Effectiveness Of Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainable Development In Niger Delta
Research Objectives
Produce a dissertation proposal for a suitable topic of investigation that includes the following:
1. Rationale document
2. Literature Review
3. Research Methodology
This research report intends to identify the aspect of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development within the region of Niger Delta. Corporate social responsibility and sustainable development has the relationship between each other. The multinational and transnational companies of oil and gas in the Niger Delta region have faced issues regarding corporate social responsibility. These organizations have faced issues while operating business within these regions. There are different conflicts among the people of this region. The inhabitants of this region have faced issues regarding underdevelopment, unemployment and poor education within the society (Ite et al. 2013).
Therefore, this particular research report has focused upon the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility can enhance the level of sustainable development within the business operation of these regions. Effective activities of corporate social responsibility can enhance the level of reputation among the people or the customers of the region. It can also enhance the level of trust of the people through effective abilities of corporate social responsibility. This research evaluates the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility towards the community of Niger Delta (Slack, 2012). This Niger Delta region has effective resources of natural. The geographical location of this place is also very high within the world. It has immense level of natural resources. Therefore, the companies of this region have faced troubles regarding different conflicting issues of this place. Therefore, this research study identifies whether corporate social responsibility can reduce this issue from the society.
This research study has some objectives; those are as follows:
- To identify the importance of corporate social responsibility
- To understand the relationship between corporate social responsibility and sustainable development
- To investigate the necessity of corporate social responsibility for the companies of oil and gas
- To identify the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development of the transnational companies of oil and gas within the Niger Delta region
- What is the importance of corporate social responsibility?
- What is the relationship between sustainable development and corporate social responsibility within different business companies?
- Why corporate social responsibility is necessary for the oil and gas companies?
- What is the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development within the transnational companies of Niger Delta?
This research study investigates the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility within the activities of business organisation. There are different types of corporate social responsibility within the business organisation. Environment CSR, community based corporate social responsibility, human relation based corporate social responsibility, and charity based corporate social responsibility are the types of CSR those can be implemented by different companies for social causes and other causes of the environment, society or business.
As discussed by Musa et al. (2013), different activities of corporate social responsibility can enhance the level of business. It can enhance the level of business operation within the competitive sector of the particular industry. Corporate social responsibility also enhances the level of sustainable development within the operation of the business. A business organisation can promote its business in long term through corporate social responsibility.
Research Questions
However, Frynas (2012) argued that, there are necessities of activities of corporate social responsibility towards the community of the particular region of Niger Delta. However, it can be also be included within the aspect of public relation. Every company needs to deliver different activities of public relation. In the aspect of effective public relation, every organisation needs to deliver effective community relation. In the region of Niger Delta, community relation is very necessary for the development of this place. Therefore, the community development should be very necessary for the Niger Delta region.
The people of this region have faced immense level of poverty and underdevelopment within the society of this region. Niger Delta region is very prosperous in accordance with its resources, wealth and geographical location. In spite of this, the people of this region have faced immense trouble regarding some issues of social, political as well as economical aspect. However, the level of reputation of different multinational companies of oil and gas is low within this region of Niger Delta. The level of trust among the people of this region is very low. Therefore, corporate social responsibility can enhance the level of trust among the inhabitants of this region. Therefore, corporate social responsibility can improve the level of sustainable development of the gas as well as oil companies within this region. These multinational companies can operate long-term business within the industry. Responsible business can also enhance the level of business within the region. Generally, the inhabitants of this region have the issue regarding the operation of oil rigging. Pollution as well as health problems are the major issues within this region of Niger Delta of Africa (Imomotimi and Collins, 2014).
The aim of this research is to identify the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development within the region of Niger Delta.
This dissertation has five chapters. A first chapter is the introductory chapter. Chapter 1 includes rationale of the study, research questions, objectives of the research, aim of the research study. On the other hand, second chapter contains literature review. This literature review contains relevant concepts, theories and models. Therefore, for this research purpose, concept of corporate social responsibility as well as sustainable development. On the other hand, this chapter also contains the overview of oil and gas industry in Niger Delta (Spence, 2011). Possible issues of Niger Delta have been demonstrated in this section of literature review. Third chapter describes methodology of the research. This chapter describes the process of data collection and data analysis. Fourth chapter contains analysis and findings of the research. This chapter provides the analysis and findings of the collected data of the research study. Fifth chapter is the conclusion and recommendation. This section provides effective conclusion of the particular research topic.
