Effective Strategies To Enhance Employee Performance In An Organization
Practical Approaches to Enhance Employee Performance
Employee performance is considered to be one of the major aspect for an organisation in order to get benefits and profits for future sustainability. In this context, it can be argued that the relation between the executives and the employees plays a pivotal part that can equally contribute to the factors regarding the enhancement of employee performance. It is important for the organisation or the leaders to develop such an environment that is resembled with the employee friendly outlook. It is also identified as a key benefit of the employees’ performance in a constant and objective methods.
As a matter of fact, it can also be asserted that analysing the strengths, weaknesses and potential gaps are required to initiate a program that can enhance the performance or ability of the employees. In this regard, there are certain factors like the fixing achievable targets, creating positive work environment, analysing the employee growth and establishing the team trends are very important and essential to make a better framework that can facilitate performance enhancement for the employees and at the same time beneficial to maximise the profit percentage for the organisation.
Based on this understanding, this essay is going to figure out the motivating factors in an organisations that are considered to be effective enough in order to increase the performance of the employees. In course of the discussion the essay also keeps an eye on the other factors behind increasing the employee performance. The purpose of this essay is to understand different approaches and techniques of motivation that the managers should introduce in order to improve the job performances of the employees.
According to Teryima et al. (2016) there are several strategies that are responsible to enhance the performances of the employees. In t5his context, the performance enhancing measures are divided into two part. In one hand, investigating the strength and weakness of an individual employee is important to assess his or her skills and gaps related to a job. On the other hand, the psychological assessment of the employees are also considered to be an important aspect that can foster better performance for the staffs. In this context, Tahir et al. (2014) asserted that this two segments as practical and psychological assessments that can contribute to the development of the employee performances.
As far as the practical context is concerned, there are several aspects that can implement a better workplace framework. At first, assessing the skills and knowledge of the employees is highly pertinent in order to deal with the employees. As per the research of Sattar, Ahmad and Hassan (2015) it can be argued that it is the role of a manager to facilitate a process or intention in order to assess and investigate the abilities and skills of the employees. For an example, if an employee has great analytical power then he must be appointed for that job. Besides this, a staff who is better in customer dealings must get the task to deal with the customers.
Assessing Employee Skills and Improvement Measures
In addition to this, it can be stated that the correlate the data with the employee skills is also an important aspect. In the research Shaout and Yousif (2014) pointed out that a clear and transparent understanding of the skills of the employees and share those abilities with the entire workforce has significant impact on enhancing the abilities of the staffs.
As a matter of fact, Nkosi (2015) advocated that sharing the abilities and achievements of some employees will drive a great deal of positive impact on other employees and push them to reach at the top through healthy competition. In this context, the recruitment and selection process also takes great role to play in order to maximise the profit of the corporate organisation. Schepers, Nijssen and van der Heijden (2016) figured out that there is a way to ensure the profit of the organisation in terms of appointing efficient and well skilled people into the tasks and generate profit in a robust manner.
However, Asfaw, Argaw and Bayissa (2015) mentioned that survey employees and find out the gaps can be an effective measure that ensure the enhancement of the skills and abilities of the employees. In this regard, the managers play a pivotal part in order to assess the efficiency of the employees. In fact, the implementing training plans are also significant enough to enhance the performance of the employees. There are number of training programs and curriculums that are responsible to deliver an effective framework for the employees to develop their skills. Moreover, it also gives the employees an equal opportunity to enhance their performance and abilities.
