Effective Waste Management Techniques In Australia
Preliminary Literature Review
The volume of waste being generated continuously increasing faster compared to expansion of solid waste management measures as well as ability of the municipal authorities in order to enhance financial as well as technical resources required to make parallel development. In the present context, modernization disposal of waste in Australia has been discussed. Multiple techniques such as enhanced rates of recycling, automated waste collection, optimizing route, modernization of landfill and improved safety method are followed by the government to make the disposal process effective. Present study covers preliminary literature review, research aim and questions, research plan, data collection and analysis method.
Waste management is considered as a significant link for making public acceptance regarding nuclear as well as the applications. In addition, there are technical options as well as technologies, which are important for providing safe management of radio-active waste. The principles utilized for selecting a specific waste management option that may vary with the preference of organization, gathered as the procedure of optimization. The potential complexity of the technical as well as environmental consideration and essential in order to assure enough performance and selection of the mechanism that will need performance and selection of the mechanism that will need criteria in order to identify waste management demand. Hence, in order to manage the process of developing waste disposal and use effective technique that can be helpful to reduce wastes.
The Australians produce nearly 250 million tons trash in every year, whereas 34% of the entire trash ae recycled. There are various other states have revealed shocking the trash tendencies in spite of being aware of the environment (Pan et al., 2015). On the other hand, complexity of waste management has been difficult in previous days. In order to overcome the challenges as well as counteract negative impact of the landfill waste on environment, industry of waste management is also rethinking about the strategies as well as revamping the process of waste handling along with disposal systems to get superior efficiency as well as improved environmental protection.
Automated waste collection: Technology has transformed then method of working in waste management where the container is complete as well as requires service (Pan et al., 2015). The innovative tools, which are making the process of sorting fast as well as easy consist optical sorters, magnets as well as advanced disk screens. On the other hand, the trucks are switched from diesel to natural gas for making quitter as well as cost-effective operations.
Automated waste collection
Route optimization: In this process, optimal routing is essential to protect the environment as well as minimizing hazardous emissions that is the reason for investment in the. In order to save time as well as effort and existing routes, it is important to make the process automated. In this perspective, the technology has developed picked in the point-to-point for eco-friendly as well as financial viable during improvement of energy-efficiency.
Improved safety: Recycling as well as waste management organizations are developing consistent efforts in order to enhance the procedure of safety that is prime significance in various 30-ton trucks with the help of residential areas (Van Ewijk & Stegemann, 2016). The drivers are considered as the procedure of rigorous training at the proper facilities in order to minimize accident rat as well as injuries.
Landfill optimization: Harnessing science power, the waste management industry becomes more modernized in terms of garbage dumps. Highly engineered landfills comply with the state regulations, which can ensure human health protection surrounded with the environment. On the other hand, solar panel system are also deployed that can facilitate the process of generating sustainable energy at the time of preventing carbon from reentering the environment. In addition, prevention as well as minimization of waste production can be helpful to manage waste in the state. Disposal of waste will be helpful to minimize pollution.
Apart from these, quick turnover times is one of the techniques that can be helpful for the organization. The waste management organizations have invested in the customer facing technology in the procedure. Moreover, there are leveraging user-friendly mobile applications for facilitating prompt services, pickups as well as bill payments through push notifications. The technology can reduce the rate of complexity in the process of modern waste management systems, which makes the procedure of waste management in effective way. It also makes the process safer in minimization of environmental influence (Chidambarampadmavathy et al., 2017). On the other hand, the waste-to-energy technology for making the residual waste uses the process of combustion heat and power. Hence, adopting maximum recycling process with waste-to-energy in integrated procedure can be helpful to make it useful.
There are several challenges faced while managing waste in Victoria. Poor planning is one of the major issue for which the process of managing waste is disrupted. On the other hand, lack of enforcement is one of the major challenges faced while managing waste in the country. Ramped-up enforcement is required in order to ensure that the organization moves to future with less wastes in the streets. There are unplanned human settlements can be the major cause for effective waste management. It is important to develop proper plan that makes the settlements as well as the procedure that can help the organization to ensure effective management and procedures.
