Effective Sustainable Engineering Management Practices: A Literature Review
Journal Article 1
The modern day organizations are facing the need of managing their organizations in accordance to the scientific management policies. In order to achieve that, the management of the organizations are observed to focus on the identification of the effective sustainable engineering management practices. According to Kerzner and Kerzner (2017), in order to increase the effectiveness of the engineering management practices, the managers need to realize the complexity of controlling the organizational resources along with proper identification of the factors that have the potential to influence the effective project staffing. Along with that Goetsch and Davis (2014), commented that for the managers of the modern day organizations must have the knowledge of application of the concept of Total Quality Management in order to increase sustainability of the engineering management practices. Alias et al. (2014), confirmed that the managers are in need to understand the importance of the factors like the project management action, external issues, project procedures along with human factors in forming the linkage between critical success factors and the project performance. From the Smart City Plan and Engineering Competency, it is visible that the mangers are in need to be open to the existing innovative ideas along with further researches in order to achieve new ideas regarding emerging technologies as well. Engineering managers’ guide is significant in specifying that the managers are in need to follow some basic steps like creation goals, creation of an effective plan to achieve the goals, monitoring the progress in the implementation of the plan, reducing the impact of the barriers in the implementation of the plan along with maintain the desired level of transparency. Dispute Resolution Board is able to confirm that the managers need to achieve the desired competencies for addressing the challenges of the conflict and must gain the knowledge of operation of the establishment phase and the operational phase of a project.
The authors have discussed about the complexities that the project manager usually faces when managing a project. Some of the issues or complexities that the authors have pointed out are lack of clarity in project goal, poor project schedule design, scope-creep, lack of team skill, lack of coordination due to poor communication, poor risk identification and risk mitigation leading to poor risk management, conflict and issue within team leading to less productive team work and poor project performance. Now for each of the complexities the authors have included proper strategy to deal with them effectively.
In order to deal with project complexity due to lack of clarity in project goal, the authors have recommended to organize kickoff meeting with team members to clarify requirement and goal of project to avoid any confusion. Next for project schedule related complexity, the authors have suggested effective project planning, communication regarding project progress to all the team members in real time. Next for scope related complexity, the authors have suggested systematic estimation of cost, schedule, and quality, for team skill related complexity core skill documentation, assessment of team members in terms of strength and weakness and arrangement of training has been suggested.
Journal Article 2
Here the authors mentioned some of the most important quality management aspects that the mangers needs to deal with to efficiently manage various context of project management. According to the authors quality management in project plays a critical role in product quality and stakeholder satisfaction which helps in organizational excellence. The authors have listed key steps that helps to achieve quality in project. the first and foremost requirement according to the author for ensuring quality in a project is to have a proper planning for the quality with detailed analysis of quality deliverables with reference to the stakeholder requirements. Once the quality planning is done, then it is required to employ quality assurance into the project through planned and systematic activities so that quality requirements set for any products or services is properly met. Along with quality assurance quality control have to be integrated as well. According to the authors, all of these three steps have to be properly integrated into the project so that quality management is proper and organizational excellence is achieved by the organization properly.
In this paper the authors have discussed about the concept of engineering management like what the roles of an engineering manager are, what should be approach to execute the post of engineering manager and what are the strategy for perfection. According to the authors, engineering management is the functional transition of professional from the position of an engineer working in a team to manager managing and leading the team. As the transition of post is significant, it brings some additional responsibility as well. The first and foremost duty of an engineering manager is to provide direction for the team so that the team work is effective and it meets project requirement and goal. Part form managing and leading a team the manager has to design detailed plan for achieving goal and progress has to be measured against the set goal. Stakeholder management is another important role that the manager needs to done with perfection. As the role is diverse, only the technical knowledge is not enough, managerial qualities are also needed. However the engineering and technical knowledge is helpful in managing technical projects and it provides an advantage compared to-non technical or non-engineering professionals. Hence a skilled engineer might not be necessarily an efficient manager.
