Effective Decision Making In The Changing Workplace Demands Of The 21st Century
Section One: Analysis of the self-decision preference
Decision-making remains to be a widely used concept in the field of business. Ideally, decision-making remains viewed as the notion of miscellany course of action to weigh alternatives and find the simplest and final solution to a problem. In that regard, different situations will call for the different managers to choice different approach of making their decision so that they can be effective in their various problems (Leeuw, 2015). For that matter, it is clear that the success of an organization entirely depends on the decision-making style that remains deployed by the top managers in an organization. Therefore, this essay will attempt to discuss in detail the various decision-making style preferences (Arnott & Pervan, 2016).
Section One: Analysis of the self-decision preference
Decision style Domain Preference Domain
Relationship Choice Clothing Vacation Medical
Intuition low high mid high
Balance high low med low
Logic high high mid low
According to the figure above the mean value of this decision, preference is the high. In order to increase the level of logic to high level, there is need for the action of more education and creation of the awareness on the importance of medical aspect in their live. After, addressing that need, I will figure the vacation ideology. In this line, I will make sure that I will need to understand the importance of vacation in varnishing human brain (Fitzgerald, Mohammed & Kremer, 2017). To sum up, the general activity that will remain conducted to improve the norms to high level; I will conduct awareness and creation of significant perception of the above activities on the health of an individual.
Section 2: Keep a Decision Diary
A decision dairy is the follow of essay or template that can be used by an individual to improve the way that he/she can make decision after an essential analysis and giving out a crucial feedback loop.
The Challenge Diary Decision Preference
Full Name |
Time-day-year/ Signed by the Mentor |
What are the challenges you have encountered this week? ü Description ü Where ü With who |
How do you feel? o Happy o Angry o Sad o Energized o Relaxed |
What are you going to do? ü Descriptio |
What is motivating you right now? ü Description |
How do you react to hard situations? ü Description |
How do you make decision ü Description |
Do you know how to control your emotions? ü Description |
Are you rational to your decision making? ü Description |
Section 3: Identify Own Type and Shadow Side
According to the 16 personality model, I realized that my personality is Commander (ENTJ-A).
From this analysis, I realized that commander personalities are leaders’ oriented individuals. In that, regard I agreed with this ideology since I find myself embodied with the gift of charisma and confidence. Additionally, I tend to have the power of attracting people together with a purpose of moving together with common goal (Leeuw, 2015). On other hand, I have the notion of ruthless character more particular on the line that I what to achieve my goals and plan in my life. From the analysis, I was surprised that this type of personality is based on 3% of the entire population of the world.
This type of personality has facilitated my strategic thinking and the creation of the strong willed. Technically, I have always struggled to the end in any situations and the notion of the quitting has never been my portion. Additionally, the philosophy of making sound decision on the problem with the aim of moving forward for bigger plan has also played a significant role in my entire life (Arnott & Pervan, 2016).
Section 2: Keep a Decision Diary
The main surprise that this ideology has revealed is that, it is clear that all the weakness that this type of personality is presenting defines me. Nevertheless, the concept of impatient, poor management of emotion, cold and ruthless, and arrogance has always my biggest weakness that the world has seen (Zarei et al. 2016). Additionally, this ideology is exemplary true. A defensible explanation for that line of thinking is that, commander traits are always up for challenge. In reality, command personality individuals tend to nurture their children with care and respect. In essence, they tend to see the success of their children as a reflection of their personality and standards that they believe defines them (Lauriola, Panno, & Weller, 2018).
In my analysis, the main show that befalls in my part is the thinking capability. In spite of the part being one of the remarkable functions that defines commander personality, I happen to find out that this is one of the main shadows of my personality. Ideally, I happen to be one of a kind person that I can speak before I even listen, I am capable of judging before perceiving. In that point of view, this trait tends to make me an abrasive individual a factor that is affecting me negatively (Rood et al 2015).
