Effectiveness Of Health Education Imparted To Diabetic Patients: A Quantitative Research Proposal
Purpose of the Research
Discuss about the Number of Structured Diabetes Education.
Diabetes is a physiological disorder which is dependent on the physiological changes within the human body, in which inadequate production of insulin occurs (Wong et al., 2015). According got the World Health Organization, more than 380 Million people currently are affected with diabetes and are suffering from its severity. Diabetes type 2 is the most prevalent disorder throughput the world and hence, several healthcare interventions, inclusive of patient education and patient involvement are practices so that the patient affected with diabetes can be included in the healthcare facility (Inzucchi et al., 2015). Patient education is an effective step that helps the patient with facts and data regarding their health condition and provides them with healthcare interventions so that they can manage their diabetic condition (Hinchliffe et al., 2016). Coppola et al. (2016) has mentioned that these healthcare education has the ability to decrease the severity of disease as not only the healthcare professional but also the patient affected with it devotes their effort to control the situation. In this research proposal, the effectiveness of such healthcare education related to diabetes will be discussed. The aims and objectives are being presented below.
The aim of this research will be to understand the implications for health education imparted by nurses to diabetic patients so that they can manage their diabetic condition after they are discharged from respective healthcare facility.
The aims and objectives related to this research project will be-
- To understand the motivational and influencing elements present in the patient education and management that led themtake active part in their diabetic management.
- To determine the loopholes present in the patient education related to diabetes due to which the management of diabetes stalls.
- to understand the level of competency of the patents while taking care of their diabetic condition and management
The research question for this assignment is “whether the patients affected with diabetes are able to manage their diabetic condition, if they are provided with proper health education prior to discharge?”
Being a severe metabolic disorder, diabetes mellitus requires controlled diet, efficient management strategy and involvement of physicians so that controlling such severe condition becomes easier. Therefore, several healthcare facilities provide effective patient education related to diabetes to the patients so that they can contribute by managing their health and taking part in healthcare intervention. Khunti et al. (2012), conducted a research to understand the effectiveness of diabetes related self-management program with people who are currently diagnosed as diabetic and after providing them initial education, they took follow up for three years using randomized controlled trial. For the understanding of effectiveness, they measured the glycated haemoglobin level. However, after the data collection no such changes in the lifestyle and biomedical related outcomes were seen however, sustained improvement was noticed in case of illness beliefs.
Literature Review
Another research article included by the researchers Merakouet al. (2015) focused on a clinical controlled trail in a healthcare facility of Greece. In this research the researchers conducted a group patient education with patients affected with diabetes and estimated the effectiveness of the study. This research article was relevant to this research proposal as the entire research article was devoted to measure the effective of educational intervention. The measuring parameter was changes in BMI, changes in Hba1c levels as well as changes in the lipidemic profile. The educational material selected in this was conversational maps, through which patient learned about diabetes, different interactive tools and different scenario analysis. The recordings were measures at the starting of the program, after 6 months of the program and after the completion of the program. In this research effective level of lipidemic profile drops and Hba1c drops were observed in the patients who took part in the healthcare education intervention for diabetic education in this research.
To understand the effectiveness usage of patient education, another researcher Nazar et al. (2016), conducted a systematic review in which several research articles were included to understand the effectiveness of patient education as intervention for diabetes. In this research prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 90% in England and hence, the data were collected respectively. Results determined that several effective diabetes education such as X-PERT, DESMOND and DAFNE were helpful in decreasing the severe diabetic condition in patients as well as increased the level of awareness in people by increasing the level of confidence and ability to management disease. Therefore, this research article was able to determine the fact that, correct health education at perfect time can help the patient in controlling their diabetic condition and increase their level of competency. However, this review also indicated to the fact that prior knowledge of diabetes is helpful in managing such condition, as patients having less knowledge about the condition can lead to adverse condition, which is the primary limitation of the healthcare education in patients with diabetes.
The proposed research to understand the effectiveness of health education given by nurse prior to discharge from hospital for improving health would consider a quantitative research design. A quantitative research approach would permit a broader study on the concerned topic and would enhance the generalization of the study (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017). Since the purpose is to have a clear understanding of the extent to which the education sessions are effective, a quantitative study would allow for increased accuracy and objectivity of the results. Further, personal bias can be avoided if quantitative research is undertaken, which is difficult in case of qualitative research approach. Further, quantitative research would not require longer time frame for completion of study. As pinpointed by Fain (2017) quantitative research is dominant when assessment research is carried out, similar to the present case.
Researchers are to remember that eligibility criteria for a study have to be responsive to the aims of the research so that the research question is addressed appropriately. The proposed research would employ quantitative research method for conducting survey of 100 diabetic patients selected in a random manner. The participants would be representation of a larger sample from four reputed hospitals in the city. The sample population would be restricted to the patients who have been discharged from the respective hospitals in the past three months minimally. Hospitals where health education regarding diabetes is provided to patients prior to discharge would be considered. It is further essential the patient education would be provided by nursing professionals in the respective settings. The age of the sample population would be between 40-60 years. It is to be remembered that equal number of male and female participants is crucial for eliminating gender bias. The eligibility of the patients would be diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and those with co-existing kidney, liver or thyroid disorder would be excluded from the study.
In the quantitative approach, the 100 randomly selected participants would be required to complete self-administered survey questionnaire. Random sampling requires numbering the target population and then using a raffle method for choosing the participant from the sample. It has been pointed out that random samples are the most effective way of selecting the sample from the broader population of interest. Further, it provides a chance to carry out data analysis that is more accurate. The equal chance of getting selected for study participation is presented to all the potential participants. This builds an inherent justice into the further research process. Lastly, it is easier to form sample group after which the findings can be applied to the entire population (Parahoo, 2014).
The survey is to be conducted with the help of a close ended questionnaire based on the research question and aims and objectives of the research. Close ended questions can be easily analyzed, and commonly used for quantitative data analysis. Every answer is to be given a value so that researchers can carry out a statistical analysis. In case researchers use open-ended question for quantitative research, there is high chance of losing the initial meaning of the responses of the participants since the generated information is reduced to coding. In addition, closes ended surveys would be helpful for generating more specific information, thereby communicating clear meaning.
Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection would be done through telephonic survey with the concerned participants. Such method is applied when it is not possible for the researchers to carry out face-to-face interview due to inconvenience. Advantages of telephonic survey include high accessibility, and good quality control. In the present case telephonic survey would increase the chances of participation of the possible respondents as their convenience would be kept in mind. Researchers can ask question in a uniform manner which promotes precision and accuracy (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2017).
The proposed research would consider data analysis of the generated information with the help of STATA software for statistical analysis. STATA is an integrated, complete statistical software package that aid in robust data analysis. The same is easy to use and highly reliable. The results can be reproduced and further documented for review (Nieswiadomy & Bailey, 2017). The data is to be stored in an encrypted computer format for ensuring data safety. The aim would be to avoid sharing the information with external parties.
Primary research that considers human participation requires ethical principles to be followed by the researchers. It is crucial that the researchers integrate principles of ethics through the research process. Falsehood of data can be prevented in doing so, and respect can be build up between the researcher and the participants (Fain, 2017). Informed consent is to be taken from the participants prior to the research. The aims and objectives of the research and the significance of the study would be explained to the researchers at the initial stage. Though consent might not be received in written form, verbal consent would be pivotal. It would be assured that participation to the study would be voluntary and that they would have the liberty to withdraw at any point of time. Parahoo (2014) opined that participant’s identity is to be protected in due course of research through confidentiality and anonymity. It would be made sure the respondent’s name would not be disclosed at the time of report preparation. It is further to be considered that the interview sheets would be damaged after completion of the study. Lastly, ethical approval would be taken from the respective hospitals for accessing patient information.
The proposed research would hold much significance for nursing practice in relation to provision for patient education pertaining to management of diabetes. As understood, nurses have a crucial role in educating and motivating patients about self-management of diabetes care. Since diabetes holds implications for comprehensive care, and treatment process that is fundamentally ongoing in nature, nurses are to develop their level of competency and skills in imparting education. The proposed research, through a quantitative research approach would foster the same.
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