The paper has looked in details the factors that impact the sustainability goal of smart city projects. According to the authors the most import aspect of sustainability in a smart city project is to ensure that the fact of environment sustainability has been properly addressed in project planning and strategic implementation of the project plan. Some of the most important factors that need to be addressed in the aspect of project sustainability is to reduce pollution through alternative choice for building materials which have less energy consumption, alternative way of lighting like prioritization of alternative energy like solar energy, reduction in pollution due to polluted gas emitted by vehicles which might be done through prioritization of alternative fuel or electric car that has less pollution rating. In ensuring all of these like choice of alternative material for building, choice of fuel for less pollution, implementation of solar energy for smart cities, engineers have a major role to play. Hence engineers with effective management knowledge is preferred by the organization to ensure sustainability in the smart city projects.
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The manger has to have the ability to identify issues and classify it as internal and external. If the issue is external then has to be resolved. External conflict is conflict between project organization and stakeholders. Now there might be several reason for that. However the most common and significant issues are variation in schedule, variation in budget and variation of product quality. Internal conflict creates difference within team and between team members. Issues and conflict not only creates difference in team, but affects collaboration between the team members as well. Hence knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing is also hampered. Hence these need to be resolved as well for effective project execution and ensure project success.
In order to avoid external conflict, dispute resolution board is designed and employed for the project as well. Dispute resolution board, has some distinguished feature like:
- The purpose of the dispute resolution board is to resolve issues within the project so that it does not affect the project execution and progress
- in dispute resolution board, each party of the contractors nominates one industry expert with mutual approval
- two panel members that are nominated for the board by the contractor needs to make sure that they are not inclined towards any of the parties to avoid biasness in decision making procedure
- fees and expenses as associated with the members have to be shared by both the parties equally
- all the panel members have to be experienced and they should be respected by all the members of both the party
- any decision regarding nay dispute have to be agreed by both the party and they should follow the suggestion as recommended by the board
The paper has identified and discuss about some of the important factors that are critical to the success of the engineering project manager. According to the authors, proper knowledge about these factors are important as knowledge about these factors are essential to ensure that sustainable project management principles are followed for construction project. The features that are recommended by the authors are proper knowledge about clients’ role in the project, superior quality and standard in workmanship, strategic direction with reference to the project scope and goal, proper control over project progress and activities, effective design of health and safety protocol, compatibility with rules and regulation related to construction industry are some of the most essential factors to ensure sustainability in project through effective project management.
Smart city although aimed at improving the quality of life through innovation technology sustainability has an import role to play in this projects as the focus is to protect environment through development so that these projects transform society through sustainable development. Here the engineer management has a major role and needs to follow some strategy to ensure effective Sustainable Engineering Management practices. One of the strategies is to selection of material for construction of building. It needs to be environment friendly so that pollution is reduced. This might include integration of green roofs and walls for building, support for modular construction, selection of solar energy instead of traditional electricity choice. All of these are important for sustainable practise in smart city projects.
Another import consideration for the sustainable smart city project is to reduce emission of both greenhouse gas and carbon credit as well as both of these gas are harmful for the environment, hence mechanism to reduce emission of these gas means better management of the sustainability aspect of the project. This could be done through modification in public and commercial lighting, reducing energy consumption of building. Another effective way to reduce pollution though these gases is to enhance the emission quality as well as emission technique of the vehicles so that vehicles become more efficient and helps in pollution reduction strategy. As an engineering manager, one should be able to review these strategy and integrate that successfully into the smart city project so that it can successfully meet the sustainable qualities and features.
The paper concludes that the role of an engineering management is a complex one as it involves both engineering as well as managerial qualities. A successful engineer should be able to find balance between both of these roles and need to execute both of them with perfection. As modern project management emphasis on scientific management policies, there is need of more and more accomplished engineering management as integrating sustainability with project has become an important aspects of every organization. Hence organizations look for professional who are able to solution regarding sustainability through application of engineering knowledge and manage project knowledge areas as well. Project knowledge areas include effective team management, project planning, risk identification, risk mitigation, stakeholder management, and resource planning and resource allocation for the project. Resource planning for sustainable project needs application for engineering knowledge along with managerial skill. Because effective selection of materials for smart city project has a lot of impact on the sustainability aspect of the project. In order to assess the resources with reference to the sustainability aspect like energy savings, cost saving and environmental aspect proper engineering knowledge is required. Hence engineering management is preferred by the organizations in modern style of project management.
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Dispute Resolution Board. (2018). [ebook] Available at: https://www.constructors.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2003/07/Dispute-Resolution-Boards-Avoiding-conflict-Before-it-Occurs.pdf
Goetsch, D.L. and Davis, S.B., 2014. Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson.
Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.
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