Effective HR Practices For Managing People In Organizations
Attracting and Retaining Talent
Discuss about the Management, People and Team for ComSyst Technologies.
Management is the art of getting things done through other individuals. It includes a combination of-
- Motivating individuals and formal training plans;
- Encouraging teams and setting individual performance objectives;
- Empowering hierarchical climates that foster internal motivation;
- Efficient procedures for recruitment and selection and building an extrinsic motivation that will induce talent (Ashman & Stoodley, 2013).
Managing people is a continuing leadership challenge. It relates to human resource management and balances the requirements of individual and the expectation of the organization for the mutual benefit. The attention is on motivating, performance counselling and mentoring. HR is to be effectively executed to accomplish the performance of the organization (Alexander, 2016).
To attract high performer coordinate your talent sourcing with your organizational tactics. This implies that it should match your strategic objectives and business needs. They should show employees about their learning programs and culture of the organization so that they connect deeply with the professional aspirations (Belbin, 2010). It needs to be a place where employees are given more opportunities to seek, accelerate their growth & development and transform their livelihoods. The focus is on managing people and team development to enhance employee capability and performance. In the following report, an effort has been made to explain theories to motivate and retain employees; Managing and rewarding performance (Boselie, 2010).
ComSyst technologies are a system developer and multi-national communication software aiding the defence and emergency services industries. It has offices in India, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Philippines and the U.S. They have recently lost three noteworthy tenders to competitors and their market share is declined desirably in the last two years. They are facing some huge individual related issues including low employee engagement, retention of staff, poor individual performance and resignations of some key authorities (Buljac-Samardzic, Doorn, van Wijngaarden & van Wijk, 2010)
Attracting and Retaining talent is one of the main difficulties HR experts are facing today. It is fundamental to any association that the right talent is hired as they make up the essence of an organization and the accomplishment of one. Employees are more likely to leave the job because of the interpersonal issues or poor relationship with management team. So now, it is becoming so important to retain the best and qualified talent in the company and minimizing the turnover.
One of the most vital responsibilities of a leader or a manager is to make an environment that allows all employees to give their valiant effort, to accomplish agreed outcomes and to feel esteemed. It is essential to apprehend what motivates each of your employees so that it can maintain, develop and increase their motivation (Çali?kan, 2010).
Motivating Employees
Human resources are critical assets for the company as employees are investments that will, if efficiently and effectively utilized and managed, provide long-term benefits to the organization that leads to greater productivity and sustainability. Employees, who have the right capabilities and ample experience in the business, can contribute in assisting the management team to operate the organization well. Organization offer support that incorporates the job itself and furthermore other activities and projects for employees. This gives the opportunity to builds up their skills, capabilities, knowledge, abilities etc.
Employee development aids in development of employees, who are true assets of an organization. It also enhances their abilities, competencies and upgrades their substantial knowledge in order to perform better. It is crucial for the prosperity of any organization as employees are one of the factors for the success of the company. If employees are more qualified and capable then their performance can also be appreciated. When they are well trained, they can easily handle circumstances and satisfy customers safeguarding customer retention (Cania, 2014).
Retaining employees has become a major apprehension for corporates in the current state. An organization invests his precious time and money in giving training to him; grooming an individual; make him understand about the corporate culture. Therefore, selecting the right candidate for the company is a very tedious job and all determinations simply go waste when he leaves.
Performance management and teamwork is beneficial for the organization as it involve employees in the initial stage. This will boost up their confidence and morale, but also aids to evade any communication gaps in the process. It monitors the progress update of employees, ensures all round development; evaluation and rating of performance of employees. Teamwork is necessary in organization for productivity and a better relationship among them. Every employee relies on his colleague to contribute and cooperate effectively and efficiently to the company. Individual needs to take the assistance of his fellow employees to achieve the tasks productively. It has been noted that results comes to be far better when they work as a team as comparing to independently as each individual can cooperate in his best possible way (Chartered Management Institute, 2013).
There are major issues which company is facing and needs to be resolved including improving on attracting, developing and retaining employees; teamwork; performance management; team development; and change management.
Attracting the best talent, organization needs to be a place where individual can build their career and growth. Individuals are given more and more opportunity to learn new skills and stimulate growth opportunities. They should pay kindly as employee’s salaries are yet considered as the primary decision when determining whether to take a vocation or not. There is no assurance of long-term loyalty in light of the fact that competitor can offer a considerably more handsome salary. They should build up organizational culture to attract new talent and keep your employees engaged, as a flourishing workforce implies that they are working best. Building up your organizational culture is crucial when attracting new talent and keeping them. The primary thing is to consider is whether your employees are engaged, as a flourishing workforce implies that they are working to their best of their capacity that will fascinate external talent (Foster, Punjaisri & Cheng, 2010).
