Effective WHS Policy For Australian Hardware Employees
Proposed Adaptation and Amendments to Existing Policies
The policy will be introduce periodical health check-ups of the employees operating in the workforce. As the management of the Australian Hardware is observed to fear the fact that the employees are facing significant amount of discomfort in lifting the heavy outdoor furniture and the hardware goods inside the warehouses of the organization. Apart from that, the technique for handling the modern equipment to lift the outdoor furniture and the hardware goods is need to be incorporated among the employees. Along with that the exposure of the forklift drivers to the hazardous materials is also significantly threatening for their health.
The adaption will be introduce the periodical health check-ups for the employees of the organization so that the amount of physical stress and the discomfort level get checked after each interval of 3 months. The training of the smart handling of the uplifting machine will also be significant addition to the existing policies.
The main role in the implementation of the policy will be of the management which will make sure that the employees get the chance to attend the training for the smart handling of the uplifting machine. Along with that, necessary arrangements for the periodical health check-ups of the employees in order to make sure that they be physically and mentally fit enough to serve the company. The employees are in need to make sure that they participate in training and strive towards the improvement.
Resources |
Wage Including Entitlement Costs ($ per hour) |
Loss Productivity Cost ($ per hour) |
Total Cost ($ per hour) |
Team Leaders |
100 |
100 |
200 |
Workers |
49 |
49 |
98 |
WHS Consultants |
200 |
Not Applicable |
200 |
Training place |
15 |
Not Applicable |
15 |
The plan is that the training will be conducted for two hours per week and in that case the total training hours is 4 hours per year divided into two parts. The total cost for the 276 team leaders throughout the year for the raining will be $220800. The total cost for the 1380 workers will be $540960. The cost of the consultant will be $220800 and the annual charge for the rooms at 138 warehouses will be $8280. Hence the Total cost will be $990840 and the rest of the remaining money will be allocated for any sort of modifications.
The Wollongong WHS policy is significantly in aligned with the requirements of the organizations of the nation and the only amendment that it requires is the change in the scope of the policy on national basis is the expansion of the coverage to all the employees and contractors of the nation. This needs to be introduced from the part of the Employee Union in order to make sure that all the employees get the benefit of the policy.
The main feature of the WHSMS system will be the record of the fitness of the employees in case of heavy lifting of the hardware goods and furniture. The policy will be to educate the employees regarding the smart techniques of uplifting the heavy furniture and hardware goods at the warehouses.
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (NSW) and AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational health and safety management systems – general guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques are significant in making sure that the Australian Hardware strategize in such a manner that their employees be able to get a safe and effective workplace. The proposed policy is designed in such a manner that the requirements of the mentioned legislations like the record of the physical and mental fitness of the employees and the organizations’ actions in accordance to that, is achieved. The workers need to participate in the training with positive response and the urge to continue the improvement with completion of each and every stage of the training.
Required Human, Physical, and Financial Resources
The main impact of the mentioned WHSMS policy is to make sure that the Lost Time to Injury Frequency rate gets decreased. This is much needed for the organization in making sure that the employees of it remains unaffected to any sort operational harms and be operational inside the organization. This will make sure that the employees get involved with the organization in a more cordial way and apart from that, the company does not face any significant threat in continuing the good work to achieve the desired growth.
The budget of the organization included $1 million as the solution for the health issues and the improvement of the health of the employees. The prescribed cost structure meets all the concerns of the management and is well inside the allotted budget.
Workers Concerns:
- The workers were seemed to be unhappy with the storage of various chemicals inside the workplace like the Petrol, poisons, paints and many more.
- The workers were significantly concerned with the improper direction inside the warehouse for the unloading of the materials.
- The workers were observed to be facing significant amount of issues in managing the operations of the uplifting machine.
- The employees were concerned with the fact that they are subjected to the direct impact of the dust and other hazardous elements inside the warehouses.
- The Health and Safety representative of Wollongong informed that the company is planning to have a separate building for the storage of the Petrol, poisons, paints and other flammable chemicals so that any sort of disaster like the fire broking events can be managed.
- Apart from that, the organization is trying to implement digital boards for the proper direction of the various departments of the warehouses so that it be easy for the employees and the outsiders to have the proper direction of the places.
In response of the explanation regarding the concerns of the employees, the store manager was able to confirm the fact the organization was able to plan for a training activity to improve the capability of the employees of handling the uplifting machine which will be take place soon. Apart from that, the higher authority of the organization came to a decision for investing considerable amount of money for the purchase of the helmets and masks for each of the employees operating in any of the warehouses of the organization. This will be significant for the employees to avoid the dusts and the hazardous elements of the warehouses.
Activity |
Timelines |
Resources |
Modifications |
Training for the proper handling of the uplifting machine |
Twice in a year |
Expert for the training, uplifting machine and the training room |
Helmet |
Within 3 months |
Investment of the management |
The organization earlier wanted to have the helmets of only one colour but recently they proposed that each teams inside the warehouses will get helmets of different colours. |
Mask |
Within 3 months |
Investment of the management |
A seminar will be conducted for the existing and the affected employees of the organization to convey the new proposed strategy of the organization and every piece of information regarding the strategy will be uploaded on the website of the organization for the employees and the outsiders of the organization.
There will be internal monitoring for the employees of the organization and in that case the first plan will be to conduct a survey among the employees regarding the improvement and the appropriateness of the activity in meeting the demand of the employees. An internal audit will be performed from the part of the team managers for the evaluation of the performances of the team members. Apart from that formal documentation will be introduced to make sure that the higher authority of the organization gets to know about the improvement of the trainees.
- The main recommendation for the recordkeeping will be to shift to the digital recordkeeping from the manual pen paper format.
- The organization is in need to make sure that there be the policy of introducing the Radio Frequency Identification device which will help the organization in digital recordkeeping.
- The current recordkeeping practice needs proper monitoring and that too be more frequent in order to reduce any sort of discrepancy in the process.
The mentioned recommendations will help the company to address the concern regarding the fluent exchange of the information of the materials inside the store.
Activity |
Resources |
Timeline |
Reviewing Authority |
Implementation of the Digitalisation plan |
Computers, RFID Scanner, Internet, Enterprise Resource Planning, RFID tags |
18 months |
The senior level management |
Training of the RFID Scanner handlers |
Experts of RFID scanners and tag handlers |
6 weeks |
The departmental managers |
Training of the store keepers |
Experts of computerised record keeping |
4 weeks |
The departmental managers |
The plan for the safety in the implementation of the mentioned recommendations will be include the backup storage for the information which will be recorded with the digital platform.
The plan needs to get implemented within 4 weeks so that the implementation of the digitalisation gets triggered. On the other hand, the organization is in need to make sure that they be able to protect their systems and information from the effect of the cyber threats. As the leakage of any sort information regarding the organization’s store will create significant amount of issues in maintaining the privacy of the organization, the organization needs to implement the security precautions within the four to five weeks.
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