Rationale of the Study
This chapter provides detail information about the rationale of the research. This chapter discusses the importance and necessity of this research. Objectives and purposes of this research have been described in this chapter. On the other hand, the researcher in this chapter has also described proper structure of this research study.
This chapter provides the important aspect of corporate social responsibility as well as sustainable le development within the area of Niger Delta. This literature review deals with the theoretical and conceptual aspect of corporate social responsibility, sustainable development and the overview of oil and gas industry of Niger Delta region.
As discussed by Amadi and Abdullah (2012), corporate social responsibility refers to the management concept of any organization. It can be considered as one of the important techniques of management. Every business organization has responsibilities towards the people and the society. With the effective activities of business, every organization should play responsive roles towards the people and society. Corporate social responsibility maintains the effective relation with its internal and external stakeholders.
On the other hand, Ihugba (2012) argued that, the activities of CSR can help in order to maintain the reputation and image of the company within the competitive sector of the particular industry. The activities of corporate social responsibility are the effective strategy for any business organization. A business organisation does different activities for maintaining the wellbeing of people and natural environment also. The needs and demands of the society and environment can be fulfilled by effective measures of corporate social responsibility within the organisation. The activity of CSR can also enhance the level of perception of the people within the organisation. Corporate social responsibility also refers to dealing with critical issue like maintaining human rights of the people within the society. A business organisation can earn good reputation by providing effective features of CSR among the people within the society.
Therefore, Aghedo (2013) stated that, corporate social responsibility can be referred as the process of sustainable development within the organisation. A business organisation can earn good reputation and image within the competitive sector of the business. Activities of CSR also help to get competitive advantage within the same sector of the industry. Effective CSR helps to attain leadership ability within the industry. Accountability is also very important concept of corporate social responsibility among the people of the industry.
Aim of the Research Study
As discussed by Ojo (2012), sustainable development is the effective process in order to meet the objective of human development. Sustainable development refers to the process of maintaining the system of nature and society as well as the eco system within the society. Sustainable development can affect every business company within the competitive sector of the industry.
On the other hand, Michael et al. (2015) argued that, sustainable development can also be referred as one of the important strategies of maintaining development within the competitive sector of the business within the same industry. There are different objectives of sustainable development within the competitive sector of the industry. The objectives of sustainable development are included within biological system, social and economical system within the competitive sector of the organisation. Biological system is included within the genetic diversity, biological productivity within the environment.
On the other hand, Ekanem and Inyang (2014) stated that, economic system is included within the aspect of reduced level of poverty, enhancing the level of equity and the increased level of useful services and products within the society. Social system is also included within the cultural diversity, social justice and participation among the people of the organisation.
However, Santos et al. (2014) discussed that, these systems are included within the aspect of sustainable development within the society. Economic as well as social and political development can take place within the society with the effective help of different activities of business companies within the competitive sector. Therefore, the business organisation can acquire different activities of corporate social responsibilities for enhancing the level of sustainable development within the industry. Through effective activities of CSR, every organisation can play important role within the competitive sector of the particular sector of the industry. With the effect of globalization, every business organisation should play an effective role towards the people, society and environment.
Therefore, activities of corporate social responsibility can help in order to gather sustainable development within the competitive sector of the particular industry. With the effectiveness of corporate social responsibilities, a business organisation can gather sustainability within the sector of development. Sustainable development can help in order to enhance the level of reputation and production among the organization of the competitive sector of the industry.
Structure of the Dissertation
As stated by Santos et al. (2014), oil and gas industry has faced significant risks of environmental effectiveness, risks in health and safety, liability and reputational risks. This oil and gas industry has also faced issues regarding technology as well as innovation of technology. Oil and gas industry have the impact over the environment and society. The people who live within the region of oil and gas can suffer immense troubles while living in that place. This people have also faced issues regarding their environment hazardous. The oil and gas industry have faced immense issues of environment and pollution. The process of oil generation often affects the effectiveness of environment. Therefore, the organizations of oil and gas industry should provide effective activities of corporate social responsibility towards the people of the society.
