Effective Employment Relations: Importance & Implementation Of Labor Laws
Maintaining Positive Employment Relations within the Workplace
Write an essay on Employment relations.
Employment relations are vital as it is directly proportionate to the success of the organization. The management within the company thus needs to implement the effective strategy to maintain positive employment relations within the workplace. The employment relations also help the company to change the behavior of the employee within the business which adds as an added advantage towards the company as a whole. The effective implementation of the labor law within the workplace also helps the company to gain quality productivity and thus help to increase the potentiality of the employee within the workplace (Al Rajhi et al. 2012). As per the UK labor law, the relations between the employees, labor, and the employer, as well as the trade unions, help the company to increase the profit sale of the company and thus help in gaining competitive advantage as well.
The UK labor law claims towards the right to equality of the employee within the company. The right of the employee provides equality to the labor regarding right to wages within the company. The Labour law thus claims for the right to labor equality and helps in labor equity as well. The labor law of UK also helps the labor regarding the time regulations within the business which helps the company to retain more labor within the business as well. The Employment Rights Act also helps the labor within the company to take a leave for the child care (Holgate et al. 2012). Thus, the various effective implementation of law helps the company to retain labors and also help in employment relation as well.
The UK labor laws within the company help the labor to gain equality within the workplace. This helps the company to provide equal opportunity towards the labor and thus help in gaining productivity of the company as well. The Pension Act also helps the labor to get a basic occupational law which helps in providing security to the labor and thus help in retaining more employees within the business as well. The UK labor law also provides Employment rights to the labors which provide the labors with the leave for the child care and thus help in attracting more loyal employees within the company (Hutchinson 2012). The UK labor laws thus help in protecting rights of the employees as well.
Saudi Aramco implements effective Labour Law, which helps the business to retain more labor within the business. The company implements the effective strategy to build a strong employment relation and thus help in gaining competitive advantage in the international scenario (Twomey 2012). This helps the company to retain more loyal employees within the company and helps in sustainability as well. The effective strategy also helps the company to motivate more labors within the workplace and thus add value towards the brand name of the company as well. The brand value of the company also helps in developing the satisfaction level of the consumers and thus improves the economic structure of the company as a whole. The satisfaction level of the labors plays a vital role in considering the employment relations within the company which further help the company to avoid any dispute within the workplace as well. This helps the company towards the technological development and advancement which further helps in the employment relations within the business as a whole.
Importance of Labor Laws for Employment Relations
The Saudi Aramco implements various effective employment strategies that get influenced towards the development of the corporate as a whole. Thus, the various internal and external factors influence the employment relations within the workplace (Wanrooy et al. 2012).
The internal factors of the company Saudi Aramco gets influenced by conflicts within takes place due to grievance of the employees and the labour within the business. The demographic factors like education, sex and age also affects the employee relations and thus led the organization towards developing the employee relations as well. The skills of the employee also help the company to increase the productivity and thus help in the development of the company as well (Shutes 2012). The internal factors of Saudi Aramco also get influenced through nature of workforce within the business and thus led to improve the employee relations within the workplace as a whole.
The external factors within the workplace also get influenced by various perspectives which led the company towards the development as well. The external factors thus gets influenced by technology which stand as a barrier towards the organizational development. The business always need to get updated by the advanced technology and thus retain its position in the competitive market (Hecker 2012). The continuous change of the market conditions also affect the profitability of the company and thus the business gets challenge in every step of development as well. The social and political changes also led the business to suffer a set back and thus effect the employment relations within the business as a whole.
As per the UK Labour Laws the workplace thus involves the various types of employment status. The employment status thus includes the worker or labour within the workplace, the employee of the business, the director and the office holder of the company as a whole. Thus, the employment status thus helps the company to improve the internal structure and also helps the employee towards achieving development as a whole. The various employment status also help the company Saudi Aramco to improve the infrastructure of the business which further helps the business to gain competitive advantage in the market (Huws and Podro 2012). The workers within the workplace thus also help the business to improve the quality of increased productivity and thus help the employee to gain satisfaction as a whole. The UK labour laws also state that the employment status helps the business to increase the rate of profit margin as well.
