Effective Tools For Priority Management And Stress Management In The Workplace
Key Information Dashboard- Statsmix
This tool will help the managers with priority management by means of keeping all the key metrics at one place. This is done by using an innate web user interface. With a framework of advanced technology, the StatsMix delivers an integrated dashboard view of significant metrics. It uses popular third-party services as well as tailor-made metrics to deliver the service.
- One of the major advantages of this tool is that it helps in auto-generating the codes for a number of different programming languages
- It helps in setting up the dashboard up within 5 minutes and instant access from anywhere
- It helps in viewing, monitoring, as well as measuring metrics at one centralized place
- Time consuming in installation
Using this dashboard, I will be able to assign and allocate wok based on the daily schedule and the deadline which will be mentioned on the To-do- Activity list. This will help the department in taking up the work as per the schedule and maintain the gap between the work allocation and the given deadline.
Useful indirect communication tool to schedule task
Messages can be sent from the smart phones
Easily accessible from anywhere
Frequent updates hamper the task
Limited integration
It is a vibrant tool which is commonly used for time tracking for project creation, management of both the team and the client.
- It offers integration along with the other different applications
- Accessible via Smartphones anywhere and anytim
- Maximum number of plans are premium and requires additional payment for using additional features
- Limited use on desktop of PC
List at least 5, with at least five strategies to address these.
Workplace stress has an adverse impact on the health and well-being of the workforce. Working for long hours without any break not only causes mental illness but also physical illness as well. In addition to this, working in double shifts also causes workplace stress and there will be no room for leisure time, causing monotony in life. The most significant impact of workplace stress has been discussed as follows:
Things or activities which cause stress at workplace might annoy the workforce to a great extent and thus, may result in increase in the number of mails with regard to leave. This indicates that too much stress might cause high-rate of absenteeism among the employees. This in turn not only hampers the productivity of the employee but also the performance of the organization as well (Ahmad et al, 2015).
The management must take into consideration of any such activities which might result in increase in absenteeism and thereby take immediate action t overcome the same. In this case, the work load of the employees must be segregated to other associates who can serve as a helping hand to the senior employees. The organization must appoint for apprentices during such overloads.
Workplace stress not only involves work overloads on the employees, but also cost overload on the employers as well. The rise in the number of employees complaining about health deterioration, also increases the medical cost and cost of insurance which would be taken on behalf of the employees to provide them a better health and well-being when in need (Krishnamurthy et al, 2017).
In order to avoid such additional cost of the company, the management should appoint additional workforce so on contract basis so as to handle the work and responsibilities of the existing employees. The new employees must be given the offer along with the condition that they would be working on contractual basis and will be terminated once the contract is over. This will provide relief to the existing workers in dealing with additional tasks. The employers must take the easily available health insurance for commercial use to benefit the employees for long-term.
The increase in work load might cause tension among the employees and their families as well due to long hours of stay in the work premises (Kjellstrom et al, 2016). As a result, it might also cause employee turnover in search for better opportunities elsewhere. This in turn would also hamper the productivity of the organization as well. Therefore, the management must allow the employees an opportunity to work from home. This will enable them to attend the office as well as give time at their home as well, thereby completing their task on time without any stress or delay.
It is an evident fact that too much stress at workplace can cause a huge number of health problems (Whitfield and Cachia, 2018). As for the mental health, workplace stress might cause restlessness, anxiety, irritability as well as depression among the workers. On the other hand, physical pressure might result in headaches, high blood pressure, exhaustion and chest pain (Dement et al, 2015). The employees might also get hospitalized or go through medical treatment in case such stress at workplace causes grave threat to the life of the workforce. Therefore, the management must provide for a minimum of 1 hour break in between the work schedule so as to provide relaxation to the employees. The management must also include an option for attending relaxation programs for the workforce which will involve regular yoga, exercise and pain relief sessions, when in need.
Stress at workplace might cause the employees to think over their deadline again and again which in turn lead to faulty products, quality issues, heed to get on the benchmark, promotion and rewards (Gao et al 2018). This as a result may lead to accidents at workplace. In addition to this, such accidents may also hamper the reputation of the company and thereby deteriorate the bottom line as well.
The management must take precautionary steps and train the employees on emergency management techniques while working under pressure of meeting the deadlines. This would enable the employees to become proactive and take up opportunities to work even under stringent conditions.
The above stress at workplace might cause severe health issues to the employees and cost issues to the management of the workplace and thus, the recommended strategies can be implemented, as the case may be, so as to avoid such relentless conditions.
Reference List
Ahmad, A., Hussain, A., Saleem, M.Q., Qureshi, M.A.M. and Mufti, N.A., 2015. Workplace stress: a critical insight of causes, effects and interventions. Tech J, 20, pp.45-55.
Dement, J.M., Epling, C., Joyner, J. and Cavanaugh, K., 2015. Impacts of workplace health promotion and wellness programs on health care utilization and costs: results from an academic workplace. Journal of occupational and environmental medicine, 57(11), pp.1159-1169.
Gao, C., Kuklane, K., Östergren, P.O. and Kjellstrom, T., 2018. Occupational heat stress assessment and protective strategies in the context of climate change. International journal of biometeorology, 62(3), pp.359-371.
Kjellstrom, T., Briggs, D., Freyberg, C., Lemke, B., Otto, M. and Hyatt, O., 2016. Heat, human performance, and occupational health: a key issue for the assessment of global climate change impacts. Annual Review Of Public Health, 37, pp.97-112.
Krishnamurthy, M., Ramalingam, P., Perumal, K., Kamalakannan, L.P., Chinnadurai, J., Shanmugam, R., Srinivasan, K. and Venugopal, V., 2017. Occupational heat stress impacts on health and productivity in a steel industry in southern India. Safety and health at work, 8(1), pp.99-104.
Whitfield, M. and Cachia, M., 2018. How does workplace stress affect job performance? An employee’s perspective. New Vistas, 3(2), pp.28-33.