Effective Recruitment And Selection Strategies For A Small Business
Profile of Grocery Hub
Profile your small business. Include its mission statement, values and strategic objectives. State the total number of employees and how long you’ve been operating. Describe what is special about your business that makes you attractive as an employer.
The small business is named Grocery Hub which is a retail grocery Store selling groceries to its customers. The store has diverse range of groceries which is required by a customer on a daily basis located in Auckland New Zealand. The company also provides home delivery of groceries to the customers for free.
The vision of the business to render high quality products to the customers and help in maintaining there daily need of products in Life.
The mission of the company is to increase good quality of relationship with customer and to increase the consumer base of the company in an efficient manner to increase operational and financial size of the company.
Currently there are 12 employees in the store 6 of them are sales and delivery executives, 4 are storekeepers and 2 are sales and operational managers of the store. It can be said they help the organization in maintaining their operational activities.
The business is a is grocery store which render daily life groceries and products to the customer and also offers home delivery which makes its attractive to the customers in the local area as well as in the city.
- b) Conduct Job analysis about the vacant position and explain why those particular methods were suitable for your situation
Through interview method of the vacant position in the company sales executives is vacant in company. The operational demands of the store of the company have increased. This is why there is need of extra sales executive which will conduct the increasing demand of operations within the company. The roles and responsibility of a sales executive is look at selling aspects and to maintain a good relationship and communication with employees (Brewster, Houldsworth, Sparrow & Vernon, 2016).
The duties which are of the sales executive relate to the selling of products within the store and establish proper communication within the customers. The sales executive also play a role in maintain good relationship with customer which enhances the overall customer base of the firm. Through interview method there is systematic approach which can be used to research of job vacant in the current and the description related to the job roles can also be gained easily which suits the current situations.
- c) Apply 2 methods of Job design to your position, explain how these two methods will result in effective outcomes for the organization and its stakeholders
The 2 job design method which has been used in the current job designing process is Job Rotation and Job simplification method. This will help in better and full outcomes out of the sales executive position. It can be said that through Job rotation the employees will be relieved from a monotonous and bored work style as the job will rotate on regular basis. The job will be nearly the same but will help the employees in better operation free from boredom of performing the same task which becomes monotonous. On the other Job simplification will help the management in dividing the task in small activities will be allocated to every employees in similar which is decrease workload and help in performance of the employees (Albrecht, Bakker, Gruman, Macey & Saks, 2015).
- d) Set out a job description for the vacant position based on the data you have collected. The job description must be concise and clear, an effective tool for recruitment and selection purpose, main duties and responsibilities as well as measurable standards for their performance
Job Analysis of Sales Executive
Recruitment and selection purpose:
The purpose of recruiting and selecting sales executive is looking at the growing demand of operation which is require in the store. The customers have increased for which there is requirements of more sales executive to assist customers in the purchasing process.
Sales executive responsibilities
The responsibilities of a sales executive are to build business and to sell as well as identify prospects which will be needed by the customer. The sales executive are also responsible for maintain healthy relationship with the employees through effective communication.
Job duties:
- To identify the needs of the product in a efficient
- To sell products to the customers
- To establish proper communication with the employees
- To maintain efficient relationship with the customers
The measurement of the sale executive will dine on the sales which is done by a particular sales executive as well as on the customer feedback which will be received by the customer on the particular sales executive.
- e) Set out a clear and concise person specification that is relevant to the position and effective as a tool for recruitment and selection
It can be said that in order to be sales executive in the company the applicant must have good communication and selling skills with good hospitality which will make sure that the applicant will be selected in the recruitments process. Having good communication and selling skill will help sales executive to work in efficient manner (Reiche et al. 2016).
- a) Describe the recruitment methods you considered for your vacancy, and explain how and why you made your choices
The process of finding the possible resources for filling up the vacant positions in an organization is called recruitment. A recruitment process follows many steps like first of all it identify the jobs vacancy then analyzing the job requirements, study or reviewing the applications, screening, shortlisting and at last selecting the right candidate. There is five best step for increasing the efficiency of hiring which is shown in the given image.
Recruitment Process
The process which is followed to hire a good sales staff for the grocery hub and select the best suitable candidate for the vacant place is as follows:
- Recruitment planning: It is the first step in the recruitment process, in this process we analyzed and described the vacant positions. It also includes the nature of the job, the specification of the job, experience needed for the job and qualifications or skills required for the job (Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly & Kynighou, 2016).
- Recruitment strategy: It is the second step in the recruitment process. In this process, a strategy is prepared for hiring the candidates. After the recruitment planning, the next step is to analyze which strategy is best to hire the candidates for an organization.
- Searching candidates: This process involves the searching and attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. These sources are of two types i.e Internal sources and External sources. Internal sources of recruitment candidates in an organization can be done by internal advertisements, employee referrals, promotions, transfers etc. And external sources are direct recruitment, advertisements, campus recruitment, employment agencies, etc.
- Shortlisting: It is the process which starts after the method of searching the candidates for the job. Shortlisting is the method of filtering the applications of the candidates for future process of selection. Shortlisting or screening is a very important part of the recruitment process as it helps in removing the unqualified candidates.