The employment status plays a vital role in considering the profit growth of the business and helps the business to gain sustainability as well. The labour within the workplace helps the business to gain loyal workers. As per the Labour Law of UK the workers also get equal rights within the workplace which further helps the business to increase the rate of productivity (Wilkinson and Wood 2012). The employee within the workplace also helps the business to avoid dispute and thus help to increase the employee retention rate as a whole. The director of the company also helps the business to get updated with the new technology and thus help the business to penetrate easily in the international market as well. The office staff also helps the business to increase the sales rate through effective productivity and thus help the company to gain growth rate in the market as well.
The employee status thus helps the business to gain advancement and also helps the organization to compete easily in the market with competitors (Van Wanroo et al. 2012). The various employment statuses also help the company to overcome all challenges in the market and thus lower the employee turnover rate in the market as a whole. This helps the company also to expand its market in the international scenario and thus helps in increasing the profitability in the competitive market.
The work life balance is important within the workplace in order to satisfy the need of the employees. This also helps Saudi Aramco to retain more loyal employees within the business with improved productivity.
The importance of the working hours also helps the employees to stay loyal towards the business and thus help in the organizational development (Hartley and Stephenson 2012). The flexible working hours also help the employee to satisfy their basic needs and thus help them to input their best talent within the workplace as well. The flexible working hours also help the employees within Saudi Aramco to maintain their family and social life which further helps the business to retain its position with increase rate of employee satisfaction as a whole.
Holidays are also regarded as the important factor in influencing more employees within the workplace. Employee need to enjoy compensatory holidays within workplace which helps the employees to gain more satisfaction towards the business as well. As per the rules of UK Labour laws Saudi Aramco Ltd also need to provide holidays to the labor on Saturday and Sunday which helps to put more efficient effort towards improved productivity de (Graaf-Zijl 2012).
Workers within the company also need to enjoy Annual holidays, Casual leaves, Medical leaves, Gazette holidays and Festival holidays which help to motivate more employees towards the organization and thus help in gaining positive employee relations as well.
The rest periods for the employee need to be fixed by the company to fain satisfaction of the employee as a whole (McGovern et al. 2012). The workers and the employees within Saudi Aramco also need to enjoy 45 min lunch break and Namaz break including two 15 min tea break as well. All these benefits help the company to enjoy employment relations which add profitability to the company as a whole.
As per the UK Labour Laws, the maternity leave needs to be provided to the pregnant women serving Saudi Aramco. This helps the company to gain positive impact of the women towards the company and also helps to retain more employees within the workplace as well. Women need to get at least two weeks before the expected date of delivery and also need to be provided with four weeks normal delivery or abortion leave with full pay which is based on the average weekly or regular wages within the workplace (Lieber 2012).
The parental leave helps the company Saudi Aramco to retain more loyal employees and workers who help the individual to enjoy longer parental leave with extra financial assistance. The parental leaves also help the corporate to motivate the employees more towards increasing the productivity within the organization and thus help the company to gain profit rate in the market (Gallie et al. 2012).
Effective Implementation of Labor Laws at Saudi Aramco
The adaption leave helps the employees to overcome the challenges in their family life and thus help to lead a happy and normal life. This also helps the parents and the children to enjoy a quality time which further helps Saudi Aramco to motivate more employees towards the organization. UK labor Laws also states that the adoption leave helps the employee to increase the quality of the productivity (Collins et al. 2012). This helps the company to have the positive impact towards the employee and helps in gaining employment relations within the workplace as a whole.
Depend on leave refers to the reasonable time off by the workers or the employee where and individual need to help the family, friends or dependents in case of emergency. This helps the employee to satisfy their basic needs and thus help to retain with positive employee relations.
The equal pay strategy helps the organization to gain employment relations which help in further profitability and retention strategy within the workplace. The equal pay also helps the employee within Saudi Aramco to enjoy equal benefits which help in motivating employees within the company. As per the Labour Laws of UK, the equal payment structure needs to be implemented within the organization to have the positive impact towards the employee relations (Alvesson and Willmott 2012). The equal pay also helps the employee to output effective and improved efforts more towards the productivity of the company as a whole. This helps the company to increase the rate of sales in the market as well.
The equal pay structure is also important to avoid dispute within the workplace and also helps to abide the workers under the UK Labour Laws as well (Williams and Nadin 2012). It helps to avoid race discrimination and thus helps in retaining loyal employees within the organization as well
The equal discrimination stated under the Equality Act 2010 refers to the gender discrimination within the organization. The direct discrimination also refers to the individual who is treated badly within the workplace due to the sexual orientation of the employee or the workers. This led the employee towards direct discrimination by the company as a whole. The direct discrimination affects the employee benefits and salary of the employee or the workers (Arnold and Bongiovi 2012). It also affects the retirement of the labor or employees within the business and thus deals to direct discrimination. As per the UK Labour Laws, the employee needs to enjoy equal benefits which help Saudi Aramco to have the positive impact towards employee relations.