In the words of Kelidbari, Fadaei and Ebrahimi (2016) it is confirmed that the role of the training and induction session is important in order to not only build up skills of the staffs rather it is also identified as an instrument to find out the gaps and loops in the process that can create obstacles in the enhancement process. Building a clear identification of the drawbacks it becomes easier for the management to procure more effectiveness into the process and able to develop the performances of the employees. Based on this understanding, it can be stated that the practical measures are very relevant to improve the skills of the employees in such a robust manner that is responsible to reduce the errors in work and install more effectiveness into the process. However, as per the study of Nkosi (2015).
it can be seen that the practical framework is more of an one sided practice where the managers feel to initiate a program to develop the efficacy of the employees. There is no such implication that is responsible to highlight the responses of the employees. In other words, it can be argued that there is no such mechanism in the practical frame that can show the perception and aspirations of the employees in terms of their satisfaction. Henceforth, it is important to introduce such a measure which identifies both the feelings and satisfaction of the employees and the managers.
Correlating Employee Data with Skills
In response to this, Shahzadi et al. (2014) ascribed that the psychological implication is highly pertinent in order to increase the performance of the employees. It is resembled with the practice of dealing with the motivational aspect that can satisfy both the employees and at the same time it also covers up the objectives and aims of the company. According to Zameer et al. (2014) it can be stated that motivation plays a driven factor that is responsible for making better performance for the employees. There are series of impacts of motivation in order to increase the performance of the staffs. For an example, it can be stated that the role of the employee motivation puts focus on the behavioural alteration of the employees. Throughout the research of Hameed, Ramzan and Zubair (2014) .
it was seen that the motivation measures are very effective for the organisations to satisfy their employees. As a matter of fact, it can be stated that the purpose of motivation is a driven factor that is associated with attaining specific goals and objectives of the organisation. In other words, it can be stated that the purpose of the motivation is to make the employees more effective and satisfy enough so that they can deliver more focus on their performance and work. In the research Faisal et al. (2015) ascribed that there are financial and human resources that must be boosted through the implication of motivation.
In this context, Bottomley et al. (2016) stated that employee motivation is a reflection of the level of energy, commitment and creativity that the workers of a company will bring in their jobs. It is the responsibility of a manager to in a workplace to get things done through the employees. Therefore, motivation would be a tool for the managers in order to satisfy the staffs and increase their performance by diverting their focus on the jobs effectively.
From the psychological perspective it can be stated that there are significant changes in the employee behaviour in course of time. Nowadays, employees demands more than they did in the last decades. In the research, Caillier (2014) identified that there is a sharp distinction between the workers in the 90s and the postmodern workforce. Today, the workers are more concerned about their rights and privileges and as a result of that it became so important for the business houses to set a plan to reduce the employee turnover. From that point of view, it can be stated that motivation can play pivotal role in order to motivate the staffs and bring more efficacy and professionalism in the organisational activities.
As a matter of fact, the motivational process can be resembled with the theory of motivation asserted by Maslow. It is known as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The relevance of this theory is to understand the need of motivation to bring more effectiveness into the workplace activities. At first the Maslow’s theory puts emphasis on the psychological needs that is known to deal with the fundamental need for survival. It means warmth, clothing, food and shelter are the major elements that human requires in this phase (Singh and Behera 2016). As per the theory of Maslow at the time of people feel thirsty and hungry they are more motivated to accomplish the needs to achieve shelter and food.
Recruitment and Selection
There is a correlation among all the stages of needs and according to Maslow whenever people achieve one need they will look for another needs. In this context, the second level is associated with the security needs. Safety and security if the family and people are considered to be highly pertinent for the human beings in a social context. Besides this, the third level is associated with the needs of society. It is resembled with the security and safety at work. Now, this level is very crucial because this level is identified as one of the major contributors for earning and establishing a better condition for his or her livelihood.
In this context, Venter (2017) mentioned that whenever an employee is able to succeed to ensure the security of his rank in an organisation then he will look for the rules and regulations inside the company that can generate rights and privileges for the employees. It is further associated with the job satisfaction that can be highlighted through the increase in salary of the employees. Therefore, it is certainly a great motivation for the employees and satisfied them effectively. As a result of that they can set their focus fixed on the performances. On the other hand, self-esteem needs and self-actualisations are considered to be fourth and fifth level of the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs respectively.