On the other hand, Boiral (2013) argued that, this oil and gas industry has faced myriad issues of environment for many decades. Corporate social responsibility of these companies also has included different issues environment, non-environment and society. Different companies of oil and gas have focused upon their operation. There are different issues of educational opportunity, workplace opportunities within these regions of oil. The people of these regions are under developed. The level of employment and education are low within these regions. There are also issues regarding human rights and wellbeing or safety living within these places.
However, Gabriel (2015) stated that, every organization need to maintain the effective relationship with the stakeholders. Community is one of the major important groups of stakeholders. The lifestyle of the people of the community should be developed by the organization of oil and gas. This can be included within the aspect of corporate social responsibility. However, every organization should enhance the level of activities for providing effective corporate social responsibility within the competitive sector of the industry.
Therefore, the oil and gas industry should enhance the level of responsibilities within the organization. However, these organizations have faced limitation and challenges while implementing corporate social responsibility within the organization. These organizations have faced limitations within the aspect of politics, society and economic level of the region or the country. However, these regions have severe malpractices in relation with human rights, environment and local communities within the society. Corporate social responsibilities within the oil industry have faced different issues of climate change, human rights, and revenue transparency and community development. These organizations have done many malpractices within the society. These organizations have faced issues regarding the hegemonic strategies.
On the other hand, Vincent and Kenneth (2014) stated that, technology has influenced towards the oil and gas industry. The production of oil and technology of oil rigging have been evolved from the previous stage with the advantage of technology and globalization. However, the oil and gas industry is one of the most important and critical industry within the competitive sector of this particular industry. The digitization and technological advancement have influenced over different companies within this industry. The industry of oil and gas has advanced the aspect in order to meet the requirements and demands of the organizations. The development of oil and gas companies can have the effect upon the aspect of organizations. Technological advances have affected the technology of oil rigging within this industry.
Niger Delta region is involved with the practice of oil rigging. Niger delta region is one of the major regions of Nigeria. It has different oil producing states; those are Abia, Akwa Ibam, Delta, Edo, Imo, Bayelsa etc. However, the rate of GDP is high for the oil production of this region. However, oil spills are the common event within the regions of Nigeria. Pipeline and tanker accidents are most common activities within this place. However, with the effectiveness of oil in this region the people of this place has faced immense troubles while delivering oil within this region.
On the other hand, Minnee et al. (2013) argued that, Niger Delta is referred to the space that sustains oil exploration and exploitation within this region. However, recently Niger Delta has been declared as one of the dangerous regions for different types of criminal activities. This oil productive zone has been criminalized with different anti social activities. However, these regions are very underdeveloped. The people of these regions have faced issues regarding underdevelopment, low level of education than other regions of the country. The issues regarding human rights and killing have affected the living atmosphere of the people within this particular society. Therefore, Ogula (2012) argued that, the communities of Niger Delta have reacted with violence for the destruction of the Niger Delta region. However, the people of the community have faced the issues regarding the criminal activities within this region.
Literature Review
However, Niger Delta region has the resources of oil and gas. The oil production in downstream has gained adequate prominence within the regions of Niger. On the other hand, different companies of oil and gas have started diversified production of gas within this industry. The level of production within this region has decreased for the people of this region. The people of this region have faced issues regarding destruction within this region. The level of oil pollution is very high within these regions of Niger Delta.
As discussed by Laasonen et al. (2012), Niger Delta has become one of the most important regions where the level of oil exploitation and exploration has increased by the agents of powerful Western economy. The basin area of Niger Delta has very high level of oil reserves. With the gift of nature, this region is also constituted with several oil reserves and hydrocarbon.
The region of Niger Delta is also constituted with petroleum. The economy of this region is constituted with this oil exploration. Nigeria is considered to the largest oil producer of Africa. Niger Delta is one of the most important exporters of crude oil within the world. The position of this region is sixth among the countries of the whole world.