Route optimization
On the contrary, lack of usable landfills while rules and regulations about the serious lack of the procedure and health risks in the practice is important. There are not embracing waste-to-energy is the major issues faced by the Victoria Government while using effective waste management (Fam et al., 2017). One of the best methods for dealing waste is conversion of waste to energy that is the method of waste management industry is currently trending. In addition, the government is also trying for the support from the Melbourne State Government through effective plans and fell through.
No mainstream acceptance of the recycling procedure would be helpful to make the process useful and managing effective techniques. On the other hand, it is important to ensure that there is no mainstream acceptance of recycling that helps to develop the process effective with proper plan (Donovan and Pickin, 2016). On the other hand, it is important to ensure that the projects are effectively handled. Mismanagement of the policy outputs as well as outcomes for waste management are not effectively managed with the procedure of managing waste.
Despite necessary development in social, economic as well as environmental areas, the systems are remained and effectively managed. On the contrary, it is important for the organization to manage the procedures so that the management can handle it effectively. In this perspective, it is important to develop the process and management effectively so that the government can manage the process effectively (Hajjari et al., 2017). The disposal of waste is at very critical stage of development in Australia. There is a requirement of developing the facilities for treatment as well as disposal of the process of increasing the procedure. On the contrary, it is important to manage waste with the help of latest techniques and procedures. It is important to develop a proper plan that makes the waste effective and operates as well as transfer the procedure of managing waste effectively. In this perspective, it is important to manage the process effectively.
The research aims to investigate the process of disposing and using waste helping to minimize pollution. The research questions are as followed.
- What are the procedures followed by the Australian Government in controlling pollution by disposal of waste?
- What are the issues and how the issues can be mitigated?
In order to conduct the research effective methodologies will be selected (Thyberg & Tonjes, 2016). On the other hand, the researcher follows the qualitative approach to analyze the secondary data gathered from government sites, publications as well as other related articles. There are two frameworks that can be helpful to conduct the research in proper way. The positivism philosophy will be selected in the research (Brinkmann 2014). On the other hand, deductive approach will be selected for the research. Descriptive research design will be chosen for the research. On the other hand, simple random probability sampling technique has been followed for selecting samples.
Improved safety
There are two types of data collection method such as primary and secondary data collection. In the research, secondary data are collected (Niven, 2015). The data that are publicly available on www.epa.vic.gov.in with the ongoing activities as well as methods that are adopted by the Victoria as well as solutions for the issues that are researched (Choy, 2014). The data about reduction, disposing as well as saving waste are available in the website named as www.sustaianability.vic.gov.in, which are selected for the research.
There are two types of data analysis method such as quantitative and qualitative method. As the research deals with secondary data, qualitative data analysis method has been selected (Lewis 2015). The selected data analysis method would be helpful to analyze the data gathered for the research.
In the research, secondary data has been used in order to analyze the modern technique adopted by the Victorian Government in waste disposal management. Data from secondary sources have been collected as well as presented in the literature review form. On the other hand, the government publications, corporate websites as well as trade journals are utilized to collect secondary data about the research. On the other hand, the models as well as theories associated with the waste disposal technique have been used in the research. Hence, it is important to focus on the effective procedures of managing waste in Victoria.
Search terms: environment saving plan, control management of disposal, modern technique of waste management
The study concludes that it is important to take effective technique to waste disposal and management. There are several techniques available that are required to follow by the Victoria Government to manage waste effectively. However, there are some issues that are required to analyse and take effective measures so that potential benefits can be obtained. However, waste management requires to involve segregation at source of allowing efficient value extraction and the process of recycling. Hence, separating dry as well as wet waste would have important advantages and need to be responsible as waste generator. There are also long-term planning regarding waste-management that requires visionary project development through ULBs. There are private sectors and NGOs that will be helpful for the organization in order to deliver sustainable systems.
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