- Evaluation and control: Evaluation and control is the last step of the recruitment process. Recruitment is a costly process so with the help of evaluation and control method we evaluate and control the cost incurred in the recruitment process. Example it evaluates the candidate job profile and selects appropriate salaries to the recruiters according to that.
- b) Include a copy of the appropriate communication or advertisement that you have created
Job brief:
We are looking for a trustworthy and competitive sale executive for our ‘Grocery Hub’ who will help us to build our business. You must need to maintain customer satisfaction. The main goal is to meet and cross or surpass the company exceptions and help them to grow rapidly and also maintain sustainable growth.
- To identify the selling possibilities, conduct market research.
- Customer needs must be evaluated well.
- Products and services presentation must be prepare and deliver in an appropriate manner.
- Ensure that every product stock is available in the store for sales and demonstration.
- Team collaboration must be needed for achieving better results (Brewster, Chung & Sparrow, 2016).
- Must have a good experience as a sale executive.
- English proficiency is needed.
- Passion for sales and also be a fast learner.
- Good understanding of marketing.
- High school degree.
- c) State and justify your choice of at least four shortlisting criteria
Short listing criteria:
- Communication skills: A salesperson must have excellent communication skills. So he can attract and sell products to the customer by their communication skills.
- Desire and ability: A salesperson must have a desire and ability to sell the products. He must identify the needs of a customer and sell or suggest the products accordingly (Chelladurai & Kerwin, 2017).
- Flexibility: A salesperson must be flexible and can able to sell any kind of products.he must have skills to work alone and also with the team as well.
- Self-motivation and ambition: Self-motivation and ambition are also an important factor for any salesperson. A salesperson must have to showcase a positive, determined and confident approach to everyone.
- d) Explain and justify your choice of selection methods and tests
Selection methods and test that our organization has used to recruit members are as follows:
- Online and offline submission of application forms and CVs.
- Afterwards screening and shortlisting of received CVs has been done.
- Personal interviews have been taken after receiving and short listing of the received forms or CVs.
- Then psychometric testing is done, which means a mental measure of an individual. This test covers the ability, aptitude and personality test of an individual.
- The ability and aptitude test covers a different range of areas like general intellect of an individual or verbal and numerical ability of the recruited person (Brewster & Hegewisch, 2017).
- Identifying the individual’s personality and assign a job accordingly. Some individual personality is not suitable for some post, so assigning job according to their personality is very important, and it also increases in the efficiency of their work.
These are some steps and tests our organization has followed before hiring an employee. And sometimes references are also used for hiring an individual.
- e) Provide three behavioral style interview questions, and explain why you’ve chosen each particular question.
- Why this company and position interests you the most?
This is probably the most important question before hiring an individual as this question will make us know that an individual is interested in and also good at selling or not. And it will also demonstrate that he has done any research about the organization before the interview or not.
- How do you handle the rejections?
Every successful salesperson must have encountered rejection every day. So it is very important to know that how an individual handles the rejection and how they improve themselves. And this will also clear that the recruited person is ready to put himself out there again and again or not. And this will make us come to know that individual is taking rejection as a rejection or rejection as a motivator and an opportunity to learn more and better (Bratton & Gold, 2017).
- How you will sell me this coffee?
This will challenge the individual and give an opportunity to show off the sales skills. The response of this question will showcase the capacity of thinking of the recruited sales person and will also prove that he will able to sell anything or not.
- f) Provide a form on which interviewees can be effectively compared in order to make a fair selection decision
Particulars |
Answer to Question 1 |
Answer to Question 2 |
Answer to Question 2 |
Interviewee 1 |
Interviewee 2 |
Interviewee 3 |
Table 1: Form for selection
(Source: self generated)
The above table will be used in order to make decision on the responds given by each interview. This will give a proper overview on response given by each interviewee on the basis of recruitment of the employees will be done. Through the decision of recruitment will be done in an efficient manner
- g) Explain and justify your choice of pre-employment checks
Before employing any employees in the company there will be some employment checks which will be performed in order to make sure everything with employee is correct. First there will be check on whether the information given by the employee about himself is correct or not or are there any problems in the information given. Criminal records related to the person will checked to make sure that the person is not prosecuted under the country’s juduiciary (Armstrong & Taylor, 2014).
Albrecht, S. L., Bakker, A. B., Gruman, J. A., Macey, W. H., & Saks, A. M. (2015). Employee engagement, human resource management practices and competitive advantage: An integrated approach. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance, 2(1), 7-35.
Armstrong, M., & Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.
Bratton, J., & Gold, J. (2017). Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave.
Brewster, C., & Hegewisch, A. (Eds.). (2017). Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor & Francis.
Brewster, C., Chung, C., & Sparrow, P. (2016). Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.
Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., & Vernon, G. (2016). International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers.
Chelladurai, P., & Kerwin, S. (2017). Human resource management in sport and recreation. Human Kinetics.
Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R., & Kynighou, A. (2016). Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers.
Reiche, B. S., Stahl, G. K., Mendenhall, M. E., & Oddou, G. R. (Eds.). (2016). Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor & Francis.