The extroverted thinking capability is the line that o need to develop so that I can be able to make use of information, proper medium of communication, and making of sound decision to various situations. In the field of psychology, the shadow part of an individual tends the unloved, dark, and repressed side of an individual. In the context of the typologies, my dominant and auxiliary function tends to lie at the core of part of my ego (Böckenholt & Meiser 2017). In that regard, I need to develop may shadow part so that I can stabilize and I manage to handle my ego inflation and disruption to stress.
High Med Low Med High
Extraversion E high med low med high Introversion I
Intuition N high med low med high Sensing S
Thinking T high med low med high Feeling F
Judging J high med low med high Perceived P
From the analysis above, it is clear that the opposite of my personality is the ISFP, which are the composers (Arnott & Pervan, 2016). They are individuals that remain energized by the time they spent alone. In that point of view, they are introverted. Additionally, they tend to focus on the ideas and concepts. Therefore, from this analysis it is sound to conclude that they make decisions basing on their feeling and values (Barlett, 2016).
Development map
Action |
Objective |
Accountable |
Responsible |
Find the weakness that need to be addressed with immediate effect to help me find make sound decisions |
I will analysis the weakness that drags me back from my goals. Prioritize the main action for dealing with the weakness |
Me |
New mentor |
Find new mentor to help me utilize the resource that include online material to better my weakness and learn on how to cope up with various situations as a leader type individual. |
Maximize my production in the carious working environment Will compress more 16 personality model to find my ultimate match and shadows |
Me |
New mentor |
Creation of new schedule that is the daily schedules and the budget baseline |
Getting the approval from the new mentor |
Me |
New mentor |
Section 4: Participate in a Mentoring-Feedback Session
After a critical analysis of the decision dairy and the 16 personality model, I realized that I have an issue with the weakness of the impatient, and ability to make justification in term of judging (Barlett, 2016). Importantly, after the decision with the mentor, he enlightened me with insightful information have to deal with the main weaknesses (Greco, Figueira & Ehrgott, 2016). He asked me to concentrate on the preventive control to deal with the dairy challenges that I happen to encounter in the daily life (Arnott & Pervan, 2016). For instance, physical locks among the issues that make me annoyed. Additionally, he asked me to concentrate more on the detective and corrective control.
I intend to improve this ideology by considering the main weakness so that I can be a potential leader in future. Again, I intend to work on the notion of balance and judgement making ability in improve my interactions in the various environments.
Conclusively, before I learnt this subject, I was not away of my personality as an individual. This subject has enlightened me on important aspect that are vital form my future career and me. Therefore, I recommend this concept to be introduced as a common unit in the various learning institutions so that people can be aware of their potentials and weaknesses.
Greco, Figueira & Ehrgott, 2016. Several Criteria Verdict Scrutiny. New York: Springer publishers.
Fitzgerald, Mohammed & Kremer 2017. Variations on Decision-Making: The upshot of decision style diversity on process conflict in design teams, 104, pp.339-344.
Barlett, ed, 2016. Farming decision-making: Anthropological contributions to rural development. Chicago Publication press.
Zarei, Mohammadfam, Aliabadi, Jamshidi & Ghasemi 2016. Competence Forecast of control room operators on human reliability analysis. Process Safety Progress, 35(2), pp.192-199.
Lauriola, M., Panno, A. and Weller, J.A., 2018. Regret-Aligned Decision-Making Style Acts, Psychosomatic study, p.0033294118786687.
Böckenholt & Meiser 2017. Retort approach analysis with threshold and multi?process IRT models, 70(1), pp.159-181.
Rood, Van Zuuren, Stam, van der Ploeg, Huijgens, & Verdonck?de Leeuw 2015. Cognitive coping style and the importance of information. Psycho?Oncology, 24(5), pp.564-571.
Arnott & Pervan 2016. A Significant breakdown of verdict support systems research revisited: In Enacting Research Methodology in Information Systems (pp. 43-103). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.