Importance of Employee Development
Retaining employees is very important for the organization to achieve long-term growth and success. Manager or superior should interact and communicate with employees occasionally to learn about their aspirations, competencies, capabilities, talents, skills and abilities. Help them feel loyal, recognized and welcomed. They should make the workplace entertaining and provide an atmosphere that employees are comfortable providing and getting feedback. They should provide appropriate recognition and rewards; benefits package with significant milestones; show respect and support to them at all times (Kompaso & Sridevi, 2010).
Performance management involves a formal appraisal of an employee’s performance such as professional training and development; follow-up; feedback; recognition; rewards; on-going review. It should be matched to other HRM processes such as benchmarks and work standards. Employees are normally more committed, enthusiastic and productive when they know how they contribute to the organization. Under-performers can be easily identified and then enhance their skills and knowledge and provide training and development to them. Performance management is most effective to judge employee’s capabilities and give appraisal to them according to their potential abilities.
Team development is an important part of your job. People need training, development, and support throughout their vocations, both as individual and teams, to develop their competencies and continue to work efficiently and effectively. They should delivers-
- More efficient utilization use of resources and time;
- Better team performance;
- Predominant decision making;
- Enhanced group dynamics and communication;
- Reduced clashes and enhances and morale of the team.
The efforts of teams frequently produce far greater results than individual efforts. To enhance teamwork in the workplace encourage quality teamwork by pleasing for good performance and delivering small tokens of gratitude. Teamwork is enriched when workers know each other and is relaxed debating a variety of issues (León-Soriano, Jesús Muñoz-Torres & Chalmeta-Rosalen, 2010).
Change Management help in facilitating change and make the change easier for your organization. In this PDSA cycle should be implemented i.e. Plan, Do, Act, and Study. This “roadmap” outlines the beginning, the route and the destination. They should manage and monitor resistance, budgeting risks, dependencies that will aid in smooth change lifecycle.
TESCO has also faced a “real problem” in motivating and retaining its young and talented personnel as lack of communication plays a major part behind this issue. It also faces substantial change in challenges of change management because succession planning is critical which is to be effectively managed.
Key principles of strategic people management includes-
- Human Resource Planning
- Ability management
- Performance Development
- Compensation Strategy and Planning
- Resource Management
- Learning
- Time and Cost Management
- Recruitment and Selection
- Contingent Workforce Planning
There are some theories that underlying people management, which enhance the behaviour and quality of human resource. The Universalistic theory, which is related with “best practice” and “high performance practices”. Pfeffer argues that specific practices should be enhanced i.e. high wages, incentive pay, long-term prospective, employee ownership, employment security etc. According to Delery and Doty, the Contingency theory indicates that the link between dependent variable and independent variable will differ according to some factors such as location, ownership, company size, technology, capital intensity etc. This theory expresses principles and practices to manage their human resource. It maintains the stability in the organization to be competitive in market. They should focus on activities and actions that differentiate the firm from its competitors (Neininger, Lehmann-Willenbrock, Kauffeld & Henschel, 2010).
Performance Management and Teamwork
There is an effective relationship between effective people management and organizational performance. These systems consist of several reinforcing HR practices, which support each other in maintaining and creating satisfied, committed, skilled and committed employees, which gives a positive impact on the performance of the employees.
Practical communication is crucial to any organization, which plays a role in retention and employee engagement. Clear expectations should be conveyed; strong relationship should be maintained and build strong teamwork. Open communication can lead to new ideas and innovations that can help in further success. Problem solving entails transparent communication where opinion is freely expressed. It is about people needs to be open-minded and work as a team to solve all the possible issues in the organization (Tarique & Schuler, 2010).
Managers should focus on maintaining quality standards and achieve the strategic vision of leaders to accomplish the goal. It should specify quantifiable objectives to monitor the organization progress towards the goal (Thompson & Martin, 2010).
The aim of the study was to ensure CST attracts the best talent and maintain relationship between organizational performance and strategic people management. They should solve some people issues including poor performance, decline in staff retention, and low employee engagement. They should empower employees to sense of balance between work and life. Persuade employees with career progression, cross training, growth opportunities and new challenges. Involve them in solving difficulties and making decisions so that they also feel that they are important for the organization. Recognize high potential and high performers employees and enrich employee connect to maintain stability in the organization.
Alexander, L. (2016). How to Attract, Develop and Retain High-Performing Talent. Retrieved from: https://www.nonprofithr.com/attract-develop-retain-high-performing-talent/
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