The indirect discrimination also deals towards the bisexual individual, Gay or lesbian and thus affects the employee relations with the management in the organization. Saudi Aramco as the UL Laws needs to avoid any kind of direct and indirect discrimination.
The discrimination stated by UK Labour Laws avoids any kind of harassment within the workplace which helps the organization as a whole to retain employees and workers within the company as well. The harassment might deal with the sexual harassment which disrupts the productivity and security of the employee which further affects the satisfaction of the employee within the workplace (Chandra 2012). Saudi Aramco needs to implement laws that help the employee to feel secure and comfortable to work with the company as a whole.
Internal Factors Influencing Employment Relations
Victimization is the problem which is faced by the employee or workers mostly within the workplace. According to the Labour Laws of UK, it states that the bullying may lead the employee towards depression which affects the productivity of the company (Benach et al. 2012). Saudi Aramco needs to implement the effective strategy to avoid victimization and helps to develop employment relations as well.
The psychological contract also leads to the unwritten expectation of the employee towards the organization and the employer expectation towards the employee as well. The psychological contract as per the Labour Laws of UK states that the psychological contract gets influenced through social changes which affect the expectation of both the parties to a great extent (Pot et al. 2012). The policies and procedures thus remain untold, but implementation and maintenance help the company to retain employees and maintain positive employment relations as well.
The various policies and procedures stated by the UK Laws help to maintain a transparent communication within the workplace. It also helps to motivate employees and thus attain employee satisfaction. This also helps the employee to retain the implementation of commitment by the company which helps in increased productivity and profitability as a whole.
The termination or discrimination by the company may lead the employee or the workers towards the unfair dismissal of the employee (Appelbaum 2012). As per the UK Laws, the fair discrimination leads the employee to terminate the ineffective employee which affects the productivity of the organization.
The unfair discrimination may lead the employee towards the court for justice which affect the brand value of the company and
The exit interviews conducted by the organization help the employer to analyze the issues within the workplace, and it helps the company to improve the need for the employee as well. The importance of the exit interview thus plays a vital role in considering the employer improvement which further helps in the improvement of the skills and potential of the employee as well. According to the UK Labour Laws, the exit interview thus helps the employer with a platform for further development and helps in retaining efficient employee or workers within the workplace (Spence and Hlatshwayo 2012).
The exit interviews also help the employee to create a transparent communication with the management which helps the employee to gain trust and thus might get retain within the organization as well. The exit interview also helps the employee to improve the work culture as well as the areas that create a constraint for the continuation of the employee within the workplace. Thus, it helps the employee to gain motivation and might also help in retention of the employee as well.
The company with effective implementation of the UK labors Laws manages redundancy through certain strategies which involves:
Preparation – The preparation refers to the need of the process before starting and also helps to analyze the time management for implementing the strategy.
Selection – The selection helps the workplace to select fair individual within the company which further helps in improvement of the potentialities of the employee as well.
External Factors Influencing Employment Relations
Individual Consultation – The consultation also helps the employee to realize the importance of the selection (Appelbaum 2012). This also helps the employer to analyze the importance and also consider the alternative of the individual within the workplace.
Redundancy notice and Appeals – The redundancy helps the employee through written information regarding the redundancy and thus helps to appeal as well.
Termination – The termination helps the employee to get the information regarding the redundancy payment as well. The employees with two years of experience also help the employee with written record and thus help the employer with transparent communication as well.
The redundancy helps the company towards the employee relations regarding keeping updated the employee through written record of every activity within the organization (Spence and Hlatshwayo 2012). The impact of redundancy also helps the company to inform the employee regarding the profitability of the company which further helps to gain employee satisfaction as well. Thus, Saudi Aramco with effective implementation of UK Laws helps the employers to retain more employees.
The employment relations also help in gaining quality production of the employee which helps the business to gain the competitive advantage in comparison to the competitive market. The UK labor law also provides right to equal wages of the employee and helps in providing wages to the labor as per the performance. The effective labor law also helps the company towards the development of employee relations. This further helps the company to sustain its position in the market and thus helps in gaining competitive scenario as a whole.
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