The region of Niger Delta is very much resourceful. Geographical location of Niger Delta is the added advantage for this region. This place is full of natural resources. These resources have also affected upon the economy of this region throughout the world. The traditional occupation of this region is fishing and farming. However, the Niger Delta region has become one of the places for politics. The people of this region face immense trouble due to long-term impact of negligence within this region. Here, this region of Niger Delta needs too much success within the field of economy. Local people of this region have faced issues regarding the brutal domination of militaries of Western countries. Therefore, every oil company should reflect effective activities of corporate social responsibility towards the community and society.
As discussed by Nwagbara and Brown (2014), insecurity and conflict are the major issues within this place. Process of peace has been decreased within this place. The political and social conflicts have affected the process of development and peace within this region. The main reason of this conflict is involved within poverty of the people within the society. Poverty is the issue within this region. The authority within this region has neglected the needs and demands of the people of this region. Developing countries have faced immense problems regarding the requirements of the people within this region. There are several conflicts regarding the political as well as social and economical development within the region. The rate of GDP has been decreased in certain levels. There are different interest groups within this region. Nigerian State, Transnational oil companies within the society.
Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility
On the other hand, Ibrahim (2012) argued that, there are also many problems regarding the attitude of local communities towards the process of oil rigging as well as digging in this region. The reputation of different transnational as well as multinational companies is not so good and effective among the people of this region. This place has faced immense trouble for this company. This place is under developed. The people of this place have faced issues regarding under development, unemployment. The eco system of this place is very high within the society. Eco system of this place supports the lives of the humans within the society. Niger Delta has huge resources of oil and gas.
However, Adeyanju (2012) discussed that, Niger Delta has immense level of richness. On the other hand, it has areas of underdevelopment and poverty. There are lots of issues of health and wellbeing of the people. The environment of this place is also affected by the pollution, soil contamination, heat, gas erosion etc. On the other hand, Adeyanju (2012) stated that, Niger Delta has become an ecological wasteland. Major rivers of this region has become very much polluted for major oil and gas of this place. Farmlands of this region are polluted by acid rain and spills of the oil. The level of carbon dioxide emission is high in this place. It has been found in different surveys that, 1.8 billion cubic feet of gas has been emission in this place.
However, the conflict among inter and intra community has been increased. These conflicts have affected upon the process of development within the region. On the other hand, there are issues regarding some community leaders. Sources of political power have arrested these community leaders as they have opposed against the activities as well as policies of the companies.
On the other hand, Ogula (2012) argued that, people of this region have also been neglected by the authoritative power. They have started protesting against the authority of this region. There is turmoil regarding these issues within the region. Pipeline vandalization or damage and community mobilization, armed uprising are the major issues among the people of this particular region of Africa.
However, Gabriel (2015) this region has now affected by immense issues of poverty and underdevelopment. On the other hand, the transnational companies of oil and gas should provide activities of corporate social responsibilities towards the people of the society.
This literature review section of this dissertation has discussed the statistics of the Niger Delta region and its oil operation. On the other hand, this literature review has also discussed the aspect of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development of every business companies within this region.
This chapter provides knowledge and concept about research methodology. Research methodology is the systemic approach for dealing with the method of the research. This method helps to discuss the scientific approach of data collection, data analysis technique for the whole purpose of the research.
As discussed by Bergh and Ketchen (2009), there are different types of philosophies of the research. Positivism, post positivism, realism as well as interpretivism are the major philosophies of research. Positivism deals with the real data and information of the research topic. Positivism philosophy deals with only valid knowledge of the particular research study. Positivism philosophy derives from the mathematical as well as logical formula.
On the other hand, Bernard (2011) argued that, post positivism helps to cross check the data and information of the particular research study. This post positivism theory helps to discuss different theoretical aspect of social sciences. Post positivism deals with the real data of the research. This theory helps to crosscheck the data of the research.
