Effective Use Of Information Systems By TESCO (USA) For Enhancing Company Performance

Background of the Study

How effectively TESCO (USA) uses information system to enhance performance of the company by providing effective services to its customers?

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A person so involved in any of the government or commercial firm needs to monitor and manage other people to encounter numerous Information Systems in his workplace. Employees belonging from the fields of Engineering, Law, Sales, Manufacturing, Education, Academics all uses the various tools of Information System in their own dimension. This is supported with the efficient growth of the internet.

Nowadays the MNCs are using Information System as an effective tool in their management system so as to promote customer satisfaction at the highest level. Management, Organisation and Technology are the key strands of the Information System taken care by the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Department.

The competitive market is dominated by many of the Digital Companies such as Amazon, Uber etc. which not only provides the best idea but also the best management strategy which has reflected to their high promotion in the competitive market and very high customer satisfaction as per Global Business Analysis. They have completely projected their business through Information System, thereby reaching the vast population of the customer across the globe.

There are many researches based on the topic of Information System having impact on customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is directly proportional to the available facilities provided by the retailer (Nbea.org, 2015). These facilities in turn depends on the strategies enlisted by the faculties. Focusing on these strategies is the basic moto of the researcher. This is because strategy implementation is considered to be the blind spot of the company. A positive strategy would help in better customer satisfaction and thereby promote the company in the competitive market. On the other hand negative strategy retards a company’s good will in the market. Maintaining a feedback strategy and Potent Database system are the most important tool of Information System Strategy so implemented by the various CRM department of TESCO (USA).

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TESCO is one of the biggest multinational company founded in Hackney, London in 1919. It is the second largest retailer in the world in terms of the total revenue income. TESCO invests a $250 million dollars to get launched in USA. It has uprooted its competitor such as Wal-Mart. There is total of 126 stores in USA as recorded on 2009. However TESCO reported to encounter a total loss of$85 million in the first half of the year.

Background of the Company

The particular research proposal aims at studying the mind of the various customers of TESCO (USA) and relating their satisfaction level due to the implementation of Information Strategy tool by the CRM. The topic involves in coordination of the customer and management and thereby focussing on the merits and demerits of the strategy. TESCO (USA) is selected as the site of the case study so as to provide a systematic, rational and focussed approach for monitoring the research proposal. The research proposal is supported with various theories, concepts and models which would help to build up a bridge between customer and management.

  • To monitor the rate of customer satisfaction due to the Information Systems so introduced by TESCO (USA).
  • To determine the rate of promotion so accustomed after launching the Information System strategy.
  • To analyse how effectively information system used by TESCO (USA) to enhance the performance of the company
  • To evaluate how customer satisfaction leads the company to increase profitability and market share in the competitive market
  • What is the rate of customer satisfaction so encountered due to the introduction of Information System tool adopted by TESCO (USA)?
  • What is the rate of promotion which is been experienced by the management department on introduction of the Information System tool as a strategical tool to maintain Customer-Retailer relationship?
  • How effective is the Information System tool so adopted by TESCO (USA)? How will you enhance the performance of the company based on this tool?
  • How will you explain that Customer Satisfaction is directly proportional to increased profitability and Market share in the competitive market?

The research proposal which is discussed in the article projects on the various information system strategies so incorporated by TESCO (USA) so as to provide better services to the various customers. The research philosophy so adopted will be a Positivism concept which helps to gain information in a proper and logical manner. On the other hand, deductive approach allows the researcher to conduct the research study completely on the secondary data bases which very well highlights customer’s behaviour and influence on the implication of the Information System strategy laid by the retailer. This is also to be followed simultaneously so as to provide a better idea.

In research methodology, the application of the research philosophy helps the researcher in determination of the appropriate manner by which the research work is to be constructed.

