Effective Customer Service Strategies For Organizational Success

How do they like to be treated?

The customers can be described as the most crucial aspect of the organization and it is very important that the different custom complaints are effectively dealt with and the customers are given no future scope for complaints (Kursunluoglu 2014). The given report will be identifying the different complaints received by Bang on Bikes.

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The complaints which have been received by the company are based on the quality of the services being provided by the organization. The complaints stated that the staff members of the company are not polite, they were not being provided with adequate post sales services and that they were constantly receiving calls from the company in regard to the new offers which tends to disturb them during their work hours or family time.

Methods to ensure that plan meets quality, cost and time specifications

The given method can be largely adopted to ensure that the methods of customer service meet quality, time and cost specifications (Cook 2017).

  1. Inspiring and mobilizing team members

The team members who are largely involved in the business need to be inspired and motivated continuously in order to ensure that they are largely motivated.

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  1. Formulating culture

The culture of the organizational team members needs to be effectively maintained.

  1. Clear communication

The communication in the organization needs to be very clear in nature.

How to ensure that delivery of quality products are ensured

In order to ensure that quality products are ensured the following steps need to be taken:

  • Understanding client needs
  • Establishing rapport
  • Showing interest in the customers
  • Treating the customers well
  • Ensuring good products

The given procedure needs to be maintained in order to monitor the team performance:

  1. Identifying the poor performers.This shall assist in the understanding of the main targets.
  2. Addressing of the poor performers needs to be done effectively (Hill and Brierley 2017).
  3. Providing regular feedback is the primary step after identifying the poor performers.
  4. Supporting of the team members by ensuring reinforcing of performance excellence

Helping colleagues

The colleagues may be helped in the following manner:

  • Training: The colleagues can be trained informally.
  • Mentorship: The colleague who has been performing well can act as a mentor for another weak colleague.
  • Encouragement: Encouraging good performance.

Obtaining customer feedback forms a crucial part of the organization and any company which aims to find success in the long run needs to ensure that it is successfully able to obtain the customer feedback. The following methods can be effectively used:

  • Formal research
  • Surveys
  • Feedbacks as given to the staff

Managing complaints and adapt to customer services

The customer complaints are required to be taken effectively and held in all seriousness, hence, the complaints must be managed in the given manner:

  • Proper documentation is very crucial as it helps to assist the company in understanding the series of events and which event triggered the actual complaint which was received.
  • The findings as stated need to be presented adequately (Izogo and Ogba 2015).
  • Communicating effectively with the consumer is crucial is important as it helps to form better relationships with the customers
  • Analyze evidence in order to ensure better customer service strategies. This will help in ensuring that the mistakes are not repeated again and that the customers are successfully able to attain the services.

Managing records

It is crucial for the organization to be successfully able to manage the customer complaint records so that they are able to ensure that the following records are present:

  • Feedback from customers
  • Training for staff members
  • Performance management (Conway and Briner 2015).
  • Customer complaints


Therefore, from the given it can be understood that maintaining clarity in the consumer relationships are very crucial in nature and ensure that the organizations image is maintained.

The primary aim of the given report is to outline the different organizational policies, legislatives and other related laws in order to understand the success of the organization and its consumer relationships. The organization chosen for reference is Woolworths in Australia.

How do they expect the goods or services to be represented?

Customer service legislation

The organization Woolworths deals with customers regularly and is required to abide by the following legislations in order to ensure proper relationships are maintained:

  • Public service act 1999
  • Disability discrimination act 1992 (Austrade.gov.au. 2018).
  • work health & safety act 2011
  • racial discrimination act 1975
  • age discrimination act 2004
  • fair work act 2009
  • sex discrimination act 1984
  • Australian human rights commission act 1986

Organizational policies and procedures for customer service

The organizational procedures and policies in order to handle customer complaints have been given as follows:

  • Ensuring Quality is maintained throughout: This helps in ensuring that no customer complaint is received by the organization.
  • Ensuring customers are attended: So that the customers are able to express their emptions easily and are able to address their grievances.

The best service standards which are applied by the organization has been given as follows;

  • Ensuring that the phones are answered within 15 seconds
  • Ensuring delivery within 48 hours (Woolworthsgroup.com.au. 2018).
  • Ensuring best quality goods are delivered to the customers.

Public relations and product promotion

The Woolworths organization engages in extensive public relations with the different customers to see to it that the image of the organizations in front of the different consumers. Maintaining effective public relations helps the organization in ensuring that the organization remains popular in the eyes of the customers and that the revenues of the organization improves considerably.

The Woolworths organization engages in extensive product promotions. The organization promotes its products with the help of social marketing, digital marketing, traditional marketing and other techniques (Bansal and Taylor 2015). The company is very popular among the Australian audience and hence it ensures that the operations are successful in nature.

Techniques to deal with customers of specific needs

  • Patience and personal assistance: Patience is required when the company is required to deal with consumers o specific needs. In such a scenario, the company needs to see to it that personal assistance is provided to the customers.
  • Training employees: Moreover, the training of the employees to deal with these people plays a crucial role in ensuring that the specific needs can be met effectively.

Customer behavior

Engage in observations and practices which shall help in understanding what the customer requires and resonates their behavior.

Customer needs research

Engage in research techniques, surveys, consumer feedbacks and other platforms to understand the needs of the consumers (Khan and Fasih 2014).

Customer relations

Maintaining relationships with customers by loyalty programs and well trained staff and employees.

Ongoing product and service quality

Taking continuous assessments to ensure that the product as well as the service quality offered is maintained throughout the organization.