Employee motivation and performance serves as key factors in enhancing business performance and it is believed that positive motivation leads to better employee performance and increased productivity. Employed benefits can serve as effective motivators in improving job performance that includes bonuses, pay increase, stock options and profit sharing which acts as positive motivators (Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford 2014). Moreover, such motivators are to retain morale or normal levels and necessarily enhance overall employee motivation levels. Certain extrinsic and intrinsic motivation factors drive exceptional work performance in organizations.
There are three types of motivation triggers those are followed by the organizations in improving the performance of the employees (Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford 2014). Motivating staff is a vital task for the managers and through providing basic, security, social, self-esteem and self-fulfillment needs the organizations can maintain foundation of strong growth along with improved level of consumer services (Lazaroiu 2015). The motivational factors those are considered by most of the organizations in enhancing employee performance includes employment security, offering good and positive workplace environment, good quality wages and opportunities for growth and promotion in the company.
It has been observed that fulfilling such basic motivating aspects can facilitate an organization in enhancing performance levels of the employees through ensuring higher productivity levels, low labor turnover and increased willingness to accept responsibilities.
Herzberg’s job Enrichment Theory better explains the major factors those motivate employees of companies and increase their engagement level for attaining shared responsibilities towards obtaining organizational success. Moreover, this theory explains that there are five motivation or satisfaction factors those can be followed by companies in boosting employee performance levels. These include developing recognition, sense of achievement for work accomplishments, responsibility and accomplishing meaningful job responsibility (Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford 2014).
Find Out Gaps and Implement Training Programs
Encouraging managers to recognize the achievements of employees, offering suitable training and development opportunities for employees along with letting them to schedule, plan and control their daily work can increase efficiency of Herzberg’s job Enrichment Theory. The purpose of the organization to implement employee motivation schemes such as rewarding high performance employees can facilitate them in attaining company’s goals (Miner 2015). Based on such explanation it can be gathered that from the organizational perspective rewards are intended to motivate certain positive behavior among employees towards work. For instance, attaining the organizational goal through superior performance can lead to attain bonus, god grades, pay increase or increased status in the company.
Moreover, employees those are intrinsically motivated through rewards tend to be highly aware of broad range of company responsibilities, complexities in attaining them that can bring in creative output. On the other hand, extrinsic rewards are likely to focus attention on developing standardized products as pay increase or extra incentive motivates employees to become creative and committed towards carrying out job in the organization (Albrecht et al. 2015). Focused on such explanation it can be stated that to attain maximum performance from employees, the organizations must drive an increased levels of employee engagement by employing identified motivating factors that can result in organizational success.
From the above discussion, it can be argued that motivation is an effective measure that can contribute a lot in the process of employee performance. In course of the discussion, the essay also puts some light on the other factors that can enhance the professionalism and ability of the employees. However, those factors are very gross and one sided in order to understand the real factors behind the increase in employee performance. As a matter of fact, it can be stated that there are number of implications that prove through the analysis the role of the motivation as a driven factor to enhance the performance of the employees. The essay also incorporates the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory that interprets the behavioural tendency of human nature towards motivation.
In addition to this, there is another important aspect of claiming motivation as the ultimate enhancer of employee performance. The empirical studies have proved that psychological factors are more acute than the practical ones. As a matter of fact, the psychological factors are responsible to illustrate both the motives and purposes of the employees and managers so that it will bring more efficacy into the performance of the employees. Furthermore, the motivation creates a sense of satisfaction into the mind of the employees.
Therefore, they feel more relaxed and focused and cope with all the objectives of the companies that are important for the sustainability of the business organisation. From this above discussion, it can be concluded that motivation is not the ultimate factor to enhance employee performance but one of the major factors that ensures profit and prosperity for the organisation in one hand and enhance the performance of the employees on the other.
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Training and Induction Sessions
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