Positivism is the subject of philosophy which helps in the application of the logical idea thereby helping in the analysis of the hidden facts related to the topic, in a scientific manner. Interpretivism is the mode of Epistemology which supports the concept of complex structure so involved in the socio-world of business and management strategies. Interpretative study concentrates more on the natural laws and discards the scientific approach. A researcher under interpretative study takes part in interpreting the primary and the secondary data where the net result of the research project is required for the study (nassar, 2015). A researcher under interpretative study helps in interpreting the primary and the secondary data where the net result of the research project is required for the study. Realism is the combinatorial approach stressing on both positivism and interpretative approaches of believes which helps in the study of the counteractions of customers with the various floors of the Information System Strategy so laid by TESCO (USA).

Research Aim

It is the topic which is required so as to format the research work. A particular research topic can be chosen. The topic can be a Deductive one or an Inductive one depending on the criteria. An Inductive approach follows research analysis to be carried out in a limited data source. Hence the initial tool of the research methodology in the Inductive Phase is supported in gaining information and building new pathway according to the research work. Future study and Scope can be formulated in this approach and hence promotes the building of new theories and strategies. On the other hand Deductive Approach is the process by which the researcher plans to carry out his work based on the provided theories, models and various research articles so uploaded by the previous researchers of identical field (Peng, 2012). Hence ample data is provided to the researcher. It helps the researcher to provide better accuracy and new focus on the previous tasks and enrich its quality with latest implications.

In this project the researcher will undergo Inductive Approach, where he/she enlist the project work with limited data, I.e. only the secondary data sources available and no considerations of future identical project would be analysed for the context.

It is an important tool in Research Methodology. It helps in explaining the basic framework of the researched topic. The process of data collection is the most important criteria as a better research design will promote a better process of data collection, which in turn would result in building a scientific and appropriate research framework. Basically there are three types of designs available for the researcher. These are the Explanatory Design, Exploratory Design and the Descriptive Design. The Exploratory Design claims to deal with the fact of acknowledging the various ideas and thoughts so required to complete a particular research paper. The Explanatory Design focusses on the occurance of of the incidents and events so associated with the research proposal. Mere explanation of cause and effect relationship limits the research scope to a large extent. The third one that is the Descriptive Design aims in gaining details so as to state the occurrence of events with proper description, justification and occurrence of the research topic (Thiry, 2013). Here in this research project application of the explanatory design was completely discarded as it supports longitudinal study which was not at all possible with the research topic. Apart from this, descriptive design defines the details of the process which was involved in ‘the application of information system so as to promote customer satisfaction’. This was totally apt and could be easily scrutinised with the help of secondary data sources and analysis.

Research Objectives

This is one of the most important tool of the methodological aspect. The two types of data sources so available are the Primary source and the Secondary source. Primary source provides a raw first hand data which is generally obtained from direct communicational analysis. Reliability and Validity are the two effective tool in the primary data analysis. In the secondary data analysis, more stress in being focussed in broadening the concept of manipulation which is used to collect information both from online and offline sources such as blogs, journals, webpages, etc. Here the researcher will be consulting both the primary and the secondary data source so as to construct the research proposal framework based on the mentioned topic.

Apart from the analysis laid down by the primary and the secondary sources, the researcher also have to undertake the Qualitative and the Quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis deals with interview sessions so carried out. This involves the conversations with 5 managers of TESCO (USA) regarding the implementation of Information Strategy and its effect on sales growth and customer satisfaction. And second bench of analysis is the Quantitative analysis. Here a total of 100 customers will be subjected to random questionnaire round. Customers will be selected randomly and it is to be assumed that it contains both regular customers and new comers due to the huge sample size. High sample size also indicates that probability analysis is to be followed compiling the individual responses with the help of scientific tools and graphical representations.

Quantitative analysis will be done by using MS-Excel spreadsheets and SPSS software. Qualitative analysis will be done with the help of Transcript Paper.

Sampling method is generally of two types, viz. Probability Type and Non Probability Type. Probability Type, as stated before handed deals with the huge sample size which is generally associated with Quantitative Analysis. So the researcher would note each and every response and compile the responses correctly and produce graphical chart so as to depict the response and compare.