On the other hand, Bryman and Bell (2011) stated that, interpretivism and realism are the other theories for analyzing the aspect of objective reality of the particular research topic of the research. For this research purpose, the researcher can take help of post positivism philosophy in order to deal with the accurate data of the research purpose. This topic deals with real informative experience of oil and gas within the Niger Delta region. Therefore, the researcher has taken the post positivism theory for completing the research.
Research design can be of several types; those are exploratory, explanatory, descriptive research design. For this research purpose, exploratory research design will be appropriate. Exploratory research design helps to discover the ideas and insights of the particular research. It is very versatile and flexible in nature. Main methods of this research design are included in the analysis of secondary data, pilot surveys, expert surveys and qualitative technique. Exploratory research design helps to complete the whole research.
There are different strategies of research; those are content analysis, interview method or survey analysis and case study analysis. For this research purpose, the researcher has chosen content analysis for analyzing the data.
As discussed by Cooper and Schindler (2010), different types of data are required for completing the whole research. Every researcher needs to collect different data for analyzing the whole process of research. There are two types of data sources, like primary and secondary data sources. These sources are very effective for the purpose of the researcher within the organisation.
There are different types of data: those are primary and secondary data. Primary data refer to those data that can be gathered from different respondents of the research. A researcher can collect primary data through the process of survey, interview.
On the other hand, Corbetta (2009) argued that, a researcher can also collect information from the secondary sources of the research. Secondary Data can be collected from relevant journals, books, websites and other published materials. Secondary sources of data are generally different published sources of data.
For this research purpose, the researcher has taken the help of different secondary sources for completing the whole process of research. The researcher has collected the information from the relevant journals as well as books, periodicals and websites or blogs. For this research purpose, the researcher has done mainly library research for analyzing the particular research topic. The researcher has chosen different structured texts as relevant data of the research.
The researcher for analyzing the case of Niger Delta has collected information from different blogs and websites. In order to investigate this particular topic of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development within the region of Niger Delta, the researcher has taken the help of available secondary sources.
As stated by Crouch and Pearce (2012), there are two types of data analysis techniques; those are quantitative and qualitative technique of data analysis. Quantitative data analysis technique helps to analyze mathematical data of the research. Quantitative data analysis mainly uses excel sheet as well as different statistical methods for completing the technique of analysis.
On the other hand, qualitative data analysis technique mainly helps to analyze the descriptive data of the research. For the topic of social research, qualitative analysis is very useful as well as effective and important for the researcher. For this research purpose, the collected secondary data can be analyzed by the qualitative analysis technique. Qualitative analysis helps to develop the idea and phenomenon of the particular research topic. It helps to discuss the experiences, views and meanings of the research topic. For this research purpose, the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development can be analyzed with the help of techniques of qualitative analysis. The presentation of findings will be in thematic presentation of each subject (Gummerson, 2010).
There are different steps of qualitative data analysis. Five steps are included in the process of organizing the data, identifying the framework, sorting data into the framework, using the chosen framework for the purpose of descriptive analysis. There are several types of qualitative analysis; those are content analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, grounded theory analysis and framework analysis. For this research purpose, the researcher has taken the approach of content analysis for analyzing the whole data of the research (Crowther and Lancaster, 2012).
The researcher can face different issues while conducting the data collection process. Every researcher needs to maintain the Data protection Act of 2009 while collecting the data from different secondary sources. The researcher should respond appropriately for maintaining the ethics of the collected data. The researcher should take prior consent from the writers of the books or journals (Dul and Hak, 2012).
The researcher should take prior consent while using the data of those books and journals for the purpose of the research. The researcher should know the process of maintaining the relevant data of the research. On the other hand, the researcher has to be very sure about the fact that the collected data will not be used for any other purpose except this particular research.
This research can face limitations regarding budget and time. The researcher can face immense trouble while conducting the particular research purpose. This is a vast topic. The investigation of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development within the region of Niger Delta requires very huge time. The researcher also can face limitation within the period while doing literature review from different books and journals. He/she may also find it difficult for getting adequate resources of this particular research topic.
In this chapter, detail aspect of research methodology has been discussed with proper knowledge. This chapter has provided detail aspect of data collection process and analysis technique. Detail concept about research philosophy has also demonstrated in this chapter.
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