition also. Nutrition helps athletes to generate more energy also. Nutrition provides the body structure, leanness, fatless muscles and body strength. In this aspect, researchers in this field always emphasizes over the nutritional aspect of the body.  It is provided in this assignment for enormous times that, diet maintenance along with the body building methods to make all the hormones active. It helps in the muscle generation also. There is a great importance of creatinine, corticosols along with other hormones. In such a direct and indirect methods body building methods make a great impression in the formation of body structure where the fats becomes burnt. In the adolescent period, hormones play a significant role in the development of body muscles which provides a great physique development structure to the athletes. In all the reviewed literature, it is highlighted enough times, that body building method makes the chemical messengers active from the internal side of the body and as a result, body becomes active. It helps the body builder athletes also to be active from the inside of the body.  From enormous sources of information numerous information are also provided as the supportive evidences also. From all of these points it can be said easily that, body building methods are highly significant to adolescent male body development.

From the entire research, it is found to be present that, bodybuilding methods has multidimensional effects o the adolescent body or physique growth. Bodybuilding methods have the potentiality to enhance the immunity system of the body also. In this way, the research is continued to provide proper guidelines to the forerunners.

Based on the research questions and objectives, it can be summarized that in this entire research, it is found to be present that; bodybuilding methods have a significant impact on the adolescent period based male body or physique development. Bodybuilding methods help these male persons to burn their extra fats and symmetrically develop their muscles. In this way, most of the hormones become activated and help the athletes to be active both physically and metabolically. TThis research has provided supportive answers for all of the research questions Quantitative report based statistical data will provide excellent support to prove the complete research. It will inspire all the adolescent males, and in this way, bodybuilding methods will open a new door in the athletic world. An annotated bibliography is also presented here to analyze all of the secondary sources. Some comparison is also included in this discussion to make the entire research I a critically analyzed nature.

Reliability and Usefulness of Annotated Research


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