Problem identification

Analyze the problem of the organization regularly in order to look out for any problems which may exist in the system or may arise in the future.

Quality service of customer delivery

A proper quality department needs to be employed which will then assist the company in ensuring that the last step of value chain is completed successfully.

Record keeping

The organization needs to maintain digital records for organizational success.

Strategies for monitoring, managing and introducing ways to improve ways for customer relationships.

Having a separate monitoring team will be beneficial (Jüttner et al. 2013)

Obtaining customer feedback

Conduct surveys and other researches regularly.

Managing the quality of service at the workplace is very crucial and hence, for this reason it is very important for the business to have a particular procedure for it. The procedure has been defined in the given sections

Needs of the customer

The needs of the consumers form a crucial part of the organization and for this purpose it is very important to ensure that the customer needs are well understood. This can be done by ensuring that adequate customer needs are understood through a wide variety of ways. The ways are as follows:

  • Research
  • Feedback
  • Survey

Quality time and cost specification

In order to ensure that the company achieves long term success, the quality time and cost specifications need to be met with the following need to be done:

  • Team needs to be encouraged: This enables them to perform well.
  • Communication has to be clear: This needs to be present to ensure that there is clarity.
  • The monitoring needs to take place effectively: This will help to ensure the maintenance of standards (Fullerton 2014).
  • Monitoring team performance

The given procedure needs to be maintained in order to monitor the team performance:

  1. Identifying the poor performers.
  2. Addressing of the poor performers
  3. Providing regular feedback (Cheshin, Amit and van Kleef 2018).
  4. Supporting of the team members

In order to monitor progress the following procedure shall be adopted:

  • Identifying the industry standards
  • Setting performance metrics
  • Measuring actual performance
  • Comparing against the metrics
  • Taking corrective measures.

Strategies to gather customer feedback

Some ways of gaining customer feedback are as follows:

  • Ensure healthy participation so that the customers can share information willingly
  • Gain in confidence for future success
  • Use methods like focus groups, surveys, research and sales feedback.

Procurement of resources

The procurement of resources needs to be made in a timely manner for which the given procedures can assist:

  • Check for quality products as it helps in ensuring a successful relationships with customers
  • Engaging in quality monitoring
  • Ensure that service delivery takes place appropriately.

Utilizing resources effectively

In order to utilize resources effectively, the following need to be adopted:

  • Maintain team spirit and clarity
  • Ensuring that all the processes are well understood by members
  • Effective communication: This helps to see to it that any resources are not wasted.
  • Maintaining quality procedures (Radnor and Johnston 2013).

Problem solving techniques

The given problem solving techniques might be used:

  • Identifying source of problem
  • Analyzing the problem
  • Brainstorming for solutions
  • Choosing alternatives
  • Ensuring proper redressal of grievances

What are the most important areas in my service improvement plans?

The records must be maintained effectively. The following strategies to be used:

  • Feedback from customers’ needs to be recorded properly
  • Training for staff members needs to take place (Chen, Zhu and Zhou 2015).
  • Performance management of employees to be managed.
  • Customer complaints to be handled well

The different ways of identifying customer needs are as follows:

  • Direct Observation – This is done by directly observing the behavior of the customers while they make the purchases.
  • Survey questionnaires- The survey needs to be conducted adequately to understand the needs of the company.
  • Interviews – Conducting one to one interviews with the customers
  • Focus Groups- Brainstorming along with focus groups to understand the needs of the customers and their demands as well.

While engaging in dealings with the different consumers, the organization needs to the following needs to be ensured that specifications are met:

  • Understanding the needs of the customers so that requirements are clear
  • Ensuring that the requirement is well understood by the producing team (Tan, Benbasat and Cenfetelli 2013).
  • Monitor the specifications and products regularly to identify and rectify any gap.

The business plan will be required to have certain standards for customer service. The content of these standards may include the following:

  • Delivery standards- to ensure standard delivery takes place
  • Quality check standards- so that quality of products is assured.
  • Customer complaint standards- To ensure that the complaints are met with adequately
  • Customer convenience- To ensure convenience of operations
  • Customer communication- To see to it that customers are well attended to
  • Overall service standards- to ensure that the quality of work is maintained.

The Elements of a quality service are as follows:

  • Ensuring polite employees who are attentive in nature
  • Employees with high knowledge and the ability to solve queries
  • Having good complaint redressal system
  • Having products which are well priced and reliable in nature
  • Treating customer with respect and dignity

The poor work performance of staff are due to the following reasons:

  • Low pay: When the employees are paid low they exhibit poor performance.
  • Personal grievances: When they are faced by personal grievances they portray poor performance (Shire, Holtgrewe and Kerst 2017).
  • Low motivational factors: When the employees are not well motivated they often perform poorly.
  • Pressure from managers: Very often they face pressure from their seniors.
  • Lack of training: When employees lack training they perform poorly.

The staff members can be assisted in the following manner:

  • Training: Proper training can be given to the employees so that they perform well.
  • Bonus: They can be provided with bonus in order to ensure that they have certain motivational factors

The four steps for effective monitoring are as follows:

  • Establishing the requirement for monitoring: Here, the key areas to be monitored are analyzed (Setia, Venkatesh and Joglekar 2013).
  • Establishing the measures: The measures are stablished for standards
  • Comparing: They are compared with actual performance
  • Taking action: Rectifying actions to be taken

The different types of information to be recorded are as follows:

  • Sales history
  • Information on Product
  • numbers of Service encounter
  • Compilation survey
  • customer data trend
  • transaction data


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