The Non Probability Analysis deals with the small sample size generally associated with the interview sessions with the 5 managers of TESCO (USA). These responses should be noted and interpreted in the researcher in the proposal.

The scope of the study includes the following factors:

The research proposal deals with the various aspects of the Information System (IS) so adopted by TESCO-USA and the rate of satisfaction of the customers due to this implementation.

Research Questions

It is to be noted that full focus would be provided to Information System as the highlighting tool for customer satisfaction (Mullins, 2012). Other strategies having the identical motives are rejected for making a focussed proposal.

A research proposal can only be sustained with a proper funding implementation. Funding should be provided so that the research work doesn’t get limited.

Researcher have assumed that customers uses the benefit of Information System of TESCO-USA, but the personal comments regarding such a proposal is unknown. The basic task would be to formulate the merits and the demerits of the system with respect to both managers and customers belonging to the system.

For any company or industry, customer plays the central role. A highly efficient and growing company has huge customer size. So it’s the duty of the management of the company to implement various strategies which would attract more customers in the future. This would help to promote the company and compete in the market with other growing companies. One of the most serious strategy so implemented by various companies nowadays is the Information System strategy. This tool of strategy directly links the customer with the management department of the company (Nagy, 2015). Thus it can be stated that it is an effective one to one strategy which influences lots of customers’ world wide. Many companies now focusses to develop this tool so that it promotes a better customer satisfaction to each and every customer, which in return would promote the sales rate of the company.

There are various feasibilities which might be encountered such as Technical Feasibility such as considering demographic, manufacturing and various aspects related to the issue (Peel, 2011). Marketing Feasibility deals with the various situations which can be identifies on the basis of demand of the customer. This can be of two types; primary and secondary. Other types of feasibility includes Marketing feasibility, Market Feasibility (based on environmental, political and social factors) and financial feasibility. It is the duty of the management to monitor these feasibilities so that the strategies so implemented gets fully approved by the customer.

Information system generally interlinks computers and customers in a cooperative network. This helps to interpret and process the various information so associated with the research topic. The term is used in a limited area where it only refers to the various computerised database software and basic programing (Ritter et al. 2011). But nowadays Information system is been used as a basic tool in the various work place. Activities such as capturing, transmitting, storing, retrieving, manipulating and displaying information comes under the interdependences of the Information system with the working zone.

Research Methodology

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. It aims in managing the company’s interaction with the current and future customer. The various tools of CRM includes Organisation, Automation and Synchronization of Sales, Marketing, Customer Services and the various Technical Supports with respect to the Technological Aspects. It deals with the one to one solution of the customers and their individual desire using online communicational services and telecommunication methods (Reddick, 2011). The main functions of the CRM are Sales Force Automation (SFA), Data Warehouse Technology (DWT) and Opportunity Management. The Sales Force Automation helps in implication of the sales promotional strategies by keeping a track on the customers and providing them with the various sales promotional strategies as per the requirement of the customer. Data Warehouse Technology is used to aggregate the transactions so as to merge the information with the various CRM products and thereby providing the various key performance indicators (Rushmore, 2012). Opportunity Management helps to manage an unpredictable growth and demand factor and thereby implicating a good forecasted model to integrate sales history along with sales projections.

CRM application also enables the firm to provide an accurate and routine strategy to provide the order of the customer. Thereby there is improvement in the ability to customize the product to the customer. It also helps to manage customer relationships more effectively across the various stages of relationship, maintenance and termination.

AHP terms for Analytical Hierarchy Process. It is generally used in the various decision making. AHP integrates the various linear programs which is analyse the tangible and intangible elements associated with the research problem (Rodriguez et.al. 2013). AHP also determines the rating of the priorities of the problem issues.

It is proposed that Analytical Hierarchy Model followed analysed data. Expert choice software is used as an analytical tool. It deals with the various complicated decisions and finds way to handle the problem issue. It also provides opportunity so as to manipulate the data provided by the researcher during the construction of research framework.

ANP stands for Analytical Network Process. It is considered as a basic abstract of AHP Model which considers the external and the various internal dependencies. CRM performs the task of comparing the various companies present in the competing market, dealing with the e-commerce which depicts the various factors in network and decision making. Sensitivity analysis is analysed by depending the strength of the priorities and ranking among the alternative website against changes in weights and other issues.

Research Philosophy

Information System is one of the basic key tool which is seemed to be a high effective strategy is building customer satisfaction among the various customers world-wide.  It helps the customer to provide the future needs of customers according to the previous purchases. It gives a room to the customer so as to provide feedbacks from the customers (Ruh et al. 2013). Thus the customers are intended to criticise both the merits and demerits of the company. These feedbacks acts as one of the most important tool of rectification by the CRM department as the managers builds up improvised strategies based on the demerits so cited out by the customer feedbacks. This helps the company to compete in the competition market as they promote more in customer satisfaction.

This system might be a site of discrimination among the various customers. Generally it is noticed that a retail sector provides more discounts and offers to the regularly visiting or high purchasing customers (Tian, 2012). This might be a sign for the new comers or low budgeters as a matter of discrimination who might stop visiting the retail again. They may also transmit negative feedbacks and false reports regarding the retail. As a result both the retail’s sale and good will be hampered which might prove to be a challenging issue for the CRM department. This can be explained with the help of an example where Amazon claimed for dynamic pricing in which there would be price tag of the articles depending on the customer’s previous bills. This created a matter of discrimination among many of the individuals who stopped visiting Amazon any more. As a result there was a total drop of 19.94% of sales in August 2014 as reported by the financial department of the company.

Another challenge generally faced by the CRM department is the loss of information which generally occurs due to virus and introducing new database programs (Siu et al. 2013). This leads to complete break-down of the strategy (Szelmanowski,, 2012). A challenge related to this issue generally accounts to the leakage of information of the customers to the hackers. This might prone to be a serious issue as the personal info can be misused resulting to serious problems in future.

Main Activities

Aug 1-

Aug 7


Aug 14

Aug 14-    Aug 21

Aug 21-

Aug 28

Aug 28-

 Sep 4

Literature Review


Research Objective


Scope of the Study




Work Schedule






A complete work schedule is been projected stating that the researcher has started the research proposal work from August 1, 2015. Here only the main topics are focussed neglecting other associated topics. The research proposal ends by 4th September 2015. The (*) marks denotes the exact time period where each and every segment is used for carrying out the basic research proposal.

Research Approach


From the research proposal one can highlight regarding the merits and the demerits of the strategy in the retail so chosen, i.e., TESCO (USA). Focus on the feedback should also be laid. Customer providing various comments and reviews should be noted very carefully. A special management department should be laid which would focus on the feedback criteria and subsequently report the management regarding the various problems and issues faced by the customers. This is one of the best one-to-one interacting policy of customer-retailer which is supported by the Information System of the TESCO (USA).

On performing the Qualitative Analysis by taking interviews of the managers the researcher can focus on the growth of the sales and management coordination so experienced due to the effect of the strategy. The public feedback can be determined which would directly focus on the customer satisfaction. Researcher would also gain knowledge on the fact of the various database software used for the strategy. And finally information regarding the various risk factors is to be estimated. The influence of these risk factors on the CRM should be the focus point of the researcher. Moreover the strategies implemented so as to overcome these risk factors should also be noted.

Apart from the Qualitative Analysis, Quantitative Analysis will also play a vital role in constructing the research framework. The reaction of the customer side regarding the strategy is mandatory and should be analysed using the probability based online questionnaire pattern. The data so observed should be represented in a graphical manner for better comparison.

And finally it will be the task of the researcher to bridge the responses of both customer and the management regarding the research topic. On concerning with the Literature Review, the researcher will be able to provide the net conclusion indicating whether the strategy implemented in TESCO (USA) is a market hit or loss, and thereby would plan for future strategies which would promote the company further in the coming years.


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