Effectiveness Of Navigation Technology In Improving Cost, Safety, And Efficiency In Aviation Industry

Program Outcomes

The project is designed to prepare an individual assessment, which is a part of the Bachelor of Science degree in the subject of Aeronautics. The identified fundamental purpose of the paper is to analyze the effectiveness of the navigation technology on improving the cost, safety, and efficiency level in the aviation industry. This project would discuss the diverse functionalities, limitations, and public opinion based on the technological use in the aviation industry. There are 11 learning outcomes associated with the course introduced by Embry Riddle Aeronautical University. This capstone project would analyze these learning outcomes and develop the concerns regarding the operational process undertaken in the aviation industry.

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The study would specify the technological intervention in improving the operational process of Aviation management. Martin (2017) implied that the aircraft navigation systems must be much reliable, precise, and updated for ensuring the safety parameter of the pilots. The upgraded technologies help the industry to undertake the safer management system and select the economic route for ensuring profits. To ensure pilot safety, aircraft navigation systems must be precise, reliable and current. It is crucial that the technology is well maintained and continuously updated with the latest conditions so that the safest and most economical route is taken. The functions, advantages and limitations and recommendations by the student on air navigation technology will be in the report. The report would identify the functionalities, advantages, underlying limitations, and preferable recommendations for improving the navigation technology. This report would also generate the knowledgeable insights regarding the opinion of the public on technological use in the aviation industry. The information would be gathered from the secondary sources, such as news articles, journals, and scholar works.

Program Outcomes

In this section of the study, the program outcomes would be explored to develop the informative assessment based on the subject area. The sequential steps would be followed to present the ideas about the diverse segmentations. The following outcomes would be analyzed in this assessment study.

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  1. Critical Thinking

“The students will show evidence of knowledge at a synthesis level to define and solve problems within professional and personal environments” (ERAU, 2017, p.13)

Critical thinking enables the problem analytical skills for presenting the possible solutions for the underlying issues related to this subject area. The Program Outcomes (PO) would be addressed by developing the improvements in the aircraft navigation technologies. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze a problem and come up with possible solutions concerning a topic. It will also highlight the effects of such improvements on the industry since 1950 to present time. A standalone paragraph named “Air Navigation” will be explored in this study to present the extensive research idea about the recognizable evolution of aircraft map navigation technique. It would describe the changes in the aircraft navigation process with the help of current advancements in the technological equipment and globalization effects. The article named “The Evolution of Airway Lights and Electronic Navigation Aids” derived from Cntennialofflight.net would provide the detailed information related to this specific subject. There is another article named “Challenges of Air Navigation” published in Timeandnavigation.si.edu website would also provide the necessary information related to the aircraft navigation process.

  1. Quantitative Reasoning

Case Analysis 1 – Air France Flight 447

“The student will show evidence of the use of digitally-enabled technology & analysis techniques to interpret data to draw valid conclusions and solving associated problems” (ERAU, 2017, p.140

Quantitative reasoning is one of the mathematical interpretations that are utilized for interpreting the information gathered from the real life consequences. Quantitative reasoning is the ability to use mathematics to analyze and interpret real-world information and to draw conclusions based on the interpretation. These specific consequences, would help in drawing the conclusion to collect the sufficient knowledge about the navigation technologies used in the aircraft field. There are two different flight levels, such as 10,000 feet and 34,000 feet. The data based on these flight levels would be collected to measure the performance level of the engine. The student would also provide the detailed report of the comparative analysis of these two major flights. The differentiation result would elaborate the performance scale of the associated technologies in improving the engine efficiency. The article named “IAS Condition” would provide the sufficient knowledge to the university students. This article is published in the website named hyperflite.co.uk.  Another article named “Why do Planes Have to Fly So High” presents the similar information about the aircraft navigation and this is published in the website telegraph.co.uk. 

  1. Information Literacy

“The student will show evidence of meaningful research, including gathering information from primary and secondary sources and incorporating and documenting source material in their writing” (ERAU, 2017, p.15)

Information Literacy is the method of identifying the necessities of additional information for developing the detailed analysis of the subject matter. The collected data will be assessed and efficiently evaluated for understanding the use of the advanced technologies in the aviation management. Information Literacy is the ability to spot when additional information is required and can find, assess and efficiently use the data collected. The student will research on the functionality of the air navigation technology and the components that make up the system. The major focus of the student will be on the identification of the basic functionalities of air navigation technologies. The associated components for developing the systems would be elaborated in detail. The students would also require the extensive information about the Future Air Navigation System (FANS). A standalone paragraph named “Future Air Navigation” would be provided to identify the necessary information. The information is available in the article named “7 Technological Advances Changing the Landscape of the Aviation Industry” that is published in the website aviationtoday.com. Another similar information is available in “Air Traffic Management (ATM)” published in icao.int.  

  1. Communication

Historic Events Involving Navigation Technology

“The student will show evidence of communicating concepts in written, digital and oral forms to present technical and non-technical information” (ERAU, 2017, p.16)

The student will present the information gathered in the form of a report and presentation. It is essential for the student to present the collected information in a form of a report and presentation. The entire description and display of the report need to use the English language as per American Psychological Association (APA) standard. The appropriate APA format will be followed. The information can be derived from the publication house named Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association and the website named dictionary.cambridge.org.

  1. Scientific Literacy

“The student will show evidence of analyzing scientific evidence as it relates to the physical world and its interrelationship with human values and interests” (ERAU, 2017, p.18)

The scientific literacy determines the clear linking between machinery and human. The student would present the analytical information about Air France Flight 447, which experienced an uncertain situation. It was noted that a pitot tube experienced icing during the fight. It was identified that the pilot caused an aerodynamic stall when this emergency situation took place. In fact, this flight even experienced a deadly air crush about which the student would notify in this study. The student will provide a standalone paragraph titled “Case Analysis 1 – Air France Flight 447”. These pieces of information can be gathered from airfrance447.com titled “Air France Crash Pilots Lost Vital Speed Data – Report” and “The Tragic Crash of Flight AF447 Shows the Unlikely but Catastrophic Consequences of Automation” from hbr.org.

  1. Cultural Literacy

“The student will show evidence of the analysis of historical events, cultural artifacts, and philosophical concepts” (ERAU, 2017, p.19)

Some of the historic past events involving the information about the air navigation technology would be presented in this study. The student would include the reasons, recommendations, and event chains to highlight the issues more specifically. It was reported that Air Flight 447 and Korean Air Cargo Flight 8509 were crashed due to the poor quality of the navigation technology. The report would describe this case for setting an example. The two case analyses would be discussed separately to provide the clarified information about the technological errors. The information is derived from the article named “Air France Crash Pilots Lost Vital Speed Data-Report”, which is published in the website named airfrance447.com. Another website named code7700.com has published the information about the Korean flight crash in the article named “Korean Air 8509 Mishap Case Study”.

  1. Lifelong Personal Growth

Skills for Lifelong Personal Growth

“The student will show evidence of the skills needed to enrich the quality of life through activities, which enhance and promote lifetime learning” (ERAU, 2017, p. 20).

The lifelong personal growth is conceptualized as the method of resolving problems in the aviation industry by utilizing the skills taught in the Bachelor programs. The student will demonstrate the methods used by the air navigation technology functions and the application in the aviation industry. The students would require the detailed information about the advantages, functionality and limitations linked with the pitot-static tube. The entire description would be provided under the heading of “Air Navigation Technology”. The information is extracted from the article named “Pitot Static Tube”, which is published at grc.nasa.gov.  Another article named “The Pitot-Static System Powers Aircraft Instruments”, which is published at thebalance.com is also providing the similar information.

  1. Aviation Legislation and Law

“The student will show evidence of the basic concepts in national and international legislation and law as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industries” (ERAU, 2017, p. 23).

The student perceives that the entire aerodrome maintains the Aviation Laws and Legislations. Different countries present the diverse laws and legislations in their aviation industry. This study is specifically developed by concentrating on the Aviation Legislations and Law pertaining to the air navigation in Singapore Aerodrome. The student will present a standalone paragraph titled “Aviation Legislation and Law.” These pieces of information can be gathered from the CAAS.gov.sg under the Air Navigation Services. The report would elaborate the reformation of the aviation practices that would be delivered for increasing the safety parameter. It is reported that the aircraft management requires providing knowledge about the associated laws and regulations to minimise the probable uncertainties and develop the security.

  1. Aviation Safety

“The student will show evidence of basic concepts in aviation safety as they pertain to the aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics industry” (ERAU, 2017, p. 24).

The students understand the concerns regarding the safety and security parameter in the aviation management. In fact, it is also noticed that the aviation practices can minimise the risks if the maintenance is properly monitored. The student would provide the knowledge about the impact of air navigation on the aircraft management. To support the objective, the student will elaborate on the Air France Flight 447 and Korean Air Cargo Flight 8509 case study. The student will provide two standalone paragraph titled “Case Analysis 1 – Air France Flight 447” and “Case Analysis 2 – Korean Air Cargo Flight 8509”.  This information can be gathered from the article “Air France Crash Pilots Lost Vital Speed Data – Report” at airfrance447.com and from an article at code7700.com titled “Korean Air 8509 Mishap Case Study”.

  1. Aviation Management and Operation

“The student will show evidence of sound, ethical, management principles within standard aviation, aerospace, and aeronautics operations” (ERAU, 2017, p. 25).

The student defines the aviation management and operation process as the ability to perform ethical and sound decision when under pressure. The decision made cannot be biased towards a particular group of people, and it should apply to the entire industry. To support the objective, the student will elaborate on the Air France Flight 447 and Korean Air Cargo Flight 8509 case study. The student will provide two standalone paragraph titled “Case Analysis 1 – Air France Flight 447” and “Case Analysis 2 – Korean Air Cargo Flight 8509”.  This information can be gathered from the article “Air France Crash Pilots Lost Vital Speed Data – Report” at airfrance447.com and from an article at code7700.com titled “Korean Air 8509 Mishap Case Study”.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. (2017). College of aeronautics: Undergraduate capstone policy guide. Retrieved from https://erau.instructure.com/courses/6179/pages/coa-undergraduatecapstone-policy-guide?module_item_id=17735

Martin, E. Difference between VFR and IFR | Phoenix East Aviation. Phoenix East Aviation. Retrieved 28 January 2018, from https://www.pea.com/blog/posts/vfr